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[Still standing.]

Minister.-Let us now attend to the Preaching and Hearing of God's Holy Word,-commencing by Prayer.

[All kneel.]

Minister.-O Lord God Almighty, thou hast commanded thy word to be preached, for the edification of thy saints, and for converting Sinners from the error of their ways: and in obedience to thy command, we would now proceed to Expound thy word of life. Holy Spirit, we beseech thee to grant, that this expounding may prove spirit and life to all who

hear it.

Congregation.-O Holy Spirit, quicken us all by the Preaching of the word of life.

Minister. O God, mercifully grant unto him who is now to speak, a spirit of knowledge, of discernment, of grace, and of power, for the true, the wise, and faithful unfolding of the truths of thy Revelation. O Lord, may he rightly understand that portion of thy word from which he is now to speak; may he rightly divide it, and rightly apply it unto all who are here present.

Congregation.-O Lord, guide and direct thy Servant rightly to speak unto us from thy word of truth.

Minister.-O Lord, open now the ears and the understandings, and the hearts of all thy people here before thee in this assembly, that they may receive instruction, correction, and consolation; and that they may be truly built up, and established, in the faith and holiness of the Gospel of thy Son Jesus Christ.

Congregation.-O Lord, sanctify all thy people here present through the exposition of thy word, unto their eternal salvation.

Minister.-Almighty God, have mercy, we beseech thee, on all now in this place who have not yet turned

unto the Lord, but who remain still estranged from thee, and are feeding themselves, in some shape, with their own deceivings. O Lord, have mercy upon all such; O Lord, have mercy upon them: and may the truths of thy word now to be unfolded, reach their understandings and their hearts, through the powerful influences of thy Spirit, that they may be brought, at this present time, from darkness to light.

Congregation.-O God, may the Preaching of the Gospel at this time prove life to the dead.

Minister. O Lord our Heavenly Father, most graciously hear these our petitions which we now make unto thee, for thy blessing to be on us in the preaching of the word, in conformity to thy commandment. O God, let us all enjoy thy blessing very abundantly, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour: Amen.

Congregation.-Amen, and amen.

[The Congregation sit.]

[The Sermon is now delivered; and is succeeded by the following Prayer, which concludes the Service.]

Minister.-Let us pray.

[All kneel.]

Minister.-Almighty and Most Gracious Father, may it please thee to follow with thy blessing what has now been declared from thy word in this place. May the Holy Spirit be given to us all, to impress these things on our hearts, to keep them alive on our memories, and to enable us to reduce them to practice. Congregation.-O Lord, give us thy Spirit to impress deeply upon our hearts the truths now set before us.

Minister.-Merciful God, grant that these truths we have now heard may never rise up in judgment

against us through our neglect of them. But, may they tend to build us up in the knowledge of salvation, may they invigorate us in the service of our Redeemer, and inspire us with peace, comfort, and joy, in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Congregation.-O Lord, let not these truths ever rise up in judgment against us.

Minister.-O God, have mercy on all here present who have never yet fled for refuge to the blood of atonement. May what has now been declared lead them to see their danger, and to see also the refuge provided for our ruined and sinful race. O Lord, may all such now flee, and with all haste, to the Lord Jesus Christ, lest the avenger overtake them in their loitering indifference and fancied security.

Congregation.-O God, have mercy on all who have not hitherto fled for refuge to the blood of atone


Minister.-O Lord, be merciful unto all in this place, who during these services have been using the words of prayer with their lips only, without understanding, believing, or caring after, what they have been saying in thy solemn presence, and in the hearing of this assembly. O Lord, convince all such, that thou art not to be mocked with impunity. O let them now repent, and lead them to worship thee henceforth in their heart and soul, through the knowledge and love of thy Son Jesus Christ.

Congregation.-Ŏ God, mercifully look on all who have been careless and unconcerned at this time.

Minister.-Almighty Father, give, we beseech thee, peace and joy abundantly to all thy people now before thee, to all who hope in thee through the peace speaking blood of Christ, and who are following after holiness. May they go on their way rejoicing, may they bring forth much fruit; and may they at length have an abundant entrance into thy eternal kingdom and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Congregation.-O Lord, be pleased to give us all, a rich and an effectual blessing, through what we have heard at this time for the Lord Jesus' sake.

Minister.-O Lord our God, we adore thee for thy mercy and love, in permitting us to worship thee in this place on this thy day, and we praise thy name for all thy goodness to us during these our services. O forgive us all our sins, our short comings, and wanderings, since we came together; and wash us now, and make us clean, in the atoning blood of thy beloved Son Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Congregation.-O Lord, forgive us our sins whilst worshipping thee at this time.

Minister. And now, O our Father, at the close of these our services at this time, we humbly and earnestly beseech thee to manifest thyself unto us more and more, for it is only thy blessing and thy manifestation that can enrich us. O grant us thy peace, build us up in Christ Jesus, and let us ever rejoice before thee. Most Blessed and Adorable Father, all our hope is in thee through our Saviour Jesus Christ. O unite us to Him, and to Thee, by the Holy Ghost, both now and for ever and ever.

Congregation.-Ever Blessed and Adorable Father, unite us to thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ, and to thy Glorious Self, by the Holy Ghost, now and evermore :


Minister.-Blessing, and Honour, and Glory, and Power, be unto Him who sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever: amen.

Congregation.-Amen, and amen.




[The Minister standing: the Congregation sitting.]

Minister.-Let us Worship and Glorify God, with all solemnity, and in spirit, and in truth.

[blocks in formation]

Let us

Minister.-Our Father in heaven,-Hallowed be thy name.


Minister.-Thy Kingdom come.


Minister.-Thy will be done on earth, as it is done

in heaven.

Congregation. Amen.

Minister. Give us this day our daily bread.
Congregation. Amen.

Minister.-Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Congregation. Amen.

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