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The Annals of Hygiene

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California in three days. Double Drawing Sleeping Cars, Buffet.
Smoking and Library Cars, free; Reclining Chair Cars; Palatial
Dining Cars; Meals served "a la carte" through from Chicago
to San Francisco.

The Northwestern Limited

To St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth, Superbly Equipped with
Compartment and Standard Sleeping Cars, Buffet. Smoking and
Library Cars, Dining Cars and Coaches.


Essence of Pepsine (Fairchild.)

Essence of Pepsine, FAIRCHILD, will be found of great value as a remedy for indigestion; as a means of administering drugs that disturb the digestive functions and as a practical rennet agent.

Diastasic Essence of Pancreas (Fairchild.) An especially reliable remedy in deficient salivary and pancreatic digestion of starch,

Panopepton. Bread and Beef Peptone.

Panopepton is the entire edible substance of prime, lean beef and best wheat flour, thoroughly cooked, properly digested, sterilized and concentrated in vacuo, and preserved in a sound sherry.

Panopepton is both a grateful stimulant and food.

Peptogenic Milk Powder.

For modifying cow's milk to yield a food for infants which in physiological, chemical and physical properties, is almost identical with human milk, and affords a complete substitute therefor during the entire nursing period.

Fairchild Bros. & Foster,






A perfected and most convenient apparatus, in which dry Formalin (Paraform) pastils, containing 100 per cent. pure formaldehyde, are vaporized over an alcohol flame. Every 1 gramme pastil develops I gramme of formaldehyde gas, the equivalent of 21⁄2 grammes of the 40 per cent. fluid formalin.

Unsurpassed in effectiveness and simplicity. Absolutely safe and inexpensive. A necessity for the physician and for every household.

Recommended by medical authorities after thorough bacteriological and clinical trial.


55 Maiden Lane, New York

Sole Agents for the United States.

Literature furnished on application.

MANY Physicians have looked to Co

operative and Assessment Organiza

tions, lodges, camps, etc., for their life insurance, under the belief that a given amount of life insurance could be there

purchased for less money than in a regular company. It is a mistake—a very great mistake. A much better grade, certain in amount, backed by ample assets, dependent upon nothing except the payment of the premium is furnished by the PENN MUTUAL LIFE OF PHILADELPHIA, at a much less cost than is incurred in many of the organizations referred to. Look at these rates:

[blocks in formation]



The Twenty-fourth Annual Session opens Oct. 4th, 1897. The preliminary course of four weeks begins September 6th, free to those who matriculate for the regular session. Course of study strictly graded, covering three years; methods of instruction: didactic, clinical, by recitation and in laboratories. College graduates in the Arts and Sciences given permission to enter the second year's course. The building is new, commodious and well equipped. All the departments of Medicine and Surgery are represented by men especially fitted for each, who were chosen for their ability to impart instruction. Twelve hospital and college clinics every week.

For catalogue and other information, address,



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