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me grace to imitate thee in suffering worldly contempt.

For the servant is not greater than his Lord, nor the disciple above his Master.

Let thy servant be exercised in thy life, for therein my salvation and true holiness consist.

Whatsoever I read or hear besides it, doth not refresh or delight me fully.

4. Christ.-Son, now that thou knowest these things, happy shalt thou be if thou do them. He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me.

And I will love him and manifest myself unto him, and make him sit with me in the kingdom of my Father.

Christian.-Lord Jesus, as thou hast said and promised, so let it come to pass.

I have received the cross, I have received it from thy hand; I will bear it, and bear it till death, as thou hast laid it upon me.

Truly the life of a Christian is the cross; but yet it is a guide to paradise.

I have begun, I may not go back, neither is it fit to leave that which I have undertaken.

Let us then take courage, my brethren, and go forwards together; Jesus will be with us.

For Jesu's sake we have undertaken his cross. For Jesu's sake let us persevere therein. He will be our helper, who is our guide and forerunner.

Behold, our King goeth before us, who also will fight for us.

Let us follow him manfully: let us not be dismayed, but be ready to die valiantly in the battle;

and let us not blemish our glory, by flying from

the cross.


That a Man be not too much dejected when he feeleth some Defect.

Christ.-SON, patience and humility in adversity are more pleasing to me, than much comfort and devotion in prosperity.

Why art thou grieved for every little trifle spoken against thee!

Although it had been much more, thou oughtest not to have been moved.

But now let it pass: it is not the first that hath happened, nor is it any new thing; neither shall it be the last, if thou live long.

Thou art valiant enough, as long as no adversity happeneth.

Thou canst give good counsel also, and canst strengthen others with thy words; but when tribulation suddenly cometh to thy door, thou art destitute of counsel and strength.

See, therefore, thy great frailty, which thou often hast experienced upon slight occasions. It is, notwithstanding, intended for thy good, when these and such like things befal thee.

I yet live, saith the Lord, ready to help thee, and to give thee greater comfort than before, if thou put thy trust in me, and call devoutly upon me.

2. Be more patient, and prepare thyself for greater sufferings. All is not lost, if thou feel thy. self often afflicted, or grievously tempted.

I am he who will strengthen with health them

that mourn, and raise up into divine glory those that know their own infirmity.

3. Christian.-Lord, blessed be thy word: more sweet is it unto my mouth, than the honey and the honey-comb. What should I do in so great tribulation and straits, unless thou didst comfort me with thy holy words? What matter is it, how much and what I suffer, so I may at length attain the port of salvation? Grant me a good end; grant me a happy passage out of this world! Be mindful of me, O my God, and direct me in the right way to thy kingdom! Amen.


Of searching the secret Judgments of God. Christ.-SON, beware thou disputest not of high matters, nor of the secret judgments of God:

Why this man is left, and that man taken into so great favour; why also this man is so much afflicted, and that man so greatly advanced. These things are beyond the reach of man; neither can any reason or disputation search out the judgments of God.

When the enemy, therefore, suggesteth these things unto thee, or some curious people inquire of thee, answer, "Thou art just, O Lord, and thy judgments are right." And, again, "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." My judgments are to be feared, not to be discussed; for they are such as cannot be comprehended by the understanding of men.

2. Neither inquire or dispute of the merits of saints, which of them is holier than the other, which of them the greater in the kingdom of hea

ven. These things often bring strife and unprofitable contention; they nourish also pride and vainglory, from whence spring envy and dissensions.

I am he who made all saints: I gave them grace; I will give them glory. I know what every one hath deserved: I have prevented them with the blessings of my goodness, I called them by grace, I drew them by mercy, I led them through sundry temptations. I poured into them glorious comforts. I gave them perseverance. I will crown their patience.

3. I know both the first and the last; I embrace all with estimable love. I am to be praised in all my saints; I am to be blessed above all things, and to be honoured in every one.


That all our Hope and Trust are to be fixed in God alone.

Christian-LORD, what is my trust in this life? or, what is my greatest comfort of all things under heaven? Is it not thou, my Lord God, whose mercies are without number? Where hath it been well with me, without thee? Or when could it be ill with me, when thou wast present?

I had rather be poor with thee, than rich without thee. I had rather choose to be a pilgrim on earth with thee, than to possess heaven without thee.

Where thou art, there is heaven; and there are death and hell where thou art not. Thou art my desire, and therefore I cannot but sigh, and cry, and pray unto thee. For I have none to trust in, none that can help me in my necessities, but thee alone, my God.

Thou art my hope, thou art my trust, thou art my comfort, and most faithful unto me in all things. 2. All men seek their own; thou only seekest my salvation, and turnest all things to my good.

Although thou exposest me to divers temptations and adversities; yet thou orderest all things to my advantage, who art wont to try thy beloved a thousand ways. In which trials thou oughtest no less to be loved and praised, than if thou didst fill me with heavenly comforts.

3. In thee, therefore, O Lord God, I put my whole hope and refuge: on thee I rest, in all tribulation and anguish. For I find all to be weak and inconstant whatsoever I behold out of thee.

For neither can my friends avail, nor strong helpers aid, nor wise counsellors give any profitable answer; nor the books of the learned comfort, nor any wealth deliver, nor any secret or pleasant place defend; if thou thyself do not assist, help, strengthen, comfort, instruct, and keep us.

4. For all things that seem to make for peace and felicity, without thee are nothing, and do bring, indeed, no felicity at all. Thou, therefore, art the end of all that is good, the height of life, the depth of wisdom. And the strongest comfort of thy servant is, to trust in thee above all things.

To thee, therefore, do I lift up mine eyes; in thee, O my God, the Father of mercies, I put my trust. Bless and sanctify my soul with thy heavenly blessing, that it may be made thy holy habitation, and the seat of thy eternal glory; and that nothing may be found in the temple of thy glory, that may offend the eyes of thy Majesty.

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