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Fig. (1)


Fig. (2)



10. What is the best position for a lock? What is the disadvantage of the lock Chamber being removed a little distance from the Canal as on the Ganges Canal ?

11. How is the main drainage of the country passed across a Canal when found needful? Give the three well known drainage passages on the Ganges Canal between Hurdwar and Roorkee.

12. What is the usual coefficient of contraction in a thin lipped orifice ? Give the discharge through a rectangular thin lipped orifice 12" x 4" the depth of water being 9 feet above the centre line of the orifice.

13. Slope per mile in a Canal bed = a feet; hydraulic mean depth b; what is the mean velocity of the current? and what the central surface velocity?




1. Give the resistance to crushing and tearing of mortar made with 2 parts soorkhee, 3 of white lime and 5 of sand.

What is the crushing and tearing resistance of pure Portland Cement?

Give the crushing resistance of good brick and hard sandstone. 2. A teak beam is 20 feet long 12 inches deep and 8 inches broad; what weight will the beam sustain

(a) supported at one end, and all the weight supported at the other?

(b) supported at one end, and the weight distributed uniformly? (c) What weight when the beam is supported at both ends, and all the weight distributed uniformly?


3. ABC fig. (2) is a truss AB 20 feet BAC = 45. The trusses are 6 feet apart, with a tiled roof and a factor of safety of 1-4th the whole load (wind; tiles, and wooden purlius). What dimensions would you make AB a teak beam whose depth is double its breadth? What pressure will there be on DC and BC reckoning the wind to blow at maximum force?

4. ABC fig. (2) represents two wrought iron rods in tension linked by pin B; supposing the tension stress to be 5 tons and the factor of safety 1-5th, what would be the thickness of AD, DB, and pin, B. F?

5. What is the usual proportion of the diameter of a rivet to the thickness of a plate?

6. ABCD, EBCF are two iron sheets three feet broad an inch thick; what loss of strength would there be in the usual style of singie rivetting their plates together?

What is double rivetting?

7. Design a strong joint to get a high percentage of tensile strength in joining these plates either by chain or lozenge-rivetting when the plates are lap-rivetted and also when butt joints and cover plates are used ?

8. A room is 30 feet broad and the girders are six feet from centre to centre the floor is six inches of tiles and terrace taking the weight of the floor alone and neglecting the cross girders but allow. ing for a full load of people standing on the floor. Sketch a girder to sustain this load; the girder is to have a depth of 2 feet, the flanges 2 feet broad and factor of safety 1-5th; what would be the dimensions of web and flanges?

9. Why are the ends of all long girders left free? would you if it could be avoided close in the seats of wooden beams air tight with cement; would it harm the iron work of a girder to be set in cement ?


Examiner-CAPT. W. H. JOHNSTONE, R. E.

1. What are catch-water drains and how are they employed? 2. Give a sketch of the cross section of a hill cart-road. The sidelong slope of the ground is about 1 to 1. The material is moorum and unsound rock. What should be the steepest gradient permitted on such a road?

3. Define accurately what is meant by the "gauge" of a railway. In laying the permanent way how is the expansion of the rails by heat allowed for, and what would be the consequence if it were not allowed for? What is the object of giving super-elevation to the outer rail curves? Describe how this is done in practice.

4. What are the advantages which steel rails possess over iron ones ? What office does the guard rail, opposite a crossing, perform? What are "bull-headed" rails and why were they introduced?

5. What advantages have transverse over longitudinal wooden sleepers? What objections are there against the use of stone sleepers ? Under what circumstances is the use of cast iron pot sleepers te be recommended?

6. It is an unsafe practice to run an engine tender foremost, consequently at each end of its run an engine requires to be turned round. How would you accomplish this supposing you had no engine turn tables ?

7. The intersection angle between two straight pieces of railway is 150° and it is proposed to employ a curve of 2000 ft. radius to unite them Describe in detail how you would proceed to stake out the curve with a theodolite, and give necessary calculations. If the chainage of the first tangent joint is 357 12 feet what will be the chainage of the second?

8. It is proposed to make a siding leading out of a line of railway of metre gauge. The angle of the crossing is 5° 30′ or about 1 in 104. The radius of curve to be employed is 660 feet. Calculate the "lead" and give a sketch showing the crossing and the position of the guard, stock and switch rails: the latter are 12 feet long.

9. Is it advisable that the gradient of a railway should rise to a station on each side, so that the station may be on a summit, or is it better that the station should be in a hollow between two falling gradients. Give reasons for your answer.

10. Give a sketch of the main section of a small portion of an imaginary railway, shewing the kind of information which a working section should contain.


Examiner-DR. C. J. H. WARDEN.

1. What are the chief sources of heat? Explain the meaning of "mechanical equivalent of heat."


Describe the laws which govern ebullition; and indicate briefly their technical and scientific applications.

3. A bar of cast iron at 10° C. measures 15:4ft: what would be its length at 79-3° C. ?


Describe the wet bulb hygrometer. Give Apjohn's formula for ascertaining the hygrometric state of the atmosphere.


Describe the chemical composition of a lime (Ca O) suitable for building purposes. Mention the reason which would lead you to

reject a sample.

6. Give at least two tests for each of the substances you may have mentioned as occurring in lime. Give equations.

7. Describe the composition of a water fit for use in boilers. To what is "fur" in boilers due? Are you acquainted with any method by which it may be prevented?

8 Describe the preparation and chemical and physical properties of Chlorine. What would be the weight of one litre of Chlorine at 60° C. and of 750 mm. barometric pressure?

9. Define the following terms, convection, athermancy, evaporation, radiation, and condensation.


State the principles of Dalton's atomic theory,


Examiner-DR. C. J. H. WARDEN.

1. Give a short account of the source and course of the Brahmapootra river, and of the physical characters of the localities through which it flows.



What are the causes and effects of the Gulf Stream ?

State what you know regarding sub soil water; its rate of movement, and the causes which influence its level.

4. Give a brief description of the soil constituents of the IndoGangetic plain.

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