Arts MarketingRoutledge, 30 мар. 2007 г. - Всего страниц: 240 Arts Marketing focuses on a variety of sectors within the arts and addresses the way in which marketing principles are applied within these, outlining both the similarities and the differences that occur. Relating policy to practice, this contributed text demonstrates the most effective means of marketing in specific areas of the arts, with each chapter having been written by a specialist in the field. Although primarily focusing on the UK market, the subject has global relevance and appeal, and policy is evaluated on national, European and supranational levels. Specialist topics dealt with range from the marketing of the theatre, opera, and museums, through to the film industry and popular music. |
Результаты поиска по книге
Результаты 1 – 5 из 55
Стр. v
... popular music Daragh O'Reilly 3 Marketing in the film industry Finola Kerrigan 4 The marketing of theatre Iain Fraser 5 The marketing of opera Peter Fraser vii 1 6 26 42 68 6 Marketing and jazz 98 Dorothea Noble 7 The theory and ...
... popular music Daragh O'Reilly 3 Marketing in the film industry Finola Kerrigan 4 The marketing of theatre Iain Fraser 5 The marketing of opera Peter Fraser vii 1 6 26 42 68 6 Marketing and jazz 98 Dorothea Noble 7 The theory and ...
Стр. ix
... popular music. Daragh is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Dr Mustafa Özbilgin is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations at the University of Surrey, School of Management. His research is in the ...
... popular music. Daragh is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Dr Mustafa Özbilgin is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations at the University of Surrey, School of Management. His research is in the ...
Стр. 1
... popular music is examined, and contrasted with views from popu- lar music studies. A gap between the literatures is identified. Then the struc- ture and environment of the popular music industry is dealt with, mapping out the popular ...
... popular music is examined, and contrasted with views from popu- lar music studies. A gap between the literatures is identified. Then the struc- ture and environment of the popular music industry is dealt with, mapping out the popular ...
Стр. 2
... popular music with the best guides available. Chapter 3 considers the development of marketing within the film indus- try by setting film marketing within the wider context of the film industry. It maps out the historical development of ...
... popular music with the best guides available. Chapter 3 considers the development of marketing within the film indus- try by setting film marketing within the wider context of the film industry. It maps out the historical development of ...
Стр. 5
... future research. This chapter also highlights some of the key themes common or particular to marketing in all the art, which the book covers. Chapter 2 The marketing of popular music Daragh O'Reilly Introduction Introduction 5.
... future research. This chapter also highlights some of the key themes common or particular to marketing in all the art, which the book covers. Chapter 2 The marketing of popular music Daragh O'Reilly Introduction Introduction 5.
1 | |
6 | |
3 Marketing in the film industry | 26 |
4 The marketing of theatre | 42 |
5 The marketing of opera | 68 |
6 Marketing and jazz | 98 |
7 The theory and practice of visual arts marketing | 119 |
understanding different types of audiences | 139 |
a multisectoral interdisciplinary and international perspective | 159 |
10 Key issues in arts marketing | 187 |
References | 198 |
Index | 219 |
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activity amateur approach artistic Arts Council Arts Management arts marketing theory arts organisations artwork attendance attract audience Australia Council avant garde behaviour box office brand identity chapter commercial consumption create creative cultural economic Elif Shafak European example experience fans film industry focus focused funders funding genre global groups hedonic Iain Fraser identify impact important increasing individual involved issues jazz JazzAce Joan Littlewood Journal London market research marketing mix Model Army museum marketing music brand musicians non-profit offer opera companies participants performing arts perspective political popular music professional programmes promotion range relationship Rentschler role Royal Opera House schools Scottish Opera sector social society stakeholders strategies studies subsidy success target theatre Theatre Royal tickets tion touring understanding University of Hertfordshire venue visitors visual arts marketing Whitehall Theatre women