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9. Note the points of resemblance and of difference between the phenomena of imagination, dreaming, and insanity. The poet does not believe in the actual existence of his own creations. Wherefore?


Examiner-MR. A. PEDLER, F. C. S.

N. B.-The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
1. Fifty grammes of sodium are thrown on water, what new
substances will be produced, and what will be their weights ?
What volume will the gas occupy at normal temperature and
pressure? (Na 23.)


2. What is a barometer, and how is it made? Describe some experiments which show clearly that it is the pressure of the atmosphere which supports the column of mercury in a barometer. 3. What are the chief commercial sources of ammonium compounds? How would you prepare ammonia gas, and what are its properties ?

4. How would you prepare hydrochloric acid gas, and what are its properties? How would you show clearly the volumetric composition of the gas?

5. One hundred cubic centimetres of dry carbon dioxide are measured at 27° C., and 684 millimetres pressure, what will its volume be at 13° C., and 834 millimetres pressure? What will be the weight of the gas?

6. Three volumes of a gaseous compound containing carbon and hydrogen are mixed with 12 volumes of oxygen, and an electric spark is passed. After the explosion 9 volumes of mixed gases are left, of which 3 volumes are oxygen, and 6 volumes are carbon dioxide. What is the formula of the original gas?

7. What are the properties of sulphuretted hydrogen, and for what purposes is it used in a chemical laboratory? A solution containing sodium chloride, ferrous sulphate and copper sulphate is given, how can these metals be separated by sulphuretted hydrogen?

8. A lighted taper is applied to each of the following mixtures of gases; (a.) Mixture of sulphuretted hydrogen and oxygen; (b.) Mixture of chlorine and oxygen; (c.) Mixture of marsh gas and air; (d.) Mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen; and (e) Mixture of hydrogen and chlorine. State exactly what will happen in each case.


Define the terms atom, molecule, acid, and base.

10. Classify the non-metals according to their atomicity or quantivalence. Give examples of compounds, showing clearly the quantivalence of each non-metal.











N. B.-The figures in the margin indicate full marks. 1. Are logic and deductive logic identical? Of what kind of reasoning does the latter treat? Is there any other kind of reasoning, and what is it? What is the use of studying logic?

2. State Fowler's classification of terms, according to the principle of denotation and connotation. Wherein does it differ from that of J. S. Mill and the Schoolmen respectively? Which of the three is the most satisfactory? What kind of terms can be called concrete, and why?

3. Point out and prove by examples the great importance of the syllogistic rules regarding the distribution of terms.




4. What is an 66 unquantified" proposition? Is it possible to 5 know the distribution of a term in such a proposition? State fully your reasons.

5. Explain the difference between difference, property, and accident, and determine the predicables in the following sentence: Butler maintains, that prudence is a species of virtue." 6. Given two propositions E and I to be used as premisses of a syllogism,-enumerate and prove the moods in the four figures that will be legitimate. Mention the mnemonic names of those legitimate moods.

7. Explain the principles of probable reasoning.

8. Examine the following arguments, stating them in logical form (where necessary), assigning their mood and figure, and determining their validity or fallacy :

(a.) This native of India is likely to be a Hindu, for most natives of India are Hirdus.

(b.) I cannot believe what you tell me now, for not long ago you gave me a very different account.

(c.) No one can know the future; for no one can foresee what may happen to-morrow.

(d.) It is foolish to tell a lie; for honesty is the best policy.




B. A. Examination.


Examiner-MR. W. T. WEBB, M. A.

N. B.-The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. State briefly the argument of the First Book of Paradise Regained.

2. Interpret the meaning of the following:

He who reigns within himself, and rules
Passions, desires, and fears, is more a king;
Which every wise and virtuous man attains:
And who attains not, ill aspires to rule
Cities of men, or headstrong multitudes,
Subject himself to anarchy within,

Or lawless passions in him which he serves.

3. (a.) In what manner does Satan in this poem justify the love of glory?

(b.) What is the purport of the reply made by the Saviour? 4. State some of the peculiarities in the style, language, and versification of Milton. Criticise his frequent disuse of the verb in his sentences. and his fondness for elliptical forms of expression. Narrate concisely the story of Virginia.



State the historical allusions in the following passage:
In those brave days our fathers stood firmly side by side;
They faced the Marcian fury; they tamed the Fabian

They drove the fiercest Quinctius an outcast forth from

They sent the haughtiest Claudius with shivered fasces

7. Sketch the part taken by Orlando in As You Like it.








Give in few words an outline of the plot of the Tempest. 9. Explain the following passages:

(a.) I had rather have a fool to make me merry, than experience to make me sad.


So holy, and so perfect, is my love,

And I in such a poverty of grace,

That I shall think it a most plenteous crop

To glean the broken ears after the man

That the main harvest reaps: loose now and then

A scatter'd smile, and that I'll live upon.

(c.) Sir, I am a true labourer; I earn that I eat, get that I wear; owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness; glad of other men's good, content with my harm: and the greatest of my pride is, to see my ewes graze, and my lambs suck.






Thou art not for the fashion of these times,
Where none will sweat but for promotion;
And having that, do choke their service up
Even with the having: it is not so with thee.
We are such stuff

As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.


Examiner-MR. K. DEIGHTON, M. a.

N. B.—The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
1. Explain with illustrations what Bacon means by Fantasti-
cal Learning, Contentious Learning, Delicate Learning.

2. What does Bacon say as to too great reverence for the intellect, and as to the mixture of knowledge with men's inclinations?

3. Show wherein consist the positive and the relative merits of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.


4. Compare the conditions of travelling in England in the 17th century with those of travelling in the present day.

5. Give a brief abstract of Macaulay's argument that it is the duty of the State to educate the people.

6. Put the following passages into modern English:


(a.) "This propriety inherent and individual attribute in 5 your Majesty deserveth to be expressed not only in the fame and admiration of the present time, nor in the history or tradition of the ages succeeding, but also in some solid work, fixed memorial, and immortal monument, bearing a character or signature of the power of a king and the difference and perfection of such a king."

(b.) "And for meanness of employment, that which is most traduced to contempt is that the government of youth is commonly allotted to them; which age, because it is the age of least authority, it is transferred to the disesteeming of those employments wherein youth is conversant, and which are conversant about youth."

(c.) "Take a view of the ceremonial law of Moyses: you shall find besides the prefiguration of Christ, the badge or difference of the people of God, the exercise and impression of obedience, and other divine uses and fruits thereof, that some of the most learned Rabbins travailed profitably and profoundly to observe some of them a natural, some of them a moral sense, or reduction of many of the ceremonies and ordinances."

7. Explain the following passage:


"His genius may be compared to that pinion which, though it is too weak to lift the ostrich into the air, enables her, while she remains on the earth, to outrun hound, horse, and dromedary


(b.) He liked revolution and regicide only when they were a hundred years old."




(c.) "Nor will he, for lack of human credentials, spare to deliver the glorious message with which he is charged by the true Head of the Church."

(d.) "No essays in the Spectator were more censured and derided than those in which he raised his voice against the contempt with which our fine old ballads were regarded, and showed the scoffers that the same gold which, burnished and polished, gives lustre to the Eneid and the Odes of Horace, is mingled with the rude dross of Chevy Chace."



(e.) "A clipped crown, on English ground, went as far in 1 the payment of a tax or a debt as a milled crown."

8 Explain the allusions in the following passages: (a.) "The man whose genius and valour had saved the 14 Portuguese monarchy on the field of Montes Claros, the man who had earned a still higher glory by resigning the truncheon of a Marshal of France for the sake of the true religion."

(b.) "His first exploit was the judicial murder of Algernon Sidney."

(c.) "Yet he was himself under the tyranny of scruples as unreasonable as those of Hudibras or Ralpho."

(d.) "Potsdam was, in truth, what it was called by one of its 1 most illustrious inmates, the palace of Alcina."

(e.) "All the fantastic pomp of heraldry was there, Clarencieux and Norroy, Portcullis and Rouge Dragon, the trumpets, the banners, the grotesque coats embroidered with lions and lilies."





Examiner-MR. W. GRIFFITHS, M. A.

N. B.-The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Define a fluid, and state the fundamental property of it.
A and B are any two points in a fluid at rest, show that any
change of pressure at A produces an equal change at B.

If the difference between the pressures on the ends of a solid cylinder completely immersed in a fluid is to the resultant pressure on the curved surface as 3: 1, shew that the axis of the cylinder is inclined at an angle of 30° to the vertical.


2. Explain the meaning of each symbol in the equation W 5 VS. Find the volume, in cubic inches, of a piece of iron weighing 13 lbs. (S. G. of iron 78, and a cubic foot of water weighs 1,000 oz.) If a cubic foot of the standard substance weighs 4 lbs., what must be the unit of length in order that the above equation may give the weight in ounces?


Prove that the pressure of a liquid at rest is the same at all points of the same horizontal plane within it, and that the common surface of two liquids that do not mix is a horizontal plane.

4. Explain what is meant by whole pressure, and state the rule for finding it.


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