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XIV. At the conclusion of every examination of the candidates, the Examiners shall Grant of Degrees. declare the name of every candidate whom they shall have deemed entitled to any of the said Degrees, and his proficiency in relation to other candidates; and also the honors which he may have gained in respect of his proficiency in that department of knowledge in which he is about to graduate; and he shall receive from the said Chancellor a certificate, under the seal of the University of Calcutta, and signed by the said Chancellor, or Vice-Chancellor, in which the particulars so stated shall be declared.

XV. The said Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows shall have power to charge such Fees. reasonable fees for the Degrees to be conferred by them, and upon admission into the said University and for continuance therein, as they, with the approbation of the Governor-General of India in Council, shall from time to time see fit to impose. Such fees shall be carried to one General Fee Fund for the payment of expenses of the said University, under the directions and regulations of the Governor-General of India in Council, to whom the accounts of income Annual Accounts. and expenditure of the said University shall once in every year be submitted for such examination and audit as the said Governor-General of India in Council may direct.

Passed on the 6th October.

An Act for giving to the Universities of Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay the power of conferring Degrees in addition to those mentioned in Acts II, XXII, and XXVII of 1857.

WHEREAS it is expedient to give to the Universities of Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay, Preamble. established under Acts II, XXII, and XXVII of 1857, the power of conferring Degrees

other than the Degrees in that Act expressly provided for; it is enacted as follows:

Power of Universities to confer Degrees.

I. It shall be competent to the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows of the Universities of Calcutta, Madras or Bombay, respectively, to confer such Degrees and to grant such Diplomas or Licenses in respect of Degrees, as the said Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows of any such University shall have appointed or shall appoint by any bye-laws or regulations made and passed or to be made or passed by them in the manner provided in the said Acts, and submitted to and approved by the Governor-General in Council as far as regards the University of Calcutta, or by the Governor in Council of Madras or Bombay as regards the Universities of Madras and Bombay respectively.


II. All the provisions contained in the said Acts II, XXII, and XXVII of 1857, with respect to the Degrees therein mentioned, and to the examinations for those Degrees, shall apply to any Degrees which may be conferred under this Act and to the examinations for such Degrees.

ACT NO. XXI OF 1875.

Received the assent of the Governor-General on the 14th December 1875.

An Act to authorize the University at Calcutta to grant Honorary Degrees.


WHEREAS, under Act No. II of 1857, an University was established at Calcutta for the purpose of ascertaining by examination the persons who had acquired proficiency in different branches of Literature, Science, and Art, and of rewarding them by Academical Degrees as evidence of their respective attainments and by section eight of the same Act the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows for the time being of the said University were empowered to make bye-laws and regulations touching the examination for such Degrees and the granting of the same;

And whereas, by section eleven of the same Act, it was provided that the said Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows should have power after examination to confer the several Degrees therein mentioned;

And whereas, under Act No. XLVII of 1860, the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows for the time being of the said University were empowered to confer such Degrees as they should appoint by bye-laws and regulations made and approved as therein mentioned; and all the provisions of the said Act No. II of 1857 with respect to the Degrees therein mentioned, and the examination of those Degrees were declared to apply to Degrees conferred under the said Act No. XLVII of 1860, and to the examinations for such Degrees;

And whereas, under bye-laws and regulations made in exercise of the said powers, the executive government of the said University is now vested in a Syndicate consisting of the Vice-Chancellor and six of the Fellows of the said University; and it is the duty of the said Syndicate (among other things) to grant Academical Degrees;

And whereas it is expedient to authorize the said Syndicate to grant such Degrees to persons who have not undergone a previous examination; It is hereby enacted as follows:

Power to confer Honorary Degrees.

1. With the previous consent of the said Chancellor, the said Syndicate for the time being may grant any Academical Degree to any person without requiring him to undergo any examination for such Degree; Provided that the said Vice-Chancellor, and not less than four of the other members of the said Syndicate for the time being, certify in writing that in his and their opinion. such person is, by reason of eminent position and attainments, a fit and proper person to receive such Degree.




1. The Senate,* as constituted by Act No. II of 1857, shall meet ordinarily once a year, on the third Saturday in April, and at other times when convened by the ViceChancellor.

2. The Vice-Chancellor shall convene a meeting of the Senate on the requisition of any six of the members.

3. Nine Members of the Senate shall constitute a quorum, and all questions shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the Members present.


1. The Senate shall be divided into four Faculties, namely, Arts, Law, Medicine, and Engineering. Every Member of the Senate may be a Member of one Faculty at least, and any Member of the Senate may be a Member of more than one Faculty.

2. The Faculties shall be appointed by the Senate at its Annual Meeting.

3. Each Faculty shall elect its own President. Every Meeting of a Faculty shall be convened by its President, or, in his absence, by the Senior Fellow belonging to that Faculty.

4. If any Faculty omit to elect a President before the Annual Meeting of the Senate, or, in case the office should become vacant during the year, to elect a President for the rest of the year within one month after the vacancy occurs, the Vice-Chancellor may appoint any Member of such Faculty to be its President.

By the 8th Section of Act No. II of 1857, the Senate have power to make and alter Bye-laws and Regulations, subject to the approval of the Governor-General of India in Council.

The Syndicate have power to alter all dates.

5. Three Members of any Faculty shall constitute a quorum of the Faculty.


1. The Executive Government of the University shall be vested in a Syndicate consisting of the Vice-Chancellor and six of the Fellows, who shall be elected for one year by the several Faculties, in the following proportions :


Three by the Faculty of Arts.
One by the Faculty of Law.
One by the Faculty of Medicine.
One by the Faculty of Engineering.

The elections, both of the Presidents of the Faculties and of the Members of the Syndicate, shall take place before the Annual Meeting of the Senate, and the names of the persons elected shall be declared at such Meeting.

3. The Syndicate shall meet ordinarily once a month, and at other times when convened by the Vice-Chancellor.

4. All Members of the Syndicate must be resident in or near Calcutta. If any Member be temporarily absent. from Calcutta, the President of his Faculty may appoint a Member to officiate during his absence. Should the period of absence exceed three months, the Vice-Chancellor may declare his place vacant.

5. On every vacancy in the Syndicate, caused by death, resignation, absence from Calcutta, or otherwise, the Faculty, by whom the Member causing the vacancy was elected, shall proceed to elect a new Member for the remainder of the current year.

6. If any Faculty omit to elect a Member of the Syndi cate within one month after a vacancy occurs, the ViceChancellor may appoint one from among the Members of that Faculty.

7. Four Members of the Syndicate shall constitute a quorum, and all questions shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the Members present.

8. The Vice-Chancellor, or, in his absence, the Senior*

The ex-officio Fellows of the University are always the Senior Fellows in order of official precedence. The seniority of the other Fellows mentioned in the Act of Incorporation is according to the order in which their names appear there. The seniority of all other Fellows is according to the date and order of their appointment.

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