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At Edinburgh, John Robison, L. L. D. professor of natural philosophy in that University, and well known in the literary world by his excellent publication, entituled "Proofs of a Conspiracy, &c. 8vo." various articles in the Encyclopædia Britannica; Elements of Mechanical Philosophy, &c. &c.

At Greenock, in his 88th year, Captain Alexander Morison, of the late North Carolina Highlanders, and known in his circle for his zeal and activity in the suppression of

the rebellion in 1745, as well as in
the American Revolution. He as
sisted Mr. M'Pherson, not only in
collecting the traditions, but in dis
gesting, translating, and writing

At Windsor, Mrs. Sarah Lid-
derdale, sister of the late Lord
Bishop of Kildare.

Aged 70 years, Thomas Banks, Esq. R. A. whose abilities as a sculptor, added a lustre to the arts and his country.


We have received several letters approving the plan recommended in our last number, for announcing Theological Publications in a concentrated and reasonable form by means of this Magazine; but as our Correspondents enquire the terms for advertising, we respectfully inform them, and our readers in general, that the charges will be as follow, which are far inferior to the prices usually paid for similar advertisements in periodical publications.

For advertisements not exceeding 10 Lines

£. S. d.
07′ 6

15 ditto

0 10 6

[blocks in formation]

The Letter from a Kentish Curate is received.

The communications promised by F. R,,S. will be very acceptable. Juvenis on Sunday Drills; the Extracts from the same quarter; and other favours, will appear in our next.


In the Magazine for December, page 409, line 2, for "when" read ❝ whom."

In our last number, page 27, second line from the bottom, for “I have," read" and have."

Page 76, col. 2, line 19, for "Norfolk" read "Norwich."
Page 77, col. 1, line 1, for " Hind" read "Hurd."






Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life.
Rev. ii. 10.




E that would learn accurately the faith and discipline of the Christian Church in the first ages must acquaint himself with the lives, characters, and writings of the earlier fathers. It is to be lamented that these are not more generally studied by Christians, since by so doing they would be preserved more effectually from the prevalent evils of schism and enthusiasm.

Among those brilliant luminaries who shone as distinguished lights in their generation, and by their venerable remains enable us to mark what were the principles and government of the Church in their time, none is so deservedly entitled to our reverence as the holy Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch.

This excellent saint was surnamed Theophorus, whence some have supposed and confidently asserted, that he was that little child whom our Saviour took in his arms and placed in the midst of his disciples. But this is a vain imagination not supported by any ancient author; and it moreover is expressly contradicted by St. Chrysostom, who says that St. Ignatius never saw our Saviour in the flesh.

Some have made him the immediate successor of St. Peter in the see of Antioch, but it is now generally admitted that his predecessor therein was Evodius, who, beyond a doubt, did succeed that apostle. St. Ignatius Vol. VIII. Churchm. Mag, March 1805. Y became

became bishop about the year 67, being consecrated by the apostles then living, and he continued to govern his flock with great diligence, wisdom, and piety, nearly forty years. Of his conduct in this important station we have the following account transmitted to us in the Relation of his martyrdom, where we are told "that he was a man in all things like unto the Apostles; that as a good governor, by the helm of prayer and fasting, by the constancy of his doctrine and spiritual labour, he opposed himself to the floods of the adversary: that he was like a divine lamp illuminating the hearts of the faithful by his expounding of the holy Scriptures; and lastly, that to preserve his Church, he doubted not freely, and of his own accord, to expose himself to the most bitter death."

This, is a character, as Archbishop Wake justly observes, a greater than which can hardly be given to any man, nor indeed can we doubt, but that he who as Eusebius tells us, and as his epistles still remaining abun dantly testify, was so careful of all the other churches as to confirm them in a sound faith, and in a constant adherence to their holy religion; was certainly much more vigilant to promote the interest of piety within his own diocese, which was blessed with his government above forty years."

The fame of this holy prelate was so great, and his virtues so peculiarly endeared him to the people of Antioch, that when the emperor Trajan commenced his persecution of the Christians, he was advised by the Senate not to let Ignatius suffer at Antioch, lest thereby he should raise his esteem the more among the people there, and render him still more dear and desirable to them."That monarch being at Antioch, on his way to Armenia, against the Parthians, caused the venerable bishop to be brought into his presence, and on his entry thus addressed him, "What a wicked dæmon art thou, thus to endeavour to transgress our commands, and to persuade others also to do likewise?"-Ignatius answered: "No one ought to call Theophorus after such a manner; for as much as all wicked spirits are departed far from the servants of God. But if because I am a trouble to those evil spirits you call me wicked, with reference to them, I confess the charge; for possessing Christ the heavenly king, I dissolve all the snares of the devils." Trajan replied, “And who is Theophorus ?"-Ignatius, "He who


has Christ in his breast."-Trajan, "And do not we then seem to have the Gods within us, who fight for us against our enemies?"-Ignatius, "You err in that you call the evil spirits of the Heathens GODS: for there is but ONE GOD who made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all that are in them: And one JESUS CHRIST his only begotten: whose kingdom may I enjoy."-Trajan, "His kingdom you say, who was crucified under Pontius Pilate."-Ignatius," His who crucified my sin with the Inventor of it; and has put all the deceit and malice of the devil under the feet of those who carry him in their heart."-Trajan, "Dost thou then carry him who was crucified within thee?"-Ignatius, "I do: for it is written I will dwell in them, and walk in them."

Then Trajan pronounced this sentence against him, "Forasmuch as Ignatius has confessed that he carries about within himself Him that was crucified, we command that he be carried bound by soldiers to Rome, there to be thrown to the beasts for the entertainment of the people." When the holy martyr heard this sentence, he cried out with joy, "I thank thee O Lord, that thou hast vouchsafed to honour me with a perfect love towards thee; and hast made me to be put in iron bonds with thy apostle Paul." Having said this, he gladly put on. his bonds and having first prayed for the Church, and commended it with tears unto the Lord, he was hurried away by the soldiers to Seleucia, from whence they sailed to Smyrna, where Ignatius had a tender interview with Polycarp, the bishop there, and who had been his fellow disciple under St. John,

From Smyrna he was conveyed to Rome, where Dec. 20, A.D. 107, he was delivered to the wild beasts in the amphitheatre. The brethren carefully gathered up his larger bones, and carried them to Antioch, where they were deposited in the Church as an inestimable treasure, The genuine epistles of Ignatius are seven, viz. to the Ephesians, to the Magnesians, to the Trallians, to the Romans, to the Philadelphians, to the Smyrnæans, and to Polycarp. In these we may discover the exact order of church government which prevailed in the apostolical times, namely the episcopal, on which account these venerable remains have been petulantly questioned by some Presbyterians as Calvin, Blondel, Daille, &c. Ignatius enforces in the strongest manner the duty of preserving church unity, by exhorting all the faithful to.

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submit to their bishop, priests and deacons, and to work out their own salvation. In the epistle to the Ephesians he declares, "that they who do not join with the bishop, and do wilfully absent themselves from the public service of the Church, are deprived of the celestial food." Afterwards he warns them against heresies, and the company of hereticks. He maintains throughout all his epistles the doctrine of Christ's divinity, and to the necessity of Christian Faith, for justification he adds charity and other good works.

Besides his genuine epistles, there go under his name certain writings which are universally now treated as spurious; though that eccentric writer, Mr. Whiston laboured to prove, that these only were the real productions of Ignatius, and of which the seven are merely abridg ments; but in this whimsical fancy he stands alone.


Practical Discourses translated from the Latin of THOMAS A KEMPIS. By BISHOP HORNE

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Of the Grace of Chastity.

1. OW fair and beautiful art thou, most amiable of virtues, since by thee an entrance is ministred to the marriage of the Lamb! Thou art the pure and holy dove, the favourite of heaven whither thou tendest, happily escaped from the pollution which is in the world through lust: thine is the unspotted brightness of the lily, thy cloathing is of fine linen white as snow, and grateful hast thou always been to the most High. The eyes of the saints are refreshed by the sight of thee, and by the sweet savour of thy name innumerable companies of undefiled spirits are drawn after their beloved Redeemer. For the good report of thee extendeth far and wide, and thou art reverenced even by those who possess thee not, while thou exaltest those who do possess thee above the world. Thou art the gift of the Virgin's son by the spirit which dwelleth in the hearts of


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