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No. 11, S.,

A bill to authorize the appointment of phonographic reporter for the circuit court of the several counties in the sixth judicial circuit. No. 40, S.,

A bill to authorize the appointment of a phonographic reporter for the seventh judicial circuit.

No. 81., S.,

A bill relating to the manner of commencing civil actions, and to repeal chapter 68 of the general laws of 1869, entitled "an act relating to the manner of commencing civil actions," and amendatory of section 9 of chapter 124 of the revised statutes,


No 82, S.,

A bill to legalize the acts of Bartholomew Ringle, county judge of Marathon county,

Was severally read a third time and passsd.,


No. 78, A.,

A bill to amend chapter 207 of the private and local laws of 1868, entitled an act to incorporate the Fort Howard and Duck Creek Plankroad and Turnpike Company,

Was read a third time and concurred in.

On motion of Senator Miner,

No. 125, A.,

A bill to repeal chapter 64 of the private and local laws of 1870, entitled an act to appropriate the drainage fund in certain towns in the county of Marathon, for the erection of a bridge across the Wisconsin river, at the village of Jenny,

Was re-committed to the Senator from the 9th district.
Senator Magoon moved that the Senate do now adjourn.
Which motion was lost,

By the following vote:

Those voting in the affirmative were

Senators Flint, Magoon and Pratt-3.

Those voting in the negative were

Senators Belden, Cameron, Clark, Davis, Foster, Griswold, Hazelton, Ives, Krouskop, Miner, Reed, Schantz, Walker and Williams-14.


No. 57, A.,

A bill to repeal parts of sections 10, 11 and 12, of chapter 484, private and local laws of 1870, entitled an act to incorporate the Adams County Collegiate Institute,

Was referred to Select committee, consisting of the Senator from the 9th district.

No. 111, A.,

A bill to provide for holding Normal Institutes in the State of Wisconsin, and to appropriate a certain sum of money for the purposes therein named,

Was referred to committee on Claims.

No. 97, A.,

A bill to make the receiving of a railroad pass by a juror, in any court of this State, in a case where a railro: d company is a party, or interested, or by a commissi mer to award damages for the taking private property for railroad purposes, a felony, and punishable in the state prison,

Was indefinitely postponed.

No 43, A.,

A bill to repeal chapter 174 of the general laws of 1869, an act entitled an act to amend chapter 49 of the general laws of 1866, entitled an act to amend sections 1 and 4 of chapter 133 of the revised statutes, entitled of costs and fees, and to revive and re-enact chapter 18 of the general laws of 1867, entitled an act to amend chapter 49 of the general laws of 1866, entitled an act to amend sections 1 and 4 of chapter 133 of the revised statutes, entitled of costs and fees,

[blocks in formation]

A bill to amend chapter 276, of the private and local laws of 1857, entitled an act to ir corporate the village of Depere,

Was ordered to a third reading,

On motion of Senator Clark,

The rules were suspended for the consideration of
No. 99, A.,

A bill to amend chapter 466, of the private and local laws of 1868, entitled an act to incorporate the Wisconsin Railroad Farm Mortgage Land Company, and to legalize certain acts of the commissioners of said company,

And the bill was read a third time, and concurred in.

Senator Krouskop moved to adjourn till 7 1-2 o'clock Monday evening,

Which motion was lost,

By the following vote:

Those voting in the affirmative were

Senators Cameron, Davis, Foster, Hazelton, Ives, Krouskop, Miner, Pettit, Schantz and Williams-10.

Those voting in the negative were,

Senators Beldin, Clark Colladay, Flint, Griswold, Hall, Magoon, Pratt, Reed, Town and Walker-11,

Senator Pratt moved that the Senate do now adje urn,
Which motion was lost.

On motion of Senator Town,

The Senate adjourned to 7 1-2 o'clock Monday evening,
By the following vote:

Those voting in the affirmative were,

Messrs. Cameron, Colladay, Davis, Foster, Hall, Hazelton, Ives, Krouskop, Miner, Pettit, Town and Williams-12.

Those voting in the negative were

Messrs. Beldin, Burchard, Clark, Fliat, Griswold, Magoon, Pratt, Reed, Schantz and Walker-10.


7 1-2 O'CLOCK P. M.

The Senate convened agreeably to adjournment.

The Lieutenant Governor presiding.

Roll called, quorum present.

Reading of the journal dispensed with,

Senator Clark called attention to the fact that the Wisconsin State Journal, in its issue of February 3, represented him as having said, on this floor, that the committee on Privileges and Elections had attempted to serve notice of their meetings on Senators Town and Davis, but had been unable to do so, for the reason that said parties could not be found. As a matter of justice to both Senator Town and himself, he rose to correct this statement, having made no such remark concerning Senator Town.


Presented and referred.·

By Senator Williams :

Mem No. 21, S.,

The petition of Hon. W. A. Lawrence and 45 others for the establishment of an institution for feeble minded children.

To committee on Benevolent Institutions.

By Senator Hall.

Mem. No. 22, S.,

The petition of Prof. R. H. Burton, D. H. Morgan and others, for the establishment of an institution for the education of feeble minded children.

To committee on Benevolent Institutions.

By Senator Reed:

Mem. No. 23, S.,

The petition of L. W. Bliss, A. V. Balch, E. L Browne and 150 others, citizens of Waupaca county, asking for the incorporation of an academy in said county.

To committee on Education.


Jt. Res. No. 14, A.,

Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That the joint committee on claims inquire into the number and give the names and location of all societies or institutions for private charity, incorporated under the laws of this state, and as far as may be convenient, into the condition of each of them, and what claims any or all of them may have for state support or appropriations, and the reasons for the same, and that said committee take into consideration all bills pending in either branch of the legislature for appropriations to such societies, and in case they recommend any appropriation to be made to any or all of them, that they report a single bill, embracing all such appropriations, and that the committee report their investigations and recommendations on Wednesday next. Serator Miner moved to amend, by striking out the words,. "Wednesday next,"

Which amendment was adopted,

And the Senate refused to concur with the Assembly in the pas sage of the resolution.


On leave granted, read first and second times and referred.

By Senator Price :

No. 115, S.,

A bill to change the names of William Henry Fox and Eugenie Lydia Fox to William Henry Atkinson and Eugenie Lydia Atkin


To committee on Local Legi lation.

By Senator Price:

No. 116, S.,

A bill to authorize the mayor and common council of the city of

Buffalo, in Buffalo county, and their successors in office, to keep and maintain a ferry across the Mississippi river, at the city of Buffalo, in said county.

To committee on Roads, Bridges and Ferries.

By Senator Price:

No. 117, S.,

A bill to amend chapter 49 of the private and local laws of 1866, entitled an act to incorporate the village of Black River Falls. To committee on Incorporations.

By Senator Strong:

No. 11, S.,

A bill to change the name of Nellie Gordon to Nellie Parton, and make her the heir-at-law of Alva Parton and Rebecca Parton. To committee on Local Legislation.

By Senator Cameron:

No. 119, S.,

A bill relating to the fees of deputy clerks of circuit courts, and amendatory of section 1 of chapter 93 of the general laws of 1867, entitled an act to provide for the compensation of deputy clerks of the circuit courts in the respective counties in this State.

To committee on Judiciary.

By Senator Reed :

No. 120, S,

A bill to exempt the Northern Wisconsin Life Insurance Company from the provisions of chapter 59, general laws of 1870, entitled an act to regulate the business of .ife insurance.

To committee on State Affairs.

By Senator Reed :

No. 121, S.

A bill to repeal chapter 297 of the private and local laws of 1868, entitled an act to appropriate the drainage fund in the town of Calidonia, in Waupaca county, for highway purposes, and chapter 124 of the private and lo al laws of 1869 axendatory thereof. To committee on State Affairs.

By Senator Magoon:

No. 122, S,

A bill to repeal chapter 39, general laws of 1870, entitled an act relating to courts held by justices of the peace, and amendatory of Lection 5 of chapter 120 of the revised statutes and to revive and restore section 5 of chapter 120 of the revised statutes, thereby amended.

To committee on Judiciary.

By Senator Magoon :

No. 123, S.,

A bill to repeal section 4, chapter 121, general laws of 1868, entitled an act relating to the compensation of county judges.

To committee on Judiciary.

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