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Sinners have never true joy, nor feel inward peace; because "There is no peace to the wicked," saith the Lord.

2. To glory in tribulation, is no hard thing for him that loveth; for to glory so, is to glory in the cross of our Lord.

That glory is short, which is given and received from men. Sorrow always accompanieth the glory of the world.

The glory of the good is in their consciences, and not in the tongues of men. The gladness of the just is of God, and their joy is of the truth.

He enjoyeth great peace of mind, that careth neither for the praise nor for the dispraise of men. 3. He will easily be content whose conscience is pure.

Thou art not the more holy, though thou art praised; nor the more abject, though thou art dispraised. What thou art, thou art; neither canst thou be said to be greater than thou art in the sight of God. If thou considerest what thou art within, thou wilt not care what men say af thee.

Man seeth the face; but God looketh into the heart.

Man considereth the deeds; but God weigheth the intention.

To do always well, and to disesteem himself, is a sign of a humble soul.

4. He that seeketh no witness for himself without, doth show that he hath wholly committed himself unto God.

"For not he who commendeth himself is ap

proved," saith St. Paul, "but whom God commendeth."

To walk inwardly with God, and not to love any thing without, is the state of a spiritual man.


Of the Love of Jesns.

BLESSED is he that understands what it. is to love Jesus, and to despise himself for Jesus.

Thou oughtest to leave what thou hast loved hitherto, for the sake of him; for he will be loved alone.

The love of things created is deceitful and inconstant: the love of Jesus is faithful and constant.

He that cleaveth unto a creature, shall fall when it falls; he that embraceth Jesus, shall stand firmly for ever.

Love him, and keep him for thy friend, who, when all go away, will not forsake thee. Thou must one day be left of all, whether thou wilt or not.

2. Keep close to Jesus, both in life and death, and commit thyself unto his faithfulness, who, when all fail, can alone help.

Thy Beloved will not admit of a rival; but will have thy heart alone, and sit like a king in his own throne.

Whatsoever affection thou reposest in men out of Jesus, is all no better than lost.

Trust not, nor lean upon, a broken reed; for all flesh is grass, and all the glory thereof shall wither


3. Thou shalt quickly be deceived, if thou regardest only the outward appearance of men.

If in them thou seekest comfort and profit, thou shalt often feel loss.

If thou seekest Jesus in all things, thou shalt surely find him.

If thou seekest thyself, thou shalt also find thyself, but to thy own destruction.

For if a man do not seek Jesus, he doeth more hurt to himself, than the world and all his adversaries could do.


Of a familiar Friendship with Jesus.

WHEN Jesus is present, all is well; but when he is absent, every thing is hard.

When Jesus speaketh not inwardly, we have no true comfort; but if he speak but one word, we feel much consolation.

Did not Mary presently rise from the place where she wept when Martha said unto her, "The Master is come, and calleth for thee."

Happy the hour, when Jesus calleth from tears to spiritual joy!

How dry and cold art thou without Jesus! How foolish and vain, if thou desirest any thing out of him!

Is not this a greater loss, than if thou shouldest lose the whole world?

2. What can the world profit thee without Jesus?

To be without Jesus, is a grievous hell, and to be with him, a sweet paradise.

If Jesus be with thee, no enemy can hurt thee. He that findeth Jesus, findeth a good treasure, yea, a good above all goods; and he that loseth Jesus, loseth too much, and more than the whole world.

He is most poor that liveth without Jesus; and he is most rich that is well with him.

3. It is great skill to know how to converse with Jesus, and great wisdom to know and keep him.

Be humble and peaceable, and Jesus will be with thee. Be devout and quiet, and Jesus will stay with thee.

Thou mayest soon drive away Jesus, if thou turnest aside to outward things. And if thou shouldest drive him away, unto whom wilt thou flee? and what friend wilt thou seek?

Without a friend thou canst not live well: and if Jesus be not above all friends unto thee, thou shalt be very sorrowful and desolate.

Thou doest, therefore, foolishly, if thou dost trust or rejoice in any other. It is better for thee to have all the world against thee, than Jesus offended with thee.

Therefore, of all things that are dear to thee, let Jesus alone be peculiarly thy beloved. Love all for Jesus, but Jesus for himself.

Jesus Christ alone is to be beloved; who alone is faithful above all friends.

For him, and in him, let as well friends and foes be dear unto thee; pray to him for all these, that all may kuow and love him.

Never desire to be commended; for that appertaineth unto God. Neither do thou desire that the heart of any should be set on thee; nor do thou set thy heart on any: but let Jesus be in thee, and in every good man.

4. Be free and pure within, and entangle not thy heart with any creature. And truly, unless thou be prevented and drawn by his grace, thou shalt never attain to this, to forsake and cast off all, that thou mayest be united to him alone.

For when the grace of God cometh unto man, then he has power to do all things; and when that retires, he is poor and weak, and, as it were, left only to affliction.

Yet in this thou oughtest not to despair; but to resign thyself to the will of God, and to bear all things that befal thee for the Glory of Christ: for after winter followeth summer, and after a storm a great calm.


Of the Want of all Comfort.

It is not hard to despise human comfort when we have divine.

He rideth easily enough, whom the grace of God carrieth. And what marvel if he feel no burden who is borne up by the Almighty?

2. We are always willing to have something for our comfort; and a man doth hardly put off himself. The holy martyr, St. Lawrence, overcame the

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