Favourite Prayers: Chosen by People from All Walks of Life

Передняя обложка
Deborah Cassidi
A&C Black, 28 мая 2002 г. - Всего страниц: 192
What do a prince and a stonemason have in common? Or an archbishop and an innkeeper? A prime minister and a film star, a rabbi and a footballer, an astronaut and a sheep farmer? They all, at some time or another, pray. Deborah Cassidi asked people from all walks of life to choose a favourite prayer or to write one. She was astonished and moved by the response. The result is this beautiful collection of prayers, illustrated with Jackie Cundall's woodcuts.

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Об авторе (2002)

Lady Cassidi lives in Somerset with her husband and near 3 of her grandchildren. She runs the Threshold Prize, a charity which encourages children to write creatively. Her main career has been surgical and medical, as an ophthalmologist and forensic medical doctor. Her time now is devoted to her family, to The Threshold Prize and to working with the Medical Foundation for Victims of Torture.

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