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Examiner-D. O'C. RAYE.

1. A man has received a punctured wound of the femoral artery. He has lost much blood and is faint, the hæmorrhage for the time has ceased and the wound is filled by a clot.

What treatment would you adopt; at once, and later on? Mention the various accidents liable to occur during the progress of the case and the treatment appropriate to each. (150 marks.)


What are the appearances presented by a patient suffering from an impacted fracture of the neck of the thigh-bone? In what way is this accident usually caused? With what diseases or injuries may it be confounded? Enumerate the points which would guide you in forming your diagnosis, and the precautions which you would adopt in examining the patient. How would you treat such a fracture? (150 marks.)


What are the symptoms commonly caused by inherited syphi lis, in the infant and later in life? (100 marks.)

4. Describe the mode of union in a recent simple fracture of a long bone in the human subject? (100 marks.)

5. Describe the mode of formation and the treatment of urinary perineal fistula. (100 marks.)

Three only of the above questions to be answered. 6. What are the symptoms of acute Glaucoma?

treat such a case? (100 marks.)

How would you

7. How would you treat an incised wound of the cornea with prolapse of the iris? (100 marks.)

One only of the above two questions to be answered.

Written examination. Total marks,

Practical operations and bandaging &c.,
Clinical and diagnosis of cases,

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Total,......... 1,000

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Examiner-DR. R. C. CHANDRA.

1. What is puerperal Eclampsia? Describe its symptoms, relation of the attacks to Labour, treatment and obstetric management. (350 marks)

2. Describe the different varieties of deformed pelvis known, and explain the obstetric management suitable to each kind. (300 marks.) 3. What is 'prolonged Labour? What evil effects are likely to result from it as regards both mother and child? Describe the symptoms that are produced in the first and second stages of Labour. Explain in detail the treatment and obstetric management. (350 marks.)

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Examiner-DR. C. H. JOUBERT, M. B., F. R. C. S.

1. What is the difference between Fatty infiltration and Fatty metamorphosis? Mention briefly the microscopic appearance of each. Describe the microscopic appearance, clinical characters and usual results of the disease called Fatty degeneration of the heart. (230 marks.)

2. The Sarcomata: give (1) the varieties, (2) structure, general and microscopic, (3) seats of selection, (4) clinical characters. (230 marks.)

3. Define briefly the following terms in common use :-Pathology, Nutrition, Function, Nucleus, Protoplasm, Sphacelus, Sequestrum, Atrophy, Degeneration, Hypertrophy, Enchondroma, Myoma, Adenoma, Infarct. (140 marks.)

4. Enumerate the chief disinfectants, deodorants and antiseptics. How would you thoroughly disinfect a room in a native house in which a case of small-pox had occurred? (200 marks)

5. What are the chief sources of contamination of wells and tanks in this country? What are the principal diseases occasioned by the use of impure water for drinking and bathing, and how would you render an impure water fit for drinking purposes? (200 marks.)

6. What would constitute a good diet scale for a healthy adult Hindoo labourer? What do you consider would be the proper amount, in grains, of Carbon and Nitrogen in such a diet scale, and, speaking roughly, which of the ordinary articles of native diet contain the most and which the least of these two elements respectively? (20) marks.)

Examiner-DR. R. C. CHANDRA.

Time allowed-three hours.

1. Describe the Fatal circulation.


Describe fully the operations of Turning and also those
which involve the destruction of the Foetus. Explain
fully their comparative merits, and the cases in which
they should be resorted to.



3. Describe fully what you know about Puerperal Septicamia, its causes, the pathological changes produced, symptoms and treatment.


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