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Our souls with vast amazement fill,
And speak the builder-God.
5 But still, the wonders of thy grace
Our softer passions move;
Pity divine, in Jesus' face,
We see, adore, and love.


C. M.

God's eternal Dominion.

1 GREAT God! how infinite art thou!

What worthless worms are we!

Let the whole race of creatures bow,
And pay their praise to thee.

2 Thy throne eternal ages stood,

Ere seas or stars were made:

Thou art the ever-living God,
Were all the nations dead.

3 Eternity, with all its years,

Stands present in thy view;

To thee there's nothing old appears--
Great God! there's nothing new.

4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn,

And vexed with trifling cares;

While thine eternal thought moves on
Thine undisturbed affairs.

5 Great God! how infinite art thou!

What worthless worms are we!

Let the whole race of creatures bow,

And pay their praise to thee.

Praise from all Creation.


1 ANGELS! assist to sing

The honors of your God;

Touch every tuneful string,

And sound his name abroad:

Come, pour the trembling notes along;
And swell the grand immortal song.
2 And, ye of meaner birth!

Your joyful voices raise;

Inhabitants of earth!

Your great Creator praise:

Let your hosannas joyful rise,

And shake the earth and pierce the skies.

3 These to that dear source we owe,
Whence our sweetest comforts flow;
These, through all my happy days,
Claim my cheerful songs of praise.
4 Lord! to thee my soul should raise
Grateful, never-ending praise;
And, when every blessing 's flown,
Love thee for thyself alone.

Praise to the Creator.

1 ALMIGHTY Maker, God!

How wondrous is thy name!

Thy glories, how diffused abroad,
Through all creation's frame !

2 Nature, in every dress,

Her humble homage pays;

And does, a thousand ways, express
Her undissembled praise."

3 My soul would rise and sing

Her great Creator too;

Fain would my tongue adore my King,
And pay the homage due.

4 Let joy and worship spend

The remnant of my days,

And oft to God my soul ascend,
In grateful songs of praise.

H. M.
Rejoicing in God.

1 TO your Creator, God,

Your great preserver, raise,

Ye creatures of his hand!
Your highest notes of praise:

Let every voice

Proclaim his power,

His name adore,

And loud rejoice.

2 Let every creature join

To celebrate his name,

And all their various powers
Assist th' exalted theme:

Let nature raise,
From every tongue,
A general song
Of grateful praise.

3 But Oh! from human tongues
Should nobler praises flow;
And every thankful heart
With warm devotion glow:
Your voices raise

Above the rest;
Ye highly blest!
Declare his praise.

4 Assist me, gracious God!
My heart, my voice inspire;
Then shall I grateful join
The universal choir:
Thy grace can raise


My heart, my tongue,
And tune my song
To lively praise.

C. M.

Wonders of God's Love.

1 YE humble souls! approach your God
With songs of sacred praise;
For he is good, supremely good;
And kind are all his ways.

2 All nature owns his guardian care,
In him we live and move;
But nobler benefits declare
The wonders of his love.

3 He gave his Son, his only Son,
To ransom rebel-worms;

'Tis here he makes his goodness known,
In its diviner forms.

4 To this dear refuge, Lord! we come,
"Tis here our hope relies ;-

A safe defence, a peaceful home,
When storms of trouble rise.

5 Thine eye beholds, with kind regard,
The souls that trust in thee;

Their humble hope thou wilt reward,
With bliss divinely free.

6 Great God! to thine almighty love,
What honors shall we raise ?
Not all th' angelic songs above
Can render equal praise.


C. M.

His goodness through the earth we trace,
His grandeur in the spheres.

2 Behold this fair and fertile globe,

By him in wisdom planned!

'Twas he who girded, like a robe,
The ocean round the land.

3 Lift to the arch of heaven your eye;

Thither his path pursue;

His glory, boundless as the sky,
O'erwhelms the wondering view.

4 How excellent, O Lord! thy name,

In all creation's lines!

Spread through eternity, thy fame
With rising lustre shines.

5 These lower works that swell thy praise,

High as our thoughts can tower,

Are but a portion of thy ways,→→→
The hiding of thy power.

6 Millions before thy presence stand,

Who feel, while they adore,

Fulness of joy, at thy right hand,
And pleasures evermore.

1 THY mercy, my God! is the theme of my song,
The joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue;
Free grace hath alone, from the first to the last,
Secured my affections, and bound my soul fast.

2 Thy mercy has vanquished my obdurate heart,
That wonders to feel its own hardness depart:

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