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TEXT: ii. 1 which Rossetti.

iv. 2 lately Rossetti.

4 on 18391,2, Rossetti.

6 mean. 18391.

7 carnival 18391.

vi. 5 Burst 18391, in peace 18391.

vii. 6 were Rossetti.

Mrs. Shelley 18391 follows in every particular Ascham, 1834, and made her corrections in 18392. It seemed better to note her readings rather than Ascham's, in the footnotes.

351 Lines. From the Boscombe MS. through Garnett. Forman unites them with the poem preceding in the text, by conjecture for which there is no safe ground. 356 To Jane: the Invitation. Williams's Journal, February 2, 1822: "Fine warm day. Jane accompanies Mary and S. to the seashore through the Cascini. They return about three." Fortnightly Review, June, 1878. MS. Trelawny.

359 To Jane: the Recollection. Shelley to Mrs. Williams with the poem [no date]: "To Jane: not to be opened unless you are alone, or with Williams." Rossetti, Note on the poem.

TEXT: v. 36 water Rossetti.
MS. Trelawny.


362 To Jane: with a Guitar. Trelawny, Records, i. 103, 107: "The strong light streamed through the opening of the trees. One of the pines, undermined by the water, had fallen into it. Under its lee, and nearly hidden, sat the Poet, gazing on the dark mirror beneath, so lost in his bardish reverie that he did not hear my approach. The day I found Shelley in the pine-forest he was writing verses on a guitar. I picked up a fragment, but could only make out the first two lines. It was a frightful scrawl; words smeared out with his finger, and one upon the other, over and over in tiers, and all run together 'in most admired disorder;' it might have been taken for a sketch of a marsh overrun with bulrushes, and the blots for wild ducks; such a dashed-off daub as self-conceited artists mistake for a manifestation of genius."

TEXT: 46 winds 1832, 1833, 18391.

58 that 1832, 1833, 18391.

61 its own 1833, 18391.

76 in 1832, 1833, 18391.

90 friend 1833, 18391,2.

MS. Trelawny.

365 To Jane. Shelley to Mrs. Williams with the verses [no date]: "I sat down to write some words for an ariette which might be profane; but it was in vain to struggle with the ruling spirit who compelled me to speak of things sacred to yours and to Wilhelm Meister's indulgence. I commit them to your secrecy and your mercy, and will try to do better another time." Rossetti, Note on the poem.

TEXT: Transcript, Frederickson in an unknown hand.

ii. 1 soft || pale

4 thy

5 had then || hath

6 Its || Thine

iii. 4 thy

iv. 1 sound || song

2 dear || soft

Mrs. Shelley, 18391, follows Medwin, 1832, 1833.
MSS. Trelawny, Frederickson.

366 The Isle. Garnett conjectures that these lines were in

tended for the Unfinished Drama.

366 Dirge. TEXT: 6 stain all editions.

366 Lines written in the Bay of Lerici. From the Boscombe MS. The lines were written during the last weeks of Shelley's life, perhaps, as Garnett conjectures, about May 1, the last time that Shelley was at Lerici at the time of the full moon.

TEXT: 11 though Garnett, Macmillan's || though now Garnett, Relics.

31 saw Garnett, Macmillan's || watched Garnett, Relics. 37 They omit, Forman, Dowden.


373 The Dæmon of the World. Part I. Shelley, Preface to Alastor, 1816. "The Fragment entitled The Dæmon of the World is a detached part of a poem which the author does not intend for publication. The metre in which it is composed is that of Samson Agonistes and the Italian pastoral drama, and may be considered as the natural measure into which poetical conceptions, expressed in harmonious language, necessarily fall." Mrs. Shelley's Note [printed, i. 405]. 5 day MS.


8 strange || dark MS. cancelled.

9 Hath then the gloomy Shadow MS.

19 pure || entrancing MS.

23 downy-winged || wanton MS. downy-pinioned MS.

at foot of page.

24 lips MS.

42 With fire that is concealed MS. cancelled.

54 caves and woods MS.

108, 109 From the mute frame a lovely ghost arose. MS. 143 the hollow chasm of MS. cancelled.

161 shines among the stars MS.

235 With || To MS.


Nor dare relate what fearful mysteries
The spirit saw, nor the portentous groan 1
Which, when the flood was still, the living world
Sent in complaint to that divinest fane,
While from the deep a multitudinous throng
Of motley shapes the envious Present leads
Who, raging horribly, their armed hands
Hurl high, where inaccessibly secure


MS. cancelled.

MS. Forman's printed copy of Queen Mab, on which
Shelley made MS. revisions for this republication. It
is plain that this copy represents only a portion of
Shelley's work.

1 groan || voice cancelled.

2 who || which cancelled.

383 The Dæmon of the World. Part II. From Forman's Queen Mab, revised, as described above. A revised copy of Queen Mab is described by Medwin (Life, i. 101-103) and by Middleton (Life of Shelley, i. 251, 257) who gives various readings from it. Forman obtained from Mrs. Thomas Wade such a revised copy, given to her husband by Mr. Brooks, who had it, according to his own account, from Shelley. Medwin says it was probably left by accident at Marlow and fell into a stranger's hands. Forman identifies the copy used by him with that mentioned by Medwin and Middleton. He gives a detailed account of the volume in The Shelley Library, pp. 36-44. The variations in other sections than those included in the text of The Dæmon of the World are given below under the heading, Queen Mab: Notes for revision. All the readings are from Forman's edition. The state of Forman's revised copy, whether the unaltered printed text or the MS. corrections, is described below on "MS," i. e., Shelley's copy for a new edition.

TEXT: 28, 29:

mighty time,

Relentless sire, inexorable King!

MS., intermediate reading between Queen Mab ix. 23, and the text, cancelled.

38 glows MS. cancelled: evenings MS. An oversight

in revision.

104 many mingling MS.

142 noble bosom MS. cancelled.

175 Its || Their MS. An oversight in revision.

206 Pealed MS. An oversight in revision.

207 were MS. An oversight in revision.

216 their || its MS. An oversight in revision.

Queen Mab: Notes for revision.

i. 55, 56:

Are like such rays as many colored streams
Throw on the roof of some impending crag.


59 Behold MS. cancelled: Fairy || Universal MS.

69 When silver clouds infold his floating form. MS.

83 Move the still moonlight's line MS.

190 They brake MS.

iv. 230-236 MS. cancelled.

[blocks in formation]

Till o'er the lawns a forest waves again,

The canker stains more faint, - from each


Its buds unfold more brightly, till no more
Or frost or shower or change of seasons mar
The lustre in 1 its cup of healing dew -
The freshness of its amaranthine leaves.
The monstrous nurse of loveliness again
Invests the waste with hues of vital bloom,
Again deep groves wave in the wind, and


Gleam in the dark fens of the tangled woods,
And many a bird and many an insect keeps
Its dwelling in the shade, and Man doth


His lonely steps to meet my angels there.

viii. 47 give MS. cancelled || lend MS.

52 failing MS. cancelled || suspended MS. 178, 179 Interpolate Their perfidy, their poisons and

their creeds MS.

184, 186 MS. cancelled ||

A banquet for the vultures and the worms,
Beneath that sun, where


MS. cancelled.

1 lustre in || clearness of MS. cancelled.

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