As I must die on thine, III Oh, lift me from the grass! Let thy love in kisses rain TO SOPHIA I THOU art fair, and few are fairer Of the nymphs of earth or ocean; Those soft limbs of thine, whose motion Ever falls and shifts and glances As the life within them dances. ii. 7 die, Harvard MS., Mrs. Shelley, 18391 || omit, The Liberal, 1822, Mrs. Shelley, 1824. ii. 8 Oh, Browning MS., Harvard MS., Mrs. Shelley, 18391 || omit, The Liberal, 1822, Mrs. Shelley, 1824. iii. 7 press it close to thine, Harvard MS., Mrs. Shelley, 1824, 18391 || press it to thine own, Browning MS., press me to thine own, The Liberal, 1822. iii. 8 will || must, Copy of Browning MS. To Sophia || Sophia, Stacey MS. Lines written for Miss Sophia Stacey, Rossetti, 1870. Published by Rossetti, 1870. II Thy deep eyes, a double Planet, With soft clear fire; the winds that fan it Which, like zephyrs on the billow, III If, whatever face thou paintest In those eyes, grows pale with pleasure, If the fainting soul is faintest When it hears thy harp's wild measure, Wonder not that when thou speakest Of the weak my heart is weakest. IV As dew beneath the wind of morning, As aught mute yet deeply shaken, ii. 4 tender, Stacey MS. || gentle, Stacey MS. cancelled. 5 zephyrs, Stacey MS. || lightnings, Stacey MS. cancelled. 6 gentle, Stacey MS. || softest, Stacey MS. cancelled. iii. 2 those, Stacey MS. || thine, Stacey MS. cancelled. 3 soul, Stacey MS. || heart, Stacey MS. cancelled. LOVE'S PHILOSOPHY I THE fountains mingle with the river, II See the mountains kiss high heaven, Love's Philosophy, Hunt, 1819 || An Anacreontic, Harvard MS. Published by Hunt, The Indicator, December 22, 1819. Dated in the Harvard MS., January, 1820. i.3 mix forever, Stacey MS., Indicator, 1819 || melt together, Harvard MS. i. 7 In one another's being, Harvard MS., Indicator, 1819 || In one spirit meet and, Stacey MS. ii. 3 sister, Harvard MS., Stacey MS., Mrs. Shelley, 1824 || leaf or, Indicator, 1819. ii. 4 disdained its, Harvard MS., Stacey MS., Mrs. Shelley, 1824 || disdained to kiss its, Indicator, 1819. ii. 7 are all these kissings, Indicator, 1819 || all cancelled for were these examples, Harvard MS.; is all this sweet work, Stacey MS. POEMS WRITTEN IN 1820 THE SENSITIVE PLANT PART FIRST A SENSITIVE Plant in a garden grew, And the Spring arose on the garden fair, Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere; Rose from the dreams of its wintry rest. But none ever trembled and panted with bliss The snowdrop, and then the violet, Arose from the ground with warm rain wet, The Sensitive Plant. Published with Prometheus Unbound, 1820. Composed at Pisa, and dated, in the Harvard MS., March, 1820. 6 Like, felt, Harvard MS., Shelley, 1820 || And, Mrs. Shelley, 18391, fell, Mrs. Shelley, 18392. Then the pied wind-flowers and the tulip tall, And the Naiad-like lily of the vale, Whom youth makes so fair, and passion so pale, That the light of its tremulous bells is seen And the hyacinth purple, and white, and blue, And the rose like a nymph to the bath addressed, Which unveiled the depth of her glowing breast, And the wand-like lily, which lifted up, And the jessamine faint, and the sweet tube rose, The sweetest flower for scent that blows; 29-32 omit, Harvard MS. |