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Let not the devil and his subtilty supplant me. Give me strength to resist, patience to suffer, and constancy to persevere.

Give me, instead of the comforts of the world, the unction of thy Spirit ; and for carnal love, pour into my soul the love of thy name.

Herein, I beseech thee, let thy hand govern me, and teach me, that I may fall into no extreme.


That Self-Love hindereth our attainment of the Supreme Love.

Christ.-SON, thou oughtest to give all for all, and to retain nothing of thyself. Know that the love of thy own will, doth hurt thee more than any thing in the world.

According to the love and affection thou bearest to it, every thing cleaves unto thee more or less. If thy love be pure, thou shalt not be in bondage to any thing.

Covet not that which thou mayest not have. Be not willing to have that which may deprive thee of inward liberty.

It is strange that thou committest not thyself wholly unto me, from the bottom of the heart, with all things that thou canst desire and have.

2. Why dost thou consume thyself with vain grief? Why art thou tired with needless cares? Stand to my will, and thou shalt suffer no detriment.

If thou seek this or that, and would be here or there, to enjoy thy own will or pleasure; thou shalt never be quiet, nor free from care:

For in every thing somewhat will be wanting, and in every place there will be some that will cross thee.

3. It availeth thee not to multiply outward things, but to despise them, and utterly root them out of thy heart.

Unless thou stand steadfast in me, thou mayest change, but, not better thyself.

For when occasion of change happens, and is embraced thou shalt find not only those things which thou soughtest to flee, but a great deal more. 4. Christian.-Strengthen me, O God, by the grace of thy Holy Spirit.

Give me to be strengthened in my inward man, and to empty my heart of all uncomfortable care: Not to be drawn away with the desire of any thing either mean or precious; but to look upon all things as passing away, and myself as passing away together with them.

5. Grant me, O Lord, heavenly wisdom, that I may learn above all things to seek and find thee: above all things to relish thee and love thee;

And to think of all other things as they are, according to the disposal of thy wisdom.


How we ought to call upon God, and bless him in Tribulation.

Christian.-BLESSED, O Lord, be thy name for ever, who art pleased that this temptation and tribulation should come upon me.

I cannot flee it; but must needs flee to thee, that thou mayest help me, and turn it to my good.

Lord, I am now afflicted, I am much troubled with this present suffering.

And now, dear Father, what shall I say? I am in a strait save me from this hour!

Yet, therefore, came I unto this hour, that thou mayest be glorified, when I shall have been brought very low, and then delivered by thee.

Let it please thee, Lord, to deliver me; for, poor wretch that I am, what can I do, and whither shall I go, without thee?

Grant me patience, Lord, even at this time also. Help me, my God; and then I will not fear, how grievously soever I be afflicted.


2. And now in this my trouble, what shall I say Lord, thy will be done: I have deserved to be afflicted.

Surely I ought to bear it; and, O that I could bear it with patience, until the tempest be passed over, and it become calm!

But thy hand is able to take away this temptation from me, and to assuage the violence thereof, that I utterly sink not under it, as often heretofore thou hast done uuto me, O my God, my merciful God!

And how much the more hard is it to me, so much the more easy is this change to the right hand of the Most High.


Of craving the Divine Aid, and confidence of recovering Grace.

Christ.-SON, I am the Lord that giveth strength

in the day of tribulation. Come unto me, when it it is not well with thee.

This is that which, most of all, hindereth heavenly consolatiou, that thou art slow in turning thyself unto prayer.

For before thou dost earnestly pray unto me, thou seekest, in the meanwhile, many comforts, and triest to refresh thyself with outward things.

And hence it comes to pass that all doth little profit thee, until thou considerest, that I am he who delivers those that trust in me; that out of me there is neither powerful help, nor profitable counsel, nor lasting remedy.

But now, having recovered breath after the tempest, gather strength again in the light of my mercies; for I am at hand to repair all, not only entirely, but also abundantly.

2 Is there any thing hard to me ?

Or am I like him that promiseth and performeth not.

Where is thy faith? be firm and constant. Take courage, and be patient; comfort will come to thee in due time.

Wait, wait for me: I will come and heal thee. Let not thy heart be troubled, neither let it fear. Believe in me, and put thy trust in my mercy.

When thou thinkest thyself farthest off from me, often times I am nearest unto thee. When thou judgest that almost all is lost, then often is the greatest opportunity of improvement.

That which I have given, I can take away, and restore it when I please.

3. When I give it, it is mine; when I withdraw it, I take not any thing that is thine; for mine is every good and perfect gift.

If I send any cross, repine not, nor let thy heart fail. I can quickly succour thee, and turn all thy heaviness into joy.

Nevertheless, I am righteous and greatly to be praised, when I deal thus with thee.

As my Father hath loved me, I also love you, said I unto my beloved disciples: whom I sent, not to temporal joy, but to great conflicts; not to honours, but to contempts; not to idleness, but to labours; not to rest, but to bring forth much fruit with patience.

My son, remember these words.


Of the Contempt of all Creatures, in order to find out the Creator.

Christian.-LORD, I stand in need of yet greater grace, if I am to attain to that state wherein no man nor any creature may be a hinderance unto me.

For as long as any thing detains me, I cannot freely take my flight unto thee.

What is more quiet than a single eye? and what more free than he that desireth nothing upon earth? And unless a man be free from the affections of all creatures, he cannot freely attend unto divine things.

Long shall he be little, and lie groveling below, that esteemeth any thing great, but the one infinite,

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