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most miserable description, but the real business is transacted in larger and tolerably decent towns back in the country some eight or ten miles. Mules or trains bring down the coffee, cotton, hides, vanilla, etc., that are to be exported. I suppose this is done partly to prevent the old raids of freebooters from ships, and partly because there is little or no water that is potable on the coast. Guayaquil is an exception and has all the queer points of an old Spanish town-is very quaint, very ill smelling-much given to priestly processions and dirty soldiers. The immense supply of fruit of fine quality surpassed my expectations. The mountains about it abound in rare orchids and plants, and the river in alligators. Game is plentiful, sportsmen are few, for hunting in this climate and on those terribly rugged rocks possesses few charms, besides insects are very active and there are many poisonous snakes. The day after leaving Guayaquil we passed Payta and the rainless belt was entered. Tradition says that once an imprudent man in Payta painted his gate green but that by morning it was entirely consumed by donkeys; it was the only time anything green was seen in Payta. The rest of the trip to Callao, was simply bare rock, sand and water. As I had to wait for three days in Callao, I made a visit to Lima, intending to spend a night, but the desolation left by the Chilinos, the dirt and discomfort made me return to my room on the steamer. Chili destroyed much that she could not appreciate and stole all that was valuable, such as china, silverware, pianos and furniture from the houses. Though poor soldiers, the Peruvians were far more cultivated than their opponents. Their world renowned collection of plants of South America was boxed up, sent to Chili and allowed to rot unopened and unappreciated. I met a botanist from our Smithsonian, he almost wept over the recital. All the long cherished treasures of the old Inca civilization were scattered abroad. Leaving Callao we coasted southward; below Pisco I saw graven on the mountain side, the celebrated Inca cross or symbol claimed by pious Catholics for a holy monk's work. I should think it some 100 yards long, facing the west. I fancy it is in some way connected with the worship of the sun. Here the immense cliffs come down abruptly to the edge of the sea and are very bold, furnishing_resting places to thousands of sea-birds and seals. Here we passed close to quite a large school of whales. The usual murderous propensities were evinced by certain English_passengers, happily without injury to the whales. I arrived at Coquimbo 35 days after leaving New York; it is a fine harbor-the only one on this coast, but arid. There is no vegetation but some miles back in the country where there is water, it is very green. Of course the fields are irrigated from the Andes. Snow peaks are visible in clear weather. We have an abundance of very fine grapes, nectarines, pears and fair figs, apples, peaches, etc., also very nice tomatoes, cucumbers and melons of both kinds. It is not hot; the temperature is from about 65° to 72° during this, the summer season. Probably it will fall some six or eight degrees in winter. It is very cloudy or foggy in the mornings, sometimes, but soon clears.

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Silence being broken by prayer, offered by Margaretta Walton, Ann Packer, of Green Plain, Ohio, He is the source of love spoke. "God is love."

from which all our blessings flow. She felt that if she could give a cup of cold water to one thirsty soul, her mission to us had not been in vain. She called us to "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world." And what is this Lamb of God? It is not to our Society alone this call is given, but to all the world. This Lamb of God, which is the power of God, the Savior of the world, is the light of Christ within our souls. To find God we must look within ourselves, for we are told that His kingdom is within us "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." This doctrine is the basis upon which our Society is founded. These, she believed to be the elements of true religion, and not the jarring and discordant doctrines which separate us and divide us into contentious sects. True religion deprives us of none of the real pleasures of life; but, on the contrary, we enjoy them more and more as we give up ourselves to the will of God. That these may produce an increase of divine love throughout our Society and throughout the world, was the earnest prayer of her heart.

Robert Hatton said that the grumblers and faultfinders have not yet passed away. Some find fault with him, and call him a heretic, a misbeliever, and worse than all, and to shut from him all the avenues of salvation, a "Hicksite" heretic. And yet he is as deeply grounded as any can be in the conviction. that salvation can only be attained through the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. But doctrines are not essential to our salvation. Still there are doctrines which he would not throw away, the foundation of which is salvation by Jesus Christ our Lord, which doctrine, he believes, brings peace and happiness to the heart of the true believer. Who is Jesus Christ our Lord? The speaker compared the advent of Jesus, as recorded in Scripture, with the looking of the people of that day for an outward Messiah, and this outward Son of God was necessary to their condition. In our day, we are to look within our own hearts to find this Son of God. For their convincement, it was necessary for him to do those wonderful things which he did. If they had received him it would have been different, nor would he have been put to death. Therefore, not by his death are we saved; yet he died for the sins of the world. Neither did the speaker believe that the death of Jesus made any atonement to God for our sins, or reconciliation between God and us, i. e., to reconcile Him to us. Love is the reconciliation. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." Those who received him, who believed on him and followed his example; were saved. So it is now. The example of Jesus is still before us, and if we follow his holy life, and obey, as he did, the will of our Heavenly Father, we shall most assuredly be saved with an everlasting salvation. Oh, may we be like him, faithful; and may we enter

into a habitation of the Holy City in which dwell the righteous of every age!

In the men's meeting for business (Ellwood Michener, Clerk, Edwin Walton, Assistant), twenty-two out of twenty-three representatives from the Monthly Meetings were present. The queries, with their answers, were read. To the First, the answers were that most of the meetings had been kept up, but some were poorly attended. Robert Hatton thought that our Society must soon come to an end, if this state of things should continue. Some sleeping was also acknowledged in the answer. Levi Preston was sorry to hear such a confession of weakness. No person who is alive in spiritual feeling can sleep. An acknowledgment of sleeping, is an acknowledgment of spiritual darkness. Martin Maloney thought that drowsiness was often a physical weakness, which, like other weaknesses, might be overcome by prayer to the Lord for help. But those who have not this weakness ought to be charitable towards those who are sometimes overcome. Lewis Marshall said that he had often expressed his mind respecting this part of the Query. He thought that it is going too far to charge all drowsiness to either " unbecoming behavior" or to want of spiritual life. There are some who are sometimes overcome with physical weakness which they cannot control. It is a confirmed infirm ity in some. One of our most distinguished journalists used to sit under the most eloquent American preachers, and sleep as regularly as he went to meeting. A sentinel on duty is sometimes so overcome that he sleeps, although he knows that death is the consequence. He, himself, has been so overtaken that strive against it as he might he could not escape. George Thompson thought the charge against those so overcome very uncharitable. Samuel Wilkinson also thought it uncharitable and unkind. Further remarks were made by Robert Hatton, John Barnard and others.

The answers to the Fourth Query showed that Friends are clear of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating drink (except some instances of cider), mostly discourage its use as a beverage and cautious in its use as a medicine; not so clear of attending places of diversion, and not all clear of the unnecessary frequenting of taverns.

In answering the Sixth Query, too much encouragement was reported as given to the support of a salaried ministry. All the other queries were responded to, and called forth brief remarks from


The Committee on Circular Meetings reported favorably, and appointed two meetings to be held during the ensuing quarter: at Centre in the Sixth month, and at Fallowfield in the Seventh month, on the second First-day in each month, at 3 o'clock P.M. The Committee on Temperance and Intoxicating Drink, reported satisfactory progress, and it was continued, until the committee to nominate a new temperance committee (appointed at last Quarterly Meeting) shall fulfill the duty of its appointment.

In the women's meeting for business (Margaretta Walton and Sarah Ann Conard, clerks), the queries and their answers were read. The Committees on Temperance and on Circular Meetings gave favorable reports. The Visiting Committee reported that

they had visited all the meetings composing this Quarterly Meeting, and with much satisfaction. They also visited nearly every family belonging to these meetings. Margaretta Walton, a member of the committee, spoke of these satisfactory visits, in which the committee, she thought, had fulfilled its appointment, and felt a peace of mind in the performance of this labor, and a hope that it would be blessed. Ann Packer and Lavinia P. Yeatman were called forth in tender counsel. Representatives to the Yearly Meeting were appointed, and some local business transacted, when the meeting adjourned.


FIFTH-DAY, 23d of fourth MONTH. After a period of silence, Ann Packer spoke. Her message followed much the same line as that at London Grove, above reported. She dwelt upon our relations towards God, and what duties are required of us that we may be happy here and hereafter. She referred especially to the holy life of Jesus, as an example for us, and she believed that if our acts were such as were those of him and his followers, our reward would be peace and joy forevermore. Much speculation and controversy have been expended upon the manner of his birth and death, and the nature of his mission upon earth, and some have made a belief in these things necessary to our salvation. He himself emphatically declares that his mission was "to bear witnesss to the truth; pure religion is to visit the widow and fatherless in their affliction."

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Edith Webster next addressed the meeting. She earnestly exhorted us to prepare for the time when we must bid adieu to the things of earth, and her sincere desire for us was that we should make our election sure, and that we should at last enter into that rest which is the habitation of the righteous. Every one has his own work to do, nor can any other do the work for us. There is no need of a mediator between our Heavenly Father and His children. "No man can redeem his brother, or give to God a ransom for his soul."

Samuel Walker next arose. His subject was the two births of man-the natural or material birth, and the spiritual. At the first birth, our natural dispositions and propensities begin to grow, and in their growth they are trained by human instruction and cultivation. But the second birth is a legacy not to be cast away. "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." "Ask, and ye shall receive.” If we strive, we shall receive the blessing. All shall be revealed unto us, all made new, and we become heirs of eternal life. There is not a natural impulse which we have, but may, as it is turned in the right or wrong direction, be trained to good or evil. As we train a young tree, so will the branches be straight or crooked. Our influence for good must come from God alone, and through humility we must learn. Religion is a practical work, and in order to obtain it we must strive. If we continue to knock, the door will be opened, and we shall have access to spiritual food, and be received into the arms of our Heavenly Father. We often fail in both our earthly and our

spiritual nature for want of sufficient energy. Nothing is gained but by constant diligence, and to "hold fast to that which is good."

In the business meeting (William Paxton and Preston Pratt, clerks for the men's, and Elizabeth Thomas and Lydia Maule for the women's), the queries and their answers were read. There was but little comment in men's meeting. In the women's some concern was expressed as to the accuracy of the


-A correspondent at Atlantic City, N. J., writes: "For some past First-days we have had a pleasant and profitable sitting of Friends in the parlor of E. Newport's cottage, on Pacific avenue, and hope to continue it during the summer. Our friend, Lydia H. Price, has been with us, and has been called to give us words of comfort and counsel. Other ministering Friends have also been acceptably with us

on several of these occasions."

Our friend, Ann Packer, of Green Plain, Ohio, has been attending our recent meetings in the vicinity of Philadelphia, with a minute of approval from Green Plain Monthly Meeting and Miami Quarterly Meeting. She is accompanied by Elizabeth J. Davis.

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-A correspondent (P. E. G.), writing from Chicago, under date of the 19th ult., says: I have been visiting a Friend, here, who came, in 1861, from New York State. There was then no Friends' meeting in the city, and he, with his family, attended a small Presbyterian mission church near his home. At first, there was some care exercised in doctrinal preaching, and he acted as a trustee of the church; but, as the church grew, the Presbyterian views became more distinctly preached, and allusion was pointedly made by the minister, in one of the "experience or other meetings, to the fact of our friend's disunity. Upon this he presently withdrew, and until the great fire, attended Robert Collyer's church. After that, the Friends, having begun their regular meetings, by gathering in a private house, he soon found himself more at home with them, and is now a regular and valued attendant of meeting. Doubts, however, have sometimes reached his mind as to the best wisdom of this course, on account of the want of social church unions, and church work generally, which call out and interest young people in other denominations. His own experience has convinced him that it is impossible to interest young people continuously in silent meetings, such as have no approved minister; and he concludes that it would be better, after a suitable period of silence, to read a passage of Scripture, a sermon, or an extract from some suitable religious book or paper. Such are his sentiments.

-The quarterly meeting of the Historical Society of Bucks county, Pa., was held on the 21st ult., at Plumstead Friends' Meeting-house, and among the papers read was one on "Thomas Ross, Minister among Friends," by John S. Bailey. Thomas Ross was one of the earliest of the preachers of our Society in that county. He came from County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 20, in 1728, and joined Friends in the

following year, after which he appeared in the ministry. He died in England, in the house of Lindley Murray, in 1786.


Domestic.—The war clouds in the East alternately loomed and subsided as the week advanced, influencing the prices of breadstuffs and of the wares of the Stock Market. But it has recently been remarked that these daily varying advices, blowing hot at one time and cold at another, come almost wholly from unofficial sources.

A DESPATCH from Atco, N. J., dated Fourth month 20th, states that a devastating forest fire is in progress, has spread with frightful rapidity, threatening many having broken out at a village near Cedar Brook, and towns and villages and a vast area of valuable timber. A serious fire is also raging in Salem Co., N. J., from which the town of Quinton is threatened. Valuable lon, L. I., and in the woods east of Smithtown. Fortimber land is also being desolated by fire near Babyest fires, extending for about fifty miles on each side of the Blue Ridge west of Lynchburg, Virginia, have been burning for several days. Immense volumes of smoke hang over the mountains. These were doubtless quite extinguished by the late copious rain.

IN regard to the immediate enforcement of the Act of the Fourth month 2d of the Pennsylvania Legislature, requiring the teaching of Physiology and Temperance Hygiene in the Public Schools, Deputy Attorney-General Snodgrass, on behalf of the AttorneyGeneral of the State, thus decides, in reply to an inquiry of the State Superintendent of Schools:

"I am clearly of the opinion that your department is required to give effect to this Act as soon as possible without disturbing the harmony of the school system, which will naturally be at the beginning of the next school year, although qualification to teach until the first Monday of June, 1886.”

an examination as to the new studies is not necessary as a


lying very ill at his home at Newark, N. J.

THIE progress of affairs at Washington is of little general interest.

FROM Galveston, Texas, is received this account,

which bears the date of Fourth month 20th:

"A special to the News from Laredo says: 'Yesterday morning a wave eight feet high came rushing down the Rio Grande with terrific force, carrying away a portion of the Mexican

National Railroad bridge. In a few hours the water in the river rose twelve feet and then rapidly subsided. The high water resulted from a great waterspout which fell some miles above the city. A large quantity of drift in the river indicates that there has been great destruction to ranch property


Colorado, began at nine o'clock on the night of the THE heaviest snow storm ever known at Denver, 22d of last month and lasted until six o'clock the next evening. Fully 20 inches of snow fell, as much in the aggregate as the previous falls of the whole winter. The snow was very heavy. A number of roofs fell in, but without fatal result so far as reported. The storm was general throughout the State, but railroad trains moved nearly on time.

A NATURAL ice cave, according to the Alta California, exists thirty miles east of Fall River Valley, Čal., in the Mount Shasta region. There are huge columns of ice, chambers of ice, and ice hanging from the ceiling like blades of polished steel, forming a picture of grandeur. The residents of the valley haul their summer's supply of ice from the cave.

THE annual meeting of the members and loanholders of the Zoological Society of Philadelphia was

held on 23d of last month. The total number of persons entering the garden last year was 196,754. The collection at present comprises 759 animals valued at $49,494. The collection, it is claimed, now presents a greater and more typical variety of animal forms, in furtherance of the educational facilities, which, have been one of the chief aims of the Society, than at any previous period of the history of the garden.

CHAMBERLAIN, DAK., Fourth month 25th.-Great excitement and activity exist among the settlers on the Crow Creek and Winnebago lands opened to settlement by President Arthur. Meetings are being held on the reservation and at towns near it-Chamberlain, Pickman, Pierre, Canning and Blunt-regarding the President's proclamation. Money is being raised and societies organized to prosecute the settlers' case in the courts and to present it to the Department at Washington. The Chamberlain Register contains a challenge of $100 for any evidence of any Executive order or treaty establishing a reservation on the east bank of the Missouri river, near to and including the Crow Creek country, prior to the treaty of 1868, and since the treaty made by the Yankton Sioux in 1858, by which last treaty all these lands were directly ceded to the Government. It contended that "No Attorney-General can show a title in any instance, nor fix the metes and bounds by any Presidential order or Act of Congress, and the only way the boundaries existed was by the President's issuing just such orders as ex-President Arthur issued, opening the other lands adjoining, and as ex-President Hayes did in 1879, and simply leaving these lands unopened."

THE weather from 4th mo. 19th, to 4th mo. 26th, was the warmest known in that month for many years. Foreign.-As the week passed, the news from Engand grew more serious day by day. It does not ear that there has been any recession on the part of Russia, and the English wait anxiously, with their greatest statesman at the helm, to know if the choice Is to be peace or war. So great are the miseries of war that we believe the wise and good among all Christian peoples must do their utmost to avert them. Yet it is feared that war is imminent.

FRENCH authorities object seriously to the silencing by the Egyptian Government of the French journal, the Bosphore Egyptien, for the publication of articles deemed injurious to the interests of Egypt and England in the Soudan. France chooses this time of

This is one of the cases in which arbitration is improbable, and no practical suggestion, looking towards arbitration has been made.

It is now conceded that the Kartoum Expedition is practically abandoned, the English Government having expended four millions sterling ($20,000,000) fruitlessly in that country.

THE visit of the Prince of Wales to South Ireland was concluded without important disturbance. The welcome in the North was most enthusiastic. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL will sail from England for America on Sixth month 10th.

THERE is no further disorder at Panama, which is in the hands of U. S. forces.

On 25th of Fourth month the Secretary of the Navy sent the following telegram to Admiral Jouett, at Aspinwall:

"While deprecating any unnecessary interference, you will exercise your best judgment from time to time after consultation with American Consuls and others. The general scope of your duty has been heretofore sufficiently defined, and to what extent military interference is necessary from time to time to carry out former instructions you must necessarily be the judge, always keeping in mind that the necessity is re

gretted here."

Late this afternoon the following telegram from Admiral Jouett, was received at the Navy Department:

"It was absolutely necessary to occupy Panama to protect transit and American property. The safety of Panama and American interests are secured by this move. Your instructions were published in Panama papers. No misunderstanding will result. Government officials will arrive soon, when

everything will be turned over to them and we will withdraw. FROM Canada (Fourth month 25th) comes news of disastrous floods in the St. Lawrence, and the St. John. The contest with the Manitoba rebels was in progress, and a battle has been fought, but, probably, without decisive issue.


AMOS A. LAWRENCE, of Boston, is a member of twenty-seven charitable organizations whose work is largely made necessary by liquor.

anxiety and uncertainty for England to menace Egypting of their children's work in the school, the examinand demand the rehabilitation of the paper. A Cairo despatch of Fourth month 23d, says:

"The Khedive's Government has replied to France's demand concerning the Bosphore Egyptien, and quotes fifty precedents to justify its conduct in seizing and suppressing the paper." It is not believed, however, that the affair will assume a really serious character.

A LONDON despatch of Fourth month 24th, says: 'At a 'great meeting of rich and influential land owners, held in this city to-day, and attended by such persons as the Duke of Argyll, the Earl of Carnarvon and the Marquis of Ripon, it was resolved to take steps for the immediate forma

tion of a large corporation to be called "The National Land Company,' for the purpose of securing a gradual breaking up of the 'large parcel' system of land ownership now injuriously

prevalent in Great Britain. The present plan of the new organization is to buy up land at wholesale and sell it out in lots not to exceed forty acres, under conditions likely to cause fur

ther sub-division and prevent aggregation of title. The com

pany will in all likelihood buy for cash and will sell on de

ferred payments covering at least ten years."

RUSSIA appears to be eager for war at the latest advices; and the English Cabinet evidently have very little hope of peace. Parliament has granted a credit of eleven millions sterling ($55,000,000), which is another strong war indication.

WHEN I hear parents and guardians of youth speakations and the emulations and the "prostrations" that follow, I sometimes fell inclined to ask, "to what insane asylum do you propose to send your daughter when she is finished?"-Boston Transcript.

discussion in the Spanish medical press. The stateTHE healing power of earthquakes is a subject for ment is made that in the recent shake-up at Malaga most of the patients forgot their disease and took to the open air. The change agreed with them so well that a few only have returned to the hospital.

THE Railway Age reports that 20 railroads have been placed in the hands of Receivers from January 1st to March 31st, 1885. The total capital stock and bonds of these corporations aggregate $275,289,000. The Age "Our record for 1884 gave the total number of says: 038 miles of line and $715,000,000 of capital and debt. roads placed in Receivers' hands at 37, embracing 11,The first quarter of this year already shows more than mileage and about 40 per cent of the total amount of one-half as many roads, more than 37 per cent of the capital stock involved by the receivership of the entire previous year. Should the ratio of the remaining nine months be the same the record of the year will probably indicate a greater aggregate of railway insolvencies than any previous year in the history of the country."



We present herewith extracts from some of the letters received in response to the circulars recently sent out announcing the intended union of the two papers.-EDS.

I was scarcely prepared to learn that the important matter of uniting the INTELLIGENCER AND JOURNAL had been proceeded in so far as to reach a conclusion, yet I am not unprepared for such a step. Since Howard M. Jenkins has been the editor of the latter paper it has frequently occurred to me that the value and interest of both might be advanced by combining the two. I consider our Friends' papers one of the greatest means of unifying and developing our Society, and in some sections of educating it. The INTELLIGENCER and the JOURNAL have a strong hold on the affections of our people and the weekly issues are read with interest. I see no reason why your contemplated change may not be for the best.

Fourth mo. 2d, 1885.

H. E. K.

RICHMOND, IND., Fourth mo. 7th. I am just in receipt of the circular letter issued to the subscribers of FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER, by the editors, and I wish to give them my hearty approval of the proposed consolidation, believing, as is expressed in the circular, that it will greatly advance the object those faithful editors have in view, and give new life and interest, in making it more truly a representative paper of our Society. B. S.


Fourth mo. 9th.

Your announcement of the proposed consolidation of the (two papers) meets my fullest approbation, for I have taken the INTELLIGENCER since 1850 or 1851, and also THE JOURNAL during the greater part of the period of its publication. THE JOURNAL I like for its more full reports of meetings and doings amongst Friends, which I hope will not be lost, when united, but sometimes a little too much latitude was allowed in heated discussions on some subjects. Hoping it may prove a successful change, with an increased subscription list, and also some improvement in the paper. Sincerely your friend, E. A. G.

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STERLING, ILL., Fourth mo. 19th. I can see much truth in the argument in favor of uniting the two papers. What I have particularly liked in THE JOURNAL was the expression of free thought and new ideas, untrammeled by conservatism, and also correspondence giving accounts of the movements of Friends. Isolated as I have mostly been, a knowledge of what others were doing has helped to keep me alive. Trusting to those who understand the matter better than I do, and hoping it will be for the benefit of our much-loved Society, I am, with best wishes, thy friend, L. K. P.

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BALTIMORE, Fourth mo. 17th. I was very much pleased with the improvements lately made in the appearance and character of THE JOURNAL, and now I am satisfied with the arrangement to unite it and the INTELLIGENCER. I have taken both for almost their life-time, and have said a hundred times, "I wish we could have one good paper instead of the two." H. J.

WEST GROVE, PA, Fourth mo. 21st. I fully approve of the course taken with the two papers, THE JOURNAL and the INTELLIGENCER, and it seems to me the right thing to do. D. S. C.

The two combined

ROXBURY, MASS., Fourth mo. 5th. INTELLIGENCER and JOURNAL into one, as I think it I fully unite with the proposal of uniting the would be much better. will add much to the interest already felt in our valuable papers. I call them "ours," as I feel that every true Friend hath an interest enough in each of the periodicals not to let them go down for want of subscribers. No paper that is published contains so much that is truly valuable, and I miss the reading very much whenever I am away from my home. R. C.

RISING SUN, MD., Fourth mo. 23d. The INTELLIGENCER comes as a weekly gatherer home to Divine counsel, and its proposed union with THE JOURNAL I feel to be an advance step for the H. P. B. mutual benefit of all. Respectfully,

PHILADELPHIA, Fourth mo. 19th. How would the joint names of FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER AND JOURNAL do for the new paper, with "Mind the Light" for the motto? D. N.

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HOOPESTON, ILL, Fourth mo. 20th. The merging of the "JOURNAL" and "INTELLIGENCER" into one medium for Society benefits, certainly seems well to me, for they were vastly different in their organism. I hope, and apprehend that the united staff of editors will continue to hold the rein of responsibility for all that the pages of the new paper contains; trusting that the character of matter will be for furthering the advancement of the truth revealed by the Christ of God, for in this alone we have our perfect life, and crave such food from the lives of the experienced, that will nourish to greater strength. We would suggest "FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER AND JOURNAL " for the new name.

C. A. L.

In nearly every railway station in London is a small box on legs, painted crimson, which may be called an automatic post-office. It is divided in two compartments. On the top are apertures admitting a penny, one being for postal cards and the other for envelopes. You drop a penny through the slot and open a little draw beneath and, presto, you find a postal card. Drop two pennies in the right hand slot, open a corresponding drawer, and you find a stamped envelope containing a dainty sheet of note paper. These little conveniences are the property of a company.-Paper World.

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