EPISTLE VII. ΤΟ JAMES THOMSON, ESQ. ON HIS SEASONS. FROM JAMES DALACOURT, B. A. FROM Sunless worlds, where Phoebus seldom smiles, So the wing'd bees that idly rove along, Blest Bard with what new lustre dost thou rise, Soft as the Season o'er the Summer skies! Thy works a little world new-found appear, And thou the Phoebus of a Heaven so fair; Thee their bright sovereign all the signs allow, And Thomson is the name for Nature now: Thou first could'st drive the coursers of the day, Nor through the dazzling glories lost thy way; Thy steeds red hoofs, still trod th' eternal round, Nor threw the burning chariot to the ground. So round Iulus' temples, blazing bright! In locks dishevel'd stream'd a length of light; The prince unharm'd beheld the sparkles spread, Nor shook the shining honors from his head. Beneath thy touch, Description paints anew, In various drapery see the rolling year, But chief the sweetest passion best you sing, The grove's soft theme, and symphony of Spring: And in the waters Phocae feel the fire ; And burns though circled round with all his waves. A sudden flash of lightning turns my eye To thunder rumbling in the Summer sky! Beneath thy hand the flaming sheet is spread O'er heaven's wide face, and wraps it round with red; With the broad blaze the kindling lines grow bright, And all the glowing page is fill'd with light; Through the rough verse the thunder hoarsly roars, And on red wings the nimble lightning soars: Here thy Amelia starts, and, chill'd with fears, At every flash her eye-lids swim in tears; What heart but beats for so divine a form, Pale as a lily sinking in the storm! What maid so cold to take a lover's part, But pities Celadon with all her heart! How precious gems enrich each sparkling line, Add sun to sun, and from thy fancy shine! Here rocks of diamond blaze in broken ray, And sanguine rubies shed a blushing day; Blue shining sapphires a gay heaven unfold, And topaz lightens like transparent gold; Of evening tinct pale amethists are seen, And emeralds paint their languid beams with green : While the clear opal courts the rural sight; And rains a shower of many-color'd light : Your sky-dipp'd pencil adds the proper glow, Stains each bright stone, and lets their lustre flow, Tempers the colors shifting from each beam, And bids them flash in one continued stream. "So have I seen the florid rainbow rise, Where may those numbers find thee now retir'd? There sweet embower'd some favorite author read, Mindful of Forbes, and of thy own Argyle ? Whose Roman freedom has Roscommon's voice. |