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ledge, with elegant flowers lifting up their chalices toward the clouds and the sunshine, with a fountain mimicking the shower and ascending in perpetual aspiration heavenward. At our feet, hedging in this place of sublime beauty, is the famous Buckthorn Wall, which is a work of such excellence and perfectness as to compare favorably with the best work of its kind which man has done anywhere.

"Men my brothers, men the workers,

Ever reaping something new,

Things they have done are but earnest
Of the things they yet shall do."

I believe the circumstances are these. There was no foothold here in this sublime place, and the engineer felt in himself a power to raise up a secure platform from the deeps upon which the vast traffic of the B. and O. may pass safely through the heart of the Alleghanies. The only other way was to hew a passage through the stern, massive crystalline rock which rises behind us to the very heavens. This was the more difficult feat as the land lay. Then workmen found their way to the bed of the Cheat. The dense forest growth was hewn away; massive stone was hewn into form and the blocks were fitted to their rock bed and to each other, and up the precipitous mountain a noble wall was reared, and a sufficient platform was secured at the desired altitude. It was finished at the top with a layer of massive blocks of granite, I think, with a great square channel beneath, which gives ample vent to the mountain brook which must leap adown the steep. Then the intervening spaces were filled up to a general level to a breadth of perhaps one hundred feet, and all things made neat and secure. The steel tracks are laid, the iron horse snorts along its safe roadway. The fountain sends up its silver thread toward the far sunbeams, elegant and brilliant flowers have secured a dwelling-place beside the tracks. We descend here, and our train runs away and leaves us upon this safe shelf for an hour. A footpath leads beside the brook into the forest depths whence it springs. A short walk takes us to the presence of a sweet waterfall, and onward to a glen of darkling beauty, in which the fair sunflowers of the high places were blooming in pale, luxuriant beauty. Plenty of floral treasures enrich the hands of the maidens who emerge from the secret chamber of the forest. We stand for awhile in quiet enthusiasm in contemplation of the noble scenery from this grand vantageground. The mountain opposite in the middle ground is lofty and symmetrical, and densely clad with forest from foot to crown. Its unbroken and sacred silence and calm is in strong contrast with the busy stir and roar of passing trains on this artificial platform of wall and garden on which we stand-and the moments here are precious.

The pure waters come on from the little cataract back in the dark glen, find their safe, strong-walled culvert under the roadway, and trickle down from it to the Cheat below, causing the inquiry "How far?" The Buckthorn wall extends on the top several hundred feet, and to the depth of more than one hundred feet. To the water level some 400 feet are claimed. But this I do not credit as the wall seems to ap

proach much nearer the river brink than these figures indicate.

The fair sunshine has been replaced by a cloud canopy, and we welcome the returning train as it comes gliding back to us, and we resume our seats for the return.

We have enjoyed what they call the most noted and admired view that can be had from any known point in the Alleghany range. But we cannot call it so, having known the indescribable glories of the summit of Roan-the veritable "Cloudland." We reach home as the heavy rain bursts upon the Glades. The earth darkens-in an hour or two the warmth of genial summer is gone-the thermometer sinks more than twenty degrees-warmest garments come into requisition, and I feel that my summer in the Alleghanies is about ended. The talks about the bright evening fireside, the genial interchange of thought with fellow-pilgrims of the mountain sanctuaries, the harmless pastimes and merry-making of our beautiful wayside inn, the wit and feeling developed by the friction of so much fine metal are all attractive yet, but other attractions are yet stronger and prevail. S. R.

Deer Park Hotel, Eighth mo. 30.

For Friends' Intelligencer and Journal.

THE quietness of this place is seldom disturbed by

events of general interest. The little Orthodox Friends' Meeting of which I spoke in a former letter continues to be larger by reason of the influx of summer visitors. On First-day, the 9th inst., Hepsabeth C. Hussey began her discourse with the first verse of the forty-first chapter of Isaiah: "Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the people renew their strength; let them come near; then let them speak.” She continued by describing the two kinds of silence; one when men meditate upon schemes of pleasure, profit or aggrandizement, and another in which they wait upon the Lord, and thus renew their strength. Speaking of the Scriptures, she said that although Friends believed them to have been given by inspiration to holy men of old, and wonderfully preserved through the ages since, they have never felt at liberty to call them "the word of God," since the Scriptures themselves declare that "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. * * * And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, aud we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

One week later, on the 16th inst., the meeting was silent. There were thirty-four persons present. Yesterday, Hepsabeth C. Hussey delivered a discourse on the grounds of Friends' adherence to a free gospel ministry and their reasons for not joining in the religious exercises of other denominations. The meeting was somewhat smaller than on the previous Firstday.

A notable recent event has been the visit of Frederick Douglass and his wife to this island. Forty-four years ago, on Eighth month 11th, 1841, he made his

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first appearance before a white audience here. He was here two years afterward, and then did not see the island again until the 15th of the present month. What a mighty change have these forty-four years brought with them! In 1841, the propriety of asking a colored man to appear as a speaker at a meeting was doubted; he had been refused a hearing in several other places, and the meeting was of importance more as Nantucket's testimony in favor of free speech than as her protest against slavery, many taking part in it who were not yet entirely convinced of the wisdom of the movement against slavery, but who were determined that, whatever might be done in other places, Nantucket should have free speech upon her shores. To-day, the once despised slave is a man whom all esteem honorable :-it is not too much to say that his visit to this island has been a triumphal progress, in which young and old,—old Abolitionists and modern Republicans, have vied with each other in showing him and his wife courteous attention. On the evening of First-day, the 16th, he spoke to an audience which packed the Unitarian Church, the largest building of the sort here. Beginning with his lecture on "William the Silent," he laid aside his manuscript when he thought that the audience, already fatigued with the preliminary religious exercises and many of them with standing, would like to hear of other matters, and gave a "talk" upon the causes that led up to the war, the conduct of the people and public men during that struggle, and the present condition and prospects of the people of the South, especially of the colored race there. It is scarcely necessary to tell those who have heard Frederick Douglass that all this was adorned with exquisite wit and pathos, and given forth in that wonderful voice which, once heard, will not be forgotten.

The trip made by Frederick and Helen Douglass to Siasconset, the quaint little fishing village on the eastern coast, now inhabited by summer pleasure seekers, was notable for the warm welcome accorded them by many there, especially old friends from New York State. Among the well known people who thus welcomed them were Charles E. Fitch, editor of the Rochester, N. Y., Democrat and Chronicle, one of the best known papers in that State outside of the city of New York, and Prof. Moses Coit Tyler, of Ann Arbor University, Michigan. On the evening of Fifth-day, the 20th inst., a large reception was given them by S. H. and Charlotte A. J. Mann, assisted by Anna Gardner-all old Abolition friends of Frederick Douglass, and the last named the caller of the historical meeting of Eighth month 11th, 1841.

These particulars are given not as personal news of a flattering sort, but as furnishing evidence that race prejudice is passing away in this country, that the men and women of the present generation are learning to value manhood and womanhood themselves, apart from accidents of birth.

One of the most interesting employments here is the study of human nature; the visitor can scarcely turn around in Nantucket without meeting a" character." For example, the driver of one of the carriages is an old seaman, who, after following this employment for a number of years, enlisted in the United

States navy during the war and served on the Pensacola, which passed Forts Jackson and St.Philip,at the taking of New Orleans, just behind the Hartford, Admiral Farragut's flagship. His description of the battle, given during a recent ride, was marked by the intelligence and exactness for which Nantucket men are noted, corresponding nearly exactly with an account of this battle recently given in The Century. At 'Sconset lives Captain John Pitman and his wife Sarah, the former a typical "whaler" and the latter a Folger, a descendant of Peter Folger, one of the eight original proprietors of this island, and therefore of the same blood with Benjamin Franklin and Lucretia Mott. John Pitman was born in 1799, went on his first voyage when twelve years old, and followed the sea for forty years, going the last three voyages as captain of a fine ship. During one of these voyages there was a mutiny on board which he promptly quelled. Now he and his wife live in peace, intelligent, gentle, courteous, and very glad to see the visitors that come to the peaceful village.

Among recent visitors here has been a party of Orthodox Friends from Philadelphia, among whom were Thomas and James McCollin, Thomas Woolman and his two nieces, Anna and Mary Woolman, principal and assistant teacher of the Friends' (0.) Select School. Dillwyn Parrish and George Robbins are here now. M. G.

Nantucket, Mass., Eighth month 24th.




THIS was held at Falls, on Eighth month 27th, and was well attended by members. The house was not quite full up stairs, as many, (not members), who frequently attend, had gone to the 175th anniversary of the Dutch Reformed Church of North and Southampton, and to one or two other meetings in the vicinity held that day.

Quite a number of Friends from the neighboring Quarters of Abington, Burlington, Haddonfield and Philadelphia were present, and several of them appeared in the ministry, including some of the members of the Yearly Meeting's Committee, who have recently visited the constituent meetings of Bucks Quarter to such general satisfaction. It is thought that some of the results of that visit were visible in this meeting, as a number were present as representatives whose names are not usually heard. There were ten or more sermons and vocal prayers, and it was an interesting and satisfactory meeting.

About half-past twelve the partition was closed, and the usual queries answered. The report of the committee appointed at last Quarter to take into consideration the proposition from Wrightstown to lay down all the week-day meetings there, except that on monthly meeting day, was read. It was favorable to granting the request, but the Quarterly Meeting was not ready to unite with it, and after the expression of much interest and sympathy, it was decided by men Friends to lay the matter over for future consideration, and on reporting that result to the

women's meeting, it was found that they had already come to the same conclusion.

The subject of having the word "men" inserted in the minutes of the meeting was introduced, and fully united with and accordingly done. It seems strange that this quarterly meeting should be held for more than two hundred years without the phrase 46 men friends" ever before having been used, to distinguish it from women's meeting.

NOTTINGHAM QUARTERLY MEETING. THIS was held at Nottingham, Cecil county, Md., on Sixth day, Eighth month 28th. In the meeting for worship the speakers were James Scott, William Way, John Marshall, Elam Kinsey, and Anna Reynolds. Anne S. Clothier offered prayer. James Scott said that God never made but one covenant with man: "Obey, and thy soul shall live;" which covenant is the same now and forever. John Marshall's subject was: "Peace on earth, and good will to men," and the universality of the love of God. William Way quoted the question of the disciple to Jesus: "Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" and the answer of the blessed Master: "Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Elam Kinsey said that the Apostle Peter, although a preacher of righteousness, had the idea that only to a few, is salvation offered. He afterwards found that "God is no respector of persons." Truth is truth wherever found.

In the meetings for business the answers to the queries were all read, preparatory to the assembling of the Yearly Meeting, Nottingham belonging to Baltimore. The Third Query does not contain the word "sleeping," as Philadelphia discipline does, it having been expunged. The Third Query was answered that Friends are generally careful with respect to “true' plainness and simplicity, which was represented as consisting not of any particular fashion or style of deportment, speech or apparel; and respecting corrupt language, the phrase "of the world" is omitted.

The answers to the Fourth Query say that our testimony against intoxicating drink is maintained, with few exceptions; and that many Friends discourage the cultivation and use of tobacco. The Sixth Query respecting a free gospel ministry, resting upon divine qualifications alone," (the word 'hireling," not being used), was answered favorably.

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TEMPERANCE CONFERENCE AT THE VALLEY. THE Conference under the care of the Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting Committee, held at the Valley, Eighth month 30th, was the largest that has been held in that house. Henry T. Child exhibited his charts illustrating the effect of alcohol on the human system. He dwelt especially upon the nervous system, which is the highest and most perfect material organization that the Creator has made. It is the connecting link between mind, or soul, and matter, and upon its perfection and integrity depends the character of our work. He showed how alcohol tends to paralyze and destroy the wonderful working of this system.

Elijah F. Pennypacker spoke very earnestly of the necessity of living up to principle, and doing the very best we can. Martha D. Hough and Ellen L. Thomas read interesting articles.

Isaac Roberts of Norristown made a strong appeal that we should all work for the absent and the erring. Amos Jackson and Benjamin Leeds addressed the meeting.


-Our friend Jonathan W. Plummer, of Chicago, writes on the 24th ultimo, from Springboro', Ohio, where he had gone for rest and medical advice, and mentions in regard to the scattered Western Friends, that " our friend Edward Coale has a prospect of visiting the meetings or groups named in my letter, [elsewhere printed] immediately after Illinois Yearly Meeting; much to my satisfaction, as a succession of visits not too widely separated is strengthening. My own prospect is to return home this week."

-At Race street, (Philadelphia), meeting on Firstday, the 30th ult., Abigail R. Paul, of Salem, N. J., and Wm. G. Barker, of Rochester, N. Y., were present and spoke. At the religious meeting in the afternoon, at the Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, there were nine communications and two prayers, by eight persons: Hannah Arnett, (an Irish Friend, formerly of Waynesville, O.); James Dixon, of Philadelphia; Thos. W. Stuckey, Mary Nicholson, Peter Smedley, of Darby, Abigail R. Paul, Wm. G. Barker, of Rochester, and Wm. Tatum. The attendance was not quite so large as usual as the weather seemed uncertain.

-The meeting at Atlantic City, N. J., at the cottage of Elizabeth Newport, on Pacific avenue, has been regularly held on First-day mornings, throughout the summer, and will be continued as late as there are Friends in the place interested to attend. On First-day last, about twenty-five were present, to whom Lydia H. Price acceptably spoke. The attendance during the summer has been from twenty to thirty, and on one or two days as high as forty. Lydia H. Price, Phebe W. Foulke, David Newport, and Dr. Mary H. Heald, of Wilmington, have been among those who spoke at different times. There is little doubt that with a more general effort, and an increase of faithfulness, a large meeting of Friends could be maintained at Atlantic City during at least four months, and a smaller one throughout the year.




IN reply to Geo. Justice, on "The Question of an Hireling Ministry," I would like to say I agree with him that we have a testimony to bear against a paid ministry, but, I conceive a vast difference in the terms "paid ministry" and "hireling ministry" if we accept the definition of "hireling," as understood by the founder of our society, for in Janney's "Life of Geo. Fox," we find, "he that is a stranger to Christ is an hireling; but, the servants of Christ are freemen." Now, by what right, can we call a man an hireling,"

who spends his whole time in the service of the church, and receives in return sufficient to provide

for the wants of himself and family, if he be living up DE

to the light that is given him?

Philadelphia, Eighth month 28th.



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THE daily papers, a few days ago, contained news items describing "a monster Quaker pic-nic" at Coutant's Grove, in Ulster county, N. Y., on the 20th ult. There were, it is stated, eight thousand persons present, and people came in droves from Ulster, Orange, Greene and Dutchess counties. The Sabbath-school children sang songs, which were vociferously applauded; there was a service of song, conducted by Frank Pierce; " there was an address by Adelbert Wood, "pastor of the Friends' Church," and there were other exercises, which, as a Brooklyn newspaper, from which we are quoting, remarks, seems strange to one whose ideas of Quakerism are founded upon his recollection of the Friends of half a century ago. The same paper concludes by remarking that "the essential spirit of the sect must have greatly changed when it resorts to practices against which testimonies in an unbroken line have been borne by its representative ministers from the days of George Fox and Robert Barclay down. If it has outgrown its objections to the methods of other religious bodies, it is difficult to see what reason it has for maintaining its separate organization."

In his letter to the British Friend, from which we quoted two weeks ago, Benjamin W. Wood, of Toronto, who seems to be an earnest, and would doubtless prefer to be a fair man, introduces his statements with the preliminary one that "there are now in Canada two Yearly Meetings of Friends, besides the Hicksites." If our friend had said that "there are three including the Hicksites," he would have made a more graceful confession, certainly, and if he had been willing to carry the Christian practice even a little farther, so as to have said that "there are three, including the body commonly known as Hicksites," he would have come so near to a courteous statement of the truth, as to leave no room for criticism or remark. It may be presumed that he could not candidly say that the so-called "Hicksites" were less "Friends" than the body of which he writes to complain on account of their departure from Friendly principles and practice, yet he includes the latter in the designation “ two Yearly Meetings of Friends and excludes the former. May we suggest that this Toronto Friend "think on these things?"

LOVE keeps out all strife, it overcomes evil and casts out all false fear.-George Fox.


EAR hearts, whose love has been so sweet to know,
That I am looking backward as I go,

Am lingering while I haste, and in this rain
Of tears of joy are mingled tears of pain,—
Do not adorn with costly shrub, or tree,
Or flowers, the little grave that shelters me.
Let the wild, wind-sown seeds grow up unharmed,
And back and forth all Summer, unalarmed,
Let all the tiny, busy creatures creep;

Let all the sweet grass its last year's tangles keep;
And when, remembering me, you come some day
And stand there, speak no praise, but only say,
How she loved us! It was for that she was so dear!
These are the the only words that I shall smile to hear.
-Helen Hunt Jackson.


THE STRENGTH OF THE HILLS. Y thoughts go home to that old brown house, With its low roof sloping down to the east, And its garden fragrant with roses and thyme, That blossom no longer, except in rhyme,,

Where the honey-bees used to feast. Afar in the west the great hills rose,

Silent and steadfast and gloomy and gray:

I thought they were giants, and doomed to keep
Their watch, while the world should wake or sleep,
Till the trumpet should sound on the judgment

I used to wonder of what they dreamed,

As they brooded there in their silent might, While March wind smote them, or June rain fell, Or the snows of winter their ghostly spell

Wrought in the long and lonesome night. They remembered a younger world than ours, Before the trees on their top were born, When the old brown house was itself a tree, And waste were the fields where now you see The winds astir in the tasseled corn.

And I was as young as the hills were old,

And the world was warm with the breath of Spring,
And the roses red and the lilies white,
Budded and bloomed for my heart's delight,

And the birds in my heart began to sing.
But calm in the distance the great hills rose,
Deaf unto raptures and dumb unto pain,
Since they knew that Joy is the mother of Grief,
And remembered a butterfly's life is brief,

And the sun sets only to rise again.
They will brood, and dream, and be silent, as now,
When the youngest children alive to-day
Have grown to be women and men, grown old,
And gone from the world like a tale that is told,
And even whose echo forgets to stay.
-LOUISE CHANDLER MOULTON, in Harper's Magazine
for September.

If we did but know how little some enjoy of the great things that they possess, there would not be much envy in the world.-Young.

THERE is one kind of wisdom which we learn from the world, and another kind which can be acquired in solitude only.-Outre-Mer.

ALL thoughts of ill, all evil deeds
That have their root in thoughts of ill,
Whatever hinders or impedes
The action of the nobler will,-

All these must first be trampled down
Beneath our feet, if we would gain,
In the bright fields of fair renown,
The right of eminent domain.

-H. W. Longfellow.

He is the richest man who knows how to draw a benefit from the labors of the greatest number of men in distant countries and past times.-Emerson.

THE Church is not filling its rightful place in the community, if it does not educate the public conscience to a high standard in all matters of duty.-A. T. Bow


VIRTUE is a rough way, but proves at night a bed of down.-Wotton.

WERE half the power that fills the world with terror,
Were half the wealth bestowed on camps and courts,
Given to redeem the human mind from error,
There were no need of arsenals or forts.


-The Arsenal at Springfield.


ANY years ago the people of Europe were obliged to build their houses and villages in the middle of lakes and ponds, or in some place surrounded by water. In this way they protected themselves against wild beasts that infested the woods around them, and from the savage men who were more cruel than the wild beasts.

It is probable that at this time England, France, and Germany were nearly covered with forests, through which monstrous animals wandered. Great bears, wolves, and possibly the immense mammoth, drove men and women before them. They took refuge in the lakes and ponds of water; they built their towns on piles or stakes driven into the bottom of the lake.

All over Europe the remains of these singular retreats are found, but the most remarkable are in Switzerland. Here, when the waters of the lakes are low, great numbers of these villages may be traced. The piles on which they were built are still there; sometimes even remains of the houses are found. The people who lived in them were of small size, apparently. They used stone axes or hatchets, and fought with arrows pointed with flint. It is no wonder that they fled from the wild beasts of the forests.

These lacustrine villages, as they are called, cannot have been very comfortable. The piles or stakes on which they rested were cut in the woods near by, and then dragged to the water side, where they were driven into the deep mud and fastened together. A floor of logs was laid upon them. It seems to have been covered over with brushwood, leaves, and grass. The houses were built above, probably wooden huts, scarcely sheltering from the wind and rain.

The people who lived in them knew how to weave a coarse linen or woolen cloth, but usually must have been clothed in skins. Rude ornaments of different

kinds―rings, chains of copper or bronze, weapons, stone knives, hammers of stone, beads-are found. Fire was evidently used, and the bones of the ox, hog, and goat are proofs that the lacustrine people were not vegetarians. But it is easy to imagine how uncomfortable were their dwellings. The floor of brushwood must always have been damp and unhealthy; the chill winds of the Swiss and German lakes pierced through the walls of the huts; sometimes floods overwhelmed them; sometimes a stealthy enemy broke into their defenses and burned the whole village as if it were a nest of venomous insects. The ashes of many of these towns are found at the bottom of the lakes, showing that they were destroyed by fire. They were usually joined to the shore by a bridge of stakes, over which an enemy could pass.

Many of these towns are found in the lakes and ponds of Ireland and Scotland. Here they are called crannoges." They seem to have been less carefully built than those of Switzerland, but they still show that the people who planned them must have labored hard to provide themselves with a safe home. They had canoes hollowed from trunks of trees, on which they carried their piles out into the lake. They cut down oak trees of considerable size with their hatchets of stone or bronze. In one “crannoge” recently discovered in Scotland more than 3,000 trees, some of great size, had been cut down and used in building one of these villages in the midst of a lake.

We who live in safe and pleasant cities or country homes can scarcely believe that people could exist in these wild retreats in the midst of the waters. Yet it seems they were inhabited by a large population, even in Scotland. Here men, women, and children lived and died, sometimes perhaps as happily as if they had lived in New York or Boston. They caught fish from their house doors; the children swam in the waters; they sometimes cultivated grain on the land, and sometimes lived, like squirrels, on the nuts of the forest.

Men have not, even yet, given up these lake dwellings. The savages in South America, Africa, New Guinea, and Borneo still build them, but they are said not to be so skilful as were the builders on the Swiss lakes.-Harper's Young People.


THE Friends' school buildings at New Garden, near Charlotte, North Carolina, were burned on Second-day night, 31st ult.

A CENSUS of Dakota has been completed, and shows that the population of the entire Territory is about 416,000. The population of that part of the territory south of the 46th parallel is 263,465. There will be strong pressure to secure its admission as a state, at the coming session of Congress.

THE President's house, at Washington, was reopened to the public, on Second-day. It has been cleaned and renovated during the President's absence, and is now in condition for his return.

TWENTY-FIVE cases of small-pox were reported in Montreal on the 30th ultimo, and eleven deaths. Seventeen deaths from the disease were reported on the previous day. Three children in Fall River, Mass., supposed to have scarlet fever, were found on Second-day to have confluent small-pox, well developed, and of a virulent type.

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