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universally in use among carpenters, has, no doubt, been known from a remote antiquity; in all probability, indeed, it presents the earliest form of the instrument. In that curious specimen of typography, the Nuremberg Chronicle, which made its appearance soon after the invention of printing, there occurs, amidst hundreds of other wood cuts, a rude picture of the building of the ark, in which two or three saws are introduced, differing but little from those at present in use with our joiners. The axes, on the other hand, delineated in the print, differ materially from those with which every one must be more or less acquainted. That the artist might intend them for antediluvian axes may well enough be imagined by the reader, when told that, in a preceding picture of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise, the gates of the garden of Eden are furnished with immense scroll hinges, like those sometimes seen on old church doors. Saws are manufactured either of iron, which is hammer-hardened, or planished on an anvil, to give the requisite degree of stiffness and elasticity; or they are made of shear steel; or, lastly, of cast steel. The last named, of course, are the best, the most expensive, as well as the most durable, articles-the only instruments, indeed, in which all the desirable qualities of a good tool of this kind are found to be combined.

SAY, Jean Baptiste, professor of political economy in the university of Paris, died in November, 1832.

SCOTT, Sir Walter, died at Abbotsford,
Sept. 21, 1832, and was interred in Dry-
burgh abbey.

SCOURGING. (See Flagellation.)

SCREVEN, James, a brigadier-general in Georgia during the revolutionary war, commanded the militia when that state was invaded from East Florida, in November, 1778. While a party of the enemy was marching from Sunbury towards Savannah, he had repeated skirmishes with them at the head of a hundred militia. In an engagement at Midway, the place of his residence, he was wounded by a musket ball, and fell from his horse. Several of the British immediately came up, and discharged their pieces at him. He died, soon afterwards, of his wounds. Few officers were more zealous in the service of their country, and few men were more esteemed and beloved for their virtues in private life.

SEA EGGS. (See Echinus.)
SEA KINGS. (See Vikingr.)
SEA WEED. (See Fuci.)

SEMSEM. (See Sesamum Orientale.) SERJEANTS AT LAW. (See Barristers, and Inns of Court.)

SESAC. (See Shishac.)

SETINES; the modern name of Athens, (See Athens.)

SE WALL, Stephen, first Hancock professor of Hebrew in Harvard college, was born at York, Maine, in April, 1734, and graduated at the institution just named, in 1761. In 1762, he was appointed SCARLET SNAKE. (See Serpent.) Hebrew instructer in the college, and SCHINDERHANNES. (See Buckler, John.) June 17, 1765, Hebrew professor. He SCHUYLER, Peter, mayor of the city of continued in the office for more than Albany, was much distinguished for his twenty years. He died in July, 1804. He patriotism, and for his influence over the published a Hebrew Grammar (8vo. Indians. In 1691, with a party of 300 1763); the Scripture Account of the ScheMohawks and about the same number of chinah (1794); the Scripture History, relatEnglish, he made a bold attack upon the ing to the Overthrow of Sodom and Go French settlements at the north end of morrha, and to the Origin of the Salt Sea, Jake Champlain, and slew three hundred or Lake of Sodom (1796); translation of of the enemy. Such was his authority the first book of Young's Night Thoughts with the Five Nations, that whatever he into Latin; Carmina Sacra, quæ Latine recommended had the force of law In Græceque condidit America (1789). He also 1710, he went to England at his own ex- wrote a Chaldee and English Dictionary, pense, taking with him five Indian chiefs, which is in manuscript in the library of for the purpose of exciting the govern- Harvard college. ment to vigorous measures against the French in Canada. The chief command in New York devolved upon him as the eldest member of the council, in 1719; but in the following year governor Burnet arrived. He often warned the New England colonies of expeditions meditated against them by the French and Indians. SCIATICA. (See Rheumatism.)

SEYBERT, doctor Adam, was born in Philadelphia, in May, 1773, and received his academical and medical education in the university of Pennsylvania. In 1793, he went to Europe, and pursued his professional studies in Paris, London, Edinburgh and Göttingen. He became an intimate friend of professor Blumenbach. The sciences of chemistry and mineralo

gy were favorite pursuits with him. His collection which he brought from Europe was, perhaps, the first well-assorted cabinet imported into the U. States. He contributed papers to Cox's Medical Museum, relating to the chemical composition of the atmosphere, the extraction of the metal from the sulphuret of zinc, &c., and discovered the best mode of refining camphor. In 1818, he published, under the patronage of congress, his large work, entitled Statistical Annals, embracing Views of the Population, Commerce, Navigation, &c., of the United States of America, founded on Official Documents, commencing March 4, 1789, and ending April 20, 1818. In May, 1819, he went to Europe, travelled in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and Ireland, and returned to the U. States, August, 1821. In October, 1824, he made a third voyage to Europe, by which a chronic disorder, supposed by the physicians in Paris to be an inflammatory affection of the pylorus, was much aggravated. He died at Paris, May 2, 1825. It having been his opinion that some of the unfortunate convicts, who are discharged from the Philadelphia penitentiary, after having undergone the penalty of the law, without having the means to procure a morsel of food or a night's lodging, might be prevented from the commission of further crimes, were they provided with a moderate sum of money, he therefore bequeathed $500 to the penitentiary, on condition that the citizens should make further contributions for that purpose before the expiration of six months; but no additions were made towards establishing said fund. SHEE. In the article on him, it was erroneously stated that he died in 1830. He is at present president of the royal academy.

one. He continued his studies at London, paying particular attention to comparative anatomy, under the guidance of the famous John Hunter (in whose family he resided), and also to midwifery. He then went to Edinburgh, where he took his medical degree. In 1762, he returned to his native country. In the autumn of the same year, his first course of anatomy began. He gave three courses unconnected with any institution, when, in 1765, a medical school was established under the auspices of the college of Philadelphia, and he was chosen professor of anatomy and surgery. His anatomical lectures were regularly delivered until the winter of 1775, when they were suspended by the revolution. In 1776, he entered the medical department of the army, and, in 1781, resigned the post of director-general of that department, to which he had been a second time appointed. He had previously, in 1778. resumed his lectures. During ten or twelve years subsequently, he continued to practise, with great success, as an arcoucheur, surgeon and physician; but the death of an only son, in 1798, affected him so much as to cause his almost entire abandonment of his duties as a practitioner and lecturer. He partially recovered his spirits, and delivered a course of lectures in 1807; but his health was greatly broken, and in July, 1808, he died at Germantown. As a lecturer, especially as a demonstrator of anatomy, doctor Shippen was highly distinguished; and as a physician he ranked with the first of the day.

SHUBEN ACADIE. (See Acadia.)


SIEYES died at Paris, Nov. 30, 1830, in the eighty-second year of his age. SIGLE. (See Abbreviations.) SINGAPURA. (See Sincapore.) SKYPETARS. (See Albania.)

SHELDRAKES. (See Duck. SHERIBON. (See Cheribon., SHIPPEN, William, was born in 1736, SLIDE is the name given to an inclined in Philadelphia, and was the son of an plane for facilitating the descent of heavy eminent physician. He graduated, in bodies by the force of gravity. In gene1754, at the college of New Jersey. He ral, they have been objects of no great delivered the valedictory oration at the importance; but one erected, some years commencement, when he took his bache- since, at Alpnach, in Switzerland, exlor's degree, and acquitted himself so cited great interest throughout Europe. well, that the celebrated preacher White- For many ages, the craggy sides and the field, who happened to be present, ad- deep ravines of Pilatus, a lofty mountain dressed him publicly, and, declaring that near Lucerne, were thickly clothed with he had never heard better speaking, urged vast and impenetrable forests of spruce him to devote himself to the pulpit. His fir, of the largest size and the finest qualinclinations, however, led him to the study ity, surrounded on every side by the ofhop leine; and, after prosecuting it for most terrific precipices, inaccessible to rs, under the care of his father, all but a few daring hunters, who, at the Europe, at the age of twenty-risk of their lives, scaled these precipitous

rocks and crags, in pursuit of the chamois. It was from these bold adventurers that the first intelligence was derived concerning the size of the trees, and the extent of the forests, until a foreigner, who had visited their sequestered glades and gloomy recesses, in pursuit of the chamois, was struck with amazement at the sight, and pointed out to the attention of several Swiss gentlemen the vast extent and superior quality of the timber. The project of making use of these rich natural stores was, however, rejected as chimerical, by persons whose experience and skill made them competent to judge; and it was, consequently, abandoned. This attempt having failed, these immense and valuable forests would, in all probability, have been suffered to flourish and decay, without ever being applied to the use of man, if it had not been for the enterprising genius and the unwearied exertion of M. Rupp, a native of Wirtemberg, who, owing to some political changes which had taken place in his own country, had settled near the lake of Lucerne. His curiosity being strongly excited by the accounts he had heard of the forest, he was induced to visit it. He was so much struck by its wonderful appearance, that he entertained the idea of being able to convey the trees into the lake of Lucerne, solely by their own gravity. During his long residence in Switzerland, his character and talents were so much appreciated, that, with the assistance of three Swiss gentlemen, he soon formed a company from among the proprietors, with a joint stock, to enable them to purchase the forest, and to construct a road or slide, down which it was intended the trees should be precipitated in the lake of Lucerne, an arm of which washed the bottom of the mountain, from which they could be easily conveyed by the Rhine to any part of the German ocean. This stupendous undertaking was finished in 1816. The slide of Alpnach was composed of between 25,000 and 30,000 large pine trees, squared by the axe, and formed into a sort of trough, about six feet broad, and from three to six feet deep. In the bottom of the trough there was a groove for the reception of a small stream of water, let in over the side of the trough every now and then, in order to keep the whole structure moist, and thereby to diminish the excessive friction occasioned by the rapidity of the descent of the tree. The slide was sustained by cross timbers; and these cross timbers were themselves supported

by uprights fixed into the ground. It was sometimes carried along the faces of the most rocky eminences; sometimes it went under ground; and again it crossed the deepest ravines, where it was supported by scaffoldings 120 feet high. The skill and ingenuity which were displayed, and the difficulties which were surmounted, in this vast undertaking, gained a just tribute of admiration to the enterprising individual who projected and carried it through. Before the work could even be begun, it was necessary to cut down many thousand trecs, to obtain a passage for the laborers through the impassable thickets; and M. Rupp was himself frequently obliged to descend the steepest precipices, suspended by ropes, at the imminent hazard of his life; and though he was attacked by a violent fever, yet his ardor was so great that be had himself conveyed every day, on a barrow, to the mountain, in order to superintend the operations of his workmen. The expense attending this undertaking was, according to one account, £9000 or £10,000; but according to another, only £4250. Before the trees were launched into the slide, some previous preparation was necessary, which consisted in lopping off the branches, and stripping them of the bark, that they might descend with the greater ease. Every thing being prepared, the tree was introduced into the trough, with the root foremost; and it descended with such velocity as to reach the lake in six minutes, a distance of about three leagues, or nine miles; but the largest trees performed the same distance in about three minutes. In order to prevent the accidents which might take place if the tree was let off before every thing was ready at the lower end, a regular telegraphic communication was established between the two extremities of the slide; and workmen were posted at regular distances of about a mile from each other, and so arranged that every station should be visible from the ones both above and below it. When the tree was launched, the workmen at the upper end hoisted their telegraph (which consisted of a board turning at its middle on a horizontal axle; the board, when placed upright, was visible from the two stations above and below it, but when it was turned horizontally, it was not perceptible from either); the same signal was repeated by all the rest in succession, so that the workmen at the lower end of the trough received intimation of the approach of the tree almost instantaneously.

In a few minutes, the tree came thundering past the men, and plunged into the lake. The lowest board was then turned down, which was followed immediately by ail the rest; and thus the workmen at the top were informed of the safe descent of the tree. The same operation was repeated during the rest of the day; and it was so arranged that a tree should descend every tive or six minutes. When the progress of the tree was impeded by any obstacle, or when it started out of the trough, the board was only half depressed; and as the workinen knew by this signal that something was wrong, those who occupied the stations above and below the place where the tree had struck, came and assisted in removing the obstruction, which was generally occasioned by the springing of a beam in the trough. In order to prove the enormous force which the trees acquired by the rapidity of their descent, M. Rupp caused some of them to spring from the trough. The result was that they penetrated the earth by their thickest ends to the depth of eighteen and sometimes twenty-four feet; and one of them having accidentally come in contact with another, cleft it from top to bottom, with the violence and rapidity of lightning. In order that none of the small wood might be lost, M. Rupp constructed several extensive manufactories in different parts of the forest, for the purpose of reducing it to charcoal. He also built magazines for preserving it when made. The trees, after having reached the lake, were made up into rafts, and floated down the Reuss, by the Aar, into the Rhine. By this rapid conveyance, they generally arrived at Basle a few days after they had left Lucerne. At Basle they passed out of the hands of the company. They were still floated down the Rhine in rafts to Holland; and thus performed a journey of about 4000 miles, in less than a month from the time they left Pilatus, until they arrived at the German ocean. We are sorry to add, that this stupendous work of art is now totally destroyed, and that almost every trace of it is obliterated on mount Pilatus. The great demand which formerly exist ed for the timber having entirely ceased, owing to political causes, the cutting and transporting of the timber was necessarily discontinued, and the slide was suffered to go to ruin. (See Playfair's Works, vol. Appendix, No. 2, p. 89.)

(See Plum.)

John, doctor of divinity, an gregational clergyman of was born at Lebanon, in

that state, June 4, 1734. He took his degree at Yale college, in 1756, and, in 1758, was ordained pastor of the second society in Berlin, a situation which he retained until his death, June 1, 1820, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. In 1760 he published his Sermons on Natural and Moral Inability, which were soon after republished in England. A transistion of them also was made, it is believed, in Germany. His other works are two Discourses on Universal Salvation; a Concio ad Clerum; an Election Sermon: and Sermons (in 2 vols., 8vo.).

SMALLWOOD, William, a governor of Maryland, served with great distinction in the revolutionary war. In 1776, be received the appointment of brigadiergeneral, and was present, with the brigade of Maryland troops under his command, at the battles on Long Island, near Camden, and at Germantown. In 1785, he was elected a delegate to congress, and, the same year, governor of the state. His death occurred in February, 1792.

SMEATON, John, an eminent civil engineer, was born May 28, 1724, at Aus thorpe, near Leeds. The strength of his understanding and the originality of has genius appeared at an early age. His father was an attorney; and being desirous to bring up his son to the same profession, he carried him to London, in 1742, where he attended the courts in Westminster hall; but, after some time, finding that the law was not suited to his disposition, he wrote a strong memorial to his father on the subject, who immediately desired the young man to follow the bent of his inclination. In 1751, he began a course of experiments to try a machine of his own invention, to measure a ship's way at sea, and made two voyages, in company with doctor Knight, to try the effect of it, and also for the purpose of making experiments on a compass of his own construction, which was rendered mag netical by doctor Knight's artificial mag nets. In 1753, he was elected a fellow of the royal society; and a number of papers which he published in their Trane actions, show how highly he deserved the honor. In 1755, the Eddystone lighthouse was burnt down, and Mr. Smeaton being recommended to the proprietors of that building as an engineer in every way calculated to rebuild it, he undertook the work, which was completed in 1759, much to the satisfaction of the parties concerned. (See Light-House.) After this, Mr. Smeaton was employed on many works of great public utility. He made the river Calder navigable—a week

that required talents of the very first order, owing to the impetuous floods in that river; and planned and attended to the execution of the great canal in Scotland, for conveying the trade of the country either to the Atlantic or German ocean. Mr. Smeaton was appointed engineer to Ramsgate harbor, and brought it into a state of great utility by various operations, of which he published an account in 1791. He constructed a variety of mills, built a steam-engine at Austhorpe, and made a vast number of experiments with it to ascertain the power of Newcommen's engine (see Steam-Engine), which he improved and brought to a far greater degree of perfection, both in its construction and powers, than it had before. During many years of his life, he was a frequent attendant upon parliament, his opinion on various works, begun or projected, being continually called for. He died in 1792. He was fond of science for its own sake, and spent much of his leisure in the study of astronomy; for which purpose, he fitted up an observatory, in his house, furnished with curious contrivances of his own invention. He was a friend and encourager of merit wherever he discerned it; and many persons were indebted to him for important assistance on entrance into life. Mr. Smeaton was the institutor, in 1771, of a society of civil engineers, which was dissolved at his death, but afterwards renewed. They published, in 1797, a volume of his Reports. (For his labors in constructing bridges, mills, harbors, engines, &c., see his Reports, in 3 vols., 4to.) Of his inventions and improvements of philosophical instruments, an idea may be formed from the list of his writings, which is inserted in Hutton's Dictionary.

SMEW. (See Merganser.)

SOLWAY MOSS; a tract of land in Cumberland, celebrated for an eruption of a very remarkable kind, which is thus described by Mr. Gilpin :-"Solway moss is a flat area about seven miles in circumference. The substance of it is a gross fluid, composed of mud and the putrid fibres of heath, diluted by internal springs, which arise in every part. The surface is a dry crust, covered with moss and rushes, offering a fair appearance over an unsound bottom, shaking with the least pressure. Cattle, by instinct, know and avoid it. Where rushes grow, the bottom is soundest. The adventurous passenger, therefore, who sometimes, in dry seasons, traverses this perilous waste, to save a few miles, picks his cautious

way over the rushy tussocks as they appear before him. If his foot slips, or if he ventures to desert this mark of security, it is possible he may never more be heard of. On the south, Solway moss is bounded by a cultivated plain, which declines gently, through the space of a mile, to the river Esk. This plain is lower than the moss, being separated from it by a breastwork formed by digging peat, which makes an irregular, though perpendicular line of low, black boundary. It was the bursting of the moss through this peat breastwork, over the plains between it and the Esk, that occasioned the dreadful inundations that destroyed so large a district. The more remarkable circumstances relating to this calamitous event, were these: On the thirteenth of November, 1771, in a dark, tempestuous night,* the inhabitants of the plain were alarmed with a dreadful crash, which they could no way account for: many of them were then in the fields, watching their cattle, lest the Esk, which was then rising violently in the storm, should carry them off. In the mean time, the enormous mass of fluid substance, which had burst from the moss, moved slowly on, spreading itself more and more as it got possess.on of the plain. Some of the inhabitants, through the terror of the night, could plainly discover it advancing like a moving hill. This was, in fact, the case; for the gush of mud carried before it, through the first two or three hundred yards of its course, a part of the breastwork, which, though low, was yet several feet in perpendicular height; but it soon deposited this solid mass, and became a heavy fluid. One house after another it spread round, filled, and crushed into ruins, just giving time to the terrified inhabitants to escape. Scarcely any thing was saved except their lives; nothing of their furniture, few of their cattle. Some people were even surprised in their beds, and had the additional distress of flying naked from the ruins. The morning light explained the cause of this amazing scene of terror, and showed the calamity in its full extent; and yet, among all the conjectures of that dreadful night, the mischief that really happened had never been supposed. Lands which, in the evening, would have let for twenty shillings an acre, in the morning were not worth sixpence. On this well-cultivated plain, twenty-eight families had their dwellings and little farms, every one of which, except, perhaps, a few who lived

*Three days' rain, of unusual violence, preceded the eruption.

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