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Know all men by these presents that we, George Nietzey and Samuel Byington, are held and firmly bound unto the United States of America in the full and just sum of one thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said United States, or to its proper agent or attorney duly authorized to receive the same, to which payment, well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves and every of us, our and every of our heirs, executors, and administrators, in the whole and for the whole, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this twentysecond day of August, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty.

The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound George Nietzey and Samuel Byington, or either of them, their or either of their heirs, executors, or administrators, do and shall well and truly execute a contract which the said George Nietzey has entered into with John B. Blake, Commissioner of Public Buildings, for and in behalf of the said United States, by which he has contracted and engaged to furnish materials to grade, set the curbstone, lay brick pavements and stone gutters, including five courses of brick on edge in gutter, then the above obligation to be void and of no effect; otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue in law.

[L. 8.]

Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of-

Synopsis and comparative statement of bids for grading, paving, curbing, &c., on south side of Missouri avenue, from

Third to Sixth streets west.

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This contract, made and entered into this twenty-second day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, between Nicholas Acker, of the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, of the first part, and John B. Blake, Commissioner of Public Buildings, acting under the authority of and for and on behalf of the United States, of the second part, witnesseth: That the said party of the first part does hereby contract and engage with the said John B. Blake, Commissioner of Public Buildings, as follows: that, for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, he will furnish all the materials, requisite labor and tools, and perform all the work necessary in grading and setting the curbstone, laying the brick and flag footways, and paving the gutters, &c., &c., on the north side of B street south, between Seventh and Fourteenth streets west; that the curbstone shall be of the best quality granite, dressed six inches thick on top, and six inches deep on front, and three inches deep on the back edge, and no piece less than five feet long and sixteen inches deep, and to be jointed and well fitted and set in a bed of coarse gravel, and well rammed; the brick to be of the best quality hard red paving brick, to be laid on a bed of sharp river sand, four inches deep, on a bed of fine gravel, free from clay or loam, three inches deep, with two courses on edge next to the curb, and one course on edge on the inner line; that the stone paving of the gutter shall be of common cobble stones not exceeding four inches in diameter, except the stone on the outside line of the gutter, which shall be six inches in diameter, laid on a bed of coarse sand and clean gravel, free from clay or loam, at least nine inches deep, and to be twice rammed, the second time after being well wet, and covered with fine, clean gravel or coarse sand; the centre of the gutter to be laid with five courses of hard red paving brick on edge; that the flag footways to be of the best quality of New York North river flagging, in pieces not less than four feet long by eighteen inches wide, and not less than four inches thick, to be laid on a bed of fine gravel, six inches deep, free from clay or loam, and well jointed; that all grading less than one foot shall be rated as trimming, and the surplus earth to be removed to such place as may be designated by the Commissioner, or the superintendent he may appoint.

The above work to be executed in the most workmanlike manner, and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, and under the superintendence of such person as he may appoint, and to be completed on or before the first of November next, and warranted to stand twelve months after completion; and all repairs that may be required within the time (12 months) for which the work is warranted to stand, to be done at the expense of the party of the first part.

And the said John B. Blake, Commissioner as aforesaid, for and in behalf of the United States, does hereby contract and engage with the said party of the first part, as follows: To pay, viz: for each cubical yard of grading, fourteen cents, (14;) for each square yard of trimming, four cents, (4;) for each foot, lineal measure, of curbstone furnished and set, seventy-four cents, (74;) for each square yard of brick pavement, forty-nine cents, (49;) for stone paving, including brick on edge in gutters, for each square yard, thirty-three cents, (33;)

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