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No particle could be estranged,
The scheme (1) was such a sure one.

The Rajah his conditions told

To all the goldsmiths young and old,
That he to one would trust the gold
On two or three conditions.

66 Not, ” added he, "that I suspect

Duplicity or e'en neglect;

But sland'rous tongues will thus be check'd, "Twill banish all suspicions.

"The terms are these, they're far from hard;
You'll be lock'd up and under guard;
Such trifles none will sure regard
Who wish to live in story.

You'll also, when your work you quit,
At noon, your clothes to guards remit;
'Tis all to which you need submit
To gain immortal glory. "

Now whether lack (2) of pious zeal,
Which worldly men are slow to feel,
Or interest, main spring and wheel
Of smiths since days of Vulcan,
Did operate on old and young,
"Tis said that no one found a tongue,
Nor asked to be extolled or sung,
Tho' highly as Mogul can.

(1) Scheme, plan; prononcez squime. (2) Lack, manque.


At length howe'er the spirit moved
A youth who glory, int'rest loved,
And having in his mind revolv'd,
Thought they might be united.

"Great prince!" said he, " be mine the task;
Glory, not interest I ask;

These egotists have dropp'd the mask. "
The Rajah was delighted.

The gold was weighed, the model shown,
The youth lock'd up to work alone,

That is with guards, from morn till noon;
'Twas all the time required.

Then home return'd to fabricate

A brazen Krishnu, size and weight
The same as that he made the state,
Against the day (1) desired.

He work'd with ardour morn and night;
Each piece was so exact to sight,

That which the false or which the right,
'Twould puzzle to discover.

For having fill'd, with pond'rous lead,
The tête divine like mortal head
Of brass, that it might serve instead
Of gold, was gilded over.

The work complete, the Rajah vowed
Some great reward should be allowed;

(1) Against the day, pour le jour, avant le jour.


Our pious youth most humbly bowed
And said, "Your approbation,
"Great prince, to this my ardent pray'r,
That I may be allowed to bear

To Ganges, this our God so fair,
The day of consecration. "

"Be it," the Rajah said. The day
Arrived, behold the long array,
The youth, the gayest of the gay,
The numerous guards surrounding.
Advancing to the sacred stream,
The shore with multitudes did teem (1),
The banners shining in the beam,
With shouts the air resounding.

The flood is gain'd, the youth immersed
To play the part he had rehearsed,
Prepares to quench his pious thirst
With water of the Ganges;

And plunging, with the God in hand,
Amid the shouts of those on land,
Leaves the pure Krishnu in the sand,
And for the brass one changes.

You ask how came brass Krishnu there :
The youth had ta'en (2) especial care
All things in order to prepare

(1) To teem, fourmiller.

(2) Ta'en pour taken, pris,


For his great transmutation.
He therefore wisely thought it good
To place brass Krishnu in the flood,
To wait until the gold one wou'd
Be pleased to take his station.




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Such glory o'er the quick and dead

Thou radiant and adored deceit!

Which millions rush'd in arms to greet (2),
Wild (3) meteor of immortal birth!
Why rise in heaven to set on earth?

Souls of slain heroes form'd thy rays;
Eternity flash'd through thy blaze (4);
The music of thy martial sphere
Was fame on high and honour here;
And thy light broke on (3) human eyes
Like a volcano of the skies.

Like lava rolled thy stream of blood,
And swept down (6) empires with its flood;

(1) Beam, rayon de lumière.

(2) To greet, saluer, accueillir.

(5) Wild, extraordinaire.

(4) Blaze, éclat, feu.

(5) Broke on, éclata sur.

(6) To sweep down, emporter, balayer.

Earth rock'd (1) beneath thee to her base,
As thou didst lighten (2) through all space;
And the shorn sun (3) grew dim in air,
And set (4) while thou wert dwelling there.

Before thee rose, and with thee grew (5),
A rain-bow of the loveliest hue,
Of three bright colours, each divine,
And fit (6) for that celestial sign;

For freedom's hand had blended (7) them,
Like tints of an immortal gem.

One tint was of the sun-beam's dyes;
One, the blue depth (8) of seraph's eyes;
One, the pure spirit's veil of white (9)
Had robed (10) in radiance of its light:
The three so mingled did beseem (11)
The texture of a heavenly dream.


(1) To rock, secouer, trembler, bercer. (2) To lighten, éclairer, briller.

(3) The shorn sun, le soleil obscurci.

(4) And set, et se coucha.

(5) Grew, passé de to grow, grandir, croître.

(6) Fit, propre à, convenable.

(7) To blend, mêler.

(8) The blue depth, le bleu foncé.

(9) The pure spirit's veil of white, le voile blanc d'un esprit


(10) To robe, vêtir, habiller.

(11) To beseem ou seem, sembler.

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