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shown. Just let them be addressed in plain, hearty, friendly, short, significant language, and not in a cold essay-like style. Just let them be treated as if you knew somewhat of their temptations, their difficulties, and of their obstacles in the pursuit of a godly lifegregarious way-farers as they are-and you will awaken their interest-you will gain their affection; you will, by God's blessing, be instrumental in turning them also, like any other class, from the error of their ways, and in leading them to serve God through Jesus Christ, our one common Lord.'

The principle involved in the above is alike applicable to persons of every order in society, and to Christian ministrations in every place: Just let it be proved to them that you have their interest at heart.' There is no condition of life in which we are not affected by evidences of the interest which others take in us. It belongs to the very constitution of our nature to feel it and be influenced by it. We may admire the statue, full of fair proportions and beauty, as chiselled by some master hand, but we want the power of speech, and the heart, to give it the deepest character, to connect it with ourselves, and to awaken into life and action the vivid sensibilities of our own mind. The link that binds must be human; the power which imparts a permanent influence must be founded on the principles of our common nature, for the heart of stone in one cannot impress the heart of flesh in another; love generates love, and by its soft but invisible influences opens the ear to hear, and tends to make obduracy itself susceptible. Had we space to expand and illustrate this thought, it would soon be perceived how applicable it is, not only to common intercourse, but especially to public instruction. But we must return to our author, and introduce part of the note which occurs on the pages of the preceding narrative.

'A vast number of railroad men were assembled for some time at Reading for carrying on their work in that neighbourhood. Very few of them appeared in church, and their conduct, on the whole, was undoubtedly of a very ungodly and dissolute character. Some of my valued clerical friends of the town, in conjunction with myself, adopted certain measures towards their spiritual welfare.

During the progress of these measures I went along the line one evening to meet the men on their return from work, in company with two of my brethren, our object being to address all who would listen to us, whether singly, or whether in small parties, on the subject of their souls.. My friends were soon engaged in the good work, addressing little groups of listeners who quickly gathered around them. I went onwards towards the place where the main body was usually collected to receive their wages on that evening of the week; and all at once, on turning the corner of a hedge, found

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myself unexpectedly among a crowd of the workmen, of above two hundred in number, who, in consequence of a slight shower, had collected under the shelter of some trees. I was in a certain degree known to some of them, and they immediately collected in a circle round me; many of them asking me what I wanted among them; some of them charging me with being a character very unpopular with them, that is, a teetotaller, and others with being a ranter, mixing with their observations oaths, threats, and no slight share of ridicule. What do you come among us for? Don't you know that we are like a set of wild horses, who wouldn't mind knocking your brains out?' or, We don't care for such chaps as you.' 'All we want is beef and beer, and a good song.' However, at the same time a few were endeavouring to get for me a hearing. I had a small bible in my hand, and took advantage of a lull in the storm of tongues to commence the perusal of our Lord's words on the brazen serpent. By raising my voice. and making some quick answers to some of the most direct and troublesome opponents, I was enabled, after a few minutes, to obtain perfect silence, which I thankfully employed in preaching the gospel of Christ, according to the glorious passage which I had just read. I have seldom witnessed a more striking change than that which came over the countenances and the mien of these rough and (as it might have seemed a few minutes before) impenetrable men. Tears appeared in many eyes when I had done. Some shook hands with me; many thanked me. All contradiction, abuse, and ridicule, had passed away. I trust that much good ensued, and indeed it would have been wrong and faithless to doubt it.'-vol. i. pp. 50-55.

From Kendal, our traveller pursues his way through Penrith, where he is frightened from the premises of Lord Brougham by the dread of encountering a rebuke for intrusion from one so endowed with the copia fandi, and a dangerous severity. Knowing something of his lordship, we should unhesitatingly say, that this was a miscalculation; for, while he may be freakish, eccentric, and caustic enough in his public station, he would have been very likely to welcome even a clerical intrusionist, whom curiosity had brought to his country domain. He is never savage when admired or wondered at. His passion is fame. However, escaping from this awful dilemma, Mr. Trench goes right on, with passing remarks-often too cursory--through Carlisle, Gretna Green, Annandale, to Glasgow; Loch Lomond, the Trosachs, Stirling, and other places, to Edinburgh; landing us at length in a long report and discussion of the Free Church question, which every one by this time pretty well understands. He, not unnaturally, as a clergyman of the English establishment, takes care to give his own views, and those of his community, of what our church' thinks and prescribes, in regard to ecclesiastical matters.

Our author hardly makes so much of Blair Athol as we had expected. However, we must give him the opportunity of expressing in our pages his impressions of Scotch mountain scenery, in which we fully participate.

I must here introduce a few words on the leading and characteristic features of the Scotch mountains, as they struck me on comparing them in my memory, not only with others of Great Britain and Ireland, but also with their Alpine and Pyrenean brethren. In line and extent, uninterrupted by plains, cultivated land, or human habitation, they seem equal to the mountains of any land; because, though of more limited dimensions, geographically speaking, still they quite fill up and exceed any compass of the most far-seeing eye. As to height, they are, of course, far inferior to the great mountain chains of Europe; and they do not rear up the abrupt and sharp pinnacles, les aiguilles, either covered with snow, or shooting aloft in bare rocky points, which form so much of the beholder's delight and admiration on the borders of Spain, and still more in Switzerland. In lakes, they are far superior to any in the Pyrenees, and far inferior to the Alps. To me their chief charms, as a matter of comparison with all other mountains which I have ever seen, consist in their colour, and in the details of their surface. Their colour is perfect, chiefly in consequence of the purple heather-tbe varied and lovely vest thrown over them by the great Creator of these everlasting hills.' It is at all times beautiful, and specially so when brought out into rich and bold relief by the rays of the glowing sun. Never did I see the morning and evening spread upon the mountains' with a more admiring eye; and, to my mind, neither the verdure of meadow and pasturage, nor clothing trees, nor glistening snow, nor any other garb is near so lovely as this truly Scottish hue-almost claimed as their national colour, and that not without right.

• Again, the details of their surface are a constant source of pleasure to the eye. For, once that a traveller enjoys a wide and extensive scene, he must and will gaze, perhaps hundreds of times, at foregrounds close to his path. Now, one cannot look upon the face or side of a Scotch mountain, without looking into a most picturesque intermixture of rocky eminence, sinking hollow, called here a 'quarry,' or dark winding water-course, with grey, brown, purple, and green hues, most harmoniously intermixed.

'Such is my attempt, faint as it is, to transfer to my page a few of my own impressions with regard to these Scottish scenes; and I say to the traveller, however familiar he may be with 'Alps and Appenines, the Pyrenean, and the river Po,' do not listen to those who would persuade you that, having seen what Europe can thus offer, Scotland's mountains will seem tame. Do not listen to them! Visit the land, and judge for yourself; and I hope you will have such a sunshine to brighten them before you, as that which now lights them up around me; a breeze, such as that which now, according to

Shakespeare's accurate description of Scotch air, nimbly and sweetly recommends itself' to our senses; an atmosphere, as that which now so sharply and distinctly marks every rise and every fall in the line of their border aloft; and may we both join in fervent adoration of their great and glorious Maker, who in his wisdom and might has bound the earth with each chain, ridge, and cluster of his everlasting hills.'-vol. ii. pp. 31—34.

About seven miles before reaching Stirling, the traveller finds himself at Dumblane; a spot far more consecrated than the former, though that is celebrated for its historical associations; for it presents to the view of the Christian a great moral example of concentrated virtues in the fadeless image of Archbishop Leighton. The pomp of the worship, and the splendour of the architecture belonging once to that now roofless cathedral, seem eclipsed in the retrospect by the true glory shining forth from the character of that illustrious man. He lives, though these outward things are in ruins; and, by his example, and his writings, will ever live cotemporaneous, as it were, with all posterity. Part of the old structure, however, as in almost every building of the kind in Scotland, is occupied for Presbyterian service. It is no wonder that with such bright examples in her ecclesiastical records, and such an universal system of education as that which distinguishes Scotland, the country should be remarkable for the observance of the sabbath. The following is a truly characteristic story. It displays at once religious feeling and moral courage. A geologist, while in the country, and having his pocket-hammer with him, took it out, and was chop ping the rocks on the way-side for examination. His proceedings were noticed by an old Scotch woman.What are you doing there, man? Don't you see: I'm breaking a stone," 'Y'are doing mair than that; y'are breaking the sabbath.' One would hope the reproof was effectual. At least it deserved to be so.

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One is always interested in whatever relates to so distinguished a man as Sir W. Scott; and as we find two original anecdotes of him in these volumes, our readers will probably thank us for transferring them to our pages. They were detailed by an intelligent man who was game-keeper and fisherman to a proprietor in the neighbourhood of Abbotsford.

Like so many others in this neighbourhood, he had much information at command, from personal observation, on the character and habits of Sir Walter Scott. One story which he told, illustrated his gentleness and kindliness of spirit. Another his energy, courage, and determination. I insert them both, believing them original, so far as print is concerned.

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The first was, that one day when Sir Walter went into Selkirk, as sheriff, with a new and highly varnished carriage, he had no sooner descended, and gone out of sight, than a crowd of children gathered around, and some of them began to rub the panels of the doors, with their fingers, by way of clearing away the dust, but certainly in a manner likely to prove of serious detriment to the brightness and beauty of the equipage. Sir Walter, on returning from his business, came up to them while thus employed; and, instead of scolding them, kindly told them to listen to him, said, he was very glad they should see his fine carriage, that he hoped to come into town again with it, and that they might all come and look at it as long as they liked; but if they rubbed the panels and spoiled them, it would not be near so pretty, and he hoped none of them would ever touch it again, as they would be very sorry to see it scratched and spoiled!'. J— O— added, in the most feeling manner: That was always his way: so kind, so familiar; and, if the carriage had stood in the street till now, not a bairn would have touched it again.' The second story was one which illustrated Sir Walter's boldness and energetic presence of mind, when the display of such characteristics was requisite. At a time when he was advancing in age, and weak from ill health, he was one day sitting in the court as sheriff, trying several poachers:- and you know, sir,' said J-O-, (turning round to me with a 'canny' look, and shewing the 00s of the gamekeeper), what desperate characters those poachers are!' All the officers in attendance had gone out of court, each taking an offender away, as each case was adjudged. Still, however, there was one prisoner remaining, a very strong and determined fellow. This man, seeing there was nobody left to watch or guard him, all at once said, shall go away,' and, suiting the action to the word, strode fiercely and rapidly towards the door. Sir Walter immediately rose from his seat of justice, hastened to the place of exit, which was nearer to him, intercepted the man's progress, and clenching his hand, said'No! If you leave this room, it shall be over the body of your old sheriff.' The man was abashed, turned about, and went quietly back to his appointed place.'-vol. ii. p. 244-246.

On reading the references to Sir Walter, we were on the point of breathing forth an earnest desire that his genius had been consecrated to the highest purposes, when we were suddenly arrested by the following passage in speaking of his little study:

'How marvellous it is to think that sitting here, and usually writing with rapidity, quick as hand could act, he swayed the feelings of men in all civilized lands! Oh for such a display of genius, mental power, and mastery over the minds of men in behalf of divine truth, according to the gospel of Christ! Such was the thought which passed over my mind ere I quitted the place. But was it scriptural? I believe not. 'The kingdom of God cometh not with

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