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Mr. Thayer adds the following remarks respecting

The State of the Church.

There is apparently perfect union in the church at this time; and there have been no difficulties since last spring. The state of things is now very pleasant, and I think there is more than ordinary attention to religion. We had a very interesting churchmeeting yesterday, at which the members resolved to be more faithful and active in their Master's service, and promised to do all they could to promote a revival. There is evidently more feeling than there has been; 40 or 50 assemble at our evening meetings; and some of the impenitent have expressed anxiety for their souls. We are

hoping and praying for the blessed influences of the Holy Spirit, to be poured out upon us in great measure. It is just

the time when we much need the labors of a devoted minister.

In a letter recently received from Mr. Elliot, at the Tuscarora station, it is stated that the

Spirit of the Lord is again poured out on the Indians at that place. Meetings are large and solemn; the members of the church are watching and praying; and while many of the impenitent are seriously concerned about their salvation, a number had hopefully been born again. Intemperance and other vices seemed to be almost wholly abandoned. Special religious meetings, to be continued through several days, had recently been held.

Proceedings of other Societies.


London Missionary Society.


THE last number contained extracts from the journal of Mr. Platt during a visit to Rarotogna in December 1829. About that time the missionaries experienced considerable opposition from the natives, and were much discouraged in their work by the inclination manifested by many to return to their former state of sin and vice. In the succeeding July Mr. Pitman, a missionary on the island, gives the following account of

merciful and ever-gracious Father to bless the use of means to that end; the particulars of which he will, doubtless, communicate to you. His people being deprived of his assistance, many of the sick at that station were brought to us, which introduced the disease amongst us; and, in a very little time, it spread in every direction, till nearly all the people were, more or less, infected with this dire malady. I do not suppose that a dozen people in the whole island are to be found who escaped the infection. For some time we were at a loss to ascertain the true nature of the disease, but at length concluded it to be an inflammatory fever, which, in manycases, run into the typhus. About two months previously, we had received your most valuable supply of medicine, which enabled us to use, our poor afflicted people. The supply of mediimmediately, some means for the recovery of cine to us was far more valuable than silver or gold: but for it, humanely speaking, nearly all the people would have died. Great numbers, notwithstanding all possible exertion, have fallen In my last I informed you of the destruction of victims to this dreadful disease. Those who our large chapel by fire, and its re-erection. were first attacked lingered long, and many reFrom that time it was well filled, and ofteu covered; but afterwards it assumed a more terricrowded on the Sabbath morning, but not so well ble appearance, and, if not immediately taken in attended in the afternoons. Our schools also hand, those seized with it were, in a few days, were well attended, both for the grown people committed to the grave. From that time till and the children, and things appeared to proceed within a few days past, my whole time, from as favorably as could be expected. But it pleas-morning till night, has been occupied in visiting ed the All-wise Disposer of events for a season to interrupt our labors in this department, and to visit us with a most severe scourge. Oh, that the people, from this awful dispensation of Providence, may be led to hate sin, to fear God, and to be deeply humbled under his mighty hand!

A Distressing Epidemic.

About three months ago a disease broke out at the other stations, which soon spread among the people, and several were quickly launched into the eternal world. It was chiefly confined to those who were well known to have been the troublers of the land, many of whom died, and, previous to their death, confessed their guilt of attempting to set fire to Mr. Buzacott's chapel, school-house, &c. Just at this time Mr. Buzacott himself was taken ill with a violent inflammation of the lungs, and of his recovery we for some time stood in doubt; but it pleased our


the sick and dying. Upwards of a thousand people have we had sick for weeks, every one of whom I visited every other day in their own dwellings, taking with me a boy or two to carry the necessary medicines. My heart is truly pained within me when I call to mind the scenes

then witnessed. Whole families were seized at a time, and, in many cases, not one was left to wait upon them. Where there was one to be found to attend upon the rest, he generally caught the disease in its worst form, and, almost without warning, was swept into eternity. This was, indeed, a season of great anxiety and fatigue.

and in vain were our efforts and prayers when Death now began to execute his commission, once he took his aim. His ravages were great among those who dwelt at their lands, and but seldom came into the village, or to the house of 11

when the Spirit of God shall be poured out upon all flesh, and when we also shall see the glorious effects of that joyful period. I very much fear that this severe dispensation has made little or no impression upon the minds of the people, as a body. There are, however, some whose conversation, questions, and remarks, lead us to entertain favorable hopes respecting them; for which we have cause for thankfulness. I would not, however, be too sanguine in my expectations, for the native character is very deceitful. Time will develope the sincerity of their profession.

God. Many of them were brought into the village, but it was not till the disease had taken such a firm hold as to baffle all our attempts for restoration. Those of two or three districts, in particular, which had ever manifested much opposition to the advancement of godliness, and caused considerable trouble ever since the introduction of Christianity, have been nearly all cut off; few, I have been informed, are spared. The numbers who have died in this settlement for the Jast two months, have been from two to ten daily; and so in proportion, at the other two stations, which, in an island of 6,000 inhabitants, is a great You will, perhaps, be ready to ask, Among many. It has pleased God now to stay the all those who have died, were there none of them plague, and the deaths among us are not so fre- who manifested those dispositions of soul which quent. The people are fast recovering, and we gave you, at least, a hope respecting their eterhave again been able to commence teaching.ual safety? It affords me no small gratification What effect this severe dispensation may pro- to inform you, that, of a few, I have hope, at duce upon the hearts of the people, time will de- least, that they are not lost. You must be aware, velope. They seem to be generally convinced that, in visiting from 700 to upwards of 1,000 that it is a judgment of the Almighty, in conse- people from house to house, once in two days, quence of their guilt; but, as they recover from for nearly three months, and administering to their disease, I fear the impression will soon wear them medicine, &c., but little time could be off, and be forgotten. Nothing but the omnipo- spared to converse with each individual in the tent energies of divine grace will melt the stub- manner you could wish; indeed, such was the born heart, and produce that fear of sin, and love nature of the disorder that it was almost impossi to the Savior, which are so necessary to consti- ble to do it. Many of them, after the first or tute the children of the living God. second day were delirious-and others so deaf that they could not hear.

Native Ignorance and Insensibility to Death.

It is truly painful to reflect, that so many immortal souls should have been ushered into the presence of their Maker and Judge without an interest in the blessings of salvation. The gospel they heard set forth Christ, and him crucified, as the only ground of a sinner's acceptance before God; and the greatness of his love in coming into the world to save the rebellious-his willingness to save all who applied to him with a broken and contrite heart-and the tremendous consequences of rejecting his invitations-were subjects continually presented to their minds, while we entreated and beseeched them to be reconciled to God. But alas! these subjects, which fill the hearts of Christians indeed with so much delight, were subjects of little interest to the greater part of those who have been hurried out of time into eternity, some of whom made them matter of ridicule. Hence, after hearing a discourse on the felicity of the righteous, and the miseries of the wicked, they would scoffingly ask, Has the teacher ever been to the place of the blessed, that he should know the likeness of it? Or has he ever been to the po, (i. e. hell), that he should know its miseries? Thus you perceive satan, in this distant part of the earth, works in the hearts of the children of disobedience. When the disease first commenced, and cut off a person or two of note, their friends lamented much that they were cut off ere they had time to eat up their pigs. Many afterwards set to and eat up theirs, lest they should also be seized with the disorder, and die, and leave their pigs to be eaten by others. A few individuals were the other day talking together of the death of an inferior chief: one replied, Ah! his was a good death! It was asked in what respect? He replied, Because he ate his pigs, &c., before he died. Such were their views of death. What shall we eat? appears to be the cry of numbers, while the concerns of the immortal soul is a subject of inferior moment. This we know, till the Spirit be poured out from on high, there will be no auxiety manifested about What shall we do to be saved? Most ardently does my soul long for the period

It is humiliating and distressing to see to what a state of stupidity and brutishness the human mind is capable of being reduced by heathenism: how utterly regardless and ignorant it may become of death and the interests of the soul; and how all its faculties and anxieties may be bowed down and chained to what is gross and sensual. All who died of this epidemic were not of this debased character.

Death of Three Converted Natives.

May 19. Occupied with the natives the whole of this day. We have lost a great many by death. A man has just been here to inform me of the death of one of my young men with whom I had taken much pains in instructing him to read and write. He was the best reader, and took great pains in writing. He generally wrote the texts, with the heads and divisions of the discourses, on the Sabbath, with correctness. Such a loss is very great to me at this time. He was remarkably quick at learning, and promised to

be useful.

Had conversation with a young man this day, who is apparently within a few hours of death. What he said, was pleasing. The way of salvation he seemed to understand. He said, his desire was very, very great to be at the chapel on the last Sabbath, but he was unable to get there. I asked him, if he loved the house of God. He replied, Why should he not, was it not the house of God? I exhorted him to look to Jesus, and think of nothing else but his sufferings and death, and for whom he died. He said, his thoughts were wholly occupied about these things; he also said, that he ceased not to pray to Jesus to wash his soul in his own blood, that he would forgive all his sins, and that he might be saved alone by him. During the time I have known him, he has been constant in his attendance on all the ordinances of religion. I lately called upon him to pray, and was not a little delighted with his prayer: I have not heard many natives pray


him. His speeches too, at our Friday meetings, I were generally good and to the point. The deaths of such do not leave us without hope concerning them.

June 8. This day died a very useful man-a great chief-and the only one at this station who knew how to turn wood, &c. He attached himself to us from the very first. He could not read, but was striving hard to learn. He committed to memory the three epistles of John, part of the Galatians, the tenth chapter of Acts, and the first chapter of John's gospel, which I had taught him in the school in the mornings. These he could repeat very correctly, and used constantly a portion of one of them in family worship and when called upon to pray in the chapel on the Sabbath morning. He also taught a class of adults these portions of Scripture. His prayers were generally good and scriptural. In my conversation with him this morning, I exhorted him to look entirely to Jesus and him alone for salvation. He said, he thought he had now finished his earthly career, that he had taken his heart to God, and there left it; meaning, that he no more thought of this life, but had made an entire sur render of himself to God. He did not say much, but listened attentively to what I said to him. He is now numbered with the dead, and I shall see his face no more on earth.

20. We have this day lost by death one of our most useful men in the island-Ko Manavaroa. He was a very great chief, and the father of the little girl we have adopted. His death is a most severe loss to us and to the station. No one has more strongly attached himself to us and to the cause of the Redeemer. He has used all his authority and influence to put down evil in the land, and to establish that which is good. Just before this dreadful disease came upon us, he had recovered from a disorder which had confined him to his house for more than a year. Often did he then regret to me his inability to attend the house of God and the schools. He

said, others were increasing in knowledge of the Scriptures, &c., but he was still in ignorance. Both myself and dear partner have had many pleasing conversations with him, in our evening visits, on the afflictive dispensations of providence. Mrs. Pitman once said to him, You - know, when children will not listen and are obstinate, you, parents, are displeased, and will chastise them, not because you do not love them, but because you wish them to be good. &c. Now this is the way God chastises his children, &c. The idea much pleased him, and he often said to us afterwards, that God was chastising him for the wickedness of his heart; and this seemed to reconcile him much to his affliction. Well do I remember the joy he felt on his being again able to go to the house of God. While many manifested much impatience for the service to be over, I scarcely remember once looking at him, when his eyes were not intently fixed upon me, with a countenance full of expression of the delight he felt at again listening to the words of eternal life. But alas! this was but of short duration. He was soon attacked with this dreadful disorder, which has swept off such numbers, and in a very little time him also. I was much pleased with his conversation. He manifested, I think, more humility of heart than any native I have conversed with. Just before his death, he lamented to me his ignorance of divine things, and said that it caused him much grief. I directed him to Jesus as his only refuge: he replied, that Jesus was his only trust, and that he

did not cease to call upon his name for salvation. I quoted many passages of Scripture which seemed to afford him pleasure. His wife has since told me, that he called her to his side, and his children, and exhorted them all to hold fast the word of God, and listen well to the teacher, and added, I do not desire to live in this world. He then continually prayed till his strength was exhausted, and he sunk into the arms of death. Next day we committed him to the grave, when I addressed those present from Job-"For I know thou wilt bring me to death, and to the house appointed for all living."

On the 17th of August Mr. Pitman stated that 300 natives had died of the epidemic at his station, probably 500 more at the other two stations; making on the island of Rarotogna not less than

800 deaths in three or four months. The schools and other missionary operations, which had been suspended on account of the sickness, had been resumed and were advancing prosperously.

Evidence is often found in other heathen countries, that similar wasting epidemics have prevailed, and, together with the ravages of vice, infanticide, and war, have greatly diminished the population of many of them, during the last century.


State of the Mission at Batavia. UNDER date of March 7, 1831, Mr. Medhurst states that a chapel had been erected at Batavia, principally at the expense of the residents at the place in which English and Malay services were performed every Sabbath. The congregations, though small, were increasing, and much good seems likely to result from these labors. Respecting his other labors Mr. M. remarks


The Malay sermon in the Dutch church is continued once a fortnight, and the intermediate Sabbath afternoons are occupied in preaching to the convicts in the open air; except when I visit the native congregation at the village of Depok, about twenty miles off. On Tuesday evenings we hold a prayer-meeting in Malay, and on Fri|| day evenings a sermon is preached in the same language to a tolerably good congregation, who assemble in a school-room near town. once a fortnight I visit the gaols, in both of which the prisoners sit very quietly, and pay great attention; and the early part of almost every morn ing in the week is devoted to going about among the Malays and Chinese, distributing tracts, and conversing with the people. By this means upwards of 500 persons are regularly brought under Christian instruction, besides those who are occasionally addressed in the markets and shops, or by the way side.

In my last I mentioned that a young man and an elderly woman had applied for admission into church fellowship. In the month of September last these were received, and have since continued to act consistently with their Christian profession. The young man has continued to exert himself in the distribution of Malay tracts, 500 of which he has been the means of circulating since the commencement of his religious career, and

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sometimes has gone on journeys to the markets forty or fifty have been easily distributed in one and villages around, to endeavor to give a wider morning; and, on one occasion, 150 were put range to these silent messengers of truth. His into the hands of the people in one market-day. method of conversing with the people is fearless To those who know the backward disposition of and engaging, and his ready utterance in Malay, the Malays towards all intercourse with Euroand fervency in prayer, are delightful and en- peans, and the deadly prejudices of Mohammecouraging. He attends the convict lines on dans against Christianity, and who have been those alternate Sundays when I am prevented accustomed, as I have been for more than ten from going, and I hear that he is generally well years, to see them turn a deaf ear to religious received. It is to be lamented that his health is instruction, and shun a tract as they would inrather infirm, and occasionally there is a little fection, this change must appear great indeed. lightness about him, which I could wish to see I attribute it, in some measure, to the more beauremedied; but, generally speaking, his conduct is tiful type, neat form, and interesting subjects, of consistent, and, from his zealous and fervent the tracts lately published by Mr. Thomson at spirit, if kept humble, we may hope that he will Singapore, but chiefly to the relaxed prejudices one day prove very useful. He is employed as and more liberal views of the natives themselves, an assistant in the mission, in transcribing, bind- brought about, I would hope, by the powerful ing, and distributing tracts. The elderly woman, interference of our almighty Savior in their bewho joined the church with him, has ever since half. given us uniform satisfaction, and her contrite and humble deportment, connected with a neglect of the world, and a zeal for God, have afforded us unfeigned pleasure.

In addition to the above two individuals, two more, a middle aged man and an elderly woman, have come forward, requesting to be admitted to church privileges; they attend every week, with the others, for reading the Scriptures and prayer; but we have not yet observed in them that proficiency in knowledge, or that decidedly evangelical turn of mind, which was so conspicuous in the others; we, therefore, keep them still on probation. A Malay boy, who has been in our family several years, and has been taught by Mrs. Medhurst to read and write, both Malay and English, has afforded us encouragement to hope there is in him some good thing towards the Lord.

Labors among the Chinese.

The Chinese, among whom I go almost every day, continue to receive me, and listen to what I say. I generally prevail on them to take a book at the close of the conversation, and sometimes am enabled to bring them into a very serious frame. The main doctrines of the gospel form the subject of every conversation, with, sometimes, occasional exposures of their superstitions and errors; but I have still to exercise great patience in waiting for the first fruits among them; nevertheless, I have no doubt that, in due time, we shall reap, if we faint not. The Chinese Laesam-choe, to whom I have frequently referred, has since displayed great weakness of mind, bordering on insanity; and, for the last two or three months, I have been prevented from visiting him, owing to inundations which abound in the district where he resides.

Many Chinese tracts have been distributed during the last half year, and some have been recently given to a well-disposed captain of a Hamburg vessel, who is about to visit the coast of China, and who has promised to endeavor to distribute them for us. Two boxes of Chinese tracts, sent by a Junk last year to Mr. Gutzlaff in Siam, were thrown into the sea, on the voyage, at the instigation of some of the Chinese of Batavia.

The distribution of Malay tracts during the past year has been unprecedented, so as to exhaust all our stock, and oblige us to write to Singapore for more. Upwards of a thousand Malay tracts have been circulated in the immediate vicinity of Batavia, and the people in the markets have been so eager to obtain them, that

The Chinese schools contain about forty boys. A plan has been suggested for the organization of a school or school-book society, for the Malayan and Javanese population of the island; embracing the establishment of a school at each residency, and four in Batavia. It is hoped that this plan may be carried into effect. Mr. M. has already established one Malay school near the mission-house, containing eight scholars. He has also an English school.

Hok-kien Dictionary-New Testament in Low

I have several times alluded, both in this and former letters, to my Hok-kien dictionary, which has occupied all my leisure time during the past year. I have now the happiness to inform you that the Chinese and English part of that work has been brought to a conclusion. It occupies 800 pages of closely written quarto, and will be followed by one or two hundred more pages of preface, indexes, and appendices. It was my original attention to have written a second part, swelled so much upon my hands, and has occucontaining English and Chinese, but the first has pied so much more of my time and attention than I at first imagined it would, that I do not know whether I shall venture to undertake the patched a mass of more important business second part; at least, not until I have first desbusy in the compilation of the former part. The which has been waiting for my attention, while the work through the press without any expense select committee in China have offered to carry to me or the society.

The printing of the translation of the New Testament in Low Malay, which I am engaged advanced only to the end of the gospel of St. in revising and bringing through the press, has Mark, owing to the multiplicity of other business which required execution at the government printing-office; however, I am in hopes of seeing it completed by the end of the year.

Mr. Medhurst notices the pleasant intercourse he had had with Mr. Abeel, and the assistance the latter had rendered him in his labors.

* A dialect of the Chinese. Written in the journal of Mr. Abeel Fokien.-Ed.

Wesleyan Missionary Society.


Missionary Meeting in Little Namacquland.

AT a missionary meeting held at Lily Fountain, several natives delivered addresses in their own language which were translated and forwarded by || Mr. Shaw, the missionary. They are taken from the Wesleyan Missionary Notices, and show well how the poor Africans have received and understood the Gospel and its claims.

JACOBUS BUKAS rose up and said,-My beloved brothers and sisters, we must understand that we have come together to-day for a great purpose: we are come together to help in spreading the gospel amongst a people who have never heard of Jesus. thank God that I am a witness of the power of the gospel. I feel it to be the word of God. Brothers, I was formerly blind, but now I see. I was formerly polluted and sinful. I was worse than a contagious dog. I knew not that I had a soul. I knew not that there is a God in heaven. I am now thankful that the gospel has taught me that God is the great Creator of all things; that it has taught me to know that man is a great being; that he is possessed of an immortal soul, and that Jesus "loved us, and gave himself for us." I am now anxious for my children. I want them to be brought up under the sound of the gospel. I want all my friends to be acquainted with it, that they may be brought to true repentance and faith in the Savior of sinners. Brothers, I stand here to-day with the same desires and designs as I had at the meeting of last year. I am ready to help, according to my ability, to send the gospel to every part of the world. On the last sabbath, we heard from our old teacher, (Rev. Barnabas Shaw,) "that all flesh is grass, that the grass withereth, and the flower thereof fadeth away; but the word of the Lord endureth for ever." We ought, therefore, to do something now. 1 am thankful that I ever came to Lily Fountain. Here I first heard that word which abideth for ever. I trust all my children will learn to know it also. Day and night the gospel is preached to us. Many of us profess to believe it: but, as the apostle James says, let us "show our faith by our works."

JAN WILLIAM said,-Yes, brethren and sisters, by means of this society we have obtained the gospel; it is, therefore, our duty to do something for others. I feel as willing to help to-day, as I did the last year. It is our duty to help; and though we may not be able to do much, we must do what we can. Brothers and sisters, I feel thankful that we sit in life: through the word we have come to life; by His grace we live. God has given his grace to us; we have it in our hands; we have it in this house which has been built, this house of God. Here we can worship, here we can pray, here we may receive the ev erlasting gospel. Brothers, I am thankful to the Lord who brought our teachers over the sea; that is a great and mighty water; but they came safe, and here we see them to-day. Brothers, let us examine ourselves. We have the great word, the word of salvation, which always remains the same. Other things change, but the word of God abideth for ever. Let us pray that

we may all receive it. Yes, he who never prayed before, let him begin to-day: he who never knew any thing, let him begin to know today: he who never believed, let him believe today: he who never thought, let him begin to think to-day.

WILLIAM SNEUWE said,-Yes, my friends, it is the work of Jesus, that we are here to-day. In former days we knew nothing of these things. We had never seen or heard the missionaries; but now we both see and hear. There they are; they have left their fathers and mothers, their sisters and brothers, they have left their country and friends to preach this word to us. They came over the sea; they had seen the sea before; they knew there was no path in the sea that a waggon could go on; they knew that there were mountains in the sea; they knew the great waves would roll around them: yet they came, and Jesus took care of them that they might preach the gospel to us. They came on account of our souls. When old mynheer (B. Shaw,) first arrived, I was ill, but knew not that I was a sinner and that my soul was sick; but Jesus, by his word and Spirit, led me to know myself. Brothers, let us call upon him; let us pray in faith; let us give him our hearts. When I go and knock at the door of a friend, he opens to me; if we knock, the Lord will open to us. His word is truth. Brothers and sisters, I see no refuge but in Jesus: He is the friend of sinners. The Lord gives us rain and fruitful seasons. How great is the goodness of God. We plough our fields and sow our seed, of which we knew nothing before we had the gospel; but now we know these things also. Above all, we hear of Jesus Christ, and though the ground of our hearts may be dry and unfruitful, yet when they drink in the rain of the gospel, they shall live and become green. I thank God for hope; I have good hope: of this I was formerly ignorant, I had no hope. Faith in Christ Jesus, and the influence of the Spirit of God, are as hands to help us. God has given us those 'hands, and they are given that we may help others. He that believes the gospel says Amen, and is diligent in all things. How long have we had the gospel? There sits the same old teacher who came to us first; the Lord has brought him back again. If you would receive the word you must change your course. When a man is going on a wrong path, another calls to him, "Come here! Come here!"-Thus the Lord called us by his gospel. Thus he is still calling: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest." Brethren, we must turn about, we must change our course, and come to him. We hear and know that there are yet many in darkness. We know what that darkness is; we have felt it ourselves. We hope, therefore, that this word may go to the Damaras, &c., that they may hear and come to Jesus.

JAN JACOBS.-Yes, my beloved brothers and sisters, when I was in my old state, I neither knew any thing of God, nor that I had a soul. I now feel thankful for the gospel: by this, the way has been opened to us, so that I know I have a soul to be saved or lost: I wish others to know this also. Though I am very poor and cannot do much, and many here are like me, yet we can all pray, and thus help a little. In former days we were active in our old sports, and they cost us something, and profited nothing. Let us now be zealous in that which is profitable to all things.

JANTJE SAMSAM,-Beloved brothers and sis

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