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St. David's; Lord Coleraine; Aldermen Plomer, Clarke, Woolridge, Pugh, and Kitchin; Sheriffs Sainsbury and Chrichton; the Deans of Durham and Windfor, Sir Thomas Egerton, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Philip Yorke, Efq; with many of the clergy and gentry. The fermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Márkham, Rector of St. Mary, White-chapel, from Jeremiah xlix. 11. • Leave thy fatherless children, I will preferve them alive, and let thy widows truft in me.' Collection at St. Paul's

on Tuesday the 15th


Ditto, on Thursday the


Ditto, at Merchant Taylors-hall


s. d.

200 56

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Total 1029



1 4

A donation of fifty pounds, by the late Anne Fox, and a further fum of 241. 75. 1od. being the half year's dividend on the fum 16261. 4s. 9d. in the three per cent confol. bank annuities, purchafed with the legacy of the late Margaret Dongworth, made a part of the collection at the hall.

21ft. A general court of proprietors was held at the Eaft-India Houfe in Leadenhallftreet, in order to take into confideration the propofitions fubmitted by the directors for the bafis of an agreement between government and the company, when fome new matter was started that will require very serious difcuffion. It arofe from words in the firft propofition, that all the company's prefent chartered privileges fhall be preferved entire, fo far as is

confiftent with the rights of the crown and legislature. It was propofed to leave thefe laft words out; and Mr. Rous was called upon for his opinion, who made no fcruple to declare that the rights of the legislature were novel rights. That the rights of the crown were distinct; and fo were thofe of the company derived from, and dependent on, thofe of the crown; but he ventured to give a decided opinion that the law and conftitution knew of no rights of the legislature independent of the known privileges of parliament, which had nothing to do in the prefent cafe. The words therefore and legiflatun were struck out.

Lord North (the whole houfe being in a committee) moved, that the propofitions of the general court of East India proprietors be laid before the committee; follows:


"That all the East India company's prefent charter rights be preferved to them entire, fo far as is confiftent with the rights of the crown that their exclufive trade be prolonged for 10 years from March 1, befides the three years notice to be given according to the act of Geo. II. and that, in order to the utmost of their power to alleviate the public burthen, the directors are impowered to pay into the Exchequer 600,000l. on condition of receiving in return bills on his majefty's Exchequer, which, in cafe of any unexpected exigences on the part of the company, the commiffioners of cuftoms and excife fhould receive as cafh for the company's accruing duties; fuch bills not to bear intereft, or to be brought to market like other bills."

His lordship rofe and declared his difapprobation of the faid propofitions, moving the following refolution at the fame time:

"That it is the opinion of this committee, that three-fourths of the furplus of the net profits of the East India Company, ever fince the company's bond debt was reduced to 1.500,000l. and the company's dividends have been 8 per cent. per ann. belong to the public, and that 600,000l. in lieu thereof be paid into his majefty's Exchequer by installments at fuch times as fhall be agreed upon." This produced a warm debate, but was finally carried in favour of Lord North.

A caufe came on to be tried be fore Lord Mansfield, in which Mr. Wilfon was plaintiff, and Dr. Myerbatch (the late water Doctor) was defendant, for the recovery of 2001. for a bill of exchange re...... turned from Germany. The Dr. fo long ago as 1779, drew a bill to his own order on a perfon in an obfcure place near Hamborough. This bill was returned protefted; and the defendant, being then abroad, could not be come at till last fummer, when the action was brought. He fet up a two-fold defence; one, that he had no value for the bill; the other, that he had failed to give notice of non-payment in due time, and therefore had made the bill his own. But both pleas failing, the jury gave a verdict for the whole fum, with intereft and costs of fuit.

The felons and deferters confined in the Savoy Prifon attempt ed an escape, by undermining and breaking through the wall; but being difcovered, two rank and

file were ftationed in the prison to prevent the like attempt for the future. Thefe the villains fecured; made themfelves mafters of their arms, and made a defperate attempt to force the guard, who were obliged to fire among the affailants, three of whom were killed, and nine wounded.


Yesterday there was a general court of the proprietors of Eaft-India ftock at their houfe in Leadenhall-ftreet, purfuant to adjournment, for the fi nal determination by ballot of the following question, viz.

"That this court doth approve of the propofitions read and amended at a general court held on Monday the 21ft, to be offered to government as the bafis of an agreement for the prolongation of the company's exclufive trade." For the question 256 Against it


DIED, at Whitbeck, near Whitehaven, Rich. Harrison, well known by the name of Tea-kettle Harrifon, many years a guide over the Sands; the fame day died alfö his wife, and his daughter-in-law; and the next day his fon alfo departed this life.

At Snitterfield, Warwickshire, the Rev. Rich. Jago, M.A. vicar of that place, and Rector of Kimcote, Leicestershire. Mr. Jago was author of " Edge Hill," a poem, 1767, 4to.; of "The Blackbirds," a beautiful elegy in the Adventurer (fee Dr. Johnfon's Life of Weft); and of many other ingenious performances. He was the intimate friend and correfpond ent of Mr. Shenstone, contemporary with him at Oxford, and it is believed his fchool-fellow. He wrote "Labour and Genius," a [M] 2


poem, 4to. 1768; took the degree of M.A. July 9, 1738; was of Univerfity College; was the author of feveral poems in the 4th and th volumes of Dodley's Poems; and published a fermon, in 1755, on the Caufes of Impenitence confidered, preached May 4, 1755, at Harbury in Warwickfhire, where he was then vicar, on occafion of a converfation faid to have paffed between one of the inhabitants and an apparition in the church-yard there.

At Dublin, in the 66th year of his age, the Right Hon. William Crofbie, Earl of Glandore, Vif. Crosbie, of Ardert, and Baron of Branden, one of his majefty's most hon. privy council of Ireland. In Nov. 1745, he married Lady Theodofia Bligh, fifter of the prefent Earl of Darnley, and by her, who died in May 1777, he has left iffue one fon and three daughters. His lordship married fecondly the relict of Ward, Efq; by whom

he had no iffue.

J. UN E.

On Wednesday a general rft. court was held at the Bank of England, when the proprietors were informed, that government had agreed to renew the charter of the governor and company of the Bank of England (which will expire anno 1785) for 25 years, on condition that the bank advances to government 2,000,000l.. at the intereft of three per cent. per ann. to be paid off within three years out of the finking fund.

Saturday 19 prifoners were 4th. tried at the Old-Bailey, one of whom was capitally convicted, 6

viz. Alicia Hamilton, for ftealing four filver watches, a metal watch, and a coffee-pot plated with filver, the property of Mr. Ward, in his houfe in Hyde-freet, Bloomsbury. John Macneal and William Ridgely, were tried fór ftealing from an auction-room, lace to the value of zoool. they were convicted and fentenced to the ballaft-lighters. Three other prifoners were convicted of grand larceny, and the remainder acquitted.

The feffion being ended, the recorder paffed fentence of death on 14 capital convicts.

The feffion of the peace is adjourned to the 14th curt. and the feffion of gaol delivery to the 11th of July next, at the Old-Bailey.

Paris, June 5. All the fhips taken belonging to Commodore Hotham's fleet, are, by order of that court, come into Breft to be fold, and a great number of purchafers are already arrived there. They have all been condemned as good prizes except one, which will be reftored. It had been taken by an English privateer, who had put it under the protection of the efcort of the St. Euftatia fleet. The States of Holland have reclaimed nothing on this occafion, though the contrary appears in feveral Dutch Gazettes; fome claims have, indeed, been made by bankers, and a few other particulars, whofe pretenfions have not been admitted by the council of prizes. They have appealed to the council of ftate, who will finally fettle the difpute in a few days. Copy of the Sentence of a General Court Martial, upon the Trial of Lieute

nant-Governor Corbet.

The court having duly 6th. confidered and weighed the


evidence given in fupport of a charge againit the prifoner, Lieutenant-governor Mofes Corbett, with that produced by him in his defence, is of opinion, that he, the faid Mofes Corbett, is guilty of the whole charge exhibited against him, and doth adjudge, that he be therefore fuperfeded in his commiffion of Lieutenant-go, vernor of the island of Jersey.'

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Laft week a court-martial Sth. was held at Sheernefs, on the Captains of the Ariadne, Fury loop, and London armed fhip, on a charge of not bearing down and engaging three French privateers which they fell in with laft fummer, and which, in confequence, efcaped, Capt. Squires, of the Ariadne, was honourably acquitted; but Captain Agnew of the Fury, and Capt, Rains of the London, were fentenced to be broke.

A melancholy accident 9th. happened at Liverpool. The eldeft fon of the Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick, about nine years old, died, convulfed, in confequence of eating a confiderable quantity of the roots of hemlock-dropwort, miftaking them for the earth-nut, the flowers having fome resemblance. He, with four other boys of the neighbourhood, had collected a number of thefe roots in the fields adjoining to the Leeds canal, of which they had each eat fome, and were affected, in proportion to the quantity taken, with giddinefs and heavinefs. One of them was, befides, feized with twitchings for fome hours; but he, as well as the others, having been made to vomit, recovered. Though emetics were given in large quantities to the youth who

died, yet the ftomach partook fo much of the general infenfibility, that thefe produced not the least effect, and, in fpite of all that could be done to fave him, he died in about four hours. So fatally certain is the effect of the poifons of this clafs, whofe immediate action is to deftroy the power of the ftomach to expell them, by which means only the mifchief can be put a stop to;whereas many mineral-poifons may be decompofed by an alcali (as pot-afh) and even the danger from drinking fpirits may be greatly leffened, by conveying into the ftomach large quantities of water to dilute them, after the power vomiting, as well as of fwallowing, is loft, [See, on this fubject, our vol. for last year; and, in the London Medical Journal, July, 1781, a more particular account of this accident given by Dr. Houlton of that place.]


Oftend, June 11, The evening of the 15th inft. the whole city was illuminated, on account of the publication of the placart, by which his imperial majefty declares this to be a free port.

Captain Moutray, of the 13th. Ramillies, was tried by a court-martial, held on board one of the king's fhips on the Jamaica ftation juft before the departure of that fleet; by which circumftance they were delayed from failing for feveral days. After enquiring into all the particulars of the unfortu nate capture of the large and valuable outward-bound feet under his convoy, he was, by the fentence of the court, fufpended.

Brufels, June 14. The emperor arrived here about 11 o'clock on Thursday night, and fince that [M] 3


time has been almoft continually employed in attending to the petitions and requests of his people. On Friday he faw only two of three of the principal minifters. On Saturday he received the public bodies, and yesterday and this day he has given audience to every one who demanded it. It is not merely the rich and the noble who find admittance to the imperial prefence; the poor of every denomination are received with equal grace and favour; every claimant has the privilege of telling his own ftory in his own way to the father of his people, who receives them all unattended by a fingle perfon, and lays afide every form which might awe the modeft and the humble from making their wants or diftreffes known to him, 15th.

India Houfe. Yesterday a general court of proprietors of Eaft - India ftock, was held at their houfe in Leadenhall - ftreet, to determine by ballot the following queftion, viz, That this court doth approve the report of the committee appointed by the general court on the 10th of April laft, to enquire into the chartered rights of the company laid before the general court, on Thursday the 7th curt, and that the petition therein mentioned be fairly tranfcribed, and fealed with the company's feal, and prefented to the Houfe of Commons. The balloting clofed at fix o'clock, and at feven the fcrutineers made the following report: For the queftion Against it 127 According to government accounts, the number of prisoners exchanged by cartel with France


fince the commencement of the prefent war, is 44,000, and upwards,

Hanover, June 15. Since the return of Lieutenant-general Faucitt from London, we are raifing two new regiments of 1000 men each, for the fervice of Great Britain.

Copenhagen, June 16, On the 7th of this month the chamberlain Beringfchiold was conducted to the citadel under a ftrong guard, and confined where the unfortunate Count Brandt was; and it is faid three or four other rooms are preparing for different prifoners of tate. As to the crime of this gentleman it is not publicly known, but it is faid by fome that he held an illicit correfpondence with the court of Stockholm; whilst others affert, that he endeavoured to ren der the prefent miniftry odious in the eyes of the peafants, in order to foment a fedition among them,

Admiralty-office, June 19, 1781. Extract of a Letter from Captain Fanshaw, of the Egmont, to Mr. Stephens, dated at Sea, the 31ft of laft Month.

In the course of our voyage from Jamaica, the Endymion took the French fhip le Marquis de la Fayette,

Galletha, Commander, 1200 tons, mounting 40 guns (pierced for 60), 200 men, laden with arms and cloathing on account of the American Congrefs, and bound to Philadelphia, after a handfome running action of about two hours.

Yesterday a court of 16th. common council was held at Guildhall, at which were prefent the lord mayor, four alder. men, the two fheriffs, Mr. Re


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