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written, printed, and fold, in the short space of three days; it, of courfe, efcaped the notice of our collector; and, for the copy we poffels, as well as for the obliging manner in which it was conveyed, we muft exprefs our thanks. We fufpect the Letter' before, us to have been written by the author of the Philofophy of the Mafons: it is lively, fpirited, and judicious. As he difclaims the flighteft intention of injuring the caufe of Chriftianity, we ought not to fuggeft any farther doubts on this fubject: the Heathen and the Jew, he obferves in that work, are not fictitious characters, and they must confequently anfwer for their own fepticifm. The reply to Mr. Holder is animated and fevere, often farcastical the answer was certainly calculated to call forth the efforts of an able antagonist.

Principles of Government deduced from Reafon, fupported by English Experience, and opposed to French Errors. By the Rev. R.

Nares, A. M. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Stockdale. 1792.

Our author is a judicious and rational admirer of the English confitution, which he defends with great propriety and force against the vifionary refinements of reformers. The defence is, in general, well conducted, though occafionally Mr. Nares errs in not availing himself of fome strong grounds, and, in one or two inftances, falls into fome little errors. The most dangerous and important of these is, where he feems willing to raise the kingly power too high. A British king has, within the ftrict limits of the conftitution, as much power as a wife man would wish for, and what a good king might employ for the general happiness of his fubjects. Our author fhould alfo have adverted to the king being of himself one branch of the conftitution, and to the political foundation of the principle, 'that the king can do no wrong.'

The New Plain Dealer; or, Freeman's Budgets. No. I. Containing an impartial State of the Cafe between the British Nation, commonly called John Bull, and G. R. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Fores. 1792. We have read this work with fome attention, but are unable to give any account of it, or of the author's defign. Every thing feems to be wrong in the political world, because the new Plain Dealer is neither a peer nor a placeman. It is, indeed, a wretched farrago.

An Enquiry into the Nature, Defects, and Abufes of the British Conftitution, with Strictures on the present Adminiftration. 8vo. 25. 6d. Jordan. 1792.

The objections fpecified by this author, with regard to the British conftitution, is fuch as have been uniformly retailed by every political pamphleteer, for at least half a century. They confift chiefly of the influence of the crown, particularly its preCRIT. REV. N. AR. (IV.) Feb. 1792.



rogative of making war, and the unequal reprefentation of the people; from both which the author endeavours to deduce many paft events, unfavourable to the nation, and to excite apprehenfrons refpecting public calamities in future. Whatever foundation there may be for fome of his remarks, in others he is evidently erroneous, and not only erroneous but unjuft. He is, indeed, too intemperate a writer to treat with modération any subject which has a connection with the interefts of party. He avowedly paffes over the Coalition with a very few obfervations; believing that all cool, thinking men, muft long before this be convinced that it was only an error in judgment in Mr. Fox, and not a defertion of the cause of the people.' The fubfequent part of the pamphlet, which is, in general declamatory, is interfperfed with addreffes to the house of commons, the house of lords, and the king; in which the author, directly or indirectly, delivers many political exhortations, conformable to the defign of his enquiry. The three branches of the legiflature are treated by him with a degree of decency; but, in what relates to the conduct of adminiftration, he feems not to be much actuated by reserve.

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A Poetical Epiftle from Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, to Leopold the Second, Emperor of Germany. By Thomas Atkinson. 8vo. Hamilton. 1791.


This is written with a view to excite fenfations of pity for the fufferings of degraded majefty. Mr. Atkinson fpeaks with modefty of his performance; nor is it indeed entitled to much praise. The lines, however, flow in an eafy manner, are fometimes pathetic, and feldom or never highly reprehenfible.

The Triumphs of Friendship. An Hiftorical Poem. By W. Golden. 4to. 25. 6d. Jordan. 1791.

The old tale of the king's refigning the maid he loved to a friend, whose heart fhe had inadvertently caught, and whofe virtue rendered him incapable of perfidy. It is told with little inte reft, and without one fpark of poetic fire.

'Twas Adelaide, the beauteous, fair, and wife!
Who by her mother kept from public eyes,
Like the pure lily of the humble vale,

Unfullied and unfeen, fhe grac'd the dale.'

In this manner fie' and he' are often brought in erroneously to fill up the verfe, and fometimes to tag the rhyme, in despite of propriety or even grammar.-Fie on't, 'tis an unweeded garden! Poems Mifcellaneous and Humorous, with explanatory Notes and Ob fervations. By E.Nairne. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Simmons and Kerby. 1791. The poems are indeed miscellaneous, and fometimes humour

us. Mr. Nairne's chief fkill confifts, however, in the vulgar phrafeology termed lang, with his provincial and Jewish language. His fubfcribers, notwithstanding, feem to have no reason to complain. His bill of fare is various, and his humour decent.

Tove Poems or Songs, one on Abdul Achmet, the late Grand Sultan. The other on Sir Jeremiah Tickle, Bart. called the Hatter's Tale. 8vo. IS. Deighton. 1791.

In the dedication there are fome obfcure hints at a literary theft; and one of the prizes seems to have been the fong on Abdul Achmet. The poor man who ftole it deferves to be committed to everlasting redemption' for the theft, unless it can be proved that he never previously read it. The fecond poem feems to be the life of the thief; and we do declare, in confequence of the full powers vefted in us, by the fovereign Martinus Scriblerus I. that the culprit is hereby acquitted of any farther pains and penalties.-To have his life, written by a poet like our author, is the greatest punishment that can be awarded.

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The Dreamer Awake; or, Pugilift Matched. A Farce, in two Acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. By E. G. Eyre. 8vo. Is. Richardfon. 1791.

The plot and incidents of this little piece are fcarcely within the limits of comedy, or to be tried on the ftatutes of the Stagyrite. The whole was probably intended to raise a laugh at the close of a theatrical evening, and it will perhaps fucceed. To introduce, however, the equivoque of a modern bruifer, propofing to contend with a follower of Dr. Johnfon in bardness of head,' is almolt too much for modern farce.

A School for Scandal, or News-Papers. A Comedy. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Symonds. 1792.

The plot of this fatirical farce, for it deferves no higher name, is truly contemptible; but, if the editors of morning papers have done fuch things, thus fhould they be told of it. Foote's caricature in the Bankrupt is tamely drawn, and coldly coloured in com, parifon; but Smollett has perhaps weakened the force of all scenes of this nature by the fuperior fpirit of his inimitable reprefenta



The Female Werter, a Novel. Translated from the French of M.
Perrin. 2 Vols. 12mo. 65. Robinfans. 1791.
The pernicious poifon of the

a more general diffemination.

Sorrows of Werter' wanted not But the prefent work is lefs dan

gerous, because it is lefs interefting; and when, as a concomitant motive to fuicide, the little mortification of failing in the perform

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ance of a concerto from timidity is added, the whole is rendered ridiculous. Almoft every circumstance in Werter is alfo parodied or copied, particularly the force of the obfervation of Albert in delivering the piftols. If we except the pernicious leffon, fome parts of this work deferve our applaufe, as indicating a knowledge of the human heart, and containing various scenes elegantly defcriptive.

Leon, a Spartan Story. By Henry Siddons, Author of William Wallace. 2 Vols. 12mo. 55. Lane. 1791.

A Spartan ftory! There is not the flightest resemblance of Spartan manners. Even the names are Saxon; and the manners the puling, maukifh, refemblances of the verieft trafh of modern novels. Such crude abfurdities are an infult on the public; and by the author of William Wallace,' or of Leon,' will be fufficient, in future, to reprobate any work.-We are unwilling to hold up to a young man the mirror of ridicule; but, if we find thefe follies repeated, we fhall indulge ourselves with a laugh. at fome of the particular abfurdities.

The Carpenter's Daughter of Derham-Down, or Sketches on the Banks of Windermere. 2 Vols. 12mo. 65. Lane. 1791.

Windermere is introduced, probably to render the title more fafcinating; but this celebrated lake has little connection with the fory, and indeed it wanted no adventitious affiftance. The whole is entertaining and interesting; the characters diverfified, and generally amiable. In the conduct of the ftory there are many improbabilities, and the changes are feldom fkilfully introduced: we were much furprised that, with fome knowledge of the manners of the world, and fome skill in developing the intricacies of the human heart, there fhould be fo great a defect in the mechanical business of arrangement.

The Butler's Diary; or, the Hiftory of Mifs Eggerton. 2 Vols. 12mo. 6s. Lane. 1791.

There is a novelty in the flyle and manner of this flory which renders it pleafing. There is a difcrimination of character alfo, with various little traces of knowledge and reflection, which feem to lift these volumes above the common rank: the fituations and events are interefling and not improbable; but the language, from the printer's or author's inadvertence, is very inaccurate: we fufpect both to be in fault.


A fecond Letter to the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, upon the Matter of Libels. By J. Bowles, Efq. Evo. 25. Whieldon. 1792. We have already noticed with approbation Mr. Bowles's two


former publications on this fubject; and, feemingly alarmed at Mr. Fox's intended bill, he continues to show himself an able and fpirited advocate for the rights of judges. He allows, however, that, in cafes of libel, the jury may and ought to decide upon the fact of publication, and also, in a limited fenfe, upon the intention of the author. They may, for instance, decide, he thinks, whether the author meant to write about the perfons and things alledged, and in the manner charged in the indictment. But whether he had an innocent or criminal intention in the eye of the law, ought to be referved, in Mr. Bowles's opinion, according to the conftitution of this country, for the decifion of the judges. This refts greatly on the puifne judge, who, if he be a candidate for the office of lord chancellor, or even of the mafter of the rolls, may be in this way biaffed in favour of the court: we know not whether Reviewers, of all mortal men the most incorrupt and impartial, could come out harmless from this fiery trial. - The queftion is, however, now before the first tribunal in the world; and to it we ought to leave the decifion. We muft, however, praise Mr. Bowles for his ability and ingenuity in the examination, and fhould have praised him more chearfully if a few harsh expreffions, which never affist an argument, had been omitted.

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A Letter to the Students in Divinity in the Diocese of Chefter; occa fioned by a late Publication of A Lift of Books,' with face, by the Bishop of Chefter; and intended as a Supplement to that Work. 8vo. 6d. Johnfon. 1792.

Audi alteram partem' should be the motto of this Letter. The author, with fome petulance, attacks the bishop for many omiffions in his lift it was the greateft of crimes to have forgotten Dr. Priestley and Mr. Lindfey's works. The omiffion is now fupplied; and we ought to add, that, befides thefe prophets of the new school, we find many valuable authors in the prefent collection. Account of the Parifh of Fairford, in the County of Gloucester; with a particular Defcription of the ftained Glass in the Windows of the Church, and Engravings of aucient Monuments. 4to. 25. Wilkie.


Thefe little local hiftories, with accounts of monuments, ftained glafs, &c. are not generally interesting; and we have no particalar reafon to blame or to commend the editor's accuracy. Fairford is a market town, eight miles east from Cirencester; and its claim to notice originated from John Tame, who, about the middle of the fifteenth century, brought the woollen manufacture to the town. He died in 1471.

The Wonders of the Creation; or, Contemplations on the Works of God. Written originally in German, by C. C. Sturm. Tranflated into English by a Clergyman. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Robinsons. 1791. The various wonders of the creation excite in our author a warm


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