Journal of the Senate of the ... General Assembly of the State of Ohio ..., Том 77

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Стр. 299 - It shall have original jurisdiction in quo warranto, mandamus, habeas corpus and procedendo, and such appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by law. It shall hold at least one term in each year at the seat of government, and such other terms, there or elsewhere, as may be provided by law. The judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the electors of the State at large...
Стр. 299 - Courts of Common Pleas, Courts of Probate, justices of the peace, and such other courts inferior to the Supreme Court, as the General Assembly may, from time to time, establish.
Стр. 300 - Governor; and should a majority of all the votes cast at said election. be in favor of...
Стр. 760 - No person holding office under the authority of the United States, or any lucrative office under the authority of this state, shall be eligible to or have a seat in the general assembly ; but this provision shall not extend to township officers, justices of the peace, notaries public, or officers of the militia.
Стр. 300 - ... court. A majority of the members of said commission shall be necessary to form a quorum or pronounce a decision...
Стр. 95 - July, 1865, inclusive, at six per cent, per annum, payable on the first day of January and July in each year, on the presentation of the proper coupon hereunto annexed. This debt is authorized by act of Congress approved March 3, 1865. " Washington, July 1, 1865. " J. LOWERY, " For Register of the Treasury. " Six months' interest due July 1, 1885, payable with this bond.
Стр. 501 - ... this act, shall not be perpetually enjoined or declared absolutely void in consequence of any error committed by the engineer or surveyor, or by the...
Стр. 13 - ... upon the result of any trial or contest of skill, speed or power of endurance, of man or beast...
Стр. 235 - That a committee of two on the part of the senate and three on the part of the house, be...
Стр. 760 - No. judge of any court of law or equity, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Register, Clerk of any court of record, or person holding any office under the authority of the United States, shall have a seat in the General Assembly...

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