Mapping the Acehnese PastR. Michael Feener, Patrick Daly, Anthony Reed BRILL, 1 янв. 2011 г. - Всего страниц: 316 Aceh has become best known in our times for its twin disasters—the worst earthquake and tsunami of modern times in December 2004, and a long-running separatist conflict that rent Indonesia for most of its independent history. Although this book emerged from the process of recovery from those traumas, it turns the spotlight on a more positive and neglected claim Aceh has on our attention, as the Southeast Asian maritime state that most successfully and creatively maintained its independent place in the world until 1874. Like Burma, Siam and Vietnam, all better protected by geography, Aceh has its own story to tell of a unique culture struggling for survival through the European colonial era. Unfortunately the sources for this story are scattered, since Aceh’s own records have not well survived the ravages of climate, civil war and eventual foreign conquest. To recover its cosmopolitan history an unparalleled range of sources and skills had to be brought together. Aceh’s central role in the creation of Malay literature out of Arabic, Persian, Indian and Indonesian elements had to be explored with reference to texts surviving in a dozen world libraries (Teuku Iskandar, Amirul Hadi). The rich archeological record, neglected through the long years of conflict, had again to be brought into play (Daniel Perret), and the extensive relations of the Aceh sultanate with the Ottoman Empire (Ismail Göksoy and Ismail Kadı, Andrew Peacock & Annabel Gallop), Portugal (Jorge Alves), England (Annabel Gallop), and the Netherlands (Sher Banu and Jean Taylor) had to be explored, chiefly in European archives by experts in these respective fields. The result of this combined work in this volume is the most comprehensive picture so far of sources for the history of Aceh. |
CHAPTER I The Acehnese past and its present state of study R Michael Feener | 1 |
CHAPTER II Aceh as a fi eld for ancient history studies Daniel Perret | 25 |
CHAPTER III Aceh as crucible of Muslim Malay literature Teuku Iskandar | 39 |
CHAPTER IV OttomanAceh relations as documented in Turkish sources İsmail Hakkı Göksoy | 65 |
CHAPTER V Aceh through Portuguese eyes Views of a Southeast Asian port city Jorge Santos Alves | 97 |
CHAPTER VI Gold silver and lapis lazuli Royal letters from Aceh in the seventeenth century1 Annabel Teh Gallop | 105 |
CHAPTER VII The jewel affair The sultana her orang kaya and the Dutch foreign envoys Sher Banu AL Khan | 141 |
CHAPTER VIII Writing history The Acehnese embassy to Istanbul 18491852 İsmail Hakkı Kadı ACS Peacock and Annabel Teh Gallop | 163 |
CHAPTER IX Exploring Acehnese understandings of jihad A study of the Hikayat prang sabi Amirul Hadi | 183 |
CHAPTER X Aceh histories in the KITLV images archive Jean Gelman Taylor1 | 199 |
Appendices | 241 |
Glossary | 279 |
Contributors | 285 |
289 | |
Другие издания - Просмотреть все
Mapping the Acehnese Past R. Michael Feener,Patrick T. Daly,Anthony Reid Недоступно для просмотра - 2011 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Abdülmecid Aceh sultan Aceh wars Aceh’s Acehnese al-‘Alam al-Raniri al-Salatin Alam Allah ambassador Arabic Archipel Archipelago Archive Asian Banda Aceh Barus Batavia Bustan caliph colonial compliments court cultural dalam Dar al-Salam documents duli hadrat Dutch elephants envoy European gold Governor Hikayat Aceh Hoesein İ.HR ialah raja Ibrahim Alfian Indian Ocean Indonesian Iskandar Thani Islamic Istanbul Java Javanese jewels Johor kepada king kingdom kita KITLV KNIL Kuala kudrati lagi Leiden University Leiden University Library Mahmud Majesty Malacca Malay letter Mansur Syah Maradia Mecca Melaka military Minangkabau mosque Muhammad Ghauth Muslim negeri Numaralı Mühimme Defteri officials orang kaya Ottoman Empire Ottoman sultan pada Pahang Pasai Pasha patik Persian photographs Portuguese queen region Reid reign religious Ri'ayat Syah royal segala Sejarah Selim sent seventeenth century Shaykh Snouck Hurgronje Sourij Southeast Asia Sultan Ala Sultan Iskandar Muda Sultanate of Aceh Sumatra surat Syah’s taels Teuku trade translation Turkish ulama Yemen