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THERE has been a very sore famine in one part of India, in the part which is called Orissa. The people do not live on bread as we do, but on rice. For two harvests the rice-crop has failed. This has made rice very dear, so that the poor people could not buy it. Many hundreds, and even thousands, have died: men, women, and little children. One week as many as three thousand died, and all from not having anything to eat. The poor people have been eating any


thing they could get the sweepings from shops, moss, duck-weed, grubs, snails, leaves, and even grass. One mission-ary says in a letter to the writer of this, "Only last Monday, when feeding upwards of two hundred starving creatures, I saw one inhuman mother, after giving but a grain or two of the boiled rice she receiv-ed to her starving children, speedily eat the rest herself. The least of her starving children is now in our female orphan-age. Scores of mothers are selling their children for a few pice; many have been offered to us for four annas and two annas a piece"-(that is, sixpence or fourpence.) So great has been the want, that at one time there were more than one hundred and fifty thousand people who every day had food given to them by the government! Others have been fed by the kindness of persons who live on the spot.

We can never know how many have died. Some poor things have gone away into the jungle, and laid themselves down to die there. Others have died on the roads. In some houses all the people are dead.

You will be glad to hear that now there is no more want. Kind people in this country have sent large sums of money, and the govern-ment has set apart two hundred thousand pounds to feed the people.



"MOTHER, Sometimes pussy has paws, and sometimes she has claws; is not that funny? She pats with her paws, and plays prettily; but she scratches with her claws, and then I do not love her; then I wish she only had little soft paws, and then she could not scratch, but would always be gentle and lovely."

"And does not my little Nellie have paws and claws too, sometimes? Now, these dear little hands answer to pussy's paws. They are very soft and white, and I love to hold them in my own, and feel of the soft skin, and trace the blue veins that run all over. But sometimes they are claws,—when they do naughty things, and strike, or pinch, or scratch in anger; and I wish that my little daughter had only dear little, soft, gentle hands, and never showed that she has any claws."

"Well, mother, how funny you talk, to say that your dear little Nellie has paws and claws! I never thought of that. I must look out, or I shall be like pussy. But really, mother, do cats' claws do any good? Do they do anything but what is naughty?" "Did you ever see a cat climb a tree, Nellie? Do


you think, if she only had soft paws, she could climb a tree when she is chased by a dog?"

"No, mother, I think she could not."

"Then you see they are her defence when she is attacked. She could not keep her own against other cats or dogs if she had no claws. And then, again, how could she hold her food? The little mouse

would run away very quickly if Miss Pussy's sharp claws did not keep it back.


'Did you ever look at pussy's foot, and see those little soft cushions which make her walk round so softly, and then see the sharp nails all hidden away there, and ready to spring out when she wants them? Now, you see, God made the pussy just right. He knew just what she needed for comfort and defence; and pussy must use both her paws and her claws if she expects to get along in the world; and my little girl must use her hands in doing deeds of love and kindness. You see you have five nails on each hand. Each finger has a nail. You do not know how you would miss one of them if you lost it. You could not pick up a pin without your nails. Indeed, you could not get along any better than pussy without her claws."

"I was thinking, mother, a very funny thought


about our hearts. When we think good thoughts, they are just like pussy's pretty little paws,-all soft and gentle, and everybody loves us; but when we have wicked thoughts, and do naughty things, they are like pussy's claws, and do mischief, and nobody will love us. Now, when I feel naughty, I mean to say, 'Remember pussy's claws,' and when I feel good, I will think of pussy's paws."


Well, that is a very funny thought, my dear Nellie. You love pussy so much, she may teach you a lesson that will do you good.

"And I want you to think a little of how God makes animals,-all with some means of self-defence, -with some means of getting a living. The cow and ox have horns, by means of which they can fight their own battles; the horse kicks with his hoofs; a cat can scratch, and a dog can bite. Sheep are the most defenceless of animals; but they can hit with their heads very hard. Birds can spread their wings, and fly away when in danger. All this helps to keep the animals from attack; and you seldom find them using these defensive weapons unless they are attacked.

"And now, my little girl, I think it is almost time for bed. We have talked long enough on paws and

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