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L. M. S. and M. B. First Examination.




Examiner-DR. C. J. H. WARDEN.

State briefly the chief laws regulating chemical com- 25 bination; and give examples.

2. Calculate the specific gravity of a metal from the following 30 data:

Weight of metal in air-2·33820 grams
Loss of weight in water-12235

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3. 25 grams of steam are completely decomposed by being 60 passed over 250 grams of red-hot iron turnings Calculate the volume of H evolved, measured at 10° C, and 742 mm. Barometric pressure and the weight of ferri oxide produced.

4. Describe by means of equations the changes which occur, 50 when the following substances are separately and strongly heated in a glass tube: Plumbic nitrate: mercuric cyanide: mercuric oxide: potassic chlorate: calcic oxalate and ammonic chloride.

5. What do you understand by the terms "free" and "albumi- 40 noid" ammonia, with reference to potable waters? Give a short account of Wanklyn and Champman's process for their estimation.

6. Account for the presence of nitrates, nitrites, and chlorides 50 in well waters; and mention the tests you would employ for their detection.

7. Describe the physical, and chief chemical properties of 60 Ammonii Carbonate, potassic cyanide and arsenic trioxide.

8. How is White Precipitate prepared, and what is its chemical 45 composition? State how you would discriminate between White Precipitate, Calomel, and Corrosive Sublimate.

9. How can urea be artificially prepared? Give two methods 40 for its quantitative estimation in urine.

Fuil marks 400, and 200 marks for Practical Chemistry.


Examiner-DR. T. R. LEWIS, M. B.

Total marks


1000 [Written Examination 600; oral 400.] Value of each question 150 marks: Not more than four to be answered.

1. What are the constituents of atmospheric air and their relative proportions? What are the changes effected in it by respiration ?

2. Describe the nature and uses of the various transparent media of the eye, and mention what changes the crystalline lens undergoes during the act of accommodation.

3. Describe the minute structure of the pancreas; give the chemical properties of the pancreatic juice, and its action on the principal constituents of food.

4. Describe the development of the temporary teeth and the changes which occur in order to replace them by the permanent set. 5. Give a concise description of the structure of the mucous mem brane of the Duodenum, and of the lower part of the Ileum.

6. State what are the results of section of the third Cranial Nerve.


Examiner-Dr. K. MCLEOD.

[Maximum Value of Written Examination 600; of oral and practical 400; total 1000.]

1. Describe the Component parts of a Vertebra; and show the differences, in the form of a table, between a cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral and coccygal vertebral segment. (200 marks.)

2. Enumerate and describe the synovial sacs entering into the formation of the hand and foot respectively, including the wrist and ankle joints. (100 marks.)

3. State accurately what parts of the intestinal tube, from œsophagus to anus, do not possess a peritoneal covering. (200 marks.)

4. What are the relations, antero-posterior and lateral, of the artery vein and duct in the case of the right lung, left lung, liver and kidneys. (100 marks.)


Examiner-DR. R. HARVEY.

1. What is Camphor? What its physiological action and therapeutic effects, and into what officinal preparation does it enter? (175 marks.)

2 Write a prescription (with directions for use) for a solution of Morphia and Atropine to be employed hypodermically.

3. Mention the doses for an adult of

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Give a list of the hypnotics and state under what circumstances each is to be preferred. (175 marks.)

5. How much of each of the following substances is required to saturate 20 grains of Citric Acid.

Carbonate of Ammonium. Bicarbonate of Potassium.

Carbonate of Magnesium. Carbonate of Sodium.
Carbonate of Potassium.

Bicarbonate of Sodium. (175 marks.)

6. How is Chloral Hydrate prepared? What are the tests of its purity, and what its physical characters? (175 marks.) N. B.-Only four of these questions are to be answered,


Examiner-DR. D. D. CUNNINGHAM.

1. What is the Phyllotaxy of the specimen given to you? (Value 120.)

2. Describe the minute structure of wood? (Value 40.)

3. Describe the fertilization of ovules in flowering plants? (Value 120.)

4. What do you understand by the terms-inferior fruit-radicle --vernation-dissepiment-stoma-protoplasm? (Value 40.)

5. Enumerate and describe the chief forms of inflorescence ? (Value 40.)

6. Describe the appearance of starch and chlorophyll. In what parts of plants are they found; how are they formed; what are their uses? (Value 60.)

7. Enumerate the chief economic products derived from Indian species of Leguminosa? (Value 40.)

8. Describe the structure of the fruit of Compositæ ? (Value 40.) Total value assigned to this paper

500 marks.

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Examiner-DR. T. R. LEWIS, M. B.

Total marks = 600: Value of each question than four to be answered.

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1. Describe the structure of a Paramecium and the modes by which it multiplies.

2. Give a short description of the anatomy of the medicinal leech; and state the 'class' and 'order' to which it belongs.

3. Explain what you understand by Ametabolic,' Hemimetabolic,' and Holometabolic' Insects. Cite examples of each kind

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4. Describe briefly the tongue, and the maxillary and dental apparatus in the Ophidia: mention the chief peculiarities in their eyes and in their organs of locomotion.

5. Describe the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory apparatus in birds.

6. Give the distinctive characters of the Perissodactyle and Artiodactyle Ungulata. Cite a few examples of each kind.

T. M. S. and M. B. Second Examination.


Examiner-DR. F. C. NICHOLSON, M. B.

1. Upon what signs and symptoms would you rely in forming an opinion as to whether a woman was pregnant? (100 marks.)

2. What signs and appearances indicate that delivery has recently taken place in the living? (70 marks.)

3. What signs and appearances would you expect to find on the body of a person, who had been strangled; and what considerations would guide you in deciding whether the strangulation was suicidal or homicidal? (100 marks.)

4. What is meant by post-mortem lividity, and how would you distinguish between it and a bruise inflicted before death? (70 marks.)

5. Describe the methods of applying the Hydrostatic test to the lungs in order to determine the live birth of an infant? the objections to this test as being a conclusive means of determining What are live birth? (130 marks.)

6. Describe the symptoms and post-mortem appearances met with in strychnia poisoning? What disease has symptoms resembling those produced by this poison, and how would you distinguish them? (80 marks.)

7. Describe the symptoms and post-mortem appearances of opium poisoning. How would you treat a case? (50 marks.)


Examiner-DR. R. C. CHANDRA.

1. Give a full account of the disease known as spinal Meningitis" and how would you treat it.



2 What is Hæmatemesis?

Enumerate all the causes under the influence of which it may arise. Explain the sources of Hæmorrhage and the principles of treatment.

3. Describe the different kinds of effusion into the Pleural sac, their pathological causes, Diagnosis, and treatment. 4. Describe a case of Acute Dysentery. Explain fully its causes, symptoms, complications, morbid appearances and treatment.


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Total, 1,000

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