VII Shrink to your cellars, holes, and cells; Why shake the chains ye wrought? Ye see VIII With plough and spade, and hoe and loom, TO SIDMOUTH AND CASTLEREAGH 1 As from an ancestral oak Two empty ravens sound their clarion, Yell by yell, and croak by croak, When they scent the noonday smoke Of fresh human carrion : II As two gibbering night-birds flit And the stars are none, or few: To S[idmouth and C[astlerea]gh. Harvard MS. || Similes, Medwin, 1832. Similes, Mrs. Shelley, 18391. Similes. For Two Political Characters of 1819, Mrs. Shelley, 18392. Published by Medwin, The Athenæum, August 25, 1832. ii. 2 yew, Medwin, 1832 || hue, Medwin, 1833. 4 moon, Rossetti || morn, Medwin, 1832. III As a shark and dog-fish wait, For the negro-ship, whose freight Is the theme of their debate, Wrinkling their red gills the while IV Are ye, two vultures sick for battle, ENGLAND IN 1819 AN old, mad, blind, despised and dying king; Rulers, who neither see, nor feel, nor know, An army which liberticide and prey Makes as a two-edged sword to all who wield; England in 1819. Published by Mrs. Shelley, 18391. Are graves from which a glorious Phantom may Burst to illumine our tempestuous day. NATIONAL ANTHEM I GOD prosper, speed, and save, Pave with swift victory The steps of Liberty, Whom Britons own to be Immortal Queen. II See, she comes throned on high, God save the Queen! Millions on millions wait Firm, rapid, and elate, Rained down from heaven above, God save our Queen! National Anthem, Mrs. Shelley, 18392 || God save the Queen, Rossetti. Published by Mrs. Shelley, 18392. IV Wilder her enemies In their own dark disguise, - V Be her eternal throne Built in our hearts alone, - Let the oppressor hold VI Lips touched by seraphim God save the Queen! Sweet as if angels sang, Loud as that trumpet's clang, Wakening the world's dead gang,— God save the Queen! ODE TO HEAVEN CHORUS OF SPIRITS FIRST SPIRIT PALACE-ROOF of cloudless nights! Deep, immeasurable, vast, Of acts and ages yet to come! Glorious shapes have life in thee, And icy moons most cold and bright, Even thy name is as a god, Of that power which is the glass Worship thee with bended knees. Ode to Heaven. Published with Prometheus Unbound, 1820. Dated in the Harvard MS., Florence, December, 1819. |