The Birth of the Hospital in the Byzantine EmpireJohns Hopkins University Press, 1985 - Всего страниц: 288 Medical historians have traditionally claimed that modern hospitals emerged during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Premodern hospitals, according to many scholars, existed mainly as refuges for the desperately poor and sick, providing patients with little or no medical care. Challenging this view in a compelling survey of hospitals in the East Roman Empire, Timothy Miller traces the birth and development of Byzantine xenones, or hospitals, from their emergence in the fourth century to their decline in the fifteenth century, just prior to the Turkish conquest of Constantinople. These sophisticated medical facilities, he concludes, are the true ancestors of modern hospitals. In a new introduction to this paperback edition, Miller describes the growing scholarship on this subject in recent years. |
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Aetios aktouarios anargyroi ancient Antioch archiatroi Arian ascetic Asia Minor Asklepios Basil bishop Byzantine Empire Byzantine hospitals Byzantine Medicine Byzantine physicians Byzantine xenones Caesarea capital cenobitic century B.C. Chap charitable Chrysostom church classical Constantine Constantinople described doctors East Roman Empire Eastern emperor episcopal Euboulos Eustathios fifth fourteenth century fourth century Galen gerokomeion Greek medicine Greg Hippocrates hypourgoi iatreia Ibid imperial JNov John John Chrysostom John II Komnenos Justinian laudem Basilii Mangana manuscript Markianos medical profession medieval Miracula Artemii monastery monastic movement monasticism Moreover Myrelaion nosokomeion nosokomos pagan Palladii Pantokrator Typikon Pantokrator Xenon PantTyp Paris patients philanthropic institutions physicians polis poor practice Prodromos professional ptocheion ptochotropheion public physicians refer Saint Sampson Xenon served seventh century sick sixth century sources spoudaioi staff Theo Theodore Theodore Metochites Theophilos tradition twelfth century typika Typikon urban monks Vita Sampsonis vols xenodocheia xenon treatment lists καὶ τῶν