The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects, and New ReligionsJames R. Lewis Prometheus Books, 2001 - Всего страниц: 951 Surpassing the scope and the thoroughness of the first edition, this new edition of The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects, and New Religions is the most wide-ranging and accessible resource on the historically significant and more obscure, sinister, and bizarre religious groups. Including many entries by scholarly specialists, this volume explains more than 1,000 diverse groups and movements, from such well-known sects as the Branch Davidians, Aum Shinrikyo, and Heaven's Gate, to obscure groups like Ordo Templi Satanas, Witches International, and the Nudist Christian Church of the Blessed Virgin Jesus. In addition to an exhaustive index and handy cross-references, the second edition includes over a hundred new topical entries on subjects relevant to understanding sectarian movements, from snake-handling and satanic ritual abuse to brainwashing and exorcism.This book, a must for all libraries and schools, will endure as the first and only point of reference for researchers, scholars, students, and anyone interested in fringe religious groups. |
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activities Adi Da Age Movement American Angeles Apostolic ascended masters Assemblies Association Bahá'í Bahá'í Faith Bahá'u'lláh Baptist became began believed bers Bible Bishop body Brethren Brotherhood Buddhism California called Catholic century Christian Christian Identity Church of Christ Church of Jesus claimed congregations Contactees covens cult death demons divine doctrine Doukhobors earth ECKANKAR established Evangelical faith Fellowship followers formed Foundation founded founder Glossolalia Gnostic God’s Gospel Hasidism headquarters healing Hinduism Holiness Movement Holy Spirit human India individual Islam Jesus Christ kabbalah leader leadership living magical masters meditation Mediumship ment metaphysical Methodist ministers ministry mission missionary moved Nation of Islam neopagan occult one’s organization original pastor Pentecostal person practice prophet published References reincarnation religion religious revelation ritual Santeria Satan Science Scriptures Society soul spiritual Swami teachings Temple theology Theosophical tion tradition United University Wicca worship Yoga York