time. The living bundle was duly placed in the gutter, near to one of the gates, with many a prayer that the sleeping draught would not be too strong, and yet so strong as to keep the child asleep. The parents knocked at the gate, as though they wished to pass into the country. The guard came out of his little house, and well surveyed them. He knew they were Huguenots; but where, thought he, is their child? Will a Huguenot mother leave her child to be brought up a Papist? Not she. So then the guard concluded they were not about to flee. He turned the heavy lock; they passed out: and now again, securing the gates, he slowly turned into his guard-room. "Hush! Quick! quick! Catch the end of the string under the gate. There! it is caught. Now gently draw it along in the shadow." Blessed be the name of God! the baby is through. It has not cried; the sleeping draught has done its work, and it is once more safe in its mother's arms. That couple, in a few days, with their babe, were safely in England-a country that has ever been the refuge for the persecuted and the friendless.-Historical Tales. A PRAYER. THY Word, O Lord, is truth and light, O graft that Word within our hearts, Teach us to love its heavenly truths, Teach us to know whom it reveals- Author and Finisher of our faith Jesus, the Holy One. Jesus, the mighty One to save Oh, send Thy Spirit from above, To keep us steadfast in Thy truth, Faith and Works. Latices of Books. Stevens' Hymns, edited by J. S. ANDERSON. W. Matthews, 16, Florence-road, New Cross, London, S.E. Contains 970 hymns; small type edition, from 10s. 6d. per dozen; large type, from 248. per dozen, according to the several bindings which in each case are three in kind. This excellent hymn-book has now been in use over 70 years, and in its present enlarged and improved form, may be safely pronounced as being, for various reasons, the best hymnal in use amongst the churches of our faith and order. Amongst its hymns are some very good ones by the present editor, and some others of recent date by various writers pertaining to our own denomination, which do not appear in other books. The roll of churches that use this selection is of late greatly increased in number, the excellence of the work as a book of praise being its recommendation, and the very low price at which it is supplied rendering it easy of adoption. Congregations suffer. ing under the inconvenience of two books, loaded with unsingable compositions would greatly profit by exchanging them for this one book of well-selected hymns, which include all their old favourites and many more that delight the souls of spiritual worshippers to sing. Evidence on the Closing of Public Houses on Sunday. London : Elliot Stock. Price 3d., or 2s. 6d. per dozen. Most interesting to all who wish to see our streets free from drunkenness and rioting on the Lord's day, by removing the chief temptation to excessive drinking on that day. Sunday closing, it seems, has been successfully carried out in Ireland, why should it not be so in England ? Circular Letter of the Suffolk and Norfolk Association of Baptist Churches for 1880. The subject of the Letter itself is "Electing Love," occupying a little over 10 pages. To this are appended-Statistics of the Churches, Minutes of Business, The Jubilee of the Association, Abstract of Letters from the Churches, and Jubilee Services, as separate items of intelligence, forming altogether an interesting synopsis of matters relating to the associated churches for the time being. The " Letter," drawn up by the good and aged brother, Joseph Brand, of Bungay, relates to a subject, as to which the Bible is full and clear. "The doctrine of election," says Dr. Gill," is written as with a sunbeam on the pages of inspiration." And when the eyes of the understanding are enlightened to perceive its beauty, and the heart humbled to receive it as a gracious truth, then is God's heavenly register of love and grace felt to be a solid ground for the saint's rejoicing. Many congregations of professed Christians, however, never hear of this doctrine from the pulpit, never sing of it in the sanctuary or anywhere else. It is well, therefore, that such a subject has been selected for the annual address of an association of churches that still holds fast to the doctrines of free and distinguishing grace, as they are revealed to us in our Father's Book. The doctrine of election is here treated on in a plain and convincing manner, showing that it is an eternal, personal, unconditional, gracious and irreversible act of our God. Also, the kind intentions of our heavenly Father in this act of His sovereign will are here set forth, viz." The salvation, sanctification and service of the chosen ones.' The argument is plentifully sustained by references to scripture, and illustrated by poetical quotations from Watts, Doddridge, Hart, Kessell, &c. It may be observed, however, that our aged friend hardly rises to the height of what is called "supralapsarian grace," in his delineation of Electing Love," which is well expressed by Burnham thus "Christ and His members ever stood, Loved with the highest love of God, The highest love of God' is the love with which Christ Himself is loved; our Lord, in His memorable prayer recorded in John xvii., declares that the church is loved with that love,-" Thou hast loved them as Thou hast loved Me." That being so, it follows that the church was chosen with Christ, not only in Him, but with Him, which involves the idea of her being chosen as in a state of unfallen purity and not as fallen or impure, in which latter sense she would not be considered as chosen with Christ. The words Church, Members, Bride, Spouse, Sister, all being used in the Bible to express the oneness of the chosen people of God with Christ, seems to forbid the idea that they were chosen as fallen creatures, and probably this is our esteemed brother's own opinion, although he has not stated it here. In the part of the pamphlet headed, "The Jubilee of the Association," which is by the venerable senior Secretary, Mr. John Cooper, touching reference is made to his own "nearly fifty years' connection with the Wattisham Church and with the Associate-body." Some words of kindly remembrance and affectionate exhortation are also given, which, falling from lips, the utterances of which have so long been listened to with respectful regard and spiritual edification, will no doubt be received with all due attention, and acted upon with filial diligence, by those to whom they are more especially addressed. Seventy-sixth Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Sold at the Bible Society House, 146, Queen Victoria Street, London, and all Booksellers in the United Kingdom. Price 1s. to Nonsubscribers. 1880. This Report is drawn up with great skill and care, and the amount of work it records as having been accomplished is truly marvellous. It appears that the translation, printing or distribution of the whole or part of the Bible has been promoted by this Society, directly in 183 languages or dialects; indirectly in 53 ditto; total 238. The total issues during the year have been 2,780,362, making, from the commencement of the Society's operations a grand total of 88,168,419 copies of the whole or portions of the Word of God. A list is given of 60 Foreign Societies, formerly or at present assisted by this Society, whose united "issues" amount to 49,725,104. The expenditure of the British and Foreign Bible Society during the year ending March 31st, 1880, was £193,539 128. 7d. The total expenditure, from its commencement to the date just given, amounts to £8,800,505 15s., being an average of about 18. 7d. for each issue. Some of the "versions" are for very distant and, to most of us, unknown tribes of the inhabitants of the earth. Thus, for instance, for a Finnish tribe, a Tschuvaschian version of the four Gospels has been prepared; for another Finnish tribe, a Tscheremissian version of the whole New Testament has been made. For 4000 or 5000 Livs who inhabit West Courland, a version of Matthew in Lettish characters, has been provided. For the people at the south-east corner of the Caspian Sea, a Jaggatai Tartar version of the same Gospel, and for the Jews dwelling in Persia, a Judaeo-Persic version of the four Gospels in Hebrew characters; a Nepaulese version of the New Testament for the Kingdom of Nepaul; for 1,200 Protestants of Uvea and two tribes in New Caledonia, an Iaian version of the New Testament and Psalms has been prepared, &c., &c. The Society's opera tions are thus extending to the uttermost parts of the earth, insomuch that, in a few years' time, it may become literally true, that by means of this and kindred agencies, there shall be no speech nor language where the voice of God, in His written Word, shall not be heard. Thus, and by the preaching of the Gospel of His grace, shall the kingdom of God's dear Son be extended until 'all nations shall serve Him.' Entelligence. THE BIBLE IN FRANCE AND SPAIN. ON Monday evening, August 9th, a meeting of a deeply interesting character was held in the Temperance Hall, Ipswich. Mr. S. K. BLAND presided; and, after briefly alluding to the extensive opening of doors for Gospel testimony in various parts of the Continent, introducedMr. W. Greene, C.E., who has for many years had the superintendence of railway construction in Spain and France, and who has also, for the greater part of that period, been actively engaged in the distribution of of God's Word and, in various ways, making known its truths. Mr. Greene gave a delightful account of the ready and eager way in which the Scriptures were accepted and read, and the preaching of the Gospel attended, in halls and other places opened for the purpose in Paris, Marseilles, Toulon, Barcelona and other large towns, in the face of fierce opposition by the Priesthood. When 21 years of age, he went out and had to do with making the first tunnels on the Paris and Rouen Railway. But he fell into bad company, and the Bible his mother had put into his box was forgotten. He spent his leisure time at the opera and other places of dissipating pleasure. In Paris, however, he received both conviction of sin and great deliverance of soul; then Paris was changed for him. No more theatres; but he read his Bible through, and found it "sweeter than honey;" and he immediately began telling the people on the Boulevards what God had done for his soul. Then he went to Spain, soon after his conversion, and longed to bear witness of the same there also. In 1868 all Spain was opened to the Gospel. He had prayed for fifteen years for one witness there, and God sent Manuel Montemaros." This was God's way. He converts a crooked engineer in Paris, and sends him to make the way of salvation known in Spain." Testaments were freely and extensively bought. About the same time De Sanctus, studying the Scriptures, was led into the truth and began preaching at Turin. In 1854 Francis Garnet, a lawyer, from Barcelona, heard the Word and was converted. He saw the texts inscribed on the Waldensian Church there-"The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin," &c., and he found it so. This man was imprisoned three years in Barcelona, and afterwards removed to Gibraltar. Matamoros was at Gibraltar. There he prayed earnestly for the jailor's wife, who was grievously sick, and God raised her up. In Don Manuel he saw a Christian indeed He -a man of amazing fervour in prayer. He had received, to advance his work, no less than £2,000; but he found him in the prison, living on hard fare, with no luxury-no alleviation-and he wondered what had become of the money. found, from other evidence than his own, that he had distributed the whole amongst those who were in need through their confession of Christ and in other ways to promote His cause. Then he died; but he was blessed to open his country for other labourers. Mr. Greene visited him on his death-bed, when he said to him, joyfully-"I shall not be long gone before you see my country opened to the Gospel. There was war to the knife against it; but the seed had taken root. "That's the way God does when He means to do great things." A young Priest, M. Revelieu, said to him, in conversation one day, "I am not a Christian, but I wish I was one." Mr. Greene wrote to him and prayed for him; he became converted-went into the pulpit and confessed his hope in Christ alone. He wrote a book which was eagerly read, has passed through several editions, and has been of vast service in enlightening many. Since then there has been progress of the work of God in Paris, where forty preaching places have been opened, as well as in other parts of France. At Marseilles 4,000 tracts were distributed on the first day he was there, but 80,000 were needed, and he had no means of obtaining them. He prayed that he might not have to ask for this, and, going to Cannes, he called on Baron Hambro, an immensely rich man, whom he had slightly known; the Baron, without asking, gave him two hundred franc notes. A Scotchman present gave him three, and he had double the amount he needed. He at once got 55,000 put into the hands of the people, marvellously escaping prevention by the police; then he met one policeman, to whom he walked up and gave him a tract, which was received courteously. Now seven halls are opened for preaching in that town! MONSIEUR MASSIS, a recent convert from Popery, from Toulon, then related in French some of his experience of Christian work in that city, the centre of shipbuilding in the South of France, where, until recently, there had been only one or two Protestant places of worship, and no attempt to spread the Gospel around. On July 25, 1879, the first hall was opened there for preaching. It would contain 150 persons, and had been filled every time it was open since. A month later another hall, accommodating 250 to 300 people, was opened, and this also was filled to the doors. And not only so, but many who came had been savingly converted to God and remained faithful. In some cases whole families have confessed themselves on the Lord's side and found peace in Christ: One aged woman from Africa, in her 72nd year, took down her statue of the Virgin and pictures of saints and took the Bible as her companion. A very young man received a Testament, and, through its perusal, was converted. His mother forbade him and took the book from him, but he obtained another, is still studying it, and longs to make it known to others. Many drunkards have been reclaimed; and now a sailor's coffee-house is about to be opened in Toulon. Schools have been commenced in all the preaching halls, which are well attended by the children of Romanist parents. The priests preach and cry out against all this, but the more they do so, they stir up the people to come and hear. The ignorance of the people is very dense. M. Massis gave the Gospel of Matthew to a waiter at an inn; he read it, and then said "This is a very beautiful book-are you the author of it?" Another said"Is that the Gospel? Ah, then you are a Protestant; I am glad to see you, for our priest said every Protestant had two horns growing out of the head and five from the mouth." After reading the crucifixion of Jesus one exclaimed—“ Oh, I thought the three crosses meant the three persons of the Trinity! Such darkness causes us great sorrow of heart, and shews what need there is for the Gospel. 25,000 Gospels have been distributed in Toulon; and now many of the authorities are much in favour of the work, and sanction the opening of the halls. This is felt to be in answer to much and fervent prayer, and is cause for great praise and encouragement to labour on. The people also manifest great love for these evangelists. CHINTADREPETTAH BAPTIST SABBATH SCHOOL. The following is copied from the Madras Mail, of Monday, July 12th :-"The anniversary meeting of this institution was held on Thursday evening last, in the Baptist Chapel at Chintadrepet. After a pleasant repast of tea, cakes, &c., by the children, a public meeting was held, presided over by the Rev. H. F. Doll, the pastor of the church. Several hymns were sung by the children, the most de serving of whom received prizes. The chairman made some introductory re marks, and the secretary read the report. It expressed gratitude for the encourage. ment received during the past year. The progress and present position of the school were considered satisfactory notwithstanding the strong opposition brought to bear against it. A library has been established in connection with the school. After the reading of the report, suitable and interesting addresses were delivered by Mr. Tindale to the children, and by Mr. Chatterton to their parents; these were followed by remarks from the chairman. The meeting was well attended. WATFORD. The 12th anniversary of the opening of Beulah Chapel was commemorated on Monday, August 2nd. Although the morning of the day came in with heavy showers and looked threatening, shortly after 11 o'clock the rain ceased, and we were favoured with fine weather through the rest of the day. Notwithstanding the somewhat unfavourable circumstances of the morning, by a little after 11 the chapel was quite filled by friends from different quarters, and by our own people, when our good brother, Mr. John Hazelton, came up, under the sacred anointing power of the Holy Ghost, and preached a full weight, comprehensive, and comforting discourse from the words contained in Mark vii. 37, "He hath done all things well," -opening up and setting forth the sweet mystery of the mighty acts of our Great Lord Jesus in creation, providence, and grace. It was a time of refreshing both to sower and reapers. Our kind and affectionate friend and Brother Anderson in the afternoon preached from Jno. x. 28,-" And I give unto them eternal life," &c.-dwelling on the person, love, and power of the Good Shepherd, the great gift, the evidences and fruits of a reception by the sheep, and their consequent safety and security. The place was very full, and the heat great; but the sheep fed, and were well entertained. In the evening our Brother Anderson preached again a very instructive and encouraging sermon from the words in the Proverbs of Solomon,- "The rich and the poor meet together: the Lord is the Maker of them all." Variety in the church, unity in Christ and with one another, and divine sovereignty in their constitution were the topics of the evening. As usual, we had friends to meet and greet us in the name of the Lord from London, Aylesbury, Bedmond, Harrow Weald, Berkhampstead, and other places. It was a day of spiritual profit and pleasure; and we hereby take the opportunity of thanking all our dear friends for their presence and help. It may not be out of place here just to state the present interesting position of the cause here, and what the Lord has been pleased to do for us in this large and constantly increasing town. During the eight years' pastorate of Brother Burrell the church has gradually increased from 7 or 8 members to upwards of 100, several of whom have been removed in providence and by death. Our present congregation averages from 130 to 160; besides which the Sabbath-school has increased to the number of 140 children, or more. A schoolroom has been erected and paid for, and the debt on the present building paid; so that the present chapel and schoolroom are free, but quite insufficient to meet the present attendance, much less to afford any room for growth. Under these circumstances, a committee has been formed, and steps have been taken towards a larger place. Amongst our own friends money has already been raised, and ground purchased immediately opposite our present chapel, with a view of building a more commodious place of worship, retaining our present chapel and schoolroom for the use of our growing school. And this we hope to do as soon as we can see our way clear to go forward. Hitherto we have made no outward appeal for help, but are now much in need of wisdom, encouragement, and help to go forward. It is desirable that a considerable amount towards the building should be obtained before a step is taken in that direction; and as our many friends will see we have done all we could amongst ourselves to help ourselves hitherto, should any of the Lord's more favoured ones in providence feel inclined to render us some pecuniary aid, it will be received with pleasure and gratitude, and as a token from the Lord to encourage us to move forward, by the pastor, Mr. Geo. Burrell, or by Mr. C. Goodson, both of Queen's-road, Watford. MEOPHAM, KENT. THE pastor, Mr.W. K. Squirrell, and his flock were much encouraged on July 20th, it being the fifty-second anniversary of the cause. Brother Shepherd, of London, preached two sermons with much power and unction. Brother J. Box preached in the evening, with the dew of heaven upon his soul, and many were compelled to say, |