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13 To fix, under the terms of special laws, the limits of administrative divisions, and decide on their general organization.

14 To authorize the Executive Power to make war, if the question cannot be settled by arbitration or after same has failed, except in a case of eminent or effective peril from foreign forces, and to make peace.

15 To decide definitely on treaties and conventions.

16 To declare martial law, with total or partial suspension of constitutional guarantees, in one or more places of the National Territory, in case of imminent or effective peril from foreign forces, or in case of internal trouble.

Par. I If Congress is not in session the Executive Power shall have this right.

Par. 2 The Executive Power shall, during the time that martial law exists, as a preventive measure in cases of arrest, hold these prisoners in a special place not used by common criminals.

Par. 3 Once Congress is in session, within thirty days, which it can do of its own right, the Executive Power shall present a report of the measures taken, giving the motive for same and for the abuse of which the respective authorities shall be held responsible.

17 To organize the Judicial Power under the terms of the present Constitution.

18 To grant amnesty.

19 To elect the President of the Republic.

20 To depose the President of the Republic under the terms of this Constitution.

21 To deliberate the revision of the Constitution before the limit of ten years is over, under the terms of Par. I of Article 82.

22 To regulate the administration of the National wealth. 23 To decree the expenditure of the National wealth. 24 To sanction the regulations passed for the execution of laws.

25 To continue exercising their legislative duties, after the services of that legislation are at an end, if for any reason the election did not take place on the appointed day.

Par. This extension of duties shall last until the elections, which are to send new members into the Congress, take place.

Art. 27 The authorizations conceded by the Legislative Power cannot be made use of more than once.

Initiative, Formation and Promulgation of Laws of Resolutions. Art. 28 The initiative on all projects of law shall belong indifferently to any member of Congress of the Executive Power, saving the exceptions specified in Article 23.

Art. 29 Any project of law adopted by one of the Houses must be submitted to the other, and on it being approved by the latter, it shall then be sent to the President of the Republic to be issued as a law.

Art. 30 The formula for issuing a law is as follows: "In the name of the Nation, the Congress of the Republic decrees, and I issue, the following law (or resolution).

Art. 31 The President of the Republic as head of the Executive Power, shall issue any project of law inside of fifteen days, from the date of its presentation. If his decision is not given during the time specified, his silence shall be equivalent to the enactment of the law.

Art. 32 The project of law approved by one House shall be sent to the other. The latter must give its decision, at the latest, in the first legislative session after the one in which it was approved. In case this is not done the text approved by the House which initiated the project shall be promulgated as law.

Art. 33 The project of one House amended by the other shall return to the first, and the changes being approved, it shall then be sent as amended, to the President of the Republic for promulgation.

If the initiative House does not approve the amendments made, these, together with the project, shall be submitted to discussion and vote of the Houses in joint session.

The text approved shall be sent to the President of the Republic, who will issue it as law.

Art. 34 In case one of the Houses simply rejects a project already approved by the other, the two Houses shall then come together for a vote and discussion, just as if the project had been amended and not rejected.

Art. 35 The projects rejected definitely shall not be brought up again in the same legislative session.

Executive Power.

Art. 36 The Executive Power shall be vested in the President of the Republic and his Ministers.

Art. 37 The President of the Republic represents the Nation in its general relations of State, both internal and external.

Election of the President of the Republic.

Art. 38 The election of the President of the Republic shall take place in a special session of Congress, meeting by their own right, 60 days before the end of each presidential period.

Par. I The ballot shall be secret and the election by twothirds vote of the members of the Houses of Congress in joint


If none of the candidates receive this majority the election will continue. On the third vote only the two candidates who have received the greater number of votes shall participate, and the one receiving the greater number will be elected.

§ 2 In case of a presidential vacancy, by death or any other cause, the two Houses united as the Congress of the Republic shall proceed immediately with the election of a new President, who shall exercise his duties until the end of that presidential period.

3 While the elections referred to in the preceding paragraphs do not take place, or if, for any reason there is any transient obstacle in the exercise of the presidential functions, the full rights of the Executive Power shall be jointly vested in the Ministers.

39 To be elected President of the Republic the following qualifications are necessary: to have attained the age of 35 years and be a Portuguese citizen in full enjoyment of all his civil and political rights and must be born in the Portuguese Territory.

40 The following are ineligible for the post of President of the Republic:

(a) Members of the families who reigned in Portugal. (b) Consanguineous relatives or in the 1st or 2nd degree, by civil right, of the President who is leaving, but this only refers to the first election posterior to his leaving.

41 If the President elect is a member of Congress, he loses immediately, by virtue of this election, his rights as a Congress


42 The President shall be elected for a period of four years and cannot be re-elected for the ensuing period.

Par. The President shall leave his post on the last day of his period in office, the elected taking his place immediately.

43 In taking charge of his post, the President will pronounce, in a joint session of the two Houses of Congress, under the presidency of the oldest President, the following declaration:

I solemnly declare, on my honor, to maintain and keep with loyalty and fidelity the Constitution of the Republic, observe the

laws, promote the welfare of the Country, and to sustain and defend the integrity and the independence of the Portuguese Nation.

Art. 44 The President cannot leave the national territory without permission of Congress under the penalty of losing his post.

Art. 45 The President shall receive a compensation which will be fixed before his election and cannot be changed during his time in office.

Par. None of the properties of the Nation, not even the one where the office of the President of the Republic is situated, can be utilized for the personal use of the President or members of his family.

Art. 46 The President may be deposed by the two Houses, sitting as the Congress, if a resolution is passed, founded and approved by two-thirds of the members, which must state clearly the deposition, or he may be impeached for a crime of responsibility.

Powers of the President of the Republic.

Art. 47 The President of the Republic shall have the right: I To nominate the Ministers from the Portuguese Citizens eligible and to dismiss them.

2 To convene Congress in extraordinary session, when the welfare of the Country so requires.

3 To promulgate and make public the laws and resolutions of Congress, dispatching the decrees, instructions and regulations, regarding the good execution of the same.

4 To fill all civil and military posts on proposal of his Ministers, and to discharge, suspend and depose the respective functionaries, the latter having the right of appeal to the competent courts.

5 To represent the Nation in foreign countries, and to direct the external policy of the Republic, without interfering with the functions of Congress.

6 To declare, after agreeing with his Ministers, and for a period not exceeding thirty days, martial law in any point of the national territory, in cases of foreign hostilities, or grave riots, under the terms of Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of No. 16 of Article 26 of this Constitution.

7 To make commercial treaties, peace and arbitration, and adjust other international conventions, submitting them to the approval of Congress.

Par. The alliance treaties shall be submitted to Congress,

in a secret session, if it is so asked by two-thirds of the members.

8 To grant pardons and commute punishments.

9 To provide for everything that regards the internal and external safety of the State, as per this Constitution.

Art. 48 The powers referred to in the previous article shall be exercised through the Ministers and under the terms of article 49.

The Ministers.

Art. 49 All the acts of the President of the Republic shall be countersigned, at least by the competent Minister. If this is not done, they shall be void of all power, and cannot be given execution and no one will have to obey them.

Art. 50 The Ministers cannot hold another public office, nor shall they be elected for the Presidency of the Republic unless they have resigned from the Ministry six months before the elections.

Par. I The members of Congress who accept the post of minister shall not lose their mandate.

Par. 2 The prohibitions and other dispositions given under article 21 and its paragraph shall be applicable to the Minis


Art. 51 Each Minister shall be responsible, politically, civilly and criminally for the acts that he legalizes or practices. The Ministers shall be tried for crimes of responsibility in the ordinary courts.

Art. 52 The Ministers should appear in the sessions of Congress, and shall always have the right of a hearing in defense of their acts.

Art. 53 One of the Ministers, who will be nominated also by the President, shall be president of the Ministry and will answer not only for acts under his own supervision but also for those of general policy.

Art. 54 In the first fifteen days of January, the Minister of Finances will present to the House of Deputies the General Budget of the State.

Crimes of Responsibility.

Art. 55 Crimes of responsibility are the acts that the Executive Power and its agents perform:

I Against the political existence of the Nation;

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