COAST SURVEY-PERSONS AND PAY OF EMPLOYEES, ETC. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. TRANSMITTING A list of the number and names of persons employed in the Coast Survey, &c. DECEMBER 24, 1860.-Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. Hon. WM. PENNINGTON, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, December 22, 1860. SIR: In compliance with the second section of the civil and diplomatic appropriation act of March 3, 1853, I have the honor to transmit herewith a statement showing the number and names of persons. employed in the Coast Survey, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1860; the amount of their compensation and time of employment; together with a statement of all expenditures made under the direction of the superintendent within the said year. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, PHILIP F. THOMAS, Speaker of House of Representatives. List showing the number and names of the persons employed in the Coast Survey during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1860, with the amount of compensation and time of employment, with a statement of all expenditures made under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey; prepared in pursuance of an act of Congress approved March 3, 1853, by Samuel Hein, general disbursing agent of the United States Coast Survey. W. M. C. Fairfax.. M. J. McClery.. A. Lindenkohl A. Strausz.. L. D. Williams. W. T. Martin.. W. P. Schulz❤ E. Hergesheimer.. A. Boschke W. H. Gardner.. Charles Hosmer.. Names and offices. E. Hergesheimer.. A. Hoeppner LIST-Continued. Aids. Hydrographic draughtsmen. Draughtsmen. Draughtsmen, by contract. Amount of compensation. $519 60 1 year. 242 07 4 months.. 229 80 6 months.. 199 196 40 5 months. 186 00 5 months.... 183 00 5 months.... 153 80 146 50 137 30 119 15 3 months... 104 92 10 24 months.... 86 60 2 months. 4 months.... 2 months... 4 months. 70 60 2 64 74 1 month 942 00 840 00 Time employed. 647 00 758 83 Not now employed in the Coast Survey. months.... 1,800 00 1 year... 1,600,001 66 934 50 931 50 665 00 549 00 474 00 158 days 472 50 105 days 420 76 314 days 222 75 156 87 153 00 99 days 326 25 314 days 311 days 3103 days 266 days 183 days --- |