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St. John's College, Agra.

This College was established in 1850 in connection with the Mission of the Church Missionary Society at Agra, chiefly at the instance of an influential body of Civilians and Military officers then forming the Committee of the Local Church Missionary Association, who wished to have an Educational Institution of a high order connected with the Mission.

The large and handsome Gothic building in which the classes are now held, erected from the design of Major Kittoe, was completed in 1853.


1. The College is endowed with two Scholarships founded in memory of the late Mr. Thomason and bearing his name, value Rs. 10 per month each and tenable for one year. These Scholarships are assigned at the annual Christmas Examination to the two most proficient students in English literature.

2. There are also two endowed Theological Scholarships founded in 1861, value Rs. 5 per month, and tenable for one year, assigned to the two students who show themselves best acquainted with the doctrines and principles of the Christian religion.

3. Other Scholarships, to the value of nearly Rs. 40 per month, are given from the general funds of the College for proficiency in English, Mathematics, Hindi, and Persian.


Every student is required to pay 2 rupees fee at entrance; and schooling fees ranging from annas 4 to Rs. 5 per month acccording to the income of his parent or guardian.

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Joy Narain's College, Benares,

A free school was founded in the year 1817 by Raja Joy Narain Ghosaul, Bahadur, in gratitude for his recovery from a protracted illness.

He endowed it with a monthly sum of Rs. 200, to which Government added an endowment grant of Rs. 252-12 per mensem.

The founder appointed the Committee of the Sigra (Benares) Church Missionary Association, for the time being, trustees with directions that they should "appoint such members as shall be able to satisfy the inquiries of the learned of this city on subjects of science, history, and religion."

In 1858 the spacious school-room, provided by Joy Narain, having been found insufficient for the number of students, the present building was erected; at the same time the School was raised to a College, and named after the founder.

The College Department was closed in 1875.

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This institution was opened in 1864, and is under the control of the Director of Public Instruction, Panjab.

It is affiliated to the Calcutta University, but receives considerable grants for scholarships from the Panjab University College. By sanction of the Government, it prepares students both for the Panjab University College and the Calentta University Examinations; and the Arts scheme of the former has been so arranged as to make it possible for students to read for the examinations of both Institu. tions at the same time.

The Delhi Government College has been incorporated with it since 1st April 1877. All students passing the Matriculation Examina tion of the Calcutta University, or the Panjab University College, are admitted on payment of a monthly tuition fee of Rs. 2. The number of students on the 1st March, 1878 was 120, distributed over five classes.

A gold and a silver medal, in memory of the late Mr. Arnold are given to those students in the Panjab who pass highest in the M.A. and B.A. examinations of the Calcutta University respectively.

Besides Scholarships and medals, prizes for general proficiency are awarded annually in all the classes.

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An Oriental College, founded in 1792, and supported by the voluntary contributions of Mahomedan gentlemen, acquired a large accession of income in 1829 by the munificent gift of Bs. 1,70,000 of the late Nawab Itmad-ud-Dowlah, formerly Minister at Lucknow. The College was then divided into two departments, an Oriental and English; and in 1841 Mr. F. Boutros was appointed first Principal; in 1855 the Instruction, up to that time under the supreme direction of a Managing Committee, was placed under the control of the Director of Public Instruction for the North-West Provinces. In 1857 the very valuable Oriental Library was plundered and destroyed by the mutineers, after which, in 1858, a new school was founded, which is now, by affiliation to the Calcutta University, the present Delhi College. Students pay fees of Rs. 2 and Rs. 5.

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Arabic and Persian Profr. Maulvi Ziauddin Khan (offg.) Sanskrit Teacher Pandit Kashinath Kanti (offg.) This College is also affiliated to the Punjab University College, and prepares its students for the examinations of that Institution as well as for those of the Calcutta University.

The College has connected with it, under the management o. the Principal, a District School, teaching up to the Entrance Examination, four Anglo-Vernacular Schools, and six purely Vernacular Schools.

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The College of St. Thomas the Apostle, Colombo,


Founded by the Right Reverend James Chapman, D.D., First Bishop of Colombo, A.D. 1851. AFFILIATED, 1864.




Tutor and









The Lord Bishop of Colombo.
The Rev. Edward Francis Miller,
M.A. (St. John's College,

The Rev. T Felton Falkner, M.A.
(Christ's College, Cambridge).

The Rev. Henry D. Meyrick.

The Rev. Henry D. Meyrick.

Mr. Harry Drew, Assoc. Mus., Trinity
College, London.



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The College Course includes Divinity, Classics, Mathematics, History, Logic, Philosophy, and the English Language. The subjects read during each year are those required by the Syndicate of the University of Calcutta for the Examinations in Arts.

In connection with the College there are the following Scholarships, Studentships, and Exhibitions.

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founded by Sampson Rajepakse Modeliyar, each of the value of Rs. 480 per annum, tenable for three years, and open to all inhabitants of Ceylon between the ages of 16 and 21;

Ten Divinity Studentships.

each of the annual value of Rs. 300, open to young men intending to take Holy Orders, or otherwise devote themselves to Mission work in the Diocese; and

Four Prince of Wales' Exhibitions,

founded for the purpose of aiding the children of poor and deserving parents in obtaining a higher education than their means would otherwise admit of.

Every pupil of the Collegiate School who has passed the Entrance Examination, must either enter the College or cease his connection with the Institution.

The General Assembly's Enstitution, Calcutta.

This Institution was established in 1830, by the General Assem. bly of the Church of Scotland. It is the oldest Institution of the kind in India; for it was here that the system, now all but universally followed, was first tried,-of imparting the highest forms of knowledge, including sound Christian instruction, through the medium of the English language. Before this experiment, Bengali or Sanskrit had been exclusively favoured in Bengal by the Govern ment, by Oriental Scholars, and even by Missionaries themselves. The new system was introduced by Dr. Duff, who began his Missionary labours by founding this Institution. Valuable help in the way of procuring pupils was given at the commencement by the famous Rajah Ram Mohun Roy. The success of the Institution soon surpassed all expectations. The Governor-General declared publicly that it had produced "unparalleled results." After having been carried on for some years in various hired premises, the Institution was removed in 1839 to the present building, which is most conveniently situated in Cornwallis Square, in the very centre of the Hindu population.

The Institution was temporarily closed in 1844, in consequence of the secession of the Missionaries with the Free Church. But it was re-opened in 1846 by the Church of Scotland, under the superintendence of the late Rev. Dr. Ogilvie, by whom it was carried on uninterruptedly, and with great efficiency, till his death in 1871. Dr. Ogilvie was succeeded by Dr. Robert Jardine who retired in 1876; after which Mr. James Wilson officiated as Principal for the next two years.

The General Assembly's Institution is divided into two departments, the College Department and the School Department.

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