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joined. Thefe letters are of no great importance, but will ferve to add to the knowledge of the life and fentiments of their eminent and extraordinary author. The editor is Charles Pougens.

Melanges Extraits des Manufcrits de Mad. Necker. Mifcellanies extracted from the Manufcripts of Madame Necker; vols. 8vo. The celebrated husband of this lady, who is the editor of these volumes, informs us, that Mad. Necker had early adopted the custom of committing to paper the thoughts fuggefted to her by meditating upon the characters and events of the world. The quickness of her understand ing, and her turn for reflexion, made her journal very voluminous; and it has afforded the editor a felect mifcellany of obfervations, maxims, critiques, &c. which he has given in the unconnected form in which they were written. They difplay an excellent heart, much fagacity and ingenuity, and a profound knowledge of mankind. Perhaps the paffion for faying new and ftriking things has, in fome inftances, led her to over-refinement; but on the whole, her fentiments are as just as her style is elegant.

Correfpondance de Voltaire, &c. Correfpondence between Voltaire and the Cardinal de Bernis, from 1761 to 1777, published from their original Letters; with notes; by Cit. BOURGOING; 8vo. There are no doubts of the authenticity of these letters, which were communicated by the chevalier Azara, the intimate friend of the cardinal, and at prefent ambaffador from Spain to the French republic. The letters are 99 in number. Moft of them relate to fubjects of literature; fome to the public topics and events of the time. Voltaire in his, attacks religion without referve; yet he fends to the pope a formal atteftation, figned by the neighbouring clergy, of his regularity in performing the duties of a catholic at the church of Ferney. Bernis carefully avoids giving his fentiments on thefe fubjects, and preferves throughout the decorum beJonging to his character. His letters fhow an amiable fpirit, and a cultivated mind, and he frequently gives good advice to Voltaire, which the latter was not very ready to take. This correfpondence is a valuable addition to the works of either of thefe diftinguished perfons.

Correfpondance entre Frederic II. &c. Correfpondence between Frederic II. King of Pruffia and the Marquis d'Argens, with the Epiftles of the King to the Marquis. 2 vols, 8vo. The peculiar intimacy between the king of Prufa and the marquis

d'Argens, renders their correfpondence very interesting. Of thefe letters, the greater number are printed in the pofthumous works of Frederic; but 59 are added in this collection, of unsuspected authenticity.


Le Nouveau Diable Boiteaux, &c. The new Devil upon Two Sticks (or Lame Devil), a philofophical and moral Picture of Paris; 2 vols. 8vo. Borrowing the plan, rather than the manners and fpirit of Le Sage, this writer makes his fiction fubfervient to a great mass of reflections, political, literary, moral, &c. rather of the grave, farcaftic, and philofophical caft, than of the light and humourous. Public inftitutions of all forts pafs in review before him, from thofe of the important de partments in adminiftration, down to comic operas and ballets. He difplays confiderable reading and knowledge of the world; but his principles are, in many refpects, objectionable, and he betrays much of the arrogance and felf-conceit which characterife the modern fchool of reform



Nouveau Dictionnaire portatif, &c. Ą new portable Dictionary of the French Tongue, compofed from the laft Edition of Wailly's Abridgment of Richelet, the Dictionary of Grammar and Literature in the Methodical Encyclopædia, &c; to which are joined, 1. An Extract of French Synonymes, from Girard, &c; z. A Method of Pronunciation; 3. The new Words and other Alterations introduced by the French Revolution; 4. A Geographical Vocabulary, with the Latin Names of Places; by C. M. GATTEL; 2 vols. 8vo. This is characterised as the moft copious, complete, and useful dictionary of the kind.

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thered from his title-page. They are unfolded with confiderable ingenuity in this introductory part of his fyftem. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. Effai fur la Theorie des Nombres, &c. An Effay on the Theory of Numbers, by A. M. Le GENDRE, of the National Inftitute; 4to. with very extenfive tables.

De la Refolution des Equations numeriques, &c. On the Refolution of numerical Equations of all Degrees; by J. L. LAGRANGE, of the National Inftitute, 4to. Both the above are works of reputation,

Leçons Elementaires, &c, Elementary Leffons of Arithmetic and Algebra; by P. TEDENAT, Affociate of the National Inftitute. Without any pretenfions to novelty, this is an ufeful elementary work, on account of its clearness of method.

Moyens d'apprendre, &c. Method of learning to reckon with Accuracy and Facility; a pofthumous work of Condorcet. 12mo. This work is faid to unite the elements of arithmetic with thofe of logic.

Introduction à l'Algebre, &c. Introduction to Algebra; containing among other Things, an Arithmetic of direct or pofitive, and of inverse or negative Quantities; by EM. DEYELEY, profeffor of mathematics at Laufanne. The work of a promifing young mathematician, who feems defirous of giving new views of his fubject.

Traité des Montres à Longitudes, &c. A Treatife on Longitude-watches or Timepieces, containing all the Details of their Conftruction, the Mode of trying them, &c. to which are added, a Memoir on the working of Clocks and Time-pieces, the Defcription of two aftronomical Clocks, and an Effay on a Method of preferving the Relation of Weights and Meafures, and establishing an univerfal and perpetual Measure; by FERD. BERTHOUD, mechanician to the navy, 4to, with plates. A fecond volume of this work is printed, but not yet publifhed. It is a performance of great value, and has obtained the approbation of that eminent aftronomer, Lalande.

Mémoire contenant, &c. Memoir con taining theoretical Explanations of a Tri

Half-yearly Retrospect THE great variety of valuable publications which of late have appeared in Germany, and the limits of our magazine, will not permit us, this time, to mention much more than the titles of many works which deferve a more ample notice, and reduces us to the copleafant neceflity of

gonometric Chart, ferving to reduce the apparent Distance between the Moon and the Sun or another Star, to a true Dif tance, and to refolve other Questions of Navigation; by MAINGON, lieutenant of a veffel, 4to. This is mentioned by Lalande as an ingenious, eafy, and exact method of reducing diftances by rule and compafs with a fingle chart.

Traité de l'Installation, &c. Treatife on the Installation of Veffels, by Cit. BURGUES MISSIEPI, Rear-admiral. Printed by order of Government, 4to. with many plates. By the word inftallation, the author means that difpofition of moveable and immoveable articles in a fhip which nay beft fecure the fteadiness and regula, rity of its motions, and prove most commodious in failing and time of action, The difcuffion of this fubject has led him into many delicate and curious calcula tions, which render his work truly scientific.


La Mythologie mife à la portée de tout le Monde. Mythology rendered univerfally intelligible, ornamented with 100 Figures, coloured, or in black and white, drawn and engraved by the ableft Artifts in Paris; an elementary Work, indifpenfable to young Perfons of both Sexes, and useful to all Readers. A new Edition, printed by Dr.. DOT the Younger, 12 vols, 18vo. Though this is entitled a new edition, the plates only are old, but the text is quite new. This work may be regarded as the firft complete elementary treatife of mythology, all others having rather been particular fyftems or interpretations of mythology. It is very carefully printed, and agreeably joins inftruction with amufement.

Recherches Hiftoriques, &c. Hiftorical, literary, and critical Inquiries concerning the Origin of Printing, particularly its firft Eftablishments in the 15th Century in Belgium; adorned with the Portraits and Devices of the first Belgic Printers; by Cit. LAMBINET, 8vo. This curious work is the fruit of much refearch, aided by particular opportunities of information in the Low Countries.

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Ueber den Unterricht des Volks in den Strafgefezzen auf Schulen, von Dr. CARL. AUG. TITTMANN, &c. &c. pp. 165, 8vo. 1799. On the Inftruction of the People in the Penal Laws, at School. Mr. Titmann answers in the first part of this valuable publication the question: What inftruction in the penal laws ought to be given in public fchools? He judiciously excludes from this inftruction a complete theory of penal laws; and proves, in a very fatisfactory manner, that it is highly neceffary the rifing generation fhould be furnished with clear notions of unlawful actions, and made acquainted with the reafon of their being contrary to law. He cautions, however, all teachers not to acquaint their pupils with unnatural actions, and fuch tranfgreffions as can take place only in higher civil relations. The fecond part treats on the method after which the penal laws fhould be taught in public fchools. We cannot withhold our applaufe from the author of this ufeful little work, for having brought this highly important fubject on the carpet, but at the fame time with he had been lefs verbofe.

Briefe von Selmar, als Vater, ueber jugenliche, Vergnuegens, pp. VIII. and 142. Letters to Selmar, the Father, on juvenile Amusement The propofais of the author for amufing and employing youth, are in deed not new, but will, neverthelefs, be ferviceable to parents and tutors who are at a lofs how to occupy children properly.

Merkwuerdige Beispiele zur Befoerde rung der Kenntnifs der Seelenkraefte der Thiere, von J. G.TRIMOLT, 8vo, 1798. Remarkable Examples for promoting the Knowledge of the mental Powers of Animals. A very useful and entertaining collection of friking inftances, proving that brutes alfo have fouls, accompanied with many inftructive reflexions.

Lehren der Weifheit und Tugend, von WAGNER, 1799. Inftructions of Wifdom and Virtue, in felect Fables and Songs, for the Ufe of young People. A very judicious collection.

Der Marquifin von LAMBERT, Saemtliche Schriften, &c. &c. 1798. pp. 16. u. 278. The Works of the Marchionefs de LAMBERT, intended for the Improvement of young Ladies, re-publifhed with Alterations, and enriched with Annotations, by K. H. HEIDENREICH. The judicious care with which Mr. H. has felected the most valuable pieces of Lady

L.'s works for the ufe of young ladies, and the critical tafte with which he has cleared them of their excrefcencies, intitles him to the gratitude of the fair fex. His annotations are not numerous, but nevertheless a valuable addition to her useful work.

Beitrage zur Kritick des Schulunterrichts, von C. F. ETZLER, No. 1, 2. u. 3. 1798. 8vo. Contributions towards a Criticifm of School Inftruction. This valuable work, which is to be continued annually, ought to be in the hands of all instructors of youth. GEOGRAPHY.

Fragmente ueber Italien, &c. &c. Th. I. 1798. pp. 390. 8vo. Fragments on Italy, from the Journal of a young German. The author of thefe fragments vifited Italy in the years 1796 and 1797. He treats on a great variety of fubjects in a plain and lively ftyle, keeping the intereft of the prefent moment conftantly in view, which, we do not doubt, will procure him many readers. We are therefore forry to fay, that he frequently is incorrect in his ftatements, and unjuft in his judgments, especially when fpeaking of the taste of his own countrymen.

Topographifches Bilderwerk, &c. &c. Nr. I. II. 1798; fol. Topographical Prints, containing Profpects of interefting Cities, Fortreffes, Catles, Villages, Hamlets, &c. &c. along with an accurate Defcription of them, for the Instruction of young People in Geography, and the Amufement of Travellers. These two numbers contain ten plates, and fortyeight pages text. The author difplays more good intention than ability.

Staats Handbuch des Schwaebifchen Reichfkreifes, &c. &c. Th. I. pp. 428. Tb. II. pp. 372. Statistical Manual of the Circle of Suabia for the Year 1799. Dr. CH. FR. SPEIDEL, the author of this interefting work, has collected and arranged his materials with great diligence and judgment, and deferves the thanks of his countrymen for the information and the pertinent obfervations which it contains.

Handbuch der alten Erdbefchreibung, &c. &c. von Dr. P. 7. Bruns. Nuremberg, 1798; pp. 178. u. 112; 8vo. Manual of ancient Geography, for the Use of d'Anville's eleven larger Maps. Firft Part of Vol. II. Afia. Second, enlarged edition. This manual is the joint compofition of feveral literary gentlemen, and was published firft in the year 1-80. The prefent edition diftinguishes itself by ma ny improvements. We were particularly well pleafed with the defcription of Pa


leftine; but that of the other countries of Historico-Genealogical Almanac for the

Afia, especially of the larger ones, is extremely defective and inaccurate.

Meine letzte Reife nach, Paris, 1798; pp. 216; 8vo. My late Journey to Paris. Mr. MEISTER, of Zurich, the author of this little work, draws a very interefting and judicious comparifon between the ftate of Paris before and after the revolution, and has enlivened it with many obfervations on the prefent national fpirit of the French, on their finances and conftitution, as well as on the influence of the war over that fingular hation, which deferve being read. His flyle is animated and correct.


Jahrbuecher der Preuffifchen Monarchie, &c. &c. 3. Tb. 1798. Annals of the Pruffian Monarchy under the Reign of Frederick William III. This valuable work treats at large on the civil, military, and financial state of Pruffia, as well as on the trade, manufactures, agriculture, literature, morals, and manners of its inhabitants. It alfo comprehends the external relations of that kingdom, and gives a very circumftantial account of the king and his auguft houfe. The fupport which the ftate-offices give to the author of thefe annals, by order of the king, reflects much honour on that young and promifing monarch.

Hiftorische Schriften, und Sammlungen ungedruckter Urkunden, &c. &c. von J. A. von Schultes, 1798; 25. Bogen; 4to. Hiftorical Tracts, and Collections of manufcript Documents, intended for the Elucidation of the German Hiftory and Geography of the middle Age. Digefted and published by J. A. VON SCHULTES. This periodical publication is a moft ufeful contribution towards the improvement of the fpecial hiftory of Germany.

Kleine Weltgefchichte, &c. &c. von Gal letti. Tb. III. u. IV. An Epitome of Univerfal Hiftory, equally adapted for Inftruction and Amufement. The opinion which we have given of the two firft volumes of this work in our laft Retrospect, applies alfo to these additional volumes.

Ueber die Wegfuebrung der Kunstwerke aus den eroberten Laendern nach Rom, &c. &c. Leipzig, 1798; pp. 8. u. 104; 8vo. On the Transportation of the Works of Art from the conquered Countries to Rome; a Lecture read in the Antiquarian Society of Heffe-Caffel; by L. VOELKEL. Every antiquarian will read this elaborate lecture with fatisfaction..

Hiflorifch-Genealogischer Kalender auf das Jabr, 1799, &c. &c. pp. 222. z. 160.

year 1799; containing the History of Ita◄ ly, and a genealogical Index, with hiftorical, geographical, and statistical Accounts of the lateft Events of Countries and their Inhabitants; embellifhed with Copper-Plates and a Map. This Almanac, which made its first appearance in the year 1796, continues its career with many improvements. The hiftory of Germany is fucceeded by that of Italy, which is clofely connected with the former. The lateft hiftorical events are related with great fidelity, and the author's obfervations and conclufions breathe a fpirit of independence verging fometimes on temerity. The plates are executed with diligence and fafte, and the map of Italy does honour to the talents of Mr. CULEMAN, who has defigned it.

Vergleichung des altern und nuern Rufflands, &c. &c. erfler B. pp. 8. u. 347. Zweiter B. pp. 368; Svo. Leipzig, 1798. Comparison between ancient and modern Ruffia, with refpect to the natural Difpofition of the Inhabitants, to their Culture, Morals, Manner of Life, and Customs, as well as to the Constitution and Administration of the Empire; by Profeffor MEINERS of Goettingen. The copious title of this work faves us the trouble of pointing out its object. We obferve only that it contains two fections, which the title gave us no reason to expect finding in it. They treat on the extent and power of the neighbouring countries, the climate and the nature of the foil of Ruffia. The chief merit of the work confifts in the picture of ancient Ruffia, which compofes by far the greater part. Mr. M. gives in the introduction a catalogue of travellers and other authors who have written ou Ruffia,, together with fhort obfervations and criticifms on them, which cannot but be acceptable to young literati. The work is tolerably well executed, although we muft obferve that the materials might be better connected, and that Mr. M. is not always as confiftent and impartial in his obfervations, as we could have expected a philofophical writer of his celebrity would be.

Authentifche Gefchichte des Franzoefifeben Revolutions Krieges in Italien, &c. &c. 1798; pp. 312; 8vo. Authentic Hißory of the French revolutionary War in Italy, related with a conftant retrofpect to the Share which Tufcany had in it; together with Documents and fome general Obfervations, &c. &c. All events of the French revolutionary war in Italy, from October, 1793, to May, 1797, when Leghorn was


evacuated again, are related here in hif torical connexion. The author leans evidently to the French party, and the newfpaper of Florence feems to be the chief fource of his information, which renders his impartiality very much fufpected, as it is known that the French legation had much influence over that paper in the years 1796 and 1797.

Gefchichte der Republic Frankreich, &c. &c. von J. C. G. Schaurnann. Halle, 1798; pp. 4. u. 792; 8vo. History of the French Republic under the directorial Government, to the definitive Treaty with Auftria; together with diploma tical Documents. Willing, as we are, to agree with the author, that the energy which the directory difplayed already in the first years, deferves admiration and a very ferious confideration, yet we cannot but confefs that we deem the publication of a connected hiftory of thofe events, at the present time, a very difficult task. The author, who profeffes to have been an ocular witnefs of the formation of fome of the most important events which he relates, and to have had an opportunity of informing himself, from the best fources, of thofe incidents which did not happen under his eyes, protefts to have impartially inquired into the authenticity of his vouchers, and to have related them without either batred or prejudice, muft indeed have very fingular ideas of impartiality, hatred, and prejudice, as he every where difplays the moft decided predilection for the French republic, and relies implicitly upon the truth of the French official reports. We need but obferve, that he maintains REUBEL had acted towards the Swifs and America with the most impartial juftice, to convince our readers of the truth of our affertion. We muft, however, do the author the juftice to confefs, that he has arranged his materials very well, and that his diction is commendable.

Deutschlands National-Kalender, &c. &c. fuer das Fabr, 1789. Leipzig, PP. 334. German National-Aimanac, intended to promote an accurate Knowledge of the prefent State of all German Countries; containing Saxony, and Bavaria, along with the Countries attached to them.. This Almanac has the common fize of a book, and is d: figned to give, by degrees, a complete and concife ftatiftic account of all Germany, a tak to which the editor appears to be perfectly equal.

Gefchichts-und-Staats-Blariter, &c. &c. 1798. Nr. I. pp. 172. Nr. II. pp. 171 -343; 8vo. Hiftorical and ftatistical Account of the prefent Times. A new,

periodical work, which diftinguishes itself neither by novelty nor brevity.

Mifcellaneen, &c. &c. von J. Arnoldi. Marburg, 1798; pp. 474; 8vo. Diplo matical and Hiftorical Mifcellanies. The author, who is counfellor of the regency of Orange-Naffau, has communicated in thefe mifcellanies very interefting papers out of the archives of his country, which are highly important to the hiftorical enquirer.

Monatliche biflorifcb, literarifcb, artififhe Anzeigen, &c. &c. von J. C. S. Kiefbaber, 1798; pp. 192; 8vo. Monthly hiftorical, literary, and artistical intelligence, to promote the knowledge of the ancient and modern hiftory of Nuremberg. Second annual contribution.

Gemaeblde aus der Preuffifchen Gefchichte, &c. &c. 1799 pp. 14. u. 241; 8vo. Pictures taken from the Pruffian Hiftory. A contribution towards the promotion of loyalty and fidelity to the king and the country. Thefe pictures feem to be pretty well calculated to produce the defired effect.

Neuefte Gefchichte von Europa, von Profeffor G. K. F. Seidel. I. Th. Berlin, 1798; pp. 324; 8vo. Modern Hiftory of Europe, from the End of the Seven Years' War. Mr. SEIDEL is an attentive and difpaffionate obferver, who fatisfies his readers in moft inftances as much as is poffible for a man, who does not derive all his information from the first and original fources. He is pretty fafe from the ne quid falfi dicere audeat ; but, naturally, much less from the ne quid veri non audeat. The prefent volume comprehends the hiftory of Portugal, Spain and France, previous to the commencement of the Ame rican war.

Religion und Gottefdienfiliche Gebrauche der juengft entstandenen Gottefverehrer und Menfchenfreunde in Frankreich, &c. &c. 1798; Nr. I; pp. 16. u. 160. Nr. II. pp. 191. Religion and religious Rites of the Theophilanthropifts, a Society lately formed in France. After the fecond original edition. The general information which this publication gives of the origin, progrefs, inftitution, and doctrines of this fingular fect, contains very little which is not already fufficiently known in England. We fhall therefore refer thofe of our readers, who are curious to inform themfelves more particularly of the spirit of that religious fociety, to the work itself; obferving only that the difcourfes and lectures which it contains, do not rife above mediocrity. The hymns, however, are fublime, without being difficult to be underflood.


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