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2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast;

'Tis manna to the hungry soul,

And, to the weary, rest.

3 Jesus!-my shepherd, husband, friend,
My prophet, priest, and king,
My Lord, my life, my way, my end,-
Accept the praise I bring.

4 Weak is the effort of my heart,
And cold my warmest thought;
But, when I see thee as thou art,
I'll praise thee as I ought.
5 Till then, I would thy love proclaim,
With every fleeting breath;
And may the music of thy name
Refresh my soul in death.

[blocks in formation]

Life in Christ.

1 WHEN sins and fears prevailing rise,
And fainting hope almost expires,
Jesus! to thee I lift mine eyes,-
To thee I breathe my soul's desires.
2 If my immortal Saviour lives,
Then my immortal life is sure;
His word a firm foundation gives;
Here let me build, and rest secure.
3 Here let my faith unshaken dwell,
For ever firm the promise stands;
Not all the powers of earth and hell
Can e'er dissolve the sacred bands.

4 Here, O my soul! thy trust repose;
If Jesus is for ever mine,
Not death itself that last of foes-
Shall break a union so divine.


L. M.

Communion with Christ.

1 OH! that I could for ever dwell,
Delighted at the Saviour's feet,
Behold the form I love so well,
And all his tender words repeat:

2 The world shut out from all my soul,
And heaven brought in with all its bliss:-
Oh! is there aught, from pole to pole,
One moment, to compare with this?

3 This is the hidden life I prize,-
A life of penitential love;
When most my follies I despise,
And raise my highest thoughts above:
4 When all I am, I clearly see,
And freely own, with deepest shame;
When the Redeemer's love to me
Kindles within a deathless flame.

5 Thus would I live, till nature fail,
And all my former sins forsake;
Then rise to God, within the veil,
And of eternal joys partake.
L. M.

127. Christ, the supreme God and King.

1 AROUND the Saviour's lofty throne,
Ten thousand times ten thousand sing;
They worship him as God alone,
And crown him-everlasting King.

2 Approach, ye saints! this God is yours;
'Tis Jesus, fills the throne above:
Ye cannot want, while God endures;
Ye cannot fail, while God is love.

3 Jesus, thou everlasting King!
To thee the praise of heaven belongs;
Yet, smile on us who fain would bring
The tribute of our humble songs.
4 Though sin defile our worship here,
We hope ere-long thy face to view;
And, when our souls in heaven appear,
We 'll praise thy name as angels do.



Jesus, the Refuge.

1 JESUS, lover of my soul!

Let me to thy bosom fly,

While the billows near me roll,

While the tempest still is high;

Hide me, O my Saviour! hide,
Till the storm of life be past;
Safe into the haven guide;
Oh! receive my soul at last.

2 Other refuge have I none,-
Hangs my helpless soul on thee;
Leave, ah! leave me not alone;
Still support and comfort me:
All my trust on thee is stayed;
All my help from thee I bring;
Cover my defenceless head,

With the shadow of thy wing.

3 Plenteous grace with thee is found,-
Grace to pardon all my sins;
Let the healing streams abound,
Make and keep me pure within;
Thou of life the fountain art,
Freely let me take of thee;
Spring thou up within my heart,
Rise to all eternity.


L. M.

Christ, the only Refuge.
1 THOU only Sovereign of my heart,
My refuge, my almighty friend!
And can my soul from thee depart,
On whom alone my hopes depend?

2 Whither, ah! whither shall I go,
A wretched wanderer from my Lord ?
Can this dark world of sin and wo
One glimpse of happiness afford?

3 Eternal life thy words impart,
On these my fainting spirit lives;
Here sweeter comforts cheer my heart,
Than all the round that nature gives.

4 Let earth's alluring joys combine;
While thou art near, in vain they call;
One smile-one blissful smile of thine,-
My dearest Lord! outweighs them all.

5 Low at thy feet my soul would lie,-
Here safety dwells and peace divine;


Still let me live beneath thine eye,
For life-eternal life-is thine.


С. М.

Jesus, seen of Angels.

1 BEYOND the glittering, starry skies,

Far as th' eternal hills,

There, in the boundless worlds of light,
Our dear Redeemer dwells.

2 Legions of angels round his throne,
In countless armies shine;
And swell his praise with golden harps,
Attuned to songs divine.

3 "Hail, glorious Prince of peace!" they cry,

"Whose unexampled love

Moved thee to quit these glorious realms,
And royalties above."

4 Through all his travels here below,
They did his steps attend;
Oft wondering how, or where, at last,
The mystic scene would end.

5 They saw his heart transfixed with wounds,
And viewed the crimson gore;
They saw him break the bars of death,
Which none e'er broke before.

6 They brought his chariot from above,
To bear him to his throne;
Clapped their triumphant wings, and cried,-
"The glorious work is done!""


7s and 6s.

Praise to the Saviour.

1 TO thee, my God and Saviour!
My heart exulting sings,

Rejoicing in thy favor,
Almighty King of kings!
I'll celebrate thy glory,
With all thy saints above,
And tell the joyful story
Of thy redeeming love.

2 Soon as the morn, with roses,
Bedecks the dewy east,

And when the sun reposes
Upon the ocean's breast;
My voice, in supplication,
Well-pleased the Lord shall hear:
Oh! grant me thy salvation,
And to my soul draw near.

3 By thee, through life supported,
I'll pass the dangerous road,
With heavenly hosts escorted,
Up to thy bright abode;
Then cast my crown before thee,
And, all my conflicts o'er,
Unceasingly adore thee :-


What could an angel more?

L. M.

Glory and Grace in Christ.

awake, my tongue!

1 NOW to the Lord a noble song!
Awake, my soul!
Hosanna to th' eternal name,
And all his boundless love proclaim.
2 See where it shines in Jesus' face,-
The brightest image of his grace!
God, in the person of his Son,
Has all his mightiest works outdone.
3 Grace!-'tis a sweet, a charming theme;
My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name:
Ye angels! dwell upon the sound;
Ye heavens! reflect it to the ground.

4 Oh! may I reach that happy place
Where he unveils his lovely face;
Where all his beauties you behold,
And sing his name to harps of gold.


L. M.

The Presence of the Saviour. 1 LORD! what a heaven of saving grace Shines through the beauties of thy face, And lights our passions to a flame! Lord! how we love thy charming name! 2 When I can say, my God is mine, When I can feel thy glories shine,

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