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I do not know what mode of punishment ought to be prescribed for such offences as these against taste and poetry, to say nothing of the rights of authors, and the feelings of those who have so long been familiar with the original, that they have a personal interest in them as they stand, and would rather sing them as they have always sung them than to have them improved. They are ready to say with Rolla, in the play, "We seek no change, and least of all such change as these men bring us.

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The story has been told, and it is a good one, of a chorister in the city of New York, who set some music of his own to one of the Psalms of Watts, in which occur these lines:

O may my heart in tune be found,
Like David's harp of solemn sound!

Calling on his pastor, the chorister asked his approbation of a new version of these lines, which would render them more readily adapted to the music he had composed. He suggested to read them as follows:

O may my heart be tuned within,
Like David's sacred violin !

The good pastor had some internal tendencies to laugh in the singing man's face, but maintaining his gravity as well as he could, he said that he thought he could improve the improved version, admirable The delighted chorister begged him to and the pastor, taking his pen, wrote before

as it was.

do so,

There is beauty and poetry in the idea of the soul the eyes of his innocent parishioner these lines: "singing herself away;" but the prosaic improvers must make it read,

And sit until she soar away

To everlasting bliss.

Can anybody give the reason for the change of a single word in the last verse of the seventeenth Psalm, by Watts?

Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, is altered so as to read,

Then burst the chains with glad surprise.

A decided misimprovement, and the destruction of
the author's idea, whatever may be the critic's.
Every Christian reader has felt the force of that
third verse of Cowper's, "O, for a closer walk with

What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
How sweet their memory still!

But they have left an aching void,
The world can never fill.

O may my heart go diddle, diddle,
Like Uncle David's sacred fiddle!

A good lesson from this may be learned by all
iar use.
who would improve the psalms and hymns in famil-
Let well enough alone.

OVER-PRAYED HIMSELF.-We have heard a good many ancedotes in connection with the Virginia negroes, and the cholera, but the following appears to be one among the best :

During the prevalence of the epidemic in that state last summer, the negroes on the different' plantations became dreadfully alarmed, and thought they would certainly die with it. Among others, in one of the upper counties, was a negro boy, who, having heard his father say that the cholera would soon be along their way, left his work one day and betook himself to the woods. Here he was found by his overseer, soon after, fast asleep. Being taken to task by him for leaving his work, sive? What then must be the effect of such an im- he excused himself on the ground that not being provement in the third lineprepared to die," he had gone to the woods to "meditate." 66 "But," said the overseer, "how was it that you went to sleep?"-" Well, I don't know, Massa, how dat was 'zactly"-responded the negro; "but I speck I must over-prayed myself!"

Could words be chosen more precise and

But now I feel an aching void?


as if the victim had a sudden sense of goneness, or
an attack of the colic. Another of Cowper's most
precious hymns has suffered even more cruelly than
this, the alteration being at once barbarous and un-
poetical, though made to render it more readily
adapted to the music :

There in a nobler, sweeter song,
I'll sing thy power to save,
When this poor lisping, stammering tongue
Lies silent in the grave.

The last two lines, slightly altered, have been
placed first, and the whole stanza is thus presented:

When this poor lisping, faltering tongue
Lies silent in the grave,
Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
I'll sing thy power to save.


BURIED FOR TWO THOUSAND YEARS.-Lord Lindsay, in his travels, writes, that while wandering amid the pyramids of Egypt, he stumbled on a mummy proved, by its hieroglyphics, to be at least two thousand years of age. In examining the mummy, after it was unwrapped, he found in one of its closed hands a tuberous or bulbous root. He was interested in the question, how long vegetable life could last, and he, therefore, took that tuberous root from the mummy's hand, planted it in a sunny soil, allowed the rains and dews of heaven to descend upon it, and in the course of a few weeks, to his astonishment and joy, the root burst forth and bloomed into a beautiful dahlia.

From Chambers' Journal.


THERE are few persons unacquainted with that romance of naval history, the "Mutiny of the Bounty." Yet, as we have some fresh information to give respecting Pitcairn's Island, and the descendants of the mutineers, even those acquainted with the story will not object to be reminded of it.

In 1789, his majesty's armed vessel Bounty, while employed in conveying the bread-fruit-tree from Tahiti to the British colonies in the West Indies, was taken from her commander, Lieutenant William Bligh, by a part of the crew; who, headed by Fletcher Christian, a master's mate, mutinied off the island of Tofoa, and put the lieutenant, with the remainder of the crew- —in all nineteen persons -into the launch. After a passage of 1200 leagues, they arrived at a Dutch settlement on the island of Timor. The mutineers, twenty-five in number, were supposed, from some expressions which escaped them when the launch was turned adrift, to have made sail towards Tahiti. As soon as this circumstance was known to the Admiralty by the arrival of Bligh and his companions in England, Captain Edwards was ordered to proceed in the Pandora to that island, and endeavor to discover and bring to England the Bounty, with such of the crew as he might be able to secure. On his arrival, in March, 1791, at Matavai Bay in Tahiti, four of the mutineers came voluntarily on board the Pandora to surrender themselves; and, from information given by them, ten others (the whole number alive upon the island) were in the course of a few days taken; and, with the exception of four who perished in the wreck of the Pandora near Endeavor Strait, were conveyed to England for trial before a court-martial, which adjudged six of them to suffer death, and acquitted the other four. It became known to the commander of the Pandora before he left the Pacific that the mutineers remaining in the Bounty were reduced by desertion to no more than nine, and that they sailed away with several Tahitian men and women, each having taken one of the latter as his wife, on the 22d September, 1789, intending to seek out some uninhabited island, and having established themselves on it, to break up the Bounty, so that all trace of them should be lost.

Williams, armorer, together with six natives, their wives, and the native wives of the Europeans. But now none of the men remained alive but Smith. The whole population amounted to thirty-five, who acknowledged Smith as their chief. They all spoke English, and had been educated by him in a moral and religious way.

It is somewhat singular that these facts did not become known till five years later—namely, till 1813. The succeeding year Sir T. Staines, of his majesty's ship Briton, in company with Captain Pipon of the Tagus, both still in ignorance of Folgar's visit, accidentally approached the island. They were not a little astonished, on nearing what they believed to be an uninhabited place, to behold plantations regularly laid out, and huts more neatly constructed than those on the Marquesas islands. When about two miles from the shore, some natives were observed bringing down their canoes on their shoulders, dashing through a heavy surf, and paddling off to the ships; but their astonishment was unbounded on hearing one of them, on approaching the ship, call out in the English language, "Won't you heave us a rope now?”

The first man who got on board the Briton was "Thursday October Christian," the first born on the island, and son of Fletcher Christian. His only dress was a piece of cloth round his loins, and a straw hat ornamented with the black feathers of the domestic fowl. "With a great share of goodhumor," says the captain of the Tagus," we were glad to trace in his benevolent countenance all the features of an honest English face. * I must confess," he continues, "I could not survey this interesting person without feelings of tenderness and compassion." His companion was George Young, a fine youth of seventeen or eighteen years of age. If the astonishment of the two captains was great on hearing their first salutation in English, their surprise and interest were not a little increased on Sir Thomas Staines taking the youths below, and setting before them something to eat, when one of them rose up, and placing his hands before him in a posture of devotion, distinctly repeated, with a pleasing tone and manner, "For what we are going to receive, the Lord make us truly thankful."

The two captains accompanied these young men on shore. With some difficulty, and a good wetting, and with the assistance of their conductors, they accomplished a landing through the surf, and were soon after met by Smith, alias John Adams, a man between fifty and sixty years of age, who conducted them to his house. His wife, who was blind with age, accompanied him. He was at first alarmed lest the visit was to apprehend him; but on being told that they had been till that mo

This was managed so securely, that all Captain Edwards' attempts to gain information of the Bounty and her crew, at the numerous islands at which the Pandora touched, failed, and nothing was heard of the mutineers for twenty years afterwards. In 1808, the American ship Topaz of Boston, Captain Folgar, touched at Pitcairn's Island, in latitude 25° 2' south, and 130° west longitude, and to his sur-ment perfectly ignorant of his existence, he was prise found it inhabited by the offspring of the mutineers, headed by Alexander Smith, who had changed his name to John Adams. It was ascertained that among those who originally landed were -besides Christian and Smith-Young, a midshipman, M'Coy, Mills, and Quintal, seamen, and

relieved from his anxiety. Being once assured that this visit was of a peaceable nature, it is impossible to describe the joy on seeing those whom they were pleased to consider as their countrymen. Yams, cocoa-nuts, and other fruits, with fine fresh eggs, were laid before them; and

the old man would have killed and dressed a hog | another wife-an unreasonable request, which for his visitors, but time would not allow them to could not be complied with except at the expense partake of his intended feast. of one of his companions; but Williams persisted The colony had now increased to about forty-six in his threat, and the Europeans, not willing to persons, mostly grown-up young people, besides a part with him, on account of his usefulness as an number of infants. The clothing of the females armorer, constrained one of the blacks to bestow consisted of a piece of linen reaching from the waist his wife upon the applicant. The rest of the to the knees, and generally a sort of mantle thrown.nale natives, outrageous at this act of flagrant loosely over the shoulders, and hanging as low as injustice, made common cause with their comthe ankles but this covering appeared to be in- panion, and matured a plan of revenge upon their tended chiefly as a protection against the sun and aggressors. weather, as it was frequently laid aside, and it is not possible to conceive more beautiful forms than they exhibited. They sometimes wreathed caps or bonnets for the head in the most tasteful manner, to protect the face from the rays of the sun; and though, as Captain Pipon observes, they only had the instruction of their Otaheitean mothers, our dressmakers in London would be delighted with the simplicity, and yet elegant taste, of these untaught females."


Their native modesty, assisted by a proper sense of religion and morality instilled into their youthful minds by John Adams, had preserved these interesting people perfectly chaste, and free from all kinds of debauchery. They all labored, while young, in the cultivation of the ground; and when possessed of a sufficient quantity of cleared land and of stock to maintain a family, they were allowed to marry; but always with the consent of Adams, who united them by a marriage ceremony of his


Such was the scanty information given to the world of this interesting colony till Captain Beechy visited it in the Blossom in 1825. Not till then were the romantic adventures of the mutineers after leaving Tahiti reduced to writing. They were taken from Adams' own lips, and signed by him. The well-known "Narrative" of Captain Bligh, and Byron's poem of "The Island, or Christian and his Comrades," have since made them familiar to most readers.

It appeared that Christian, after having possessed himself of the Bounty, and while sailing away from Tahiti, advisedly selected Pitcairn's Island for his destination on reading Captain Carteret's account of it,* which was in the library of the Bounty. On January, 1790, he reached it, and landed all the stores from the ship, intending to destroy her, and with her all trace of the whereabouts of himself and his companions. Once established on the island, they felt their condition comfortable even beyond their most sanguine expectation; and everything went on peaceably and prosperously for about two years, when Williams, who had the misfortune to lose his wife about a month after his arrival, by a fall from a precipice while collecting birds'-eggs, became dissatisfied, and threatened to leave the island in one of the boats of the Bounty unless he had

*Carteret discovered Pitcairn's Island in the corvette, the Swallow, in 1766. An account of his voyage was afterwards drawn up, together with Cook's first voyage, and published by Hawkesworth.

Their plot was revealed to the wives of the Europeans, and these ladies naturally, in such a desolate place, set too much value on their husbands not to give warning. The method in which they apprized these men of their danger is very characteristic and primitive, bringing to mind a scene in the "Lady of the Lake." duced into one of their songs the following words: 'Why does black man sharpen axe? To kill white man." But the warning was unheeded, and all but three of the party were murdered, including Christian.

They intro

After this, things went on pretty smoothly, till M'Coy who had been employed in a distillery in Scotland, tried an experiment with the tea-root, and succeeded in producing a bottle of ardent spirits. This induced Quintal to "alter his kettle into a still," and the natural consequences ensued. Like the philosopher who destroyed himself with his own gunpowder, M'Coy, intoxicated to frenzy, threw himself from a cliff and was killed; and Quintal, having lost his wife by accident, demanded the lady of one of his two remaining companions. This modest request having been refused, he attempted to murder his countrymen ; but they, having discovered his intention, agreed that as Quintal was no longer a safe member of their community, the sooner he was out of the way the better; accordingly, they split his skull with an axe. Adams and Young were now the sole survivors out of the fifteen males that landed upon the island. They were both, and more particularly Young, of a serious turn of mind; and it would have been wonderful, after the many dreadful scenes at which they had assisted, if the solitude and tranquillity that ensued had not disposed them to repentance. During Christian's lifetime they only once read the church service; but since his decease this had been regularly done every Sunday. They now, however, resolved to have morning and evening family prayers; to add afternoon service to the duty of the Sabbath; and to train up their own children, and those of their late unfortunate companions, in piety and virtue. In the execution of this resolution, Young's education enabled him to be of the greatest assistance; but he was not long suffered to survive his repentance, having died soon after. Adams steadily and successfully continued the good work which he and his late companion had begun.

The children acquired such a thirst after Scriptural knowledge, that Adams in a short time had little else to do than answer their interrogatories,

and put them in the right way. As they grew weeding, &c.; and, when not busily employed, up, they acquired fixed habits of morality and they generally meet in the morning, and, if the piety; their colony improved, intermarriages oc- weather is favorable, go fishing; while on Saturcurred, and they soon formed a happy and well-days they go out hunting for the Sunday's dinner. regulated society-the merit of which belongs to The Sabbath is still kept most strictly. Adams, and tends to redeem the errors of his former life. He died, honored and respected, on the 4th March, 1829, aged sixty-five.

The females usually assist in the cultivation of the ground, preparing thatch for the houses, and, in fact, are more employed than the men; they are generally very strong, many of them being able to carry a barrel of potatoes down to the

Such was the information obtained by Captain Beechy. He found, on surveying the island, that it was no more than about seven miles in circum-landing-place, the path to which is very rugged ference, the abrupt rocky coast rising to about and steep, and in the rainy season very difficult to 1050 feet above the sea. The population had then ascend or descend. augmented to eighty persons, who, being descendants of Europeans and native women, still form an interesting link, in person, intellect, and habits, between the European and Polynesian races. They are tall and robust, with black glossy hair. Since Captain Beechy's visit, ships are constantly touching at the island.

The food of the inhabitants is chiefly yams and potatoes, animal food two or three times a week. Fish is becoming scarce. Bedclothes are generally manufactured by the females from a species of mulberry. Wearing apparel they obtain from the whale ships, in exchange for the produce of the island. Cotton cloth is much wanted, and amongst the other scarce articles are blankets, woollens, and soap.

We now come to the most recent account of the little colony. This, singularly enough, is supplied by the successor of the first ship sent out to seek The jurisprudence of this primitive community the Bounty—namely, the Pandora, which arrived is exceedingly simple. On the first day of each at Portsmouth only a few months ago. She year a chief magistrate and councillor are elected; touched at Pitcairn's Island in July, and found all persons, male and female, over sixteen years that its population had increased to 149 souls; of age, being voters. The chief magistrate then seventy-five males, and seventy-four females. Of chooses his counsellor or secretary. His duty is these we have seen the following interesting to convene meetings, and to preside over courts analysis: The “oldest inhabitant" is a Tahitian assembled to settle disputes. These, after the woman, aged eighty, widow of Edward Young, hearing of each side, are referred to a jury of five the midshipman. There are also two men of the persons, who return a regular verdict. In crimfirst generation-one of them a son of John Adams, inal cases, the punishments are either labor or named Arthur; and the other a son of Matthew fines. If in civil disputes the decision of the jury Quintal, named George. There are also seven is not satisfactory to both parties, they are allowed females of the first generation, of whom three are to appeal to the commander of the first of her daughters of Adams, and the rest of Fletcher majesty's ships of war which may touch at the Christian, Young, Mills, and M'Coy. The re- island. A reference made to Captain Beechy mainder are children of the second and third gener-while there, less on a judicial matter than on a ation. There are eight marriageable males, and point of conscience, is a touching instance of the seven marriageable females.

Other information brought by the Pandora reveals that, during the last five years, one fifth of the population have been born. The healthiness of the climate may be judged of from the low rate of mortality. Since 1831 there have been only sixteen deaths four of them accidental, four of fever, one of disease of the ear, one of the heart, one of cancer, one of consumption, two of influenza, one in childbirth, and one in infancy. The diseases most prevalent are asthma and catarrh, which prevail mostly among the females; bilious attacks are frequent, but slight, and easily give way to treatment. Influenza had visited the island during the last seven years, and caused two deaths.

scrupulous regard these people have for a vow, even when inconsiderately made :—wives, it may be imagined, are very scarce, as the same restrictions with regard to relationship exist as in England. George Adams, son of the patriarch, in his early days had fallen in love with Polly Young, a girl a little older than himself; but Polly, probably at that time liking some one else, and being at the age when young ladies' expectations are at the highest, had incautiously said she "never would" give her hand to George Adams. He nevertheless indulged a hope that she would one day relent, and to this end was unremitting in his endeavors to please her. In this expectation he was not mistaken; his constancy and attentions as he grew into manhood, his handsome The inhabitants are industrious, especially the form, softened Polly's heart into a regard for him, females. They all rise with the sun, and retire and had nothing passed before, she would willingto rest very early. The men are occupied chiefly ly have given him her hand. But the vow of her in cultivating the ground and carpentering; sev- youth was not to be got over, and the love-sick eral of the young men are good at cabinet-work couple languished on from day to day, victims of and as blacksmiths. From August to November the folly of early resolutions. The weighty case they have plenty of employment, digging yams, was referred for Captain Beechy's consideration; also planting them, with bananas and potatoes, and the fears of the party were in some measure

relieved by the result, which was, that it would be much better to marry than to continue unhappy, in consequence of a hasty determination made before the judgment was matured. They could not, however, be prevailed on to yield to this decision, and the Blossom left them unmarried. Love, however, eventually proved too strong for overwrought principle; and a letter from Pitcairn's Island, dated 19th March, 1830, stated that George Adams was married to Polly Young, and had two sons.

Since Captain Beechy's visit, the average number of ships which anchor off the island has been eight or nine per annum, mostly Americans, who, it is satisfactory to state, are reported to behave well without exception. The last vessel that touched there was an English brig from New Zealand, bound to California with emigrants, there being eight English women amongst them. On the arrival of a ship on the island, no one is allowed to go on board before the pilot, who takes charge of the boats when landing, and provides for the captain when on shore; each family in rotation furnishing a pilot, or providing a substitute, who always expects a small remuneration from visitors for his service.

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LET rural folk say what they will, we Londoners do contrive to make our winters very comfortable and agreeable: if the atmosphere be murky without, within doors we have bright sea-coal fires, happy faces, and no end of entertaining relaxations, which grow heartier and warmer as the word goes from mouth to mouth-Christmas is coming. It would do your eyes good, in going along our streets just now, notwithstanding the mire, to see the display in the shops-magazines and mourning, books and bonnets, cakes, carpets, cashmeres, and confectionery. In strife or peace, prosperity or panic, on it goes, the great and multiplex life-whirl of this busy metropolis: nothing seems to disturb it but a deadly epidemic.

Not only business, but bodies corporate show signs of reänimation with the coming on of winter; and all our learned societies (and the unlearned ones too) are shaking off their vacation dust. The Geographicals are all alive with reports from and about travellers, and if the propositions thrown out can be accomplished, we shall soon know something more of the interior of Africa and other We have also gleaned the following particulars unknown regions. The Chemicals are talking of of the soil, culture, and meteorology of Pitcairn's acids, and alkalies, organic and inorganic bodies, Island :—The soil is very rich, but porous; a and the "metamorphosis of dicyanometaniline,” a great proportion decomposed lava, the other a rich, mysterious process about as easy to comprehend black earth and clayey ground. The climate is by the uninitiated as metaphysics. The Zoologitemperate; the thermometer from 59 to 89 de- cals are discussing (not devouring) the birds and grees in the shade. The spring commences in animals, and whatever subjects of natural history August, which is harvest-time, and yams and may come before them at their meetings; where potatoes are dug; and of potatoes there are two the frequent introduction of new specimens affords crops a year, which are planted in February and a significant hint that we have not yet got to the July, and dug in June and November. There are end of animated nature. The Society of Arts no regular trade-winds: in the summer months have read papers on a new principle for suspenthe wind prevails mostly from east-south-east to sion-bridges and piers-which was suggested to north. Northerly winds are generally light, often the author's mind by his seeing lines of cobwebs accompanied with rain or fog. When the wind one day stretched across a street, and a spider is north, it invariably goes round to the west-working on them-and on flexible breakwaters and ward, from which quarter, and south-east, the lighthouses, another attempt at what has been so strongest gales prevail. With wind from south- often tried-open piles; but in this instance with west, it is generally clear weather with moderate a system of counterbalancing weights. The Civil breezes. In winter the prevailing winds are Engineers have survived the listening to the subsouth-west to east-south-east. The animal and jects of coffer-dams, as exemplified by the huge vegetable productions of the island are-goats, structure (1500 feet long) in use at Grimsby hogs, and poultry; yams, sweet potatoes, the api- Docks, which famous works it is said will by and root and tano in small quantities; plantains, pines, by come into spirited rivalry with those on the melons, oranges, bread-fruit, sugar-canes, limes, other side of the Humber at Hull. The Dean of and the Brazilian plum. The only grain is maize. Westminster, Dr. Buckland, was present at one From its distance from any other of the islands of the meetings, and suggested the propriety of in Polynesia, Pitcairn's Island is perhaps the engineers becoming geologists, so as to be able to most isolated place in the world. To this may make surveys without falling into error about be ascribed the gratifying tenacity with which strata. Shrewd advice on the part of the dean. the people preserve their simple virtues and mod- The Literatures have been occupied with memoirs esty. May the day be far distant when the vices on Egyptian antiquities, and on Mount Sinai; and of other nations find their way among them! the Asiatics, as usual, are busying themselves We augur nothing favorable, however, from the visit of the ship on its way to California-to and from which it is not much out of the main track. It is to be hoped that the crimes of the "diggings" may never be imported among the descendants of the crew of the Bounty.

with Sanscrit inscriptions and sculptures, extracting facts useful to the historian or ethnologist out of matters seemingly the most intractable; even as bees suck honey from nettle-blossoms. The Antiquaries, among other matters, have been treating themselves to details on the boundaries of

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