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ted itself to several others, filled also with combuftible matter, and caufed fuch a dreadful explofion, before any of the above perfons could get out of the reach of its deftructive influence, that Mr. Brace and his fon were killed on the fpot, G. Newman had his right thigh blown off, and the other two were dangerously wounded. Many others had left the fpot only a few minutes, by which providential circumftance their lives were faved. The explosion was diftinctly heard at Catdown, three miles and a half diftant from the fpot. A young midshipman was alfo brought to the Royal Hofpital from the Caftor, dreadfully mangled in his face and hands, having been blown up by letting off fome loose powder from a priming powder-horn.

A vein of filver, tolerably rich, has been difcovered in Hurlandmine, commonly called the Old Manor-mine, in Gwinear-parish, in the county of Cornwall, on which the miners are at prefent at work.

27th. A subscription was this day fet on foot at Lloyd's for the purpose of purchafing a piece of plate, value 500l. to be fent as a prefent to the gallant commodore Truxton, of the American frigate, Conftellation, who has captured the French frigate, L'Infurgente, captain Buroe, of 44 guns, and 411 men, after an hour's well-fought action. The Conftellation had 1 man killed and 3 wounded; L'Infurgente, 29 killed and died of their wounds and 29 wounded.

28th. A poor woman was killed at Burnley, owing to the wind blowing her petticcats into the machinery of a cotton-mill, by which he was literally torn to pieces. She has left five infant children.

30th. Newcastle. His grace the duke of Northumberland has given twenty guineas (exclufive of his annual contribution) to be diftributed to the crew of the Northumberland life-boat, at North Shields, as a teftimony of his approbation of their conduct, in going off, at imminent peril, through a vaft quantity of floating ice and a very high fea, and thereby fafely bringing to fhore a number of fhip wrecked feamen, as there were, at that time, four fhips upon the Herd-fand.

DIED. Found dead in his bed, at the Carpenter's Arms, a publichoufe, in the parish of Wick, Gloucefterfhire, about fix miles from Bath, James White, efq. a gentleman well known in the literary world. He was educated at the univerfity of Dublin, and was ef teemed an admirable fcholar, and poffeffed of brilliant parts. His conduct, for four or five years past, has been marked by great wildness and eccentricity. He is faid to have conceived an ardent affection for a young lady, who, he supposed, was as warmly attached to him; but, (as he imagined) fome plot had been contrived to wean her regard, and to fruftrate all his future profpects in life.

He attributed the failure of his application for patronage and employment from the great to the machinations of those plotters and contrivers, and even fuppofed. their influence upon the London bookfellers prevented his literary talents being more amply rewarded. The winters of 1797 and 1798/he palled in the neighbourhood of Bath, and many perfons noticed in the pump-room, the fireets, or vicinity. of the city, a thin, pale, emaciated man, (between 30 and 40) with


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a wild, yet penetrating look, dreffed in a light coat of Bath-coating. His means of fubfiftence were very fcanty, and he obliged the cravings of nature to keep within their limits he has been known to debar himself of animal food for months, and to have given life a bare fubfiftence by a biscuit, a piece of bread, or a cold potatoe, and a glafs of water. Unable to pay his lodgings, and too proud to afk relief, he would many nights wander about the fields, or feek repofe beneath a hay-ftack; almoft exhausted, he once took refuge in an inn at Bath, where his extraordinary conduct, and his refufing every fuftenance, alarmed the miftrefs, and impelled her to apply to the magiftrates: they humanely ordered him to be put under the care of the parifh-officers. Inftead of appreciating thefe precautionary means, as he ought to have done, he, in letters to fome perfons in Bath, complained of "the undue interference of magifterial authority and this unconftitutional infringe ment of the liberty of the fubject!" When his mind was more compofed, and his health partly recovered, he behaved with more moderation, and, though apparently fenfible of the good intended him, he ftrongly fufpected that his imaginary hoft of enemies had again been plotting. It was about this time that he pubJifhed his "Letters to Lord Camden on the State of Ireland;" the elegance and ftrength of his language, the threwdnefs of his remarks and the perfpicuity of his arguments were generally admired. A fmall fubfcription was privately railed for his relief; and, though given to him with the utmost delicacy, he could fcarcely be prevailed upon to take it but as a loan. He

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then left Bath, nor had the writer of this account heard of him till he learned that the coroner's inqueft had been called to determine on his premature death. This unhappy gentleman had refpectable relatives refiding in Bath; but who poffeffed no influence over his paffions, nor means of controuling his conduct. The following is as accurate a lift of his works, as we have been able to obtain: 1ft, "The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero against Caius Cornelius Verres, tranflated, with annotations," 4to. 1787. 2d, Conway-Caftle; Verfes to the Memory of the late Earl of Chatham; and The Moon, a fimile," 4to. 1789. 3d, "Earl Strongbow; or, The Hiftory of Richard de Clare and the beautiful Geralda,” 2 vol. 12mo. 1789. 4th, "The Adventures of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancafter," 3 vol. 12mo. 1790. 5th, "The Adventures of King Richard Coeur de Lion;" to which is added, "The Death of Lord Falkland," a poem, 3 vol. 12mo. 1791. 6th, "The Hiftory of the Revolution of France; tranflated from the French of M. Rabaut de Saint Etienne," 8vo. 1792. 7th, "Speeches of M. De Mirabeau, the Elder, pronounced in the National Affembly of France; to which is prefixed, A Sketch of his Life and Character, tranflated from the French," 2 vol. 8vo. 1792. 8th, "The Letters to Lord Camden," already mentioned.

In her 1028 year, Marguerite Corbie. till within a few days of her death, but had been bed-ridden nearly two years. She was a native of Lifle, and was refident in that city when taken by the duke of Marlborough, in 1709, being then in

She retained her fenfes


her 12th year. Her fingular attachment and unfhaken fidelity to a very diftreffed English woman, who died on the continent fixteen years fince, recommended her to the protection of an English family quitting the continent; by whom her remains were interred in Abergavenny cemetery, in the evening of the 14th inftant.


1ft. The king's houfe at Weymouth has been materially damaged by the late tempeftuous weather; in one of the ftorms, a few days fince, it was ftruck by lightning, which split one of the main beams, and damaged the principal walls of the building; the railing about the house was entirely demolifhed, and other parts of the premifes materially injured. A floop lying in the bay had its main-maft hivered by the lightning.

4th. This night, about eleven, a fire broke out at a carpenter's fhop, between Field-lane and Unioncourt, which burnt furiously for upwards of an hour and a half. Several engines were diftibuted in Field-lane and Holborn-hill, but the distance was fo great that they could afford but little affiftance; and the aukward fituation of the place where the fire was would not admit of their coming nearer, in confequence, about fix houfes were fet fire to, and most of them confumed. Some hundreds of birds of paffage, Royfton - crows, apwings, grey plovers, woodcocks, &c. were caft on fhore on the Holderness coaft. They feemed to have been starved in croffing the fea, as the bills of many of them were placed under their wings,

6th. Such was the feverity of the form this day, that a number of erows dropped, in their flight, dead upon the earth, and others were taken up alive in the neighbourhood of Skipton-Craves.

In confequence of a heavy fall of fnow, on Thurfday, many of the mail-coaches did not reach town this morning till feveral hours after the accustomed time; and the Manchefter-coach had not arrived at a late hour on Saturday evening. So deep was the fnow in the neighbourhood of Congleton, that the Liverpool-coach was entirely buried in it, and the mail forwarded on horfe-back. Near Stone, like impediments prefented themselves, and the communication between Holyhead and Chefter has been wholly fufpended. Add to thefe, fo thick was the fog and fleet last night, for twenty or thirty miles round the metropolis, that the coachmen and guards were obliged to alight and lead their horses.


8th. The paffengers who arrived at the general poft-office by the Edinburgh-mail this morning fay, the fnow began falling about feven on Friday morning at Newcastle, and continued till fix at night. carriage could proceed farther than Northallerton; they attempted with a chaife and fix, but in vain, and then, with the guard, took faddlehorfes at Eafingould, and chaife to York. They fay they never faw fnow fall fo faft, and that it was fix feet deep. The mail had not arrived at Newcastle from the North when they fet out, though many hours beyond its time. The fnow was fo deep between Nottingham and Leeds that no coach could travel on Friday night: the mail was fent by horfe. The Li

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verpool ftage-coaches and mails were dug out of the fnow at Talkon-the-Hill. The Whitby and Scarborough coaches were fet faft on the Woulds. The fnow was about fix feet deep about a mile from Garstang. The Manchester and Liverpool ftages and mail-coaches, on their way to Carlifle, were fet, and left till the next day, the paffengers walking to the inn. Between Leek and Macclesfield, on the Chefhire hills, the Manchefter-stages that ought to have arrived on Friday night and Saturday morning were stuck faft, and did not reach London until Sunday.

9th. Laft week, the cabin of a boat at the canal-bafon at Chefterfield was difcovered in flames, and two young men were taken thereout burnt to death, in a manner too fhocking to relate. It is fupposed, from the feverity of the weather, they had made too large a fire in the cabin, which fet the boat on fire, and caufed them to be fuffocated.


Early this morning, a fire broke out in a factory, at the upper of Salford, which fpread with fuch rapidity, that it was entirely deftroyed, together with five fmall houfes adjoining, notwithstanding every poffible affiftance was rendered.

The lofs is about 2,500. 10th. Last night, a factory, beJonging to Mr. John Kay, at Mollineux, in the parish of Preftwich, was entirely deftroyed by fire; no part of the property was infured.

11th. The recent feverity of the weather has been particularly felt by the inhabitants of Norwich, in confequence of the general fearcity of coals. Nor is the evil confined to that city, but extends to the country around; and at Yarmouth their flores, both public and pri

vate, are fo exhaufted, that two guineas were given for half a chaldron, which were, with great difficulty, procured even at that price.

12th. A few days ago, two women in De-la-port-court, Hull, were fuddenly taken ill after drinking tea in the afternoon. As their illness feemed to be the effect of poifon, the kettle was examined, and in the water were found spiders and other infects, which, it is fuppofed, had remained there fo long as to make it putrid, and to occafion the death of both mother and daughter. The former died fhortly after, and the latter on Tuesday laft.

16th. The following orders were yesterday iffued on the parade, in St. James's park:

Monday, April 15. In confequence of communications from the adjutant-general, field-marthal his royal highness the duke of Gloucester orders the fol lowing letter to be inferted in the brigade-orders:

Horfe-Guards, April 8, 1799.


I have received the commanderin-chief's directions to transmit to you the king's pleafure, in regard to the 5th, or royal Irish regiment of dragoons, which it is his royal highnels, the commander-in-chief's defire that you fall, without delay, carry into execution.

His majefty has taken into his moft ferious confideration the reprefentation which has been made by his excellency the lord-lieutenant of Ireland of the conduct of this regiment, and is of opinion, that the infubordination and departure from the difcipline and principles which have ever diftinguished the British army, therein exhibited,


required, especially in these times of warfare and exertion, that they fhould be marked by a punishment which may be feverely felt and be long remembered by thofe mifguided perfons who have been guilty of the atrocious acts of difobedience, which have brought this indelible ftigma on the corps, and may ferve as an example to all others, as well of the confequences of fuch feditious and outrageous proceedings, as of his majefty's firm determination to maintain fubordination and difcipline in his army, and to fupport the authority of his ofcers in the execution of their duty. It is on these grounds his majefty's royal determination, that the 5th, or royal Irish regiment of dragoons, fhall be forthwith difbanded; which you will please to communicate to the corps, and carry it into imme. diate effect. At the fame time that the king judges it requifite, for the good of the fervice, to make thefe fevere examples, his majefty has gracioufly condefcended to direct that general lord Rofmore fhall be affured, that his majesty is perfuaded of the concern which, as a foldier, his lordfhip would feel at fuch a circumftance occurring in any part of the army; and is fenfible of the particular mortification he muft experience in the prefent inftance; from the event of which, however, his lordship cannot, in the fmalleft degree, fuffer in his majefty's eftimation. His majefty has been pleafed farther to direct, that you do exprefs his perfuafion, that there are many valuable officers in his regiment who have used their best endeavours to restore the order and preferve the credit of the corps; and though in this measure of indifpenfible feverity it was impoffi.

ble to make any exceptions, the majority being clearly implicated in the mifconduct in which the whole are fuffering, yet his majesty will hereafter make the most pointed difcrimination, and thofe of any rank who are deferving of the royal favour may rely on his majesty's difpofition to reward their merit, and to avail himself of their future fervices.

In confideration of the expenfe to which the officers of the 5th, or royal Irish regiment, have been unavoidably expofed, his majesty has been graciously pleafed to direct that their full pay thall be continued to them to the 24th of December next, at which period they will be placed on half-pay.

I have the honour to be,

Henry Calvert. Adjutant-general. 20th. Thelluffon v. Woodford, and Woodford v. Thelluffon. Thefe caufes were inftituted in the court of chancery for the purpose of taking its opinion upon the will of the late Mr. Thelluffon. The one bill being filed to pray that the will might be declared void, as containing devifes contrary to law; the other, to pray that the purposes of the will might be carried into effect.

The cafe having been opened long ago before the lord chancellor, his lordship defired the atlistance of the judges; accordingly, the mafter of the rolls, Mr. juftice Buller, and Mr. juftice Lawrence, attended with the lord chancellor, before whom the cafe was argued, and this day the court delivered judgement.

Mr. juftice Lawrence commenced with opening the two bills; he then read the claufe in the will upon which the queftion turned. He then took a view of the whole


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