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in the East is, that the animals are larger than ours, well made, light-footed, and hold their heads erect. Deborah, in her song of the prosperity of Israel, thus sings-" Speak, ye that ride on white asses, ye that sit in judgment." (Judges v. 10.) The white ass was specially valued, and is still a mark of dignity. In Persia the mollahs, and other persons of note, ride on the white ass.

Our picture shows you one of these chief men in Persia, with his strange head-dress, and long streamer, his curly black beard, his tunic, or loose gown, and his sandalled feet. In the distance you will see a Persian chapel, or mosque, and the gateway to the town in which it stands.

You all remember that when our blessed Saviour wished to enter into Jerusalem as a King, he rode on the foal of an ass, on which never man had sát; and in order to make this foal tractable, he desired the disciples to bring the dam as well as the foal. The ass had then fallen, as with us, into low repute. While the Jews were in Babylon they had learnt to look upon riding on an ass as a mark of poverty and meanness. This will explain the reason of the prediction of Zechariah in reference to the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem. See Zec. ix. 9.



from one Walter Lollard, a German preacher, who came into England about 1315, in the reign of Edward III. Others think the name comes from a German word, lollen, to sing with a loud voice. The Lollards were very fond of singing praises to God.

But this was not the only thing for which the Lollards were famous. They were good men in bad times. They were disciples of Wickliffe, the English Luther; and one Thomas Wolden, a Romanist, speaks of Wickliffe as the ringleader of the Lollards. So great was the spread of the truth through Wickliffes preaching, that one half of the people of England had become Lollards in a few years. These good men did not believe in the Popish mass, and in other human fancies held by Papists. The priests were very angry. They excited the government against them, and as many as one hundred and twenty were seized, put in prison, and some burnt.


One of these Lollards had once been a Romish priest. His name was William Sawtry. He said, Instead of adoring the cross on which Christ suffered, I adore Christ who suffered on it." He was dragged to St. Paul's. His hair was shaved off. As a mark of indignity, being a priest, a layman's cap was put on his head. The Archbishop of Canterbury


handed him over to the mercy of the Earl-Marshal of England. What sort of mercy do you think that was? It was this: Sawtry was burnt alive in Smithfield in March, 1401. He was the first martyr to Pro-tes-tantism in England.

Another celebrated Lollard was Lord Cobham. He was a favourite of Henry IV., and was saved by him from the rage of the priests. When Henry V. ascended the throne, the priests again sought to take Lord Cobham. The new king was a bad man, and the priests soon got Lord Cobham into their hands. He was sent to the Tower. In Sep., 1413, he was brought before a church court sitting in St. Paul's. The priests shouted to him-"Believe! believe !" He replied, "I am willing to believe all that God desires; but that the Pope should have authority to teach what is contrary to Scripture, that I can never believe." He was led back to the Tower.

Three days after a crowd of priests, friars, indulgence-sellers, and others, thronged the large hall of the Dominican Convent, and abused Lord Cobham roundly. When the Archbishop asked him to confess his offence, Cobham fell on his knees, and said, "I confess to thee, O God, and acknowledge that in my frail youth I seriously offended Thee by my pride,

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