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INTELLIGENCER. Vol. xlii.-No. 15.


The Friends' Journal.


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and sent down to the constituent meetings as a counsel and admonition, ought to be of great use. As we have no "pastors" amongst us, in the sense used by other religious bodies, it is our meetings that must look after their membership. It is not merely that the older members should "take the young people by the hand," as has been often-and justlyurged, but that the young people themselves should come forward in confidence and respect to greet their elders. And, still more than this, it is implied that those whose limbs fail them in the race, those who are ill, those who are poor, those who are discouraged-all these, of any and every age-should be thought of and looked after, in that "love of the brethren," which is our tie of union.

A further admirable monition, deserving to be framed in the mind of every Friend, is that defining a true unity. It is important, indeed. Our business meetings can accomplish nothing without a sincere recognition of its requirements. As we transact our business only when harmony opens the way, there must be a Christian desire to harmonize views and compose divergencies. A proper spirit will smooth out difficulties; a disposition to contend and dispute will prevent all good work. This timely advice of the Yearly Meeting should be cherished and respected.

THE WORK OF THE YEARLY MEETING. The sessions of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, which closed on Sixth-day last, were plainly marked by an earnest and hopeful spirit. The least attentive observer could not overlook the general characteristic of the proceedings-a strong manifestation of vitalized faith in the Society, and of the intention to renewedly uphold its religious principles. The whole tenor of the meeting was that of upward and forward movement; not only was there no disposition to reaction and retrogression, but there was even a most marked absence of the preference for inactivity and The close of the labors of the " Deficiencies" Comrepose which too often has left the Society to fall be- mittee, it was generally felt, had arrived. The epoch hind in the punctual performance of duties presented which that committee's existence marked has subto it. The spirit of the gathering was that of fresh-stantially ended. Its work has had real importance, ened religious earnestness, concentration of action, gathering instead of scattering, building up instead of sitting down to lament past declension.

Withal, there was a thorough good feeling. Unity prevailed. Whatever was done and nothing was left without being either finished or at least progressed that has been esteemed of deep importance to the Society's welfare-was accomplished without any noted dissent.

The action on the First-day schools was the most important. This was taken in full unity. The time for it had entirely come. It was felt that these schools, if not good, could no longer be indulged; and, if good, must come under the direct oversight of the Society. The minute on the subject, prepared in men's meeting, was a gratifying recognition of the work of the schools, and covered in every essential particular the features of the case.

From the suggestions of the "Deficiencies" Committee there came, also, the excellent recommendation of what our friend, Clement Biddle, called the Gospel and pastoral care "of the meeting over its members; and this, adopted by the Yearly Meeting,

and the suggestions it has made are valuable. It gives way, now, to the committee which, it is hoped, will enter faithfully upon the work of rebuilding and renewing. This committee has a wide field and great work before it.

The changes in the discipline proposed by the three Quarterly Meetings, Philadelphia, Bucks, and Burlington, marked the concern which there is amongst us to so amend our rules that the usefulness of the Society may not be weighed down. Of the fourteen propositions, ten met the unity of the large committee which considered them, two others were acceptable without serious dissent, and two only were decidedly opposed. It is evident that the work of amendment must be soon taken up with greater thoroughness and more system. The proposal of Joseph Wharton for a systematic revision meets the approval of a large part,—we think a great majority,—of our members. The other original Yearly Meetings, without exception, have now had this revision, and Philadelphia's need of it is deeply felt.

The Indian work has nearly lapsed. The report of the Standing Committee shows that we have

reached the end of the line which our Society took up, in 1869, upon the invitation of President Grant. But can we feel easy to have the work thus cease? The Society of Friends was almost the earliest friend of the American Indian. Can it rest from its care in his behalf so long as he stands in need of aid, and counsel, and protection? There is, we are sure, a desire to do something for him, yet; if the work at the agencies has ended, is there not another direction in which it should be begun?

So, too, with reference to the colored people. Edward H. Magill's presentation of a concern with regard to them awakened a sympathetic response, we feel sure, in many minds. The slaves are free, but as freedmen they still wear many shackles. Upon them are fetters of ignorance, of sloth, of vice, of superstition. To strike these off, to raise them morally, is a work which will take years and scores of years. It will call for the best aid that every concerned friend of theirs can give. Is it fit that our Society should be entirely inactive in that direction?

In considering the reappointment of the Temperance Committee, a suggestion was made which should be carefully regarded hereafter. This is to call over the names of the large Standing Committees at each Yearly Meeting, that they may be revised for their work. The opportunity should be thus given to fill vacancies, to replace uninterested members with those whose concern is lively, and so to revive the strength and energy of each committee. In this connection, too, was the obviously judicious proposal that in future the reports of the committees should be made at the earlier sittings of the meeting, in connection with the general subjects to which they belong. The report on Temperance naturally follows the answers to the fourth query, and that on Education properly accompanies the second of the annual queries. A systematic arrangement of the business is, in fact, very needful. There can be, only with real difficulty, a satisfactory consideration of the many subjects that come up. Much is disposed of under the pressure of inadequate time. In the Women's Meeting, especially, this was felt to be the case with several important subjects. And this suggests, too, the need there is that those who speak otherwise than directly to the business in hand should seriously and weightily consider their communications, to avoid all unnecessary words. Friends will bear much, even in their meetings for business, rather than incur the danger of quenching a true spirit, or checking a timely counsel, but it is the duty of each speaker to be cautious lest the spirit of the meeting be quenched by deliverances that are prolixtrivial or inopposite.

MAKE thy life better than thy work. Too oft
Our artists spend their skill in rounding soft
Fair curves upon their statues, while the rough
And ragged edges of the unhewn stuff
In their natures, startle and offend
The eye of critic and the heart of friend.

If in the too brief day thou must neglect
Thy labor or thy life, let men detect
Flaws in thy work! while their most searching gaze
Can fall on nothing which they may not praise
In thy well-chiseled character. The man
Should not be shadowed by the artisan.
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox.


[Our report of the proceedings, last week, closed with those of Third-day afternoon.]


In the men's meeting, on Fourth-day morning, Ellison and David Newport spoke briefly at the of ening. Robert Hatton having expressed a desire to visit the women's meeting, he was set free to do so, and the afternoon appointed as a suitable time, Dillwyn Parrish and Ellwood Michener accompanying him. The answers to the Fifth Query were then read. As appears from these, the necessities of the poor among Friends are duly inspected and assistance is afforded; their children freely partake of learning to fit them for business; the children of or those under charge of Friends are not placed from among Friends, except in one report an exception was noted in the case of a boarding-school. Several Friends felt deep concern upon this topic. David Newport, Thomas Foulke, Oliver Evans, Jas. W. Janney, John L. Griffin, Ellison Newport Richard Watson, Samuel S. Ash and others spoke. Judge Watson thought that there was a great change in the situation of affairs since the query was formed. To-day all children are free to obtain at least the elements of a fair English education, and he suggested that the funds of the Society were not longer needed in the primary work, and should be devoted to providing better and more advanced schools for the benefit of the more advanced youth of the Society. Samuel S. Ash also expressed some very practical views. The Sixth Query was then read with the answers thereto. The summary minute is to the effect that Friends are careful to maintain a faithful testimony against oaths; bearing arms, training and other military services; being concerned in any fraudulent or clandestine trade; buying or vending goods so imported, or prize goods; and against encouraging lotteries of any kind. In three of the reports an exception was made in the attendance. upon a paid ministry. Considerable expression was brought out by the answers to this query. Robert Hatton, Oliver Evans, David Newport, James V. Watson, Abel A. Hull and others spoke on the topic. James V. Watson especially referred to the "hireling" ministry clause, taking a liberal and mild ground toward the treatment of other organizations and the leaders thereof, many of whom are undoubt edly conscientious, pure-minded, God-serving men.

In the afternoon, in men's meeting, the answers to the Seventh Query were read. In the discussion of them, Robert Hatton thought that keeping to moderation did not refer alone to pecuniary transactions, but to all the affairs of every-day life, and to habits and customs as well as business affairs. James V. Watson urged Friends to a greater promptness in the settlement of debts, dwelling upon the point that promptness among those who have abundant means was too little regarded. A strict compliance with the recommendation of the query might be the means of saving much distress in many instances. The answers to the Eighth Query showed that care has generally been taken to deal with offenders without unnecessary delay in the manner queried after. Due care is

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also most universally observed in keeping records of births and deaths, as asked after in the Ninth Query. In reply to the First Annual Query several changes were noted in the times, and a few in the places of holding meetings. The reports on the Second Annual Query showed that there are within the limits of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting 40 schools, superintended by committees of Monthly and Preparative Meetings; in direct charge of these are 119 teachers, of whom 89 are in membership with Friends; there are 2,697 pupils (so far as the reports give figures) in attendance at these schools, of whom 689 are members and 293 have one parent a member; 35 of the schools attend mid-week meeting, the others being so situated that this is impracticable. Immediately following this, to be considered with it, was read the report of the Yearly Meeting's Committee on Education. [This is elsewhere given in full.] The committee was continued for another year. The answers to the Third Annual Query indicated that the queries are regularly read and answered in the various Quarterly, Monthly and Preparative Meetings, as is directed. A memorial from Camden Monthly Meeting (Del.), upon the life and character of Patience H. Jenkins was read and met with expressions of much unity.

In the women's meeting, in the morning, after reading the minutes of the preceding day, embodying a summary of the religious exercises, the answers to the Fourth Query were read. One of these acknowledged a deficiency in observing the requirements of the first clause, as to clearness of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages. This made some inquiry needful, and it was stated that in one instance a Friend had cider made, and had sold it to her neighbors. This minuteness of inquiry, and strict and rigid faithfulness in reporting to the Yearly Meeting was felt to be an indication of tender conscientiousness extending to the minutest particulars

of the conduct of life.

There seems to be the usual care to discourage the use of intoxicants, either as a beverage or medicinally.

The attendance at places of exciting diversion was feelingly and thoughtfully treated by Lydia H. Price. If the sentiments of the heart are stimulated by scenes of imaginary woe, it is certain that the holy sympathies which should impel us to deeds of mercy and love are fruitlessly expended. This objection applies as fully to sensational reading, as it operates in the same way to vitiate human activity, and substitute morbid sentimentality for Christian sensibility.

The report of the Temperance Committee was then read. [It will be found elsewhere in full.] This report was fully endorsed and accepted by the meeting, and the committee was encouraged in its course and continued in the service.

In the afternoon session, a visit of religious minis. tration was received from Robert Hatton. The fatherly exhortation of this dear Friend was listened to with attention, and on the retirement of R. H. and his friends, the business of the Yearly Meeting was resumed.

The Fifth Query, in regard to care for those in necessitous circumstances, was then considered. The

affirmative replies were an evidence of the warm fraternal feeling that indicates true brotherly love and true discipleship to Christ.

The Sixth Query was answered with scrupulous minuteness, even making an exception concerning those who are not clear of availing themselves of chances held out by merchants in disposing of their goods.

The Seventh Query was also answered with its usual affirmative fulness. To live wisely and heedfully within the bounds of their circumstances, to be just in the payment of debts, and to be watchful over one another for good, have long been held essential to the fulfillment of the law divine.

The Eighth Query, in relation to the treatment of offenders against the Discipline, was answered in much fulness, except in a few instances where the deficiency did not appear great.

The Ninth Query called forth the answer that care is generally taken to keep a regular record of births and deaths.

The First Annual Query was replied to, showing there had been several changes in the time and place of holding meetings. Amongst these, Evesham Monthly Meeting has been laid down and its members distributed between Chester and Medford.

The Second Annual Query was responded to. [The details are given under the men's meeting's action.]


Meetings for worship were held, as usual, in the morning, in the Meeting houses at Green street, the afternoon, the sessions for business were resumed. Spruce street, Girard avenue and Race street. In sentative Committee, for the past year, were read, In the men's meeting the minutes of the Repretogether with the names of members of the Committee for the ensuing year. The work of the Committee on "Deficiencies was then taken up, and the Clerk read, first, the report of last year, which was then referred to this session, and second, the report of the Committee for the year just past. [The latter report is given elsewhere in full.]

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these there was much earnest expression. In the consideration of the subjects presented by joined in by Edward H. Magill, Oliver Evans, James v. Watson, Joseph Flowers, Samuel Swain, Richard Watson, Clement M. Biddle and others.


As the result of the meeting's labors concerning the First-day Schools, the following important minute prepared by the Clerk, was, with full unity, agreed to:

'The subject of the guarded religious education of our youth having claimed the attention of our Yearly ordinary school education so important in the affairs Meeting for many years past, in connection with the of life; it has been deemed of great importance by many of our members in different parts of our Yearly Meeting to gather the children on the First-day of the week to train them as expressed in our discipline 'in another.' Friends are encouraged to embrace every the knowledge of their duty to God and one toward right opening that may be presented to gather the children as well on the First-day of the week as at other times, to preserve them in the simplicity of our religious profession, and instil into their tender minds Divine truth, as held by us. Monthly Meetings are step by step as they mature in years the testimonies of encouraged as way may open to give attention and

judicious care to this concern so apparent amongst us, and by the appointment of suitable committees or otherwise, to extend, aid and encouragement thereto." In the women's meeting, the first business was the reading of the four essays for epistles to be sent to the corresponding Yearly Meetings. These were approved, and were directed to be transcribed and forwarded to the Clerks of those Meetings. One essay was general, and was sent to three Meetings.

Many religious exercises, taking a wide range, occupied most of the early part of the session. Mothers were exhorted to watch religiously over the early years of their sons, before they go forth to the business world. So may they carry with them high religious principles which will preserve them pure from the contaminations of the world. Elizabeth H. Plummer spoke at considerable length on the precious character of our testimonies, and the excellence of the Rules of Discipline which former generations have framed.

The reading and review of the minutes of the Representative Committee next engaged the meeting and the roll of the present members of that Committee was read.

A beautiful and touching memorial concerning our friend Patience H. Jenkins, deceased, of Camden, Del., was then laid before the meeting. Lydia H. Price responded, giving a loving tribute to this venerable and honored mother in Israel, gone home to the Heavenly Father's rest. Many bore witness to the peculiar beauty of her character, her meekness, her charity, her gentle faithfulness, her ministration of the Word of life, are still present in memory. The language of one whose experience had been kindred to that of our departed Friend was, "Oh, that we may be also ready." A. R. Paul said, "The fathers and mothers, where are they-and the prophets, do they live forever?" She mourned for many under whose baptizing ministry she had often sat in days gone by. These have borne the mantle of God's power and love worthily.


The men's meeting resumed the consideration of the work of the "Deficiency" Committee. The minute of the previous afternoon having disposed of the chief recommendation in last year's report-in reference to First-day Schools-the recommendation in last year's report, as follows:

"Parents are supposed to be concerned for their children and to give them counsel on religious subjects, but find at times that they need outward assistance. Without relieving parents of their responsibilities, or overseers from a diligent performance of their duties, we believe much good would result from the appointment by Monthly Meetings of standing committees, to report annually, composed of persons who are alive to the importance of their appointment, to visit in the spirit of love their members from time to time; to correspond with those who are absent, and encourage all to the performance of their religious duties; and who shall be expected to look after the children as they are growing up to maturity, and manifest an interest in their welfare, thus endeavoring to aid parents in bringing their children up to feel an increased interest in our religious Society and its im

portant testimonies."

And also the recommendation in this year's report, as follows:

pline that in conducting the affairs of our meetings, Feeling the importance of the advice in our DisciFriends should endeavor to manage them with forbearance and love of each other, we believe it right to recommend that those who may feel a concern for the their views should not manifest an over-anxious care adoption of any measure, after having fully expressed whether they prevail, and that those who may not feel prepared for the adoption of a proposition shall not endeavor to prevent its success by undue opposition, but after having spoken, submit to the generally expressed views of the meeting."

Were both adopted by the Yearly Meeting, as its expression, in the following minute:

"On consideration thereof by the meeting, it concluded to adopt these two recommendations and refer the same to the careful attention of our subordinate meetings."

The sense of the meeting clearly being that the inquiry into "Deficiencies" had reached its proper limit, it was agreed to discharge the committee, but it was felt that the work which it had pointed out should be pursued, and the following minute was made by the clerk, and fully united with:

"The concern and labors of the Deficiencies Committee have been satisfactory to the meeting, and they are released from further care in relation to the deficiencies amongst us, but are continued for the purpose of considering and proposing to our next sitting the names of a suitable committee to have the care of visiting the branches of this Yearly Meeting, and encouraging Friends in the more faithful attention to the requirements of our Discipline and upholding and sustaining the testimonies of our religious Society.'

The report of the joint Committee on Indian Affairs was read. [It will be found elsewhere.] The Committee was continued for another year.

The Committee on Temperance and Intoxicating Beverages presented its report. [This is elsewhere printed.] The Committee was continued for another year, after some discussion of the need for revising its membership, it having been appointed in 1881. It was concluded to leave the matter for another year, but there was decided expression that all such standing committees should be called over and revised at each Yearly Meeting.

The Treasurer's account for the past year was reported by the Committee which had been appointed to examine it, and Thomas J. Husband appointed Treasurer for the ensuing year. It was shown that a balance of $3,791.47 remained in his hands, and that $1,250, the proceeds of the sale of the Sarah Zane property and a legacy of $285 (nett) had been received and invested. The expenditures included among other items $1,216.28 to the use of the Representative Committee, $1,858.70 to the Committee on Education, and $137.63 to the Committee on Temperance. It was recommended that $3,000 be raised for the use of the Meeting in the present year. Dillwyn Parrish and Joseph C. Turnpenny were appointed to act as correspondents of the Yearly Meeting. mainder of the morning session was devoted to the reading of a memorial of the late Caleb Clothier, prepared and forwarded by Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, of which he was a member. Remarks pertaining to the high character and valuable labors of the

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deceased Friend were made by a number of those present.

At the opening of the afternoon session Dillwyn Parrish, James W. Janney, Richard K. Betts, Isaac C. Martindale, David Newport, Ezra Fell and James Gaskill were appointed to assist the clerks in preparing the extracts from the minutes of the Yearly Meeting for publication, and to transcribe and forward the epistles to the corresponding Yearly Meetings. The epistle was read before the meeting and contained testimonies against corrupt literature, intemperance, the use of tobacco and the temptations of the world. The recognition and proposed oversight of First-day schools by the Meeting was noted, as also the perceptible revival of interest in the Society following the labors of the Committee appointed to visit and encourage the lesser meetings.

The report of the Committee directed to bring forward names for the Committee to visit and encourage meetings, reported the names of a large committee, as follows (those names of men Friends being omitted which were not answered to when called, and also the names of those who were excused):

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ington Quarterly Meeting, not being formal in language be returned to that meeting.

A summary of the exercises that had prevailed during the sessions was then read, following which John L. Griffin, of New York, feelingly spoke of the advanced age of many of those present, and encouraged Friends to a continuance of habits of simplicity and temperance, which has lengthened their years as individuals. The meeting had been to him a season of refreshment of spirit, marked by harmony and affection throughout all of the proceedings.

Robert S. Haviland, of New York, also desired to express his satisfaction with the evidences of faithful work in the service of Christ that had been laid before the meeting, and said that the Society of Friends must not die out; that there is a work yet for them to do.

Thomas Foulke, New York, said that greater work still awaited Friends and that they must engage in it with the aid of that wisdom which comes from above. He enjoined increased faithfulness, the faithfulness that endures until death.

The clerk then read the concluding minute as follows: "During the several sittings of this, our annual assembly, the precious covering of Divine love appeared very fully to be around us and under the influence of this we have been enabled to transact our business in brotherly love and condescension. With thankful hearts for the many blessings bestowed, we now conclude to meet again at the usual time next year if consistent with the Divine will.”

In the Women's Meeting, at the morning session, the reading of the essay prepared by the Epistle Committee to be sent to Illinois Yearly Meeting, called forth a warm response of unity. It was fully approved, adopted, and directed to be signed and forwarded. A clause embodying a fervent appeal in favor of the treatment of the lower animals was especially approved by one speaker. Cruelty here, brutalizes character and makes mankind cruel to their own race. Lydia H. Hall, in approving the several epistles produced by the committee, proposed a change in the mode of appointing the committee having the weighty service of formulating the voice of the Yearly Meeting that goes forth to the Churches. She proposed the appointment of Friends from each Quarterly Meeting, just as Representatives are appointed, having special services assigned them. Several Friends (Harriet E. Kirk, Louisa J. Roberts and others), approved the proposition, but the general sense of the meeting could not be seen to be in favor of it. E. H. Plummer considered it would be more mechanical than the present method of appointing the committee from the Yearly Meeting assembled.

Sarah Ann Bailey spoke with deep earnestness of the high value to our youth of birthright membership in the Society of Friends. It is a precious legacy from faithful parents.

It was suggested that the committee be given authority to add to its number, but this, being ob jected to in some quarters, was not pressed. Announcement was made that the committee would meet on Seventh-day, the 30th of the present month, at 1 o'clock, in room No. 1 of Race Street Meeting-house. The report of the Joint Committee on the proposed changes in the Discipline was then read. [It will be found elsewhere.] Joseph Wharton spoke, favoring a general revision of the entire Discipline, which he thought, should embody a plan of rearrangement which would improve and simplify the various sections, and especially would omit those notable passages which, if enforced would impose dogmatic views, under pain of disownment, upon the large part of the Society that is not in unity with them. The action of the meeting was finally embodied by the clerk, The report of the Committee on Deficiencies in a minute that the amendments approved by the was then taken up, and after consideration the action committee (being eight of those proposed from Phila- of the Men's Meeting was concurred in. (The names delphia Quarter) lie over for action at the next of the women Friends appointed on the new comYearly Meeting, and that the proposals from Burl-mittee will be found with those of men Friends.)

This exercise was confirmed by the testimony of Louisa J. Roberts. Parents ought to teach their sons and daughters the value to them of their inheritance of membership in this religious body.

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