Decisions at Yalta: An Appraisal of Summit DiplomacyRowman & Littlefield, 1986 - Всего страниц: 156 A study of the effectiveness of summitry as a means of diplomacy. Using the example of the 1945 Yalta conference between Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt, the author argues that heads of state make ineffective negotiators. |
Setting and Personalities | 3 |
Germany | 23 |
Poland | 41 |
The United Nations | 73 |
The Far East | 87 |
Iran Yugoslavia and the Declaration on Liberated Europe | 107 |
Yalta and the Palestine Problem | 121 |
An Appraisal | 131 |
141 | |
153 | |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
accept agreed agreement Ambassador American Anthony Eden armies Big Three bomb boundary Britain British Chiefs of Staff China Chinese Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin Churchill's Commission Communist concessions cooperation Crimean Curzon line Deane Declaration on Liberated desire détente discussions dismemberment East Eastern Europe elections European European Advisory Commission favor February forces foreign ministers foreign policy Foreign Relations Franklin D Germany Harriman Ibid Ibn Saud interests Iran Iranian issue Japan Japanese Jiang Liberated Europe London Poles Lublin major Malta matter meeting ment military million Molotov Morgenthau Moscow negotiations Palestine peace plenary session Poland Polish political postwar President Roosevelt president's Prime Minister Churchill prisoners problem proposal provisional government question regime reparations repatriation request Roosevelt and Churchill Russian Sakhalin Secretary Security Council sevelt Soviet leader Soviet Union Soviet-American Stalin Stettinius suggested Tehran Tehran Conference territory Tito trip troops U.S. officials United Nations voting wanted Warsaw Western allies Yalta Conference Yugoslavia