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trust in God in the closing scenes of his life, have touched the hearts of all people.

Our hero's work is done; our warrior of peace is dead, borne to his resting place in the arms of a reunited country. The virtues of his grand, yet simple life have been blessed to us, in the peace, unity and concord of our beloved land.

Philadelphia, Eighth mo. 26th.



L. P. M.

THE VALUE OF FRIENDS' SCHOOLS.1 THIS question is answered in one of its phases in the following paragraph taken from an address by President Mills, of Earlham :

"The perpetuity of our Church as a body of Christians holding positive, distinctive views, depends, in a very large degree, upon the care that is taken of the boys and girls who are found in our midst. It is a saying of the Talmud, born of the experience of God's chosen people, that 'the world is saved by the breath of the children in the schools.' On the same authority, it is asserted that 'Jerusalem was destroyed because the education of the children was neglected.' And again, 'A town wherein there is no school must perish.' 'He that hath an ear let him hear' what these ancient sayings proclaim to the people called Friends to-day. That Church in which the education of the young is neglected must perish.

Archbishop Manning used to say: 'Give me the children of England for twenty years and England shall be Catholic.' The opposite of the principle involved in this assertion holds equally true. Let the Society of Friends put the education of its children entirely out of its hands for twenty years, and at the end of that time there will be found very few boys and girls playing in the streets of Quakerdom."

Astonishing as this seems at first, the more we think of it the more we are convinced it is true. The best schools in which to instil the principles of Friends in the mind of every boy and girl are certainly those in which the control and general supervision is made by those deeply interested in our society, rather than by a board of directors of any or all denominations. This matter of training children in our own faith is one of great importance to all interested in the progress of our society. I cannot speak from observation, but can only say that all writers seem to unite in the belief that parents' efforts in this direction are greatly aided by the schools which the sons and daughters attend.

Years ago Friends spent much money and earnest work in behalf of the down-trodden slaves of America; they toiled diligently for their freedom, then organized and supported schools to make them fit for citizens of the United States. Many good results were reaped from these efforts.

Later they established schools for the Indians. They have taught them how to cultivate their lands and make comfortable homes; and it is to be hoped

1An essay read at Monallen, Adams county, Pa., by E. Belle Griest, at a Conference under the auspices of the Educational Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting.

that the few Indians that remain will no longer be outcasts, but citizens in this land of liberty.

So, also, ever since the founding of the Society, they have had schools for their own children, and the Society grew and prospered. Why not continue where good fruits have been produced? Why lay aside an old custom unless there is something new and better to take its place? What is there in place of Friends' schools? And if the Society is less thriving than twenty years ago may it not be due to this very cause, a lack of proper interest in its schools?

Our public schools are often filled with so many children that it would take two teachers to instruct them properly, where instead there is only one, and this one perhaps appointed without regard to qualifications. In this crowded condition, although the teacher may be working faithfully, not only the child's lessons will be somewhat neglected, but his moral training must of necessity be greatly overlooked. Some would say his morality would be injured by coming in contact with the medley of children gathered from everywhere; but I think it is more due to the fact that there are too many together without a sufficient number of teachers to enforce correct discipline, and that the few or even one bad character, which is often found, and which will soon injure the school and the purity of every child, must necessarily be retained some time in school, if possible, as it is his only hope of education.

We aim to have our schools so that those wishing to have a carefully guarded education for their children can here find it. This seems especially necessary for the very young ones, as their infant minds quickly imitate all they see; and for the boys of a little older growth until their habits and characters are well formed.

Very often too, older children wish to pursue their studies further than public schools will permit, either from want of time or incompetency of teachers.

In the past no other religious society has shown more earnestness in the cause of education. "The time was when in some parts of our country and Great Britain no benevolent or educational enterprise of any magnitude was to be found without one or more Friends among the leaders, or some mixture of Quaker thought contributing to its success." Do not let us fall behind our forefathers who aimed to be first. And as the age progresses the idea of a model school also is progressing; and although our public schools are improving, and are better than formerly, they can be surpassed, and if we do this it will be our portion toward helping to raise the standard of education. It will show the community that a more enlightened and cultivated people will live in and rule the next generation than the present one, and that the young must be prepared for it.

What we want to insure success in our schools is enthusiasm. I saw this so nicely and truly defined that I cannot forbear to quote it:

'Enthusiasm makes up for many defects. Neither knowledge nor power nor money can supply the place of enthusiasm; but enthusiasm on the other hand can supply the place of all these. Even a weak invalid can do more of God's work in the world with

enthusiasm, than can a strong man without it. There is encouragement in this thought for those who feel their lack in these other respects. If you have not these, but have enthusiasm, you have what can supply the lack of these. Great movements have rarely begun where the world would expect them to begin. It is the man who is on fire with an earnest purpose, rather than the millionaire or the monarch, who starts those new impulses which wrest the world out of its old grooves. The world would do with less splendid, with less elegant trifling of all kinds, but one thing of which the world can never have enough, is good, downright, honest enthusiasm.”

Let parents, children, and teachers remember this is applicable to school work and its rewards, and not only would our own school be benefited, but many others under the care of Friends.

SYMPATHY BETWEEN TEACHER AND TAUGHT. [A friend sends us the following extract from a discourse by James Martineau.]


is a common mistake to suppose that those who know little suffice to inform those who know less that the master who is but a stage before the pupil can, as well as another, show him the way; nay, that there may even be an advantage in this near approach between the minds of teacher and of taught, since the recollection of recent difficulties, and the vividness of fresh acquisition, give to the one a more living interest in the progress of the other. Of all educational errors, this is one of the greatest. The approximation required between the mind of teacher and of taught is not that of a common ignorance, but of mutual sympathy; not a partnership in narrowness of understanding, but that thorough insight of the one into the other, that orderly analysis of the tangled skein of thought, that patient and masterly skill in developing conception after conception with a constant view to a remote result, which can only belong to comprehensive knowledge and prompt affections. With whatever accuracy the recently initiated may give out his new stores, he will rigidly follow the precise method by which he made them his own; and will want that variety and fertility of resource, that command of the several paths of access to a truth, which are given by a thorough survey of the whole field on which he stands. The instructor needs to have a full perception, not merely of the internal contents, but also the external relations of that which he unfolds, as the astronomer knows but little if, ignorant of the place and laws of the moon and sun, he has examined only their mountains and spots. The sense of proportion between the different parts and stages of a subject, the appreciation of the size and value of every step, the foresight of the direction and magnitude of the section that remains, are qualities so essential to the teacher that without them all instruction is but an insult to the learner's understanding. And in virtue of these it is, that the most cultivated minds are usually the most patient, most clear, most rationally progressive, most studious of accuracy in details, because not impatiently shut up within them as absolutely limiting the view,

but quietly contemplating them from without in their relation to the whole.

Neglect and depreciation of intellectual minutiæ are characteristics of the ill-informed; and where the granular parts of study are thrown away or loosely held, will be found no compact mass of knowledge, solid and clear as crystal, but a sandy accumulation, bound together by no cohesion and transmitting no light. And above and beyond all the advantages which a higher culture gives in the mere system of communicating knowledge, must be placed that indefinable and mysterious power which a superior mind always puts forth upon an inferior; that living and life-giving action, by which the mental forces are strengthened and developed, and a spirit of intelligence is produced far transcending in excellence the acquisition of any special ideas. In the task of instruction so lightly assumed, so unworthily esteemed, no amount of wisdom would be superfluous and lost, and even the child's elementary teaching would be best conducted, were it possible,by omniscience itself. The more comprehensive the range of intellectual view, and the more minute the perception of its parts, the greater will be the simplicity of conception, the aptitude for exposition, and the directness of access to the open and expectant mind. This adaptation to the humblest wants is the peculiar triumph of the highest spirit of knowledge.

OUR bravest lessons are not learned through success, but misadventure.-Alcott.

WE can be thankful to a friend for a few acres or a little money; and yet for the freedom and command of the whole earth, and for the great benefits of our being, our life, health, and reason, we look upon ourselves as under no obligations.-Selected.

OUR human duties are faithfully and joyfully performed only when we feel that they are not of our own choosing, but tasks divinely ordered and attuned to that high purpose which "through the ages runs.” -H. G. Spaulding.

THERE is little danger of a man's going very far astray, so long as he finds his chief happiness in duty doing. It is when one seeks his happiness in spheres apart from duty that the real danger begins; when the feverish pursuit of pleasure becomes the chief aim of life, and when the joy in work, and the gladness which comes of work well done, are pushed aside by the more intense enjoyments invented and maintained by a corrupt fraction of society, which knows no god but pleasure. There is a place for pleasure in life; but there is no place for pleasure divorced from duty, and nothing but evil can come from an attempt to win the one without performing the other. Yet this is one of the peculiar dangers of the present, when the means of luxury are so multiplied and cheapened. And it is one which can only be avoided, in every individual case, by every man's deciding for himself that the question of enjoyment shall be a minor one in his life, and that his chief aim will be to do heartily the task which God has appointed him to do.-Sunday School Times.

[blocks in formation]


THE pleasant summer days are rapidly passing

away, and soon will come again the time ofingathering for those whom pleasure and necessity have scattered among the hills or by the sea or in the quiet retreats of rural life. Amid the greetings and congratulations that abound, the thought may properly come to the serious mind, Have I brought back in addition to renewed health of body, a renewed force in those qualities, which, taken together, we call the higher life?

Emerson, who finds the soul in every thing, and draws our thoughts ever toward the light says: "Whoso walketh in solitude

And inhabiteth the wood,

Choosing light, wave, rock, and bird
Before the money-loving herd,

Into that forester shall pass

From these companions power and grace."

Doubtless to his heart the song of birds, the light shimmering on the wave, and the wave beating on the rock conveyed a message from the Infinite Power, and lifted it beyond the limits of the visible world into that beautiful ideal, which to his anointed eyes became the real.

But we do not all possess this magic power which transmutes the dull, leaden realities around us into the golden glories of a perfect world filled with illuminated texts and shining with truth, yet, can we think there is some royal road to the possession of this secret, or that Emerson had the patent right which secured for him a monopoly of its enjoyment?

The voices of Nature are forever singing, and we possess within ourselves a power which, if used, puts us in harmony with all her melodies. "From within or from behind, a light shines through us upon things, and makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all."

To bave this light that shall give us the sight of what God has written, is to secure soul-health, without which we enjoy but part of our true life. If we walk among the wonders of the world and feel not their influence reaching into our spirits and filling us with joy how much are we above the creatures browsing on the hillside?

The lessons which Jesus drew from the fields about him have been helpful to all the generations of men since the day they were uttered. What ministers and sacred emblems he found on every hand, and having received their ministry into his own soul he used them to illustrate his truth to others. The instruction given to the woman of Samaria had for its illustration the simple and every day occurrence of a woman drawing water from the well, and thousands who saw it saw only this and nothing more, but to the divinely-illuminated mind of Jesus it was a fitting type of the satisfying and personal communion with the Holy Spirit, a communion which he knew in the fullest measure, and which he longed to introduce to others.

It is possible for us to recognize these ministers, these "mute apostles" and be made wiser by what they have to tell our innermost soul, but that this may be accomplished, the spiritual of our nature must be opened and ready for their sweet influences. Thus the world grows larger and more helpful to us, and even common things become sacred emblems.

CORRECTION.-By a misapprehension of the editors, the article printed last week on "The Revision of the Bible" was credited to the authorship of Prof. Pliny Earle Chase, of, Haverford, whereas it was written by President Thomas Chase, of that institution. THE NINE PARTNERS SCHOOL.-A paragraph should be added to the extracts given in last week's paper from Chappaqua Minutes on educational labor, as follows:

"As a result of this concern and labor in the Yearly Meeting in the cause of education, the Nine Partters Boarding School was established in 1796, and continued for many years a valuable and popular school in the Society."


DILLINGHAM.-At Granville, N. Y., Seventh month 30th, 1885, Ruth Dillingham, widow of Joseph Dillingham, in the 87th year of her age; a member and for many years a valued elder of Granville Monthly Meeting.

EASTLACK.-In Camden, N. J., suddenly, Eighth month 28th, Hannah E. Eastlack, aged 68.

FISHER.-At Atlantic City, N. J., Eighth month 31st., Harvey Fisher, of Duncannon, Pa., aged 42; son of the late Thomas R., and Letitia Ellicott Fisher, and grandson of the late William Logan Fisher; a member of Green Street Monthly Meeting, Philadelphia.

MOORE.-At Quakertown, Pa., Eighth month 25th, Deborah J. Moore, in the 66th year of her age.

WALL.-At her home in Penn township, Clearfield county, Pa., on Seventh month 16th, 1885, Sidney Wall, wife of Reuben Wall, and daughter of Jane and Jonathan Wall, in the 72d year of her age.

Her parents moved about the year 1819 to Bald Eagle, Centre county, Pa., where they remained for perhaps a year,

when they again moved to what was then the backwoods of Clearfield county. Here a pole cabin was erected, and the family moved in when the subject of this sketch was about 10 years old, and the struggle for an existence in a new country and the hardships to pay off the mortgage was commenced. The family at that time consisted of four children-one son and three daughters. Although three sons were subsequently born, the heat of the struggle fell on the first four named, who with their father often constituted a crew for log-rolling, harvesting, flailing, etc.

Her parents found it necessary in order to get along to practice the closest economy, and to this end everything that could be made of wool, flax, leather or wood, was made at home. She was early taught to spin and weave, and her bridal outfit consisted in part of a spinning wheel and loom.

She was married on the second day of Second month, 1844, to Reuben Wall her second cousin, and on the 17th of the same month went to housekeeping on the farm, where, with the exception of a few years, she lived until the time of her death.

She was a faithful wife and a fond mother, and her ministering hands in time of affliction and distress will long be remembered by those who knew her best.

She was strongly attached to the religious Society of Friends, of which she was an active member from childhood, holding the position of elder for a number of years.

Her sufferings at the last were long and severe, but she bore them with the greatest fortitude, and was wonderfully sustained to the end, passing away without a struggle and with a clear mind quietly breathing her last, in full confidence of a better life beyond.

WHITE.-In Penn's Manor, Pa., Eighth month 3d, Abbie, widow of Benjamin White, in her 76th year.

WILLIAMSON.-Suddenly, at Marple, Delaware county, Pa., Eighth month 31st, James Williamson, in his 66th year.



THE many friends who have for so many years

contributed to the support of this school, will be surprised to hear that the late cyclone which destroyed so much property and brought such distress to the people of Charleston, so damaged the building in which this school has been held, that only a heap of ruins meet the eye. The windows, doors, and most of the school furniture have been saved from the wreck, and much of the broken timber can be utilized in rebuilding, if the funds can be raised at once to carry it on.

The important work done by Abbie Munro and her assistants among the destitute and needy descendants of the freedmen must not be allowed to stop for want of funds to restore and make good the loss so unexpectedly sustained. The testimonials that come to us from time to time in regard to young men and women educated at the school, who are now occupying places of trust and confidence in that community and elsewhere, give convincing proof of the excellent character of the work accomplished.

It is estimated that one thousand dollars ($1000) will be needed to put up this building and start the school. If Friends will be prompt in responding to this appeal, the work will be undertaken without delay. We do not doubt of their willingness to contrib

ute to their own mission enterprise, and though the sum asked for seems large, it would make but a small drain on any one, if all amongst us who feel an interest in the uplifting of the colored race, responded to to the appeal.

Gail Hamilton, in a letter written in answer to a request for her opinion of the work among the colored people, as she saw it, on a visit to the South in 1884, gives it as follows:

"If my judgment has any weight with any person, you are at perfect liberty, and I even beg you to say that in my opinion Miss Munro is not one whit behind the very chiefest of the apostles of the old Greek Orthodoxy! Until I reached Columbia I was in despair. There I found two Baptist Apostles-women. In Mt. Pleasant, Miss Munro gave me even more comfort, because she had established a home, and was actually rearing a Christian family, gathered out of the dog-kennels and the pig-stys which abound. I never heard that Peter and Paul did much more than preach the gospel. Being men perhaps this was the best they could do. But Miss Munro and those godly women, founding rather than following an apostolic succession, wash the gospel into the little dirty faces, comb it into the little kinky heads, patch it into the unspeakable rags. I saw the filth, squalor, carelessness, barbarism of numberless Southern habitations, and my heart failed me for my country's future. But I fell upon Miss Munro.unawares, and I saw that she had gathered in two and twenty waifs from nearly as many cabins, and was bringing them up to decency as well as to Christianity, was teaching them to sing and read and say their prayers; also to cook and sew and sweep and wash and iron, to wear clothes and keep house, take care of children and tell the truth, be unrifty, and polite, and industrious. Give up? Why, if Miss Munro and her work are given up, we may as well give up universal suffrage and Republican institutions. I consider that there is absolutely no hope for the South, and for the North as involved therein, except in such work as Miss Munro is doing. It is more fundamental even than that at Carlisle and Hampton, because it begins lower down and on the spot. And she is just the one to do it-cheery, busy, bright, making no martyrdom of it-she ought to have money every time she raises a finger for it. She in debt! Why, this country owes her a debt. You and I would not go down there and do her work, and live her life, for the whole national debt. At least I would not go, and you would not stay.

Contributions may be sent to Henry M. Laing, 30 N. 3d street, or to Friends' Book Store, 1020 Arch street, Philadelphia.


For Friends' Intelligencer and Journal. THE GLADES OF THE ALLEGHANIES. HEN the wanderer rests quietly and in luxury at one of earth's most delightful places, among friends congenial, and in sympathy, surrounded by courtesies the most grateful, dwelling among cultivated parks, and lovely rolling mountains-among green pastures and beside still waters, what is there in our experiences which our friends may like to take cognizance of. We have seen much of nature inthe wilderness this summer, and first we felt a sense of loss in this delightful place, in view of the strict restraining hand laid upon the exuberance of Flora in this cultured park upon the mountain tops. Our first walk was a grievous disappointment, for we re

turned from it without a single notable wild flower. The great B. and O. has condemned them all as weeds. They shear the green sward in the most approved fashion, they arrange a soaring fountain fit to dance in the smiles of monarchs, they rear a pavilion in the oak forest, they place restful benches just where their presence is blessed; they rake away every fallen leaf, they build smooth and solid roads for driving, they deftly cut the shadowed foot-path in the woods and really leave us little or nothing to ask for in this charming place, except a few neglected spots where the modest heads of "delicate forest flowers with look so like a smile," may nestle undisturbed. Thanks for all your favors, great B. and O., but oh, for a little more wholesome neglect, here and there.

A 16-mile drive gives us an admirable circuit of the neighborhood which is "improved" into a beautiful park. It has great store of oak timber yet, and I do not know that I ever saw elsewhere more luxuriant growth. But much of the soft fertile mountain tops is turned into luxuriant pasturage and into hay fields. The richness and closeness of the turf betokens that it has been many years under the fostering care of man, and so neat is the culture that even the wayside is shorn of "weeds." Excellent roads prevail, the style of the buildings denotes thrift and taste, fair crops of wheat are being harvested, and buckwheat whitens many a rounded mountain top. We are too high for much Indian corn-(3000?) feet high, but some very green fields are hurrying along to escape the frost. I suppose their mission is to furnish green corn for summer use, as in this lofty land there could be no reasonable expectation of maturing the grain. Rattlesnakes abound, they say, and a notable specimen was captured since our arrival and is held in bond, in the little neighboring village. But we have seen none of these justly dreaded creatures in all our summer journeyings. We hear however, that a lad of the village was bitten and died of the poison during the past summer.

These hotels, Deer Park and Oakland, are under the management of skilful and experienced hotel men, and all things are done according to the best approved standards. We have more music or supposed music, than people fond of their own thoughts and of silence and calm, quite desire. But there are lovely rest places in the grove where one need hear only the gentle melodies of nature, and here is positive security from the tortures of the professional musician.

Besides the two great hotels, six miles apart, there is a Methodist hotel and forest tabernacles between them, designed I think for holding a general annual festival of religious worship, that looks attractive as a summer rest of coolness and pure air. It is called Mountain Lake Park. It lies directly on the line of the road, and is doubtless far less expensive than Deer Park or Oakland.

We feel a desire to take half-day excursions further to the west and see the wilder country where the Cheat River sparkles in its deep valley, tortuously finding its way among the mountains. A large company of the guests of the hotels, a curiously congenial and amiable host, charter a special train with all

needed privileges, and an hour's ride takes us over perhaps twenty miles of as charming a region of this upper world as I ever hope to see. The country is of the meadow order, with undulating surface and billowy eminences. A goodly proportion of trees remain to make these "Glades of the Alleghanies" a home of delight to the flocks and herds which abide in this pure coolness of the everlasting hills. The line of Maryland is soon recrossed and the train is again in West Virginia, and we perceive that we are ascending a heavy grade. When our way bends round to accommodate itself to circumstances, and one glances down the precipitous side of the mountain, the eye scarcely takes cognizance of the tiny river that dashes along its inevitable career in the deep channel far below. It hastens to its trysting place to sister waters, which dart joyously to the glad and musical commingling. A poet might give human expression to the sweet wild river, which is a splendid type of the frolic and joy of pure and happy youth. But as we glide steadily onward, the fair scene changes. Some sixteen miles brings us to Cranberry Summit, whence we look down on a wide and lovely panorama. The blooming buckwheat gleams like patches of silver in the sunshine, the golden wheat is waiting for the garnerer in its symmetrical little cones. But we do not linger. On to the west we whirl, past sparkling waterfall and into deep forest which cuts off all extended view. We are in the heart of the Alleghanies. Soon the silver thread of the little Cheat River glances into sight far below. It is like the river of a dream. A fanciful writer speaks of it as "like a thimble-rigger's marble-now you see it and now you don't." But the conundrum's source was trifling compared with how the train was ever going to get free from the prodigious piles of rock that appeared to wall in the place like an amphitheatre. It is a solemn, weird place. And here among the giant crags at the southern extremity of this series of wild gorges, the young McClellan, at the opening of the great struggle of the Civil War, chased the rebel Floyd down the Cheat River and smote his forces with such fury that they filed in all directions. It is said that not a few of them were entirely unacquainted with this trackless wild, and naught was ever known of them save that their companies' rolls bore the report "missing."

The engine toils upward, and the train finds footing on the very verge of the chasm, the densely wooded mountains keeping guard on the left hand, and the wild river below becoming only a thread of gleaming silver. Up, and still up the dizzy heights,on one side an awful depth of chasm, on the other tremendous rock-giant forms,-the train passes from shelf to shelf, from brink to brink, roaring through tunnels, onward and still upward, until we spring into a place of enchantment. An amphitheater with a gigantic rock wall on the left and a steep, green descent far down to the Cheat river deep below. The river sparkles and dances onward, turning sharply at right angles to itself between its mountain banks, and passing on in its glad glory to the unknown way which lies toward the great western waters to which it is hastening. But we are on a comparatively broad

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