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anineral waters of Harrowgate, 407.
--Cafe of tænia, or tape worm, cured
by flowers of fulphur, ibid.-Obfer-
vations on venefection in thoracic



APS and plans, views and coins,
illuftrative of the travels of


Meaning which the word mystery bears
in the New Teftament confidered,

Medical communications, vol. II. 33. —
1. Cafe of a recovery after a ball had
paffed through the lungs, ibid.-
Of retroverted uterus, in which the
paracentefis veficæ was fuccefsfully
performed, 33, 34.-III. In which
the tendon of the biceps mufcle was
punctured in bleeding, 34.-IV. Of
a child born, with fymptoms of ery-
fipelas followed by gangrene, ibid.-
V. Account of the above fpecies of
eryfipelas as it has appeared in in-
fauts at the British lying-in hofpi-
tal, ibid.-VI. Cafe of an unusually
large abfcels between the perito-
næum and abdominal mufcles, &c.
ibid.-VII. Of total extirpation of
the external parts of generation, 35.
-VII. Obfervations on the ufe of
opium in the vencreal disease, ibid.

IX. Account of the favourable

termination of a wound in the fto-
mach, ibid.-X. Cafe of fuppreflion
of urine, in which the puncture of
the bladder in the regio pubis was
performed with fuccefs, ibid.-XI.
Hiftory of a difcafe in the head of the
tibia, &c. ibid.-XII. Cafe of her
nia femoralis, &c. 36,-XIII. Of
abftinence, ibid.-XIV. Of a dropfy
of the ovarium, &c. ibid.--XV. Ob-
fervations on the effects of camphor,
applied externally in retention of
arine, 37-XVI. Cafe of an injury
in the internal table of the fcull, ib.
-XVII. Of a rupture of the corpora
cavernofa of the penis, ibid.-XVIII.
Account of a mortified hand taken
off at the wrift, ibid.-XIX. Of the
different fpecics of inflammation,
&c. ibid.-XX. Cafe of inverfion of
the uterus, 39.-XXI. Hiftory of a
contraction of the forc-arm and fin-

gers, &c. 40-XXII. A fingular
cale of abicels of the liver, ibid.-
XXIII. Of a rupture of the bladder
by a fall, ibid.---XXIV. Of hydro-

phobia, 41.-XXV. On the medici
nal properties of the muriated ba
rytes, ibid.-XXVI. Cafe of droply,
in which the water has been twice
drawn off by tapping the vagina, ib.
-XXVII. Two letters on a fpecies
of angina maligna, and the use of
capficum in that and other difeafes,
ibid.-XXVIII. Account of an ex-
foliation of the internal furface of
the tibia, &c. 41, 42.-XXIX. Ac-
count of the invention and ufe of the
lever of Roonhuyfen, 42.-XXX.
Of a very uncommon blindnets in
the eyes of newly-born children, ib.
XXXI. Three inflances of fudden
death, &c. ibid.-XXXII. Of the
danger of wounding the epigafric
artery in the operation of tapping for
the afcites, ibid.-XXXIII. Or the
aphonia fpafmodica, ib.-XXXIV.
Of the ufe of cantharides taken in
fubftance, &c.

Meditations of the emperor M. Aure-
lius Antoninus, a new tranflation,
Memoir fur la comparison des moyens


& des procedes que les Romains en-
ployoient dans la contruction de
leurs edifices, avec ceux des peuples
Memoirs of the life and writings of
John Whitehurst, F. R. S.



of Hildebrand Freeman,


Mifcellaneous works of A. M'Donald,


[blocks in formation]

bid.-Delineations of the Heart,
472.-Female Werter, 235.-Fre-
derica, 472.-Generofity, 352.—
Hiftory of fir Geoffry Reftlefs, 114.
-Hiftory of mifs Egerton, 236.—
Iphigenia, 114.-It is, and it is not,
472.-Leon, a Spartan story, 236.-
The Libertine, 352.-Mary de Clif-
ford, ibid.-Romance of the Foreft,
458.-Terentia, 352.-Vancenza, oz
the dangers of credulity, 268.--
Wanley Penfon,



Bfervations and remarks on a
journey through Sicily and Cala-
bria in 1791,
Occafional retrofpect of foreign litera-
ture, 336, 537.-France, ibid.-
Italy, 542.-Portugal, 545.-Ger-
many, 340, 545-Holland, 343,
546.- Denmark, 547.- Sweden,
343, 547-Pruffia, 342, 548.-
Ode on the propofed vifit of his majef-
ty to Exeter,
Odes, all the Pythian, Nemean, and
Ifthmian of Pindar,
Odyffey of Homer. See Iliad.
On the prevention of crimes, and the
advantages of folitary imprisonment,





Opinions of the philofophical reform-
ers confidered,
Owl (the), the peacock, and the dove,




[blocks in formation]

Pardoner's tale, the,




Peerage of Scotland, tracts concerning
Perfius, imitation of the firft fatire of,

Philofophical tranfactions of the royal
fociety of London, vol. LXXXI.
part 1. 186.-Art. I. A fecond paper
on hygrometry, ibid.-II. On the
production of ambergris, 188.-III.
Obfervations on the affinity between
bafaltes and granite.-IV. Nebulous
ftars properly focalled.-V. Abstract
of a regifter of the barometer, ther-
mometer, and rain,, at Lyndon in
Rutland; with the rain in Hamp-
hire and Surry, for 1789, 191.—VI.
Oblervations on certain horny ex-
crefcences of the human body, 191.
-VII, Confiderations on the conve-


niency of measuring an arch of the
meridian, and of the parallel of lon-
gitude, having the obfervatory of
Geneva for their common interfec-
tion, ibid. Meteorological journal
for 1790, 193.-Part II. Art. VIII.
On the rate of travelling, as per-
formed by camels; and its applica-
tion, as a fcale, to the purposes of
geography, 272.-IX. On infinite
feries, 273.-X. Account of fome
appearances attending the converfion
of caft into malleable iron, ibid.-
XI. On the decompofition of fixed
air, ibid.-XII. Meteorological jour-
nal, principally relating to atmo-
fpheric electricity, 274.-XIII. Far-
ther experiments relating to the
decompofition of dephlogifticated
and inflammable air, ibid.-XIV.
Experiments on human calculi, 275.
-XV. Chermes lacca, ibid.-XVI.
The longitudes of Dunkirk and Pa
ris from Greenwich, deduced from
the triangular measurement 1787,
1788, fuppofing the earth to be an
elipfoid, 276.-XVII. On the me
thod of determining, from the real
probabilities of life, the values of
contingent reverfions in which three
lives are involved in the furvivorsh P
ibid. XVIII. Abstract of the regif-
ter of the barometer, thermometer,
and rain at Lyndon in Rutland;
with the rain in Surry and Hamp-
fhire, for 1790, ibid.-XIX. Defcrip-
tion of a fimple micrometer for
measuring smail angles with the te-
lefcope, ibid.-XX. A new method
of investigating the fums of infinite
feries, ibid.-XXI. Experiments and
obfervations to inveftigate the com-
pofition of Dr. James's powders, 277.
-XXII. Account of fome chemi-
cal experiments on tabafheer, 279.-
XXIII. A fecond paper on hygro-

Plain man's (a) thoughts on the pre-
fent price of fugar, &c.
Pleafures of memory,
Poems on various occafions,



[blocks in formation]

France to the emperor Leopold II.

Poetical Extracts. From Abelard to
Eloifa, 450.-The Baviad, 194 to

196.-Enthusiasm of genius, 111.-
Effay on principles of tranflation,
292, 293, 296.—Female geniad, 113.
-Fettival of beauty, 116.-Good's
Poems,471.-Ha loran's poems, 207,
208.-Homer, 241 to 243, 245 to
249, 361 to 374, 560 to 568.-Imi-
tation of the prayer of Abel, 113.—
Modern Britons, 468. Monody
written at Matlock, 112.-More
money, 366 to 309.-Peter Pindar's
epistle to the cari of Lonidale, gt.-
Pleatures of memory, 398 to 402-
The pope's journey to the other
worlds, 154 to 156.-Pythian, Ne-
mean, and ifthmian odes of Pindar,
403 to 405.-Triumphs of friend-
fhip, 234.-Weft's mifcellaneous
poems, 204 to 206.-Winter, 351,


[blocks in formation]

OCHOOL for scandal, or newspapers,

356 Sa comedy,

Polaud, memoirs of the prefent ftate
Pope's (the) journey to the other
worlds, to feek advice and affiftance
against the national affembly of


Principles of the French conftitution,



Proceedings in parliament relative to
the origin and progrefs of the war
in India,
Pruffe (la) littéraire fous Frederic II.
pour fervir de continuation à l'effai
fur la vie & le regal de ce roi, 481
Public worship and inftruction,
Fugilift (the) matched,

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Ueftion (the) confidered, How
far the prefent flourishing flate
of the nation is to be ascribed to
the conduct of the minifter, 465

[blocks in formation]

Sermons for Sunday schools,
Shrove Tuesday,




Sketch of the life and projects of John
Law, comptroller-general of the fi
nances in France,
Speech of Henry Grattan, efq. on the
addrefs to his majefty at the open.
ing of the Irish parliament, 1792,




Speeches of Mirabeau the elder, in the
national affembly of France,
Storia della pittura, e la fculptura, da
i tempi più antichi,
StriЯures on a pamphlet, intitled
Thoughts on the late riots at Bir
Subftance of the report of the court of


directors of the Sierra Leone com
pany to the general court, Oct. 19,
Sugar, a vindication of the ufe of, 238
Syllabus of Chriftian doctrines and du-



THOUGHTS on the manifefto of

the French to all ftates and na-



Regal government, thoughts on the
origin and excellence of,




Remarks on an enquiry into the expe-
diency and propriety of public or fo-
cial worship,
Representation from the nabob of the
Carnatic prefented to the house of
commons, March 5, 1792, 464
Review of public affairs, from January
to May 1792. North America, 570.
Welt Indies, ibid. - Sandwich


on civilization, and the
gradual abolition of flavery in Afri
ca and the West Indies,
Tranfactions of the Linnæan fociety,
vol. I. Extracts from the introduc
tion, 1.-II. Obfervations on fome
extraneous follils of Switzerland, 3.
III. Obfervations on the phalena
bombyx lubricipeda, and fome other
moths, 4-IV. Defcriptions of four

fpecies of cypripedium, 5.—V. Defcriptions of ten fpecies of lichen, collected in the fouth of Europe, ib. -VI. Some obfervations on the natural history of the curculio lapathi and filpha grifea, ibid.-VII. Defcription of the ftylephorus chordatus, a new fifh; its generic character tranfcribed, 6.-VIII. Defcription of the hirudo viridis, a new English leech, ibid.-IX. The botanical hiftory of the canella alba, ib. -X. Defcription of the cancer flagnalis of Linnæus; extract from Dr. Shaw's account of its apparatus for taking its prey, 7.-XI. On the feftuca fpadicea, and anthoxanthum paniculatura of Linnæus, 8.-XII. On the migration of certain birds, &c. ibid.-Extracts from the obfervations relating to the woodcock and the water-wagtails, 9.-XIII. Hiftory and defcription of a new fpecies of fucus, ibid.-XIV. Account of a fingular conformation in the wings of fome fpecies of moths, 9, 10.-XV. Obfervations on the language of botany, 10.-XVI. Obfervations on the genus of bigonia, ib. -XVII. On the genus of fymplocos, comprehending the hopea, alftonia, and ciponima, ibid.-XVIII. On the genus of calligonum, comprehending pterococcus and pallafia, 1 1.—XIX. Obfervations on polypodium oreupteris, accompanied with a fpecimen from Scotland, ibid.-XX. Account of a fpinning limax, or flug, ibid.-XXI. Deferiptions of three new animals found in the Pacific Ocean, ib. --XXII. Remarks on the genus veronica, ibid.-XXIII. Defcriptions of two new fpecies of phalenæ, ibid. -XXIV. The botanical hiftory of the genus of dillenia, with the addition of feveral nondefcript fpecies, ibid -XXV. The botanical history of trifolium alpestre, medium, and pratenfe, 12.-XXVI. Account of feveral plants prefented to the fociety, ibid.-Account of a fingular pigeon, 12, 13 Tranfactions of the Royal Irish Academy, for 1789. Scientific: Art. I. Experiments on the alkaline subftances used in bleaching, and on the colouring matter one yarn, 13; Procefs for decompofing common

falt, 14; Table of the quantity of mere alkali in one hundred pounds of different fubftances, 15; Conclufions from experiments on feveral fubjects, ibid.-II. Letter from Richard Kirwan, efq. on the ftrata of coals, 16.-III. The origin and theory of the Gothic arch, ibid.IV. Account of a difeafe which, until lately, proved fatal to a great number of infants in the lying-in hofpital of Dublin, with observations on its caufes and prevention, 16, 17; Facts which appeared on a comparifon of the circumftances in other hofpitals with thofe of Dublin, 17.V. Defcription of a fteam-engine, 18. -VI. Use and defcription of a newinvented instrument for navigation, &c. ibid. VII. Obfervations made on the difappearance and re-appearance of Saturn's ring in 1789, &c. ibid. VIII. Account of two parhelia obferved Feb. 25, 1700, ibid. — IX. Effay towards afcertaining the population of Ireland, 19.-X. Lettre de M. Pouget à M. Kirwan, fur les confiderations produites par l'alliage de l'alcool avec l'eau, ibid.— Polite literature: Art. I. Thoughts on the history of alphabet-writing, ibid.-I. Brief strictures on certain obfervations of lord Monboddo, refpecting the Greek tenfes,20.-Evils of polytheifm on the morals of the heathens, ibid.--Antiquities: Art. L Account of a fingular cuftom at Metelin, with fome conjectures on the antiquity of its origin, 20.-II. Obfervations on the defcription of the theatre of Saguntum, as given by the dean of Alicant, 21.-III. Appendix to the memoire on the theatre of Saguntum, ibid.-IV. Letter to the fecretary to the committee of antiquities, ibid.-V. Memoir refpecting the antiquities of the church of Killoffy in the county of Kil



Travelling memorandums made in a tour upon the continent of Europe, 253 Trial between Henry Martin, efq, and John Petrie, efq. for criminal converfation with the plaintiff's wife,

Triumphs of friendship, the, of reafon,




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"IEW (a new and diftin&t) of the memorable action of July 27, 357 1778, Vindication of the Revolution fociety against the calumnies of Mr. Burke,

349 of the rights of woman, 389 Voyage to the South Sea, for the purpofe of conveying the bread-fruit tree to the West Indies,


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De Roi depuis Mayence Emindary tenures, inquiry into jufqu'a Duffeldorf,


the nature of,



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