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the‍hay, and the oats; dealers waiting for the pork, the lard, the butter and the cheese, and hundreds of workmen, all waiting for the things stopped in the canal! Men lost their character for truth and prompt dealing, lost by the fall and change in the markets, lost by the decay and waste of their cargoes-and all, all owing to that one mischievous musk rat! And yet the poor musk rat was not to blame. He knew no better. He had no thought of the mischief he was doing, or that he could do any hurt.

But what shall we say of those who do wrong, knowing that it is wrong? A small hole may ruin a canal and all on it; a single spark of fire may burn up a city; the starting of a single bolt may sink a ship. So a single wrong deed may draw a great train of evil after it. A single wicked word may poison a little child, a single wicked thought may be like opening the hole in the bank, through which a world of sin will follow.

Laziness does not belong to musk rats more than to human beings. If we have laziness in our hearts, out, out with it! If we feel that we are too small to do good or hurt, remember that even one musk rat may do untold hurt, though he be himself a very little fellow!

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WHEN we sit by the nice warm fire in winter, we do not often think of the men who are working far down in the earth to get the coal. In some mines, or pits, the galleries are very low, and men have to stoop on their hands and knees while they peck away at the coal. In this shaft the mine is very high. That man on the left is pushing a little truck of small pieces of coal. That boy below him is doing the same. The man in the middle is wheeling a barrow, and those two on the right are very busy with their pick-axes. This pit is not very far down in the earth; for, see, all have their coats on. It is so hot in deep pits that men work with as little dress as they can. When they come up, they put on flannel smocks to keep them warm.

Some wise men have been saying that we shall get out all the coal from the pits; and that we shall then find out how precious coal is. But others tell us that there is so much coal stored up in the cellars of the earth, in this land and in others, that there will not be any lack for hundreds of years. Was it not very kind of our Father in heaven to fill the cellars of the

earth with coal for our use? When you next see a coal-fire, think of this.



No. I.

Ir is night. Some men are toiling to provide for their own wants and the wants of those who are dear to them. Their faces wear a sad anxious look. As the day breaks, a stranger appears amongst them, whom they do not at first know. He speaks a few words to them. Again they try; and this time with great success. Then the men in the boat, falling down at the stranger's feet, worship him.

What sea were they fishing in? Who was their at first unknown friend; and what were the words he said to them?

No. 2.

A man flees from the wrath of his king. He enters a cave, and with him is a small band of men. While in the cave some one comes in and goes to sleep. The fugitive stoops over, and cuts off a piece of his robe. When the sleeper woke up, he walked out of the cave, and the persecuted man held up the piece of the robe. It was the king who had been hunting him on the mountains. He said a few words of pardon to the man, and then went away with his men.

What were the names of the two men? What was the name of the cave? ALPHA.



It is our sad duty to tell our readers that their old and much-loved friend, the Editor of this Magazine, has been called away. The hand which has so often penned nice tales for you will write them no more. It is cold in death. The great work of his life is done. He was always full of thought for the young; and wished above all things to bring them to the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. When your fathers and mothers were in their cradles, that is, more than forty years ago, your dear old friend was beginning to write and print little books for children. He liked this kind of work. God had given him a warm and loving heart for the young, and greatly helped him to work for their good. His own little folks showed him how other children thought and played; and when he wrote about the young and for them, he always wrote as a Father. You have seen in some of the tales in this Magazine many things which show how he thought of you and loved you.

Other books were also written by your friend. One was about " Joseph." Another was called "The Boys of the Bible." The late Prince Albert, the husband of our beloved Queen, very kindly received

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