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milch cows.

The superintendent desires to make more of a special feature of dairying and in this way teach the boys more of this important branch of farming. Two more silos are needed to supply the increased demand for feed for cattle.

The printing plant is practically idle at this time for the want of a head printer. Superintendent Hutton has applied to the civil service commission for a printer from their list. but it seems they have none at present to offer. Such help seems to be very hard to obtain. We would suggest that much more of the job printing for the other state institutions could be cheaply and promptly done at the Waukesha school, which work would be a benefit both to the state and in an educational way to the boys employed. Printers are now in great demand

and can get good wages.

School instruction is given each day, and pupils appear be fairly well advanced for their age and class and are doing good work. The discipline is good, and the teachers are apparently quite efficient.

The boys are paroled when deemed advisable and when good homes may be secured for their best welfare. The average detention in the school is less than three years.

383 inmates enrolled.

There are now

The buildings are cleanly kept and sanitary, and most of this work is done by the boys, and they are thus encouraged in habits of cleanliness. The superintendent is painstaking and fully in sympathy with the work, and with his able corps of assistants we feel that this institution is especially well managed.

[blocks in formation]


The inspection of the sanitorium at Wales was made on the afternoon of February 11, 1913. All buildings being new, they look exceptionally clean and sanitary, and patients appear to be well cared for and well satisfied with their treatment. There are at this time 164 patients, which is nearly a full quota, as the institution at present is made for the accommodation of only 168 people. The two-story shack just completed is in our judgment the proper method of construction for this class of institutions. The cost of building is much less for the number of patients accommodated, the capacity being double that of the former one-story style of construction. The drainage is most excellent, but the disposal part of the system needs to be enlarged in the near future. The construction of the power house coal shed was so poorly designed that we wondered how it could have been made any more inconvenient for the proper and economical handling of coal. Pocahontas coal is used at a cost of $4.31 per ton laid down at the plant. The distance of something like three miles from the railroad makes the hauling of coal an extra expense of about seventy cents per ton. The artesian well is now being drilled to a greater depth for a more liberal supply of water.

The physician and superintendent has the work well in hand and reports that so far the number of cures is about twenty per cent, the number of diseases arrested twenty-five per cent, while another thirty per cent are benefited by the treatment. The patients all dined in one room and appeared cheerful and well satisfied with the quantity and quality of food, which is of the very best for the treatment of these cases. Fresh beef, eggs, fruit, and milk are used in abundance, with numerous of other kinds of food to make the requisite variety.

Although this kind of treatment is comparatively recent, we believe that the state may well afford to make liberal appropriations for such treatment and care of tuberculosis, not only for the direct results, but for the education in methods of treatment that this system affords and which is transmitted to all parts of the state by means of discharged patients. It is to be regretted that the state has not yet placed at the disposal of its citizens a greater capacity in similar institutions for the present urgent needs.

[blocks in formation]

The State Prison at Waupun was visited February 13th and 14th, 1913. The warden and officers aided the committee in every way in making as full an inspection as the time would permit. We found at this date 737 inmates, 713 males and 24 females. Quite a number of criminal insane will be transferred to the new institution when it is completed. The discipline maintained is excellent and adequate, yet the old cruel and in

human methods with offenders have been abandoned.

All persons who are physically able are employed at some kind of labor. Seventy-six men are employed in the binder twine plant, four hundred and sixty-five in the knitting factory, fifty in the tailor shop, and the balance are distributed about the institution in kitchen, laundry, hospital, farm and other places where necessary. It is noticeable how quickly the convicts become expert in their work, and the different stages of work allow for proper distribution of workmen according to their ability to become expert.

The hospital is clean and sanitary and contains some half dozen in the sick ward and about a like number in the consumptive ward. An open air shack is maintained for tubercular patients. The men's laundry is in very poor condition, especially floors

and ceilings, and needs immediate attention for rebuilding or repairs. A new clothes wringer and other equipment should be installed. In the women's department there are many needed changes and repairs advised by the committee in relation to kitchen, dining room, and hospital, accommodations.

The old cell houses are exceedingly bad and unsanitary, have defective and leaky plumbing, and are altogether unfit for human habitation. The new store building and tailor shop, nearly completed, is a credit to the institution. The new cell wing for men is modern and up-to-date in sanitation and equipment and is a highly commendable piece of work except in outside construction, which is of brick and already shows signs of disintegration. We condemn the further use of this quality of brick in such construction at Waupun, and would advise as a better material stone to correspond with the old main building or concrete. This matter appealed to the committee very strongly. The power plant is in excellent condition and is well and economically managed.

The new concrete wall is a model of cheap and efficient construction. About 700 feet of new tunnel is considered necessary and is advised to be about seven feet wide, seven feet deep, and to be made of concrete, to give plenty of space for conducting all steam and water pipes, electric wires, etc. This can be built at approximately $4.00 per running foot. A new warehouse is needed for storing sisal and twine, first, to avoid any possibility of fire disaster, and second, to give room for a duplicate binding twine unit plant should such be deemed advisable. The new building for the criminal insane was inspected and is about completed, and we believe to be one of the best constructed buildings of any of the state institutions.

The farm contains 370 acres. There are seventeen horses, sixty head of cattle, of which thirty are milch cows, and one hundred head of swine. The buildings at the farm were badly in need of repair and a good deal of it seemed to be entirely uncalled for as they have plenty of help to keep these minor repairs up in better shape, and while there was plenty of shed room for machinery there was considerable of it scattered around, which in the judgment of the committee is entirely uncalled for, and the same applies to painting of the farm buildings, as the expense would be practically nothing for labor. We advise

the reconstruction of the present old horse barn over to a place adjacent to the other farm buildings. Much of the lumber in this barn is good and can be profitably used. Fences need repairs; barns and outbuildings need painting. The warden advises the committee that more land could be used to advantage and much of the present land should be drained. The farm lighting plant is inadequate and out of date; the board of control should devise a new system.

The knitting factory, employing 465 men, is the main industry. The men receive sixty-five cents per day, and in many cases under the present system are able to earn extra pay by doing more than their allotted task, some earning in this manner from $7.00 to $14.00 per month extra, which in many cases is sent to the needy family of the conviet. This class of work appears to be well adapted to convict labor. The price of sixty-five cents per day appears to be somewhat below the earning capacity of

the men.

The binder twine plant, so far as we could judge, is a marked success, and we believe the satisfactory marketing of the product is all that remains to confirm this opinion. About seventy-six men are employed and turn out 11,000 pounds of twine daily. Sisal is the only material used and one kind of twine is made. This appears to be of good quality and strength, on test breaking at from 75 to 95 pounds, the minimum required being 45 pounds.

The evening school for prisoners is a very commendable feature of the institution, and we were surprised at the gross ignorance of a large number of the convicts. The library and distribution of reading matter is admirable.

We believe the warden to be efficient and conscientious in his duties, and humane in his treatment, yet having due regard for the necessary and proper discipline. The feeling between officers and warden and between officers and inmates appears to be good, as no complaints were filed with the committee. The food, though not of great variety, is wholesome and of sufficient quantity, there being no complaint in this respect from the prisoners.

A very complete system of reports and records is kept. Photos and descriptions of all convicts, Bertillion measurements, and finger prints are kept on file.

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